A character using Telekinesis as their main weapon


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I've been looking at all the telekinesis threads (there are many) and i've always wanted to use TK as a main weapon.
I am not a min/maxer, ie i dont know how to fit all the rules togather to make the build not only workable but able to help the party and not be a hinderence.
I need your help to make this charecter.
I have as resorces: all pathfinder stuff, and most of all the 3.0/3.5 stuff like the spell compendium and others.

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This is not really thought out in-depth, but just some initial thoughts. I apologize if some of it seems too obvious:

I would probably do something like Fighter 1/Wizard 5/Eldritch Knight 10/X OR Wizard 20
(depending on whether you want to focus a lot on throwing stuff at people, since then you want a decent attack bonus. Though even then it may not be worth the loss of two caster levels and delayed access to TK. You could consider starting with Wizard 9 and then finishing your build off with Fighter 1/EK 10, as a sort of compromise)

Pick Magical Knack (if going Eldritch Knight) and Magical Lineage (Telekinesis) for your traits. Gifted Adept (Telekinesis) wouldn't hurt either, though it's a quite small bonus.

A Diviner with the Foresight subschool is my best suggestion for specialization - the Prescience power is very useful if you're going to make use of the combat maneuver aspect of TK.
Alternatively a Transmuter of some kind would let you prepare more TK spells - and allow you some more flexibility if you buy a pair of Annihilation Spectacles.

For feats, get Spell Specialization (+Greater) for Telekinesis. Eventually you also want spell perfection (Telekinesis) - which will handily double your bonus from spell specialization in addition to its other benefits.

Metamagic feats will obviously not come into play until later on. You want quicken eventually, but you probably can't use it with TK before level 15. Still and Silent could be useful combined with Greater Spell Specialization to get out of a tight spot.

If you want to throw people (or their objects) around with Violent Thrust you also want to optimize save dc - which means Spell Focus(+ Greater) in Transmutation and Persistent Spell metamagic.

Finally, many uses of TK allow Spell Resistance, so consider Spell Penetration - note that they give double bonus when you have spell perfection.

Thank you, Corlindale.
You know with all the splat books i have, aparently just using the core, i could do just fine.
Though i was also thinking about spell combos like shape stone and shrink ittem as well... (evil grin)

Yes, I didn't really mention anything 3.5 because I don't have a very good overview of the extreme amount of options to be found there. I do know there is a Telekinesis-focused prestige class in Complete Warrior (Master of the Unseen Hand), but from what I recall it's rather underwhelming and loses too many caster levels.

As for spell combos, you can obviously do some very powerful stuff with Shrink Item, though I think many GMs would consider some of those a bit on the cheesy side.

There are also many spells that can summon hazards on the battlefield which you can throw people into with TK. The Pit spells from the APG may be nice candidates here - though one you meet enemies that fly they are pretty useless.
Probably the most nasty thing to throw people into is a Prismatic Wall, but that's kind of a late game tactic. Useful at level 15 when you take Spell Perfection, so you can easily combo prismatic wall with a quickened telekinesis to throw/bull rush enemies into it.

As you may have noticed from reading on of the other Telekinesis threads, another combo suggestion was to carry a bunch of arrows and enchant them with Flame Arrow and Greater MAgic Weapon before battle, and throw a huge number of the enchanted arrows at a time with Violent Thrust for quite good, inexpensive, damage (but note that you need a decent attack bonus for this trick)

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you only need 2 levels in master of the unseen eye and a ring of telekinesis and you can do wonders.

Those rings are expencive! And my dms are stingy.

This is one item that almost makes more sense to give to a fighter type, considering the bab for the violent thrust maneuver.

I wonder if feats like weapon focus (dagger or ray?), weapon specialization, and point blank shot work with this? Precise aim too I guess.

Corlindale wrote:

Pick Magical Knack (if going Eldritch Knight) and Magical Lineage (Telekinesis) for your traits.

You can't pick both of these, you can only have one trait of each type.

I was thinking about having some backup spells that can mimic TK. Are there any?

i also had thought a lot about the Master of the Unseen Hand but found some of the class abilities stupid, so i revised it...and gave it 10 levels.

The Master of the Unseen Hand(Revised)

3/4 Bab
good will saves
class abillites below...

HD = 1d6

To qualify to become a Master of the Unseen Hand, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Arcane Caster level: +9.
Knowledge (Arcana) 10 ranks.
Spellcraft: 10 ranks
Feats: Combat Casting
Special: Ability to cast the Telekinesis spell or use Telekinesis as a spell-like ability.

Class Skills:
The wizard’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Improved Caster LV.
At 1st lv. a Master of the Unseen Hand begins his relentless focus on the power of
telekinesis. He adds his levels in Master of the Unseen Hand to his caster level (whether
from actual spellcasting levels or determined by the spell like ability) when using his
telekinesis ability.

Versatile Telekinesis
At 1st lv. a Master of the Unseen Hand learns to combine the 3 versions of the telekinesis
spell or ability, switching from one to another as he likes. The violent thrust version still
ends the effect.

Telekinetic Wielder
A Master of the Unseen Hand develops the ability to wield weapons with his telekinetic
power. By maintaining concentration on the combat maneuver version of telekinesis,
a Master of the Unseen Hand of 1st lv or higher can make a single Attack. with an unattended
weapon or one he is holding, moving the weapon up to 20 feet before the att. Resolve
the Att. as normal, except that the weapon movement doesn’t provoke Att. of
opportunity. The Master of the Unseen Hand’s Base Attack Bonus on this combat
maneuver attempt is equal to his caster level plus his intelligence modifier (if a wizard)
or charisma modifier (or if creature with the telekinesis supernatural or spell-like
ability). Any weapon-related feats the master of the unseen hand has (such as and power
attack) do not apply when he’s telekinetically wielding a weapon.

Sustained Concentration
At 2nd lv a Master of the Unseen Hand becomes adept at moving and fighting while
maintaining his telekinesis ability. It only takes a move action not a standard action,
to use the sustained force version of telekinesis or simply to maintain concentration
so the ability doesn’t end). The Master of the Unseen Hand can even cast another spell
while maintaining concentration on telekinesis, but doing so requires a successful
concentration check as if the caster were distracted by a nondamaging spell.

Full Attack Telekinesis
At 2nd lv, a Master of the Unseen Hand is as skilled in telekinetic combat as a fighter is
with melee combat. When using the combat maneuver version of telekinesis or wielding
a weapon telekinetically, the Master of the Unseen Hand can make a full attack,
potentially attacking, bull rushing, disarming, grappling, or tripping more than once per
round. Just as with nontelekinetic attacks, the master of the unseen hand gains an
additional attack for every 5 points of base attack bonus above +1 (using caster level
for base attack bonus as described in the telekinetic wielder description).

Improved Violent Thrust
At 3rd lv, a Master of the Unseen Hand’s violent thrust version of telekinesis becomes
more effective. He uses his caster level in place of his base attack bonus when
making the attack roll, and he uses his Int mod (if a wizard) or a Cha mod (if a
sorcerer or a creature with the telekinesis supernatural or spell-like ability) as a
bonus on damage rolls if he hurls weapons at the target. Finally, using a violent
thrust no longer ends the telekinesis effect, but the master of the unseen hand
can’t make another violent thrust for 1d4 rounds.

Spell Penetration Feat
At 3rd lv a Master of the Unseen Hand gains the Spell Penetration feat even if he
don’t meet the requirements. If you already have Spell Penetration Master of the Unseen
Hand gain Greater Spell Penetration.

Improved Lift
At 4th lv a Master of the Unseen Hand can now lift 50 lb. per telekinesis caster level. To a
maximum of 1,000 lbs.

Telekinetic Two-Weapon Fighting
At 4th lv a Master of the Unseen Hand gains the use Two-Weapon Fighting feat when
using the telekinesis spell, or spell-like ability. This feat can only be used when the
Master of the Unseen Hand is telekinetically wielding a double weapon or two weapons.

At 5th lv Master of the Unseen Hand can use the violent thrust version of telekinesis to
hurl a creature strait up, or slammed into the ground down. The target is allowed a will
save (and spell resistance) to negate the effect. The Master of the Unseen Hand can lift a
creature into the air a max distance of 10 ft. per caster level. At the beginning of the
character’s next action, the creature falls to the ground, taking 1d6 points of damage per
10 ft. fallen. Unlike other times when a Master of the Unseen Hand uses the violent thrust
version of telekinesis, flinging a foe skyward immediately ends the telekinesis effect. At
8th level Fling does not end the spell. Also the Master of the Unseen Hand can pound a foe
into the ground, (for those foes that can fly) doing 1d6 points of damage per caster level.

Pebble Shot
At 6th lv. the Master of the Unseen Hand will be able to “shoot” one pebble per caster level
(a max of 15) in a line up to the max range of the telekinesis spell 400 ft. + 40/level. The
pebble(s) deal 1d6 points of damage each. The pebble stop at the first target hit. There is no
spell resistance, (the pebble is doing the damage, not the spell) but the target gets a reflex
save for half damage, and in addition must make a fort save or be pushed back 5 ft. and fall

Improved Telekinetic Two-Weapon Fighting
At 6th lv. the Master of the Unseen Hand gains the use Improved two-weapon fighting feat
when using the telekinesis spell, or spell-like ability. At no other time can the feat be used.
(unless he has the feat normally)
Greater lift
At 7th lv the Master of the Unseen Hand can now lift 100 lb. per caster level, no maximum.

Greater spell penetration
At 8th lv. a Master of the Unseen Hand gains the Greater spell Penetration feat. If he
already has this feat, nothing happens.

Greater violent thrust
At 8th lv the Master of the Unseen Hand use of the violent thrust version improves again.
He can now use the violent thrust option once per round. (Including “Fling”)

Telekinetic Multiweapon fighting
At 9th lv. Master of the Unseen Hand is able to use multiple weapons at the same time (but
only when using telekinesis) up to one extra weapon for every 4 caster levels. As per the
Multiweapon fighting feat found in the monster manual p. 304. Only when using the
telekinesis spell, or telekinesis spell-like ability.

At 9th level the Master of the Unseen Hand literally rips the skin, bones, or anything else
that he wants. (I.e. from ripping a femur out of a warrior, or ripping the plates of an iron
golem off) Only incorporeal creatures are immune. Doing 6d6 points of damage per
round of concentration, and also holds the target immobile. The victim of this effect gets a saving throw as per the telekinesis spell, as well as spell resistance.

At 10th level a Master of the Unseen Hand’s control of telekinesis has grown to such a
level that he has control over the very elements of the periodic table. Rearrange allows
him to use four effects. First, he can heat up the molecules by making them move faster,
or cool them down by moving them slower, as per the heat and chill metal spells, with
no upper limit to how hot the item can get until it melts (or burns, as in wood) or shatters when it runs out of hit points. (with saving throw as appropriate for a 5th lv. spell) Second, he can harden or soften items. As per the 6th level spell in the “Hardening” P. 99 of the Magic of Faerun. If used on wood, 10 cubic feet/ caster level. If used on metal, 1 cubic foot/ caster level. Third, he can fix or repair items. By mimicking the effects of the Mending” and “Make Whole” spells. He can also repair constructs at the rate of 1d8+1/CL (max +20)/ round of concentration. Lastly, The Master of the Unseen Hand can also alter the atoms of the elements. (I.e. turn lead into gold, or steel to mithreal) but using this power takes a heavy toll, it uses the entire Master of the Unseen Hand’s 5th lv.
spell slots, plus a pound of material takes one hour to transmute, and uses up 1000 of exp.
After which, the Master of the Unseen Hand cannot use the telekinesis spell again until
he rests and regains his spells for the day.

yes it is very wordy but the class needed a capstone ability. and it seemed to fit.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Some other spells that are "telekinesis-like" in flavor":

Wall of Force
Hand Spells (Interposing, Forceful, etc.)
Suffocate (Think Darth Vader)
Hold Portal
Reverse Gravity
Sonic Thrust
Enemy Hammer

I'm sure there are a lot more spells that can be reflavored to be telekinetic in nature as well.

Thank you for showing me this, i never would have known about it otherwise.

you know what really lacking rules wise to make this concept work is some level 1-3 telekinesis spells. it sucks having to wait till 5th level spells to get an ability which could easily be toned down into lower level spells.

Need MetaMagic Lower to reduce telekinesis from a 5th level spell to 3rd or worse ;)

Isnt there also a "force hook" or something similar on the Magus list?

I am at work so I cant look it up. I too have always wanted to play this concept, but I could never get past the idea that I would be waiting so long to have my concept actually do what I intend.

Maybe I just want to play a Jedi...monk who gets TK and bastard sword..lol

Lazurin Arborlon wrote:

Isnt there also a "force hook" or something similar on the Magus list?

I am at work so I cant look it up. I too have always wanted to play this concept, but I could never get past the idea that I would be waiting so long to have my concept actually do what I intend.

Maybe I just want to play a Jedi...monk who gets TK and bastard sword..lol

force hook charge also known as the suicide spell for a mage :P

the spell moves you adjacent to the target and allows a full attack at the end (or spell combat in the case of magus) its basically a spell that gives you pounce for 1 round.

of course a full attack for a mage is somewhat pointless and leaves you in the kill zone :P

Universalist wizard has a telekinesis like ability where you throw a weapon 3+int /day. Might be a good flavor to start with.

Make your bonded item a ring and at 7th level you can make your own ring of telekinesis.

reverse gravity don't forget that, once a DM of mine said so when does it stop. The player looked and said when they reach the top of the area, it was outsideso we killed them in one round.

Dark Archive

Phasics wrote:
Lazurin Arborlon wrote:

Isnt there also a "force hook" or something similar on the Magus list?

I am at work so I cant look it up. I too have always wanted to play this concept, but I could never get past the idea that I would be waiting so long to have my concept actually do what I intend.

Maybe I just want to play a Jedi...monk who gets TK and bastard sword..lol

force hook charge also known as the suicide spell for a mage :P

the spell moves you adjacent to the target and allows a full attack at the end (or spell combat in the case of magus) its basically a spell that gives you pounce for 1 round.

of course a full attack for a mage is somewhat pointless and leaves you in the kill zone :P

or you can use it to leap out of battle

I think the psion gets TK as three powers at 3rd 3rd and 4th lv powers, but its broken up and you cant switch between types of TK, you need to use a separet power.

That is correct, Patterson (at least as of 3.5).
There are ways around that, however, but it's pretty feat-intensive.

So how does the bonded item work again? I ways went with a familier.
And how can you make a ring of TK at 7th lv.?

Patterson wrote:

So how does the bonded item work again? I ways went with a familier.

And how can you make a ring of TK at 7th lv.?

You can cast one spell per day that's in your spell book without preparation and

You are treated as having the relevant item creation feats for that item.

So how 'bout this, i wright up a master of the unseen hand (revised) and someone eles wright up a EK ('cuz i wouldnt know how i would pimp him out) and we compare the two.

Im taking out "pebble shot" it dosent need to be there

If your playing a wizard with an arcane bond ring and you put TK on the ring at 9th, when you go up in level dose the TK in the ring go up to or do you have to "remake" the ring again?

Just violent thrust some great swords ... you can go hog crazy and throw around bolts the size of trees for xxxd6 damage, but that's overkill.

Broken spell ...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

You can re-flavor hydraulic push and hydraulic torrent to just be ranged bull rush telekinetic attacks.

Mage hand, featherfall, jump, unseen servant, levitate, fly, and overland flight are also pretty telekineticky.

Scarab Sages

I know this isn't for everyone, but the easiest thing to do is to re-skin existing spells to make them TK-based. Talk to your DM.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is a pretty interesting concept. It would go well with the ninja ki pool ability for acrobatics, always count as running start and half DC after level 10.

Anyone interested in helping put together a database of all fitting spells? Maybe especially spells with force effects?

And also check this out on the Psionics?

Phasics wrote:

you know what really lacking rules wise to make this concept work is some level 1-3 telekinesis spells. it sucks having to wait till 5th level spells to get an ability which could easily be toned down into lower level spells.

Need MetaMagic Lower to reduce telekinesis from a 5th level spell to 3rd or worse ;)

I would consider force spells in the same general flavor as TK. So that would give you things like magic missile and mage armor for low level.

Might want to consider sorc since you are looking at only a small number of spells. Sorcerer gets more of them per day.

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