Oriental Adventure Recruitment


Liberty's Edge

Again...just testing the system...see who is interested..

I might be interested. Starting level? Point buy? Allowed races?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very interested as well!

3.5 or Pathfinder? I'm interested regardless of system, but I need to know whether the classes from Oriental Adventures are allowed or whether I should take Pathfinder classes. I do own Oriental Adventures, so I have the necessary rules at my disposal.

Liberty's Edge

I am looking to use the Pathfinder classes an, once I get and read the Dragon Empire book, will add from that as well. Played lots of 2nd and 3rd ed. oriental adventures, so looking to capture some of that with the new game....but it might not start until the new year.... more to come ;-)

Dark Archive

I love rokugan setting, well at least the fluff behind it, I'm interested ^^ scorpion clan xD lol well glad someone is finally attempting something like this ^^

Mark me down as interested.

color me interested.

Also interested,

Will there be any conversion of OA material or is it all going to be straight Pathfinder??

Liberty's Edge

It depends on what they have for this new setting. As I said I want to take a look at the Jade Empire stuff and then see what I want....but I will be adding Taint to the background...it will be a homebrew world..

Silver Crusade

Also interested.

I am so interested.

Me too. I am bidding for another online game also. If I don't make the cut there I will take this one. If this one gets me first I will cut myself out of the other one.
Are you waiting for the PF Oriental book or are we using the 3.5 setting(s)?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Interested if it's PF and I get to play a samurai or a ninja (as they're pretty much outlawed elsewhere).

Dark Archive

flykiller wrote:
Interested if it's PF and I get to play a samurai or a ninja (as they're pretty much outlawed elsewhere).

Perfect setting for those characters and the "taint" mechanic from rokugan is nice but consider the use void also? just a suggestion.

Lantern Lodge

I am interested. I never got to play Oriental Adventures in the 3e days but the Asian themed stuff for Pathfinder I like very much.

If you decide to use Pathfinder Oriental stuff, does that include the races as well as the archetypes?

Liberty's Edge

I am looking to use the Pathfinder game and the various classes (oriental) that they have. Once I get the Dragon Kingdom book, I will have more information on races and such. As I said...this might not be until the New Year, so I will try and keep it open for all....
Deiros: Was never a big fan of the Void in 3E, so probably will not add it...and the Taint is a bit different in this game...I think you will enjoy it!
I will most likely look for a party of 6, as anymore gets to be very difficult to run...but I will give everyone fair warning when i am ready to take applications!! I must say, from the response I have already, I am looking forward to playing this game as well..lol

Dark Archive

Daniel your avatar looks like Nicholas Cage by the way...

Liberty's Edge

Yeah...it is kinda creepy lol..and looks nothing like me..heheh

Lantern Lodge

And just to mention. If I don't make it into this game, or maybe even if I do, I think I might run an Dragon Empires game with a more SteamFu setting. A mix of Oriental and Steampunk, guns and samurai, kitsune and clockwork. Doesn't it just sound awesome.

Dark Archive

yes it does sgmendez xD btw I forgot if you got a copy of my FFT setting?

Sgmendez wrote:
And just to mention. If I don't make it into this game, or maybe even if I do, I think I might run an Dragon Empires game with a more SteamFu setting. A mix of Oriental and Steampunk, guns and samurai, kitsune and clockwork. Doesn't it just sound awesome.

I will play it.

Liberty's Edge

I will be putting up some background information in the campaign area to give people a feel of what the world is like. Again when I get the new Dragon Empire book I will update a lot of the information, but hopefully you will get a feel for the land and its people.

Lantern Lodge

Deiros wrote:
yes it does sgmendez xD btw I forgot if you got a copy of my FFT setting?

Yes, I did get it. I am working my way through it between work and school. Now that winter break is here I will have a little extra time so I should be able to finish it a little faster. Looks good so far.

Glad there is at least some interest in it. We will see what happens.

And to not derail this thread I will post something relevant. I am thinking of playing a:

Vanara Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist)
Kitsune Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline)
Nagaji Oracle (Deaf Curse, Metal Mystery)
Human Samurai (Order of the Dragon)
Tengu Ninja (Vow of Truth, Vow of Silence)

Grand Lodge

I'm interested in this, something a bit different to the norm.

Sgmendez wrote:
And just to mention. If I don't make it into this game, or maybe even if I do, I think I might run an Dragon Empires game with a more SteamFu setting. A mix of Oriental and Steampunk, guns and samurai, kitsune and clockwork. Doesn't it just sound awesome.

Oh. Em. Gee.

I would so totally play the bejeebus out of that.

Grand Lodge

Sgmendez wrote:
And just to mention. If I don't make it into this game, or maybe even if I do, I think I might run an Dragon Empires game with a more SteamFu setting. A mix of Oriental and Steampunk, guns and samurai, kitsune and clockwork. Doesn't it just sound awesome.

SteamFu, Best. Idea. Ever.

Liberty's Edge

Perhaps an oriental version of Iron Kingdom!!!

Gearman Samurai. I'll give you a moment for the awesome to sink in.

I don't know how you feel about homebrew content, so I apologize if I overstep my bounds as a potential player, but I have made a Pathfinder Wu Jen conversion and posted it here. It could fit this campaign well if you choose to allow it.

Liberty's Edge

Sgmendez wrote:
And just to mention. If I don't make it into this game, or maybe even if I do, I think I might run an Dragon Empires game with a more SteamFu setting. A mix of Oriental and Steampunk, guns and samurai, kitsune and clockwork. Doesn't it just sound awesome.

I would play this in a heartbeat.

Dark Archive

That is a really neat thing to play!! STEAM-FU!!

But I wish someone would GM a L5R games with it's system.

Lantern Lodge

Wow, had no idea the interest in a game like that. I may just have to run one regardless.

Lantern Lodge

And I give anyone wish interest in here priority

Sgmendez wrote:
And I give anyone wish interest in here priority


Are you willing to allow the Wu Jen conversion I posted?

Lantern Lodge

Here is the official recruitment thread.

Liberty's Edge

Hey what gives!! Scamming people off my game..HAHAH..just kidding!! It sounds like an awesome game...and while I still would like to run a more traditional OA, I would be interested in a Steam version as well....

Lantern Lodge

Yeah, sorry. I didn't intend to do this. If it makes you feel any better I am still interested in your game, as I am sure a lot of the others are as well.

Liberty's Edge

HEHE...not a problem!! Was just kidding with you...and your idea does sound interesting!!

Liberty's Edge

OK after a bit of a leave, I am back again and now looking to take character recruitment for this game. Sorry for the wait, but life unfortunately gets in the way of fun sometimes. Looking for 6 players, and take a look at the campaign info tab for more information on character development. I will have more background to the world up soon, I hope, along with a local map of the players starting area. Hope this interests some of you and look forward to seeing the submissions.

Using Pathfinder rules? If so, what races, classes, etc. are you looking for or not looking for?

Liberty's Edge

yes using pathfinder; for races i want to use those presented in the Dragon Empire Primer, not including the Samsaren or Wayang. But I will add the Ratpeople and Vanara (so basically most of the 3e oriental adventures races)

Dotting to show interest. Though no clear character comes to mind.

Much cheers to you and yours.

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