Dialogue you won't hear from the Hulk


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Hulk see you in court.

Hulk sick of purple pants. How about nice pastel color in linen? Hulk think Crockett and Tubbs looked cool.

Silver Crusade

Hulk like Sex and the City. Hulk a lot like Samantha.

Red Hulk much better at being Hulk than Hulk.

Dark Archive

It doesn’t matter whose mom you dissed,
Or what you said or did to make my list,
Let he who went and made me pissed,
Beware the power of green Hulk’s fist!

Wait?! Puny Downey Jr. get $50 Million from Avengers?!?! Hulk contract only give Hulk lifetime supply of purple slacks & Tim Tams!!!

{sigh} Hulk sure hope this PowerBall quick-pick pays off...

The Exchange

Shadowborn wrote:
Hulk want watch Puppet Pals!

A thousand apologies for using necromancy in the Comics area, but I finally got this reference (yes, two years later) while watching reruns of Dexter's Laboratory.

Hulk no want to be left alone. ಠ╭╮ಠ

Hulk is going to smash!

Hulk no can turn left!

Workout secrets?!?!?

High calorie lean diet.
Heavy drop sets.
Gamma Rays.

Come to think of it, put Gamma Rays at the top.

"Hulk apologize for popping Thor in middle of big fight."

"Hulk admit Superman far stronger."

"Hulk now understand rage based on fear, will stay on regimen of anti-depressants and not pummel therapist—even if therapist Doc Samson."

"Hulk now studying effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon-marigolds. Nobel Prize soon."

Celestial Healer wrote:
Hulk like Sex and the City. Hulk a lot like Samantha.

In that he'll take on anyone? Yeah.

The Exchange

"Pizza is on Hulk!"

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

"Hulk want new chance at love. Hulk call baba ji."

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hulk no want to be called Incredible any longer. People no take Hulk seriously. From now on, Hulk want to be called The Credible Hulk.

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Misroi wrote:
Hulk no want to be called Incredible any longer. People no take Hulk seriously. From now on, Hulk want to be called The Credible Hulk.

Credible Hulk Tumblr

The Exchange

Caineach - Apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted the Hulk to broaden his intellectual horizons... Hm, that's a good one...

"Hulk broaden Hulk's intellectual horizons!"

Liberty's Edge

Hulk put forth initiative for world peace.

The Exchange

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"Now Hulk know! And knowing is half the battle! (Hulk better at other half.)"

Liberty's Edge

Maybe smashing not best way through this.

"hey buddy you got a smoke"


Hulk not here. leave a message after the SMASH

The Exchange

"Stop sexually discriminating against Hulk!"

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

"Hulk prefer Chai Tea over Earl Grey."

The Exchange

"Doc Samson get Hulk prescription for puny plant. Hulk smoke plant. Hulk no longer feel need to smash. Hulk mellow, man."

"Hulk has munchies, man."

The Exchange

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"Hulk is cowboy! Hulk have hat! Howdy, howdy, howdy!"

"Hulk went to brunch yesterday and had a souffle that was just to die for."

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"Hulk was kept waiting on hold for fifteen minutes trying to get a new debit card from the bank before Hulk talked to an actual person."

"Hulk's girl-friend won't spend time with Hulk. Hulk have feelings too! Why girl-friend always go off with other girls why Hulk left at home doing dishes and paying bills? Hulk no understand. Hulk think she have eye on some other man. Hulk smash him if Hulk find him! Hulk need talk to Samson about this."

(Okay I'm done- three's enough! LOL)

Hulk been trying yoga, meditation classes. Hulk needs to unwind and funny candles smell good.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Hulk don't always drink beer, but when Hulk does - Hulk prefers Dos Equis.

Sovereign Court

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Stay angry, my friends.

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