Rolled Amazingly, what should I make


Ok so i rolled some godly stats and it seems like a shame to waste them on a one sided class like a wizard or barbarian. the stats are 18, 16, 16, 15, 13, 11 this happened naturally and im stoked. im thinking monk would make a good use of them if i could mill out a good progression but i kindof hate monks. also i know paladin would be crazy good but we already have one. let me know of any good builds you guys made including prestige classes or multiclassing.

Most people on here would say that when you have really good stats to make whatever the heck you want. All good stats let you get away with a lot of different stuff. If you want to be a MAD character, such as a Monk, then I say go for it.

Grand Lodge

Fighter. Roll an intelligent, charismatic leader of men. Dump Dex and wear heavy armors for AC.

Your stats are good for a Dex based rogue. you can Put the 11 into str and buy agile weapons.

Sovereign Court

If you hate monks, definitely don't play one. If you want to play a caster, you could explore touch attacker - they're usually too squishy to risk touch spells, but with 18 int/cha, 16 str, 16 con, 15 dex you could definitely get away with it.

If you wanted to try something off-the-wall like Arcane Trickster, now might be the time to do it, though you'll still probably be weaker than a core class.

An epic Magus or just multi-class something weird.

Scarab Sages

with a roll like that you can do just about anything so I advise to steer clear of the mundane. You can do ANYTHING. Make it something crazy and fun.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Fighter. Roll an intelligent, charismatic leader of men. Dump Dex and wear heavy armors for AC.

Love this idea:

STR 18
DEX 11
CON 16
INT 16
WIS 13
CHA 15

Rog3 Bard (Daredevil) 3 Arcane trickster I would dump wis, though 11 is not a bad dump.

what does MAD stand for, also im looking at alot of monk feats and im warming up to them because of the ki throw powers. Also what do you guys think about a monk 3 druid +++ who has the feat that lets you stack unarmed damage and the feat that lets you have full wild shaping. go mountain druid then have crazy unarmed damage when you are in giant form later.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here's an idea that a friend of mine made use of that terrified the ba-jesus out of me. Try a Tetori Monk (Ultimate Combat) combined with a the ki power-monk archetype from Ultimate Magic (so you can get the Deny Death ability). With your stats, a Tetori Monk is ungodly powerful. Against one-on-one fights, you are essentially guaranteed to win. Think of it this way: few if anything or anyone specializes in grappling, so you have a massive advantage, and since a Tetori is not actually weakened by the grappled condition as other characters are, you can essentially take a single opponent out of combat without badly inconveniencing yourself, while you slowly noogy them to death...


Multiple Ability Dependency. Basically its when you have as you said a class like monk where you really do rely on more than 2 main stats to get you buy, you are MAD...Just 2 is normal, pretty much all classes have a primary and a secondary stat that are almost a requirement for them. Example: Druids need wis and either str or dex to get by the best...a normal wizard needs int and dex...but a Monk needs Wis, Dex, Str and Con since they stand in the front.

Mystic theurge Conjurer/Druid. focus all your feats on getting ultra-op summons.

i think im deciding to make a martial artist with a strong focus on stunning fist, going ability focus (in my game this is allowed for stunning fist ) i believe crane style and is there a trait that gives me a +1 on the DC for this? is there anything terrible about that build im not seeing, i know the no ki pool thing is a hit but i think its worth it all in all


THere is a trait that gives you +1 damage on unarmed strikes...well actually like 2 of them. Check them out.

would one or more levels of barbarian work with this build?

Dark Archive

I would go battle cleric of Gorum. Two-handed sword, bad-ass wearing full plate, but with full divine casting and a hefty wisdom score thank to your high rolling.

Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 15

Grab Heavy Armour Proficiency as your first feat, and either rock Half-Orc or go Human with Toughness or Lightning Reflexes.

Spirit Totem barbarian with 16+ Charisma

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Fighter. Roll an intelligent, charismatic leader of men. Dump Dex and wear heavy armors for AC.

I would say this, but Cavalier. They get more skill points and work more classically as natural leaders.

Grand Lodge

But, not as much of a challenge.

The only challenge with scores like that is not getting your head filled with epic megalomania and dying painfully early in your career falsely thinking you can win at everything, so you just try to kill everything with flying headbutts as a wizard. Or so I've heard. Allegedly.

Sovereign Court

bfobar wrote:
The only challenge with scores like that is not getting your head filled with epic megalomania and dying painfully early in your career falsely thinking you can win at everything, so you just try to kill everything with flying headbutts as a wizard. Or so I've heard. Allegedly.

...brb, I need to make a character.

I would go full barb and take advantage of the eldritch heritage feats and pick up orc bloodline for a stupid amount of strength... Imajine 20 base +5 level, +6 eldritch heritage, +6 belt and tack on the +8 for size at 17th level, thats a 50 str at 20th level and if you play where inherent bonuses stack than u can get another +5 from a tome... With just a base +5 falcata and power attack it could look somthing like 1d8+50 on a standard attack and 3d8+150 on a crit range 17-20... BEAST MODE!!!

Edit 45 str... 50 if u stack inherent... Still a crap ton of strength

Edit i left out +8 from rage... ouch... Ill stop now the point is a Barb with the right rage power and eldritch heritage line would own face, have great saves and great hps while raging.. Good Luck with w/e u play, but this is what i would do with those stats.

Dark Archive

Paladin, Ninja, Rogue, basically any class that can be somewhat MAD

Dark Archive

WerePox47 wrote:
I would go full barb and take advantage of the eldritch heritage feats and pick up orc bloodline for a stupid amount of strength... Imajine 20 base +5 level, +6 eldritch heritage, +6 belt and tack on the +8 for size at 17th level, thats a 50 str at 20th level and if you play where inherent bonuses stack than u can get another +5 from a tome... With just a base +5 falcata and power attack it could look somthing like 1d8+50 on a standard attack and 3d8+150 on a crit range 17-20... BEAST MODE!!!

This is a pretty cool idea. Consider also the monster Intimidate score you'll be pulling off, especially if you go Half-Orc.

Yeah if u picked up intimidating prowess and possibly dreadful carnage... Also there was a decussion somwhere about with it would be legal to take quicken sla for touch of rage. If you got the ok for that the build would be a single handed bbeg killer...

Magus, Ranger, Bard, or Inquisitor.

Grand Lodge

Play an Orc. With these stats, playing Orc is no longer a burden for any class.

The Barb i would play

Human Barbarian 20 (Invul. Rager)

Str 36/52(Rage, Giant Size)
Dex 22/20 (Giant Size)
Con 22/38 (Rage, Giant Size)
Int 19
Wis 17
Cha 22

H Raging Vitality
1st Power Attack
3rd Combat Reflexes
5th Skill Focus- Survival
7th Eldritch Heritage- Orc (Touch of Rage)
9th Intimidating Prowess
11th Imp. Eldritch Heritage- (Str. of the Beast)
13th Cornugon Smash
15th Raging Brutality
17th G. Eldritch Heritage- (Giant Form or w/e its called)
19th Quicken SLA if allowed for TOR, if not Dreadful Carnage

Rage Powers:
2nd Superstition
4th Reckless Abandon
6th Lesser Beast Totem
8th Beast Totem
10th G. Beast Totem
12th Come and Get Me
14th Flesh Wound
16th Witch Hunter
18th Spell Sunder
20th Eater of Magic

Adopted- Half Elf for Exotic Weapon Falcata
Indomitable Will

+5 Keen Furious Falcata of Speed
+5 Celestial Armor
+5 Cloak of Resistance
+5 Amulet of Natural Armor
+5 Ring of Protection
+6 Belt of Physical Perfection
+6 Headband of Mental Superiority
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Winged Boots of Striding and Springing
62k Left (I think lol)

Minimum Stats:
Full Attack (Power Attacking) +49/+49/+44/+39/+34 1d8+53 17/20x3
Saves (While Raging) Fort: +49 Reflex: +29 Will: 32/36vs ench.
AC (While Raging) 11armor, 5dex, 11nat +10, -8= 29 But who Cares TBH

Rage Cycle Flesh Wound, EoM, and Spell Sunder as needed... Destroy any melee that dares face you with CaGm and 6 AoO... Destroy any casty's that dare to face you with Pounce and Spell Sunder, EoM, Witch Hunter and great saves... Get all the ladies to boot because unlike most your are a handsome devil with a huge charisma :)

All = Beast Mode BAMF!!!

My 3 Cents Worth...

i would play a ranged inquisitor....

str 16
dex 18 (+2 race)
wisdom 16

Edit AC should be +5 higher from deflection bonus if it matters...

Vivvisectionist Alchemist or Ninja, I'd say. Both are pretty MAD. A str-based magus can be a bit MAD, too.

What level are you starting at? 1?

Dark Archive

WerePox47 wrote:


Adopted- Half Elf for Exotic Weapon Falcata
Indomitable Will

That's not allowed.

Scarab Sages

With stats like that, I'd pick a Prestige Class and go nuts. Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight, Divine Scion, Mystic Theurge... there are a number of things you could play that are normally considered weak that would be quite effective with those stats.

Also, you could play an amazing Paladin, Bard, Monk, Cleric, Druid, Magus, Alchemist, Inquisitor, Summoner, Oracle... well, basically any class that has the potential to be MAD.

I would go with a Magus or Bard. Both would really benefit from those stats.

Grand Lodge

I still say Orc. An Orc bard with 22 strength.

Yea i should have noted that our gm lets us do the whole adopted thing. I forgot that it wasnt legal by raw... I would prb use a scythe or a falchion then...

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