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![]() If you want a system that is not quite Pathfinder---13th Age or Five Moons is worth a look. As far as selling you on Five Moons---it is Sean K. Reynold's system and not really in print yet---so you would have to go on just the value of his name. 5E---New player advantage system---new ways to deal with healing---spell slots ( but more flexible spell slots ) I know not everyone has the extra $$ to spend on a book that they will not use---but every game system out there has pros and cons---read the systems and take away what you like or move on to another system ![]()
![]() On a small side quest from the main adventure---the typical find and rescue an important persons lost kid... Entering a large cave with a large number of sleeping owl-bears The party Dwarf--in a whisper--"Hey kid if you are in here don't make a sound"
Dwarf--in a whisper--"Hey kid are you in here?" ![]()
![]() If you are not sure what spells are carried over to 5e, then you can not be sure what magic items are carried over also.....portable holes, bag-o-holding, wasn't there some sort of "basket of plenty".... Then again, if you can't use the front door for a year, try to make your own door out. Also, on a side note, Arnwyn is pretty much correct....during deployment it is always the water that is an issue, 2weeks of meal packs are no problem, the water and ammo big problem, on average we were packing in about 200lbs ![]()
![]() I will agree with DeathQuaker...Never go cheap on the brush, but I have to add that also never go cheap on the brush cleaner. The cake of brush soap, or you can get a good liquid at most craft stores...this might seem silly when most people have plenty of cleaning supplies around the house...but trust me left over soap is the quickest way to have your paint flake off. Get gaming paints, there are many good products out there...stay away from craft and model paints. Please stay away from the dollar stores... this may be a bit off putting, but the paints that are made for fabric or aircraft/car kits are good at what they are supposed to do...not always good when scaled down to a 28mm miniature. Lastly, if you have a bit of a budget to spend....I would suggest getting a small "swing arm" light, or if you can spend a bit you can even get one with a mag lens in the middle. ![]()
![]() Depending on the "type" of stone you want...pick 2 or 3 "spec" colors
Dip the brush in one color and use your thumb to "flick" the bristles at the miniature...practice on a scrap paper first so you can view what makes a blobby mess and what makes a too fine mist This will help on your stone texture ![]()
![]() If you are looking for a "top" that can be used with many different games, get a sheet of the insulation board---the backing is the same type of plastic used in dry erase boards---it will need a thin sheet of ply backing for strength. If the table is going to sit and never move again, use doubled up 2x4 for the legs and single for the frame. ![]()
![]() Please cancel my Gamemastery ongoing subscription. I have no complaints about your excellent product---this is probably the best print edition module out there---I am just getting too "backloged" in my gaming material with all of the excellent material that you put into Pathfinder. In the future, when all of the 3e v 4e hoopla has died down, I will renew my subscription to build up my library of 4e adventure material. ![]()
![]() To reply to the original post--Yes, I am excited about 4th edition. But with that said, I can understand how upset people are. It was not too long ago that the 3.5 books were released, and anyone looking for an evil corporate presence will have their fears justified. Anyone that defines their hobby as "gaming" will find problems with any gaming system that is out there...and if you have found the perfect gaming system then stick with it. I have had problems with the D&D magic system all the way back to second edition--At low levels you cast a spell and stand around hoping not to get attacked--At Higher levels you cast bigger spells and then stand around hoping not to get attacked--and the Magic using types have no HP and no melee skills anyway. At least all the rumors to date have a magic system with an "At Will" "Per Encounter" "Per Day" use. If you are not excited about the potential for good changes then stick to 3.5 ![]()
![]() I like the idea of this set selling as a complete set. I suggest getting multiples of Item pack #1 if there is an item that you must have multiples of---Or you could just use the backs of the cards to note that there are multiples, the only time you would "need" multiples of a potion card is if every character in an adventuring party carried the same potion |