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Dark Archive

Selene Spires wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Ugh, Monday, why do you come so early?



*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*


*cues Jaws soundtrack*

Do hang overs cure slight hangovers?

I was at a bar last night....

Treats the symptoms, not the cause. Moskau's cure involves lots of water, a greasy breakfast, and some liberal amounts of swearing. Works 80℅ of the time, everytime.

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* jumps in and grabs Rysky, Feytharn, and Selene in a big bear hug *

Sneak hug attack!

Now, anyone else need a hug?

Uncle Teddy's Bear, Fred wrote:

* jumps in and grabs Rysky, Feytharn, and Selene in a big bear hug *

Sneak hug attack!

Now, anyone else need a hug?

*Sets TL15 proximity motion sensors to 1Km* Too late, Fred. I see you.

Selene Spires wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Ugh, Monday, why do you come so early?



*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*


*cues Jaws soundtrack*

Do hang overs cure slight hangovers?

I was at a bar last night....

Well, to the best of my knowledge, hangovers are caused by a) dehydration, b) low electrolytes, and c) metabolizing alcohol turning it into Formaldehyde. For a and b, I'd recommend putting Gatorade powder into club soda. For c, there used to be a product called "Chaser." It was/is a shaped, coated piece of charcoal to absorb the Formaldehyde. If it's unavailable, you'll just have to wait until it passes.

Freehold DM wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
*resurfaces to the waist, reciprocates hugs, then disappears into the murky depths*

*Obligatory Movie Reference* Freehold, you're going to need a bigger boat.

John Napier 698 wrote:

Well, to the best of my knowledge, hangovers are caused by a) dehydration, b) low electrolytes, and c) metabolizing alcohol turning it into Formaldehyde. For a and b, I'd recommend putting Gatorade powder into club soda. For c, there used to be a product called "Chaser." It was/is a shaped, coated piece of charcoal to absorb the Formaldehyde. If it's unavailable, you'll just have to wait until it passes.

So what *other* options are available for those of us who get deathly ill from the cruddy faux-'sugars' that they put in Gutteraid?

Re: Hangovers...

The best cure is prevention.

On the night you're actually drinking...

  • eat something substantial.
  • keep yourself hydrated.
  • Know your limits, and don't cross them.

My trick to keep hydrated is to have one non-alchoholic drink between every alcoholic one. (At a bar, I'll often order either a plain tonic with lime, or a club soda with a dash of Angostura bitters and lemon twist.)

If you do cross your limits and wake up with a hangover...

  • drink a lot of plain water
  • take two ibuprofin for the headache
  • take a multivitamin to replace the water-soluable vitamins you're eliminating
  • Eat a decent, filling breakfast (e.g. bacon, eggs, and toast)

Since we are trading hang over cures...

Before bed I drink a bottles of Gatorade, take some Alieve, and take some .petol-bismal...usually I am fine in the morning.

Last night I had only one flight of beers and two beers. I was just feeling a little delicate in the morning.

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I have never had a hang over. I used to drink enough for several people. I have lost days. I have woke up in other countries. I have been so drunk that I had to hold on to the grass to keep from falling off the Earth. I have never had a hang over.

When I started drinking, I was in the Army and doing desert survival. I think that the habit of always drinking an equal amount of water along with non-water drinks really helped. Sure, as the night went on I probably drank less and less water, but I would still be very hydrated and I think that was the key.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:

Well, to the best of my knowledge, hangovers are caused by a) dehydration, b) low electrolytes, and c) metabolizing alcohol turning it into Formaldehyde. For a and b, I'd recommend putting Gatorade powder into club soda. For c, there used to be a product called "Chaser." It was/is a shaped, coated piece of charcoal to absorb the Formaldehyde. If it's unavailable, you'll just have to wait until it passes.

So what *other* options are available for those of us who get deathly ill from the cruddy faux-'sugars' that they put in Gutteraid?

Ask for non-sugar electrolyte powder from the local Health-Food store.

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Bob_Loblaw wrote:

I have never had a hang over. I used to drink enough for several people. I have lost days. I have woke up in other countries. I have been so drunk that I had to hold on to the grass to keep from falling off the Earth. I have never had a hang over.

When I started drinking, I was in the Army and doing desert survival. I think that the habit of always drinking an equal amount of water along with non-water drinks really helped. Sure, as the night went on I probably drank less and less water, but I would still be very hydrated and I think that was the key.

Drinking water helps...but when I hit the heavier stuff I need more drastic measures.

But I curtsy to your superior drinking ability.

I can't drink like that anymore. That was way back in the early 90s. I can't handle that amount anymore. I had my stomach removed and now alcohol doesn't do well with me. Which is a good thing because it's expensive.

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Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I can't drink like that anymore. That was way back in the early 90s. I can't handle that amount anymore. I had my stomach removed and now alcohol doesn't do well with me. Which is a good thing because it's expensive.

I was never a big drinker...but for the past year and half I have started to hang out with my gamer friend outside of the gaming table...usually at bars or partys.

But when I did drink when I was younger I could definitely hold it better...though that might be because I am drinking better quality of stuff than I did back in the day.

Silver Crusade

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This thread is making me thirsty...

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

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* wanders in and realizes that Rysky once again beat me in the offering of hugs*

Sending out love and positive vibes to everyone.

* joins in the offering of hugs *

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*gives Rysky and the Bear a hug*

Two of the best things about hugs...

1) There is no limit to the numbers of hugs you can recieve...

2) It is nearly impossible to give a hug without getting one back.

Silver Crusade

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*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

Dark Archive

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*hugs Rysky clone* House hunting is stressful as hell for four adults, especially in Seattle. We found a really practical option, but it doesn't have a wow factor that my partner is looking for.

Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I can't drink like that anymore. That was way back in the early 90s. I can't handle that amount anymore. I had my stomach removed and now alcohol doesn't do well with me. Which is a good thing because it's expensive.

I can't drink like when I was younger, either. Anything much more than 32 ounces and I risk getting horrible, migrane-like hangovers. The last one made me nauseous, so I've had to pace myself. I've said it before, growing old sucks.

Liberty's Edge Developer

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Hangover cures aside (protein and water), you can buy most of the books I recommended on Amazon. If you're worried about packages being intercepted by family, maybe look into getting a PO box.

Silver Crusade

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Hangover cures aside (protein and water), you can buy most of the books I recommended on Amazon. If you're worried about packages being intercepted by family, maybe look into getting a PO box.

PO Boxes are awesome.

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Hangover cures aside (protein and water), you can buy most of the books I recommended on Amazon. If you're worried about packages being intercepted by family, maybe look into getting a PO box.

Yeah...I am probably getting too is not like my parents have ever gone through my mail before.

I will order then online Thursday if I can not find them.

Project Manager

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Selene Spires wrote:
Crystal Frasier wrote:
Hangover cures aside (protein and water), you can buy most of the books I recommended on Amazon. If you're worried about packages being intercepted by family, maybe look into getting a PO box.

Yeah...I am probably getting too is not like my parents have ever gone through my mail before.

I will order then online Thursday if I can not find them.

Speaking as someone who once read a lot of books she didn't want her parents knowing about while still living at home, PO Boxes are fairly affordable. You could also check into whether there are Amazon Lockers near you. No extra charge to have things delivered to a locker. :-)

Managing Editor

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Selene Spires wrote:

Yeah...I am probably getting too is not like my parents have ever gone through my mail before.

I will order then online Thursday if I can not find them.

If ordering from B&N, you can also have books sent to your local store. (And if the system still works like it did 10+ years ago, contact details for orders placed through the store did not have to be verified in any way—people would sometimes order books as J. Doe + fake phone number and pay in cash to preserve their privacy.)

@Jessica and Judy: Thanks I did not even know about the Amazon Lockers and I have forgotten about getting in store pick up for B&N orders. I will probably use one of those two options.

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Hangover cures aside (protein and water)

San Pelligrino. The minerals help your head and the bubbles help your stomach. But you have to drink it while you're getting drunk, not the next morning.

Gatorade was literally invented by researchers as a hangover treatment for college athletes, but it's not a cure and it's horrible for you (and less effective) if you drink it and then don't excercise right after.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I can't drink like that anymore. That was way back in the early 90s. I can't handle that amount anymore. I had my stomach removed and now alcohol doesn't do well with me. Which is a good thing because it's expensive.
I can't drink like when I was younger, either. Anything much more than 32 ounces and I risk getting horrible, migrane-like hangovers. The last one made me nauseous, so I've had to pace myself. I've said it before, growing old sucks.

At 25 and 300 pounds, I can easily drink the better half of a tequila bottle and not get hungover. Champagne wrecks me, though.

Rosita the Riveter wrote:

Gatorade was literally invented by researchers as a hangover treatment for college athletes, but it's not a cure and it's horrible for you (and less effective) if you drink it and then don't excercise right after.

In addition, it has horrible sugar-substances in it that pretend to be sugar and fool your body into *thinking* they're sugar when they're really... not.

...or why I can't drink that or eat about 80 percent of processed food out there.

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So a friend of mine and her wife are going to give me a bunch of clothing this weekend. I had planned on hanging out with a friend I barely know. I am trying to be a better friend to some people. Anyway, I realized that he would have to join me and that I would probably end up getting some questions so I decided to come out to him.

He not only is cool with it, he asked to be friends with Cindy. He also said to me that he is straight up gay. I had suspected that he was gay, but it wasn't may place to ask. I also had suspected that he loved puns. I'm glad that he does. That was a great one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bob_Loblaw wrote:

So a friend of mine and her wife are going to give me a bunch of clothing this weekend. I had planned on hanging out with a friend I barely know. I am trying to be a better friend to some people. Anyway, I realized that he would have to join me and that I would probably end up getting some questions so I decided to come out to him.

He not only is cool with it, he asked to be friends with Cindy. He also said to me that he is straight up gay. I had suspected that he was gay, but it wasn't may place to ask. I also had suspected that he loved puns. I'm glad that he does. That was a great one.

Great News! Great took me a minute to get it.


Do you find it is getting easier with each time?
I am.

Though I am a little worried about a unexpected bad it might make me go back into my shell again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't, but I also suffer from social anxiety disorder and a few other problems. I have been working on improving my message so it's not so forced.

I have gone back into my shell several times. I've lost a couple of friends over this. I don't like being abandoned. It's a problem from my mom.

Liberty's Edge

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Hugs all within reach

Bob_Loblaw wrote:

I don't, but I also suffer from social anxiety disorder and a few other problems. I have been working on improving my message so it's not so forced.

I have gone back into my shell several times. I've lost a couple of friends over this. I don't like being abandoned. It's a problem from my mom.

Yeah I have social anxiety I have few friends...though I think I have more friends than I thought. The way I beat it is not think of the worst thing that could happen...but think of what I will loose if I let the anexity win.

Silver Crusade

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Happy Wednesday everyone (is it Wednesday? I'm going with Wednesday).

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

EDIT: *checks* Yep, it's a Wednesday.

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*burns brightly enough to be a cozy and warm playce for hugs and smiles talks and shenanigans and a hot pot of tea*

Scarab Sages

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*takes tea*
*crawls back to bed*

Thank you for the tea. :)

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Selene Spires wrote:
Bob_Loblaw wrote:

So a friend of mine and her wife are going to give me a bunch of clothing this weekend. I had planned on hanging out with a friend I barely know. I am trying to be a better friend to some people. Anyway, I realized that he would have to join me and that I would probably end up getting some questions so I decided to come out to him.

He not only is cool with it, he asked to be friends with Cindy. He also said to me that he is straight up gay. I had suspected that he was gay, but it wasn't may place to ask. I also had suspected that he loved puns. I'm glad that he does. That was a great one.

Great News! Great took me a minute to get it.


Do you find it is getting easier with each time?
I am.

Though I am a little worried about a unexpected bad it might make me go back into my shell again.

may it be like breathing one day.

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* joins in the hug storm *

Sending out love, joy, and positive vibes out to everyone.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

@Rysky: Your hugs are better than coffee in the morning.

@Freehold GM: I think I will always get butterflies in the stomach...but thank you for the thought.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

If we could somehow "weaponize" Rysky's hugs and create "hug bombs" could that be the key to world peace?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

heh... fully Ryskymatic Hugguns...

Not to change the subject, but I'm definitely going to Paizocon this year!

Anyone else?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Uncle Teddy wrote:
If we could somehow "weaponize" Rysky's hugs and create "hug bombs" could that be the key to world peace?

I know Rysky's hugs and support helped me alot lately.

Haladir wrote:

Not to change the subject, but I'm definitely going to Paizocon this year!

Anyone else?

I am not...

One of these years...but not this year. :(

This year, alas, my presence has been requested helping out the Phoenix crew at the Phoenix ComicCon which falls on the same weekend.

However, this does not preclude future years.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Selene Spires wrote:

I also have been thinking about the people I plan to come out will they react and will it change the dynamics of the relationship? I am not exactly the same person I was two weeks ago..I feel I am still me though...just more me...if that makes any sense.

I feel I am acting more feels great, but the back of mind is asking "Do they know?" I guess it has always been there...but now it is dieing...

In my experience, you're entering into the most torturous period of being trans right now. Once you hit the point where you stop lying to yourself and looking for alternative explanations for why you might even be considering that maybe you're trans and fully embrace it, it's a bit like that need to tell everyone else who you really are is a snowball you just pushed down a hill, and it's just going to keep growing and gaining momentum.

That said, feeling incredible anxiety over actually telling people is both totally natural, and frankly a good survival instinct. People's reactions to learning people are trans are totally unpredictable, often dangerous, and if anything, it's the people who claim to love you unconditionally who are most likely to turn on you, with the people you hardly know being way more likely to be totally accepting.

On the upside, the people with the worst reactions to coming out tend to be the ones with the deepest denial that you might be, so you can get pretty heavy handed in testing the waters. Bring up stories about trans people in the news around people, and feel free to make your feelings clear on them. The people who jump right in with prior knowledge tend to be safe to come out to. The ones who are legitimately horrified but had no idea that, oh, government officials literally think of us as animals probably aren't safe to come out to yet, but they'll get there if you keep bringing these stories up.

I've never hit a point with anyone where it wasn't still hard to really pull the trigger on saying "I'm trans" though. Even with friends who just came out to me about the same. Gotta give the bandaid a final tug in the end, but don't feel bad about how much time you need to spend slowly and carefully peeling it to get a good grip.

Haladir wrote:

Not to change the subject, but I'm definitely going to Paizocon this year!

Anyone else?

I'm hoping to be able to. I don't know if I can. I don't like requesting time off of work just for gaming stuff.

@Violet: Yeah I kinda want to tell everyone (well almost everyone)...but the bad reaction does hold me back. The three people I have come out to...was safe. One being Transgendered himself...the other two are old friends.

But others I kinda dread their reactions..

Like my one friend whose wife left him for a Trans Woman. He has some strong opinions...even if he can't admitted to himself. I don't think the bad reaction would be overt.

My oldest friend I can not tell till after my family finds out. He is my best friend but comes from a family that apparently does not keep secrets and has a very different veiw of my parents. So I can not trust him to keep it a secret.

My other friends I think will be accepting...or just ignore it...

My family...

My oldest sister and her daughter would probably be the most brother would probably eventually...but for his wife who is a religious right wing nut job(well atleast she appears to be). So I don't know what would happen there. My youngest sister...let put it this way she will use anything to hurt those around her to feel superior to them...she is too stupid to be political. So I actually try to talk to her very little nyway.

My parents I am so conflicted about...they definitely have strong beliefs...I mean they would not take violent action...and would act to stop it if they saw it. But they strongly against LGBT rights...due to traditions. They really, I think, just don't know how vulnerable we are and how their stance make it even more dangerous for us. I think if I came out to them they would rethink their least that is what I hope...I fear though they will reject me.

But before I even think of telling my family I have to independent financially from them so we can have the space to deal with this...and I have to be further along on this path and build more support among friends

Sorry for the ramblings but this thread is the only safe place for me to ask about this stuff daily...

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Uncle Teddy wrote:
If we could somehow "weaponize" Rysky's hugs and create "hug bombs" could that be the key to world peace?

Isn't this basically the premise for the Care Bears?

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