You Know You Are Playing Pathfinder Too Much When...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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All right, confession time. True tidbits only!

1. You have looked at the carrying capacity table to determine your real life Strength score.

2. You have wondered which traits best fit how your children behave.

3. You are married but still started a forum thread on the night of Valentine's Day.

4. Most anything you type into your Firefox URL bar creates a suggestion of a Paizo/d20pfsrd link you have recently visited.

5. When you are clueless a family member comments, "You failed that Perception roll!"

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6. You mumble to yourself about needing a higher disable device score when your alarm clock goes off and you have to fumble around to find the off button.

7. You think about taking that AoO provoked by the guy who cut you off in traffic.

8. Your family can describe how you shift from neutral/evil to chaotic/neutral depending on whether you've had your first cup of coffee.

9. After a long evening playing a Shadowdancer PC, when you get up in the middle of the night and open the fridge you try to avoid standing on those kitchen tiles the fridge illuminates.

10. You've confused friends by accidentally mentioning "saving throws" in normal conversation.

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11. You know the damage die and crit ranges of all the mundane objects in your office and/or home.

Silver Crusade

16 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

12. You sell your entire 3.5 WotC bookshelf (OK, except the monster books) because you realize you don't need it any more.

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13.When you hear the word outsider you start thinking of the creature type regardless of context.

14.When you hear party you automatically think adventuring party.

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13. You've yelled "Nat. 20!" in a movie theater when the protagonist makes an impossible shot at a villain during the climax.

EDIT: Make that #15, you 40-second-ninja!

Dark Archive

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16. Your girlfriend wishes you were cheating on her with another girl because that would take less time away from her than PFS and Pathfinder campaigns do.

17. Your car service and taxi expenses to get to the games you play far exceed even you sizable book and growing mini collection expenditure.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
16. Your girlfriend wishes you were cheating on her with another girl because that would take less time away from her than PFS and Pathfinder campaigns do.

This one is win.

18. While fencing, you complain about not having Improved Disarm yet.

19. As "the boss", you wonder if your Perception bonus is high enough to beat your hirelings' ... er, "employees" ... Sleight of Hand checks.

20. As a hireling ... er, "employee" ... you wonder the reverse.

21. Your significant other is grateful that all this "nerdy gaming stuff" still beats the 'norm' of going out drinking at strip clubs with your chums. Added bonus: costs less, no STDs *and* your "paper lover" doesn't hold a candle to the real thing.

22. You gripe that your health insurance provide should include clone services for what they're charging.
22a. You say as much to your agent / HR people...

Scarab Sages

23. You've actually self-published a pathfinder sourcebook in both print and pdf. :P

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I know a real life example of 16

24. when you are looking for cleaning products in the supermarket you are convinced it says color-spray instead of kitchen-spray

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...There's such a thing as too much?

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25. Going to to look up a single rule is a bigger time-sink trap than YouTube, Wikipedia, and TVTropes combined.

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26. You are watching an action movie and when the hero smacks the bad guy or creature much harder than normal you yell "Crit!"

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

When you have dreams where you show up at a game day and have prepped the wrong scenario.

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davidvs wrote:
1. You have looked at the carrying capacity table to determine your real life Strength score.

...Aw geez, I apparently have Str 6.

28. You start thinking of what class characters from other media would be in Pathfinder.

29. You start thinking of what class you would be in Pathfinder.

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30. You have full 1-20 builds for about 10 times as many characters as you can possibly play in the next 5 years. Including gear at each level

EDIT changed number. darn ninjas

Scarab Sages

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31: At work (I'm a Bartender in a Nightclub) you inform the drinkers of the Fort save DC of the cocktail that they are gulping back, as well as calling out effect...'Dazed for 3 rounds. Ouch, that one hurt.'

Dark Archive

thenovalord wrote:
I know a real life example of 16


Both mine were real life examples!

Liberty's Edge

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32.) Your wife wants to know why you can spend hours planning a campaign and building stat blocks, but can't find the time to write and sell a novel.

33.) Your sons, ages 10 and 5, yell things like, "fumble!" "Nat 20!" Or "reflex save!" When playing soccer outside with their friends.

The Exchange

34.) You start declaring Will Save and Bluff Check DCs to explain to your friends why you can't call in sick to work to hang out with them.

Grand Lodge

35.) You win a vacation package and call your travel agent to try to reschedule because it conflicts with pre-scheduled game plans. Sad but true.

16 is awesome. Glad mine plays now too

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

36. A fun evening at home consists of creating characters on HeroLab.

The Exchange

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37. When you claim a sandwitch is +1 because it tastes so good.

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Tirq wrote:
37. When you claim a sandwitch is +1 because it tastes so good.

+1 Sammich! :D

38. When you'll order a single die in the mail because you lost one in a set, and the FLGS has no matching replacement.

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39. You scream "I DIS-BELIEVE" When you find out your new boss was born the day you graduated college... with your masters.

Grand Lodge

Jodokai wrote:
39. You scream "I DIS-BELIEVE" When you find out your new boss was born the day you graduated college... with your masters.


Liberty's Edge

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40.) You re-tell things your character did with as much fond nostalgia as if you did them yourself in real-life.

Ravenbow wrote:
Jodokai wrote:
39. You scream "I DIS-BELIEVE" When you find out your new boss was born the day you graduated college... with your masters.

We've yet to escape the days of aristocracy.

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41. You tend to discuss your violent machiavellan schemes in a middle of a crowded bus.

42. You tend to discuss magic and demon summoning and bloody sacrifices in a middle of a crowded bus.

43. You tend to brag about your imaginary conquests of fairer sex... in public places.

Ah, the memories of bygone age. Nowadays even fundamentalist geriatric commandos would not break a sweat if I tried any of the above.


Scarab Sages

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44.) You cease calling people by their real life name, and instead refer to them by their character name.

***ninja edited my #***

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ruemere wrote:

41. You tend to discuss your violent machiavellan schemes in a middle of a crowded bus.

Just come back from an indian restaurant where I and my better half were discussing my plans for the continuation of of Council of Thieves game... What do you mean everyone was giving us funny looks, hon?

45. When your husband tells you you have a better perception score than he does.

Shadow Lodge

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Gorbacz wrote:
12. You sell your entire 3.5 WotC bookshelf (OK, except the monster books) because you realize you don't need it any more.

Yah. I mean wait, what. No! Bad Gorbacz. [slapping hand]Bad.[/slapping hand]

Scarab Sages

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46. You automatically assume that any kind of box must represent five feet of space.

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47. You think of your cubicle at work as the five foot space you occupy.

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48. You've mapped your house/apartment/local area (to scale) and ran a game set there.

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49. Whenever you go hiking you remark on the areas that would a great location for a goblin ambush.

50. Whenever you experience nature, you desperately think of ways that you can accurately describe the wonderful sights, sounds, and smells to your players.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

51. You look out your back window and think, "Yeah, that fence keeps the dog in OK, but it's not going to do much during the zombie apocalypse."

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52. you try to rope your neibours into a joint zombie plan.

53. You're humming "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" during a snowstorm and you suddenly get a sweet idea for a BBEG Inquisitor that travels from town to town doing priestly things (like marrying people) but is actually a zealot who executes people for the tiniest infractions.

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54. When ordering pizza, you ask if your coupon discounts stack.

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55. At church when someone says that "Jesus Saves" you wonder if he took half damage.

Silver Crusade

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Gnomezrule wrote:
55. At church when someone says that "Jesus Saves" you wonder if he took half damage.

Of course not! Everyone knows Jesus has evasion!

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56. The wife "suggests strongly" that you plan dungeons for her solo game while you're at work.

57. You use "Complete Idiot's Guide: 40,000 Baby Names" to name your NPCs.

58. You have been interrupted in the restroom to make a GM decision.

Shadow Lodge

59: You own more dice sets than you own books

60: You have had plans to remake one of your favorites characters from a previous edition for years but havent yet. At first it was due to the lack of feats and archtypes to properly make it, now it is due to your current charecter(s) being far to fun to stop playing.

Signore di Fortuna wrote:
57. You use "Complete Idiot's Guide: 40,000 Baby Names" to name your NPCs.

That's probably better than using Gary Gygax's Extraordinary Book of Names to name your child.

I didn't do this.

But I did consider it. wonder if Jack Bauer Chaotic Neutral.

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62. You've tried to quit a habit and muttered "failed my Will save" when you give in to it.

Myron Pauls wrote:
54. When ordering pizza, you ask if your coupon discounts stack.

Actually it is just a common sense. Except every pizzeria I know explicitly states that their discounts and special offers don't stack :(

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