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Caedwyr wrote:

I posted this in another thread, but I'll post it here too since it is relevant to some of what has been discussed

"For RAGELANCEPOUNCE, I see it as something akin to Omnislash, except with a mount. Given the levels we are talking about, this seems like a fairly accurate way to portray what is going on. (The video also shows how you can get the charge damage multiplier for the lance on more than just the first attack).

Oh, cmon, think about that: damage x 3 means that if you make 4 attacks you do the dmg of 12 attacks. The AM build is a 2 lance wielder, with haste he can make 9 attacks (and also mount can attack) that do damage as 27 attacks. This is realistic or balanced?

For the power level we're talking about, see the video for what is "realisitic". Level 20 is getting to the upper tier of superhero and into the range of demigods. If you are limmiting what martial classes can do to what is humanly possible, you'd be better off playing E6.

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dragonfire8974 wrote:
Tels wrote:

44 pages, I tried reading the whole thing, I really did, got to around 16 or so and abandoned the effort. I've got a few questions as I'm fairly new to the board in that I'm not familiar with AM BARBARIAN much, if at all.

Was the AM BARBARIAN build ever posted? If so, is there a link, I'd like to see it.

I saw a couple mentions of AMY, what is that?

What does AM actually stand for? At first, I thought it stood for am, as in I AM BARBARIAN (ala I Am Weasel! and I R Baboon), but then I saw AMY, and couldn't think of what the Y stood for.

AM BARBARIAN was created then destroyed due to computer problems if i understand correctly

No, He LIVES!!!

JMD031 wrote:

No, He LIVES!!!

and i hope to contribute! sad that the first couple versions got lost, but now i get to be a part of it :)

AlecStorm wrote:

Core items or not is not important, you need just one caster on a party to make all characters totally invisible. Btw a item that cast 1 spell / day is not broken and it's on core rules.

The caster can do mind blank on himself, doesn't need items. Just a ring of invisibility.

The 18th level fighter will pown the barb. The only problem he could have, maybe, is on magic gears but I don't think so (and this shows that this game is too much gear dependant). The wizard just need to be adiacent to the fighter, that will prevent the barb to hit the caster. Better if we don't consider leadership in this.

I'm not on the wizard side nor on the barb one: I would never play this way. Nor with ragelancepounce or mind blank + ring of invisibility.

oh yes, i totally agree, 1/day items are totally not broken in the slightest. the only thing i see is that it may go for the slippery slope thing. while i don't see a problem with any of the custom item creation rules, my DM doesn't like them. so for the purposes of this, i would assume that we shouldn't go for things that require GM approval just to be on the safe side

and yes, the wizard can def make himself stay invisible and his fighter, the thing is that invisibility grants a +20 to stealth while moving, and I believe this scenario is one where neither knows where the other is and happen to run across eachother travelling. they basically make opposed perception checks to see how far away they see each other giving the +20 to stealth as a penalty to AM. like i said, Batty Bat is supposed to have a perception in the 60s, while fighters and wizards are not known for their massive perception scores.

I'm assuming wizard here because that's what i would play, but other casty types may be better suited to deal with am.

and I support the idea that teleporting away is not a victory for the caster, and locating either AM or the wizard is going to be close to impossible. the only way a casty and AM are going to meet is by chance at random when neither are expecting it. AM RAGELANCEPOUNCES anything that looks like a casty, so he initiates combat ASAP and can charge 600ft.

I would be glad to work with someone on the premise I have come up with, but this is how i see it working out

AM and Casty have opposed checks to see who sees the other first and initiative is rolled. if there is a surprise round for the wizard, there are many ways AM can be killed in a single round with 2 9th level spells that aren't effected by spell turning and don't allow a save and deal close to 500 cold damage (not using time stop). if AM gets his surprise, RAGELANCEPOUNCE! splattered casty as i think his attacks do around 150 before die rolls. Because Am is built around beating Casty initiative so he can kill before being killed (and i would assume any realm in which AM exists, it is known that he does exist and thus a wandering casty would have defenses prepared against him), I would like to come up with a bad roll-proof way to stop him from gaining either initiative or surprise

Divination Specialitation.

Custom items don't get credit on debates here since any item can be made. You can only use items that exist because it can be assumed the GM will let you have those.
Of course the barbarian could get the that helmet/helm that grants true seeing, and that is not a custom item.

Hmmm.... What is AM's perception score rocking out as.

Pondering something involving Magic Jar, tiny rodents, still/silent spell, natural stealth to get arpund the arcane sight, and a dominated level 1 commoner who waves its hands around a lot and wears a pointy hat...

Dark Archive

Robb Smith wrote:

Hmmm.... What is AM's perception score rocking out as.

Pondering something involving Magic Jar, tiny rodents, still/silent spell, natural stealth to get arpund the arcane sight, and a dominated level 1 commoner who waves its hands around a lot and wears a pointy hat...

from what i remember, perception and know(engineering) are the 2 skills AM B has maxed for sure, with bonuses, and such (masterwork tool. a monocle of +2 perception. maybe goggles?).

True seeing doesn't work if caster has mind blank. Fighter doesnt' need to act first, just stay adiacent to the wizard and stop the barbarian with attacks of opportunity, and using bodyguard feats if he pass.

If the Wizard is Invisible and Mind Blanked then AM BARBARIAN will likely not attack him and since he's moving at the rate of speed is moving at the Wizard won't be able to find him.

Name Violation wrote:
Robb Smith wrote:

Hmmm.... What is AM's perception score rocking out as.

Pondering something involving Magic Jar, tiny rodents, still/silent spell, natural stealth to get arpund the arcane sight, and a dominated level 1 commoner who waves its hands around a lot and wears a pointy hat...

from what i remember, perception and know(engineering) are the 2 skills AM B has maxed for sure, with bonuses, and such (masterwork tool. a monocle of +2 perception. maybe goggles?).

It isn't AM's perception, i think it is batty bat's that you have to worry about.

20 from levels - 3 from stat (assuming a 10 wis just to be safe) - 6 from skill focus - 4 from alertness - 15 from item - 2 from masterwork - 8 from eidolon skilled feature - 3 from class skill

there are more feats for extra perception too

= 61. the wizard, even with mind blanked needs to beat a 62 stealth check while moving. they get a +20 from being invisible. though again, f the wizard knew about AM, they may invest more heavily in stealth stuff

This bat perception is wrong. But it's not important. Bat can know the square where fighter and mage are. He will not know who is mage and who is fighter. If they come in range they have to pass the fighter threath area (that obviously use a reach weapon) that will stop the barb and the bat (who is going to die first round).

This discussion is old and useless. If leaderhip is used this way every build would use it, then the "minion" will take leadership as well and so on.

Added Goz Mask to the Pile-O-Stuff AM Needs. Otherwise that is a fairly comprehensive list.

So now that ragelancepounce is no more, I'm just curious how AM BARBARIAN DPR is looking.


prototype00 wrote:

So now that ragelancepounce is no more, I'm just curious how AM BARBARIAN DPR is looking.


has the debate actually been resolved or is it the same old "Charge doesn't allow for iterative attacks" "but pounce modifies charge to allow for it" thing.

It seems to me it sticks to whoever goes first wins

A rather strange errata was issued in the Blog. It applies yet more real-life realism to a world with flying eyeballs that can destroy worlds, and lets the casties keep their precious throne.

I'm guessing that going the Natural Weapons route might be a direction AM BARBARIAN might want to go in now. If I remember correctly, it had the potential for even more damage than RAGELANCEPOUNCE.

Azten wrote:
A rather strange errata was issued in the Blog. It applies yet more real-life realism to a world with flying eyeballs that can destroy worlds, and lets the casties keep their precious throne.

funny cause they could've just said "it wasn't intended to be used for this purpose"

can you link to the article? i'm currently searching for it, but i'm no good with that


This would actually need to be looked at

though the funny thing about that ruling is it doesn't mean a summoner's eidolon couldn't do a pounce with multiple lances. so the synthesist gets lance pounce now

Why is ragelancepounce no more? Did it get errata'd?

Tels wrote:
Why is ragelancepounce no more? Did it get errata'd?

spirited charge and the mounted charge damage bonus don't count to iterative attacks

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Am I alone in thinking, "OK, so now my target is only dead twice over, instead of thrice. Oh well.". Because pounce from a mounted charge is implicitly confirmed.

KrispyXIV wrote:
Am I alone in thinking, "OK, so now my target is only dead twice over, instead of thrice. Oh well.". Because pounce from a mounted charge is implicitly confirmed.

dunno. if i remember, the damage bonus was 3d8 + 154 or something like that on the first attack which may not? kill all castys

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
dragonfire8974 wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:
Am I alone in thinking, "OK, so now my target is only dead twice over, instead of thrice. Oh well.". Because pounce from a mounted charge is implicitly confirmed.
dunno. if i remember, the damage bonus was 3d8 + 154 or something like that on the first attack which may not? kill all castys

Another 4 attacks with a 'mere' +70 some damage will likely do just fine. How much hp does a 20th level wizard have? 300 maxed with a 24 con and toughness/favored class?

this is sick! by the way, what AM stands for?

Frustaro wrote:
this is sick! by the way, what AM stands for?

I asked that too, no one answered. I also wondered what AMY was as well.

Anti magic?

KrispyXIV wrote:
dragonfire8974 wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:
Am I alone in thinking, "OK, so now my target is only dead twice over, instead of thrice. Oh well.". Because pounce from a mounted charge is implicitly confirmed.
dunno. if i remember, the damage bonus was 3d8 + 154 or something like that on the first attack which may not? kill all castys
Another 4 attacks with a 'mere' +70 some damage will likely do just fine. How much hp does a 20th level wizard have? 300 maxed with a 24 con and toughness/favored class?

If you read the blog thread, Sean never says pounce on a mount works. He says if you find a rule that lets you charge as if you are on a charging mount you won't get charge bonuses on iterative attacks.

He consistently says riding on a charging mount. I think he will faq this on Tuesday.

Sovereign Court

Tels wrote:
Frustaro wrote:
this is sick! by the way, what AM stands for?
I asked that too, no one answered. I also wondered what AMY was as well.

It's in the title.

AM BARBARIAN is a personality associated with RAGELANCEPOUNCE

AM is his first name

Azten wrote:
A rather strange errata was issued in the Blog. It applies yet more real-life realism to a world with flying eyeballs that can destroy worlds, and lets the casties keep their precious throne.

Sorry, where?


dragonfire8974 wrote:
AM is his first name

Incorrect. It is in fact, his middle name.





So AM means Awesome-Meme?

Ok, I'm a little late to the party (and I spent most of the past 2 days catching up on this thread before posting).

First: I haven't looked at the google docs sheet. Assume my build has general knowledge that AM flied around pouncing castys, and he wants to be prepped on those days he is out and about and might encounter AM.

Yes, this is somewhat of a schroedinger wizzy, but he can be fleshed out over time if we want to go that route.

Set Gear and Spells/Class/Feats Thus far:


Level 20 Wizard of the Controller School (APG). Most vital ability is: Force of Will (Su): You can send thoughts and instructions telepathically to any creature within 60 feet that you have charmed or dominated as though you shared a common language. At 11th level, affected creatures can communicate back to you via the telepathic link as well. At 20th level, any creature that succeeds at a saving throw against an enchantment spell you have just cast is still affected for 1 round if the spell has a duration greater than 1 round.

Rod of Absorption in hand

Perm Spells:
Arcane Sight

Quicken Spell
Split Slot

Core of the strategy is this:

1) Contingency of dimension door if the wizard, his gear, or his spells are the target of an attack, combat maneuver, spell, or special ability (as defined in the glossary as (Ex) (Sp) or (Su)). The DD is to move me to 75' away from the creature that triggered it. (If you guys don't like that, make it just 50' UP from my current position.) Spell sunder is a Su as well as a combat maneuver, so I think I am covered as soon as AM makes his roll I poof out of the way. We can argue that part if you want, but I'm pretty sure this is how contingency can work.

2) After AM gets his surprise rushed sunder/attack whatever he decided to do that contingency interrupted, I get a full round. As I'm only 50' away, I can see what effects he has up due to arcane sight via a spellcraft roll. I see both AM and BB have rings of spell turning/are affected by a current spell-turning spell.

3) Seeing this, I cast a quickened terrible remorse (level 8) at AM, this hits his spell turning, and I absorb it into my rod of absorption.

4) Now I can cast my standard action terrible remorse at AM using 4 of the 8 levels I just absorbed. AM will make his save, but he is still affected by the spell for 1 round thanks to force of will.

Here's where it gets dicey. Since AM is busy punching himself in the face (how much damage does he do at 1d8+Str while raging?) its up to BB to harass me. Not sure what BB does here, doesn't really matter as long as I can close to close range on my turn.

5) Assuming I'm still close enough, I can still see that BB has his spell turning up. Cast another quickened terrible remorse and absorb it into my rod (16 absorbed, 12 remaining).

6) Now, standard action cast overwhelming presence. I assume BB can hover, but AM can not. I think AM would either direct BB to fly down (and BB won't listen) or AM would simply jump off BB to get to the ground to prostrate himself. Either way, this separates BB from AM causing him to lose the AM bonus to resistances.
(Side note: 5 overwhelming presences results in a total of 5d6 wisdom drain. Average of 17.5 wis drain... may or may not freeze AM up, I am not sure what his wis is.)

7+) Not exactly sure how to finish, as it depends on what happens between 4 and 5. Most likely, a dominate person on BB to have him help with taking down AM. I can drop 4 more overwhelming presence's (one from the rod) while BB makes coup de gras attempts on AM as he prostrates himself. Alternately, depending on his str bonus, using split slot to continue casting terrible remorse once/round to force AM to continue beating himself to death. Assuming I use the rest of my slots for this, I can get 8 more remorse's from my 6th and 7th slots, with an additional 4 from the remaining 2 8th slots. One more from the rod and that's 17 additional terrible remorse rounds of AM hitting himself.

Last Point: I know terrible remorse was "corrected" that if the save is made, they take no actions and then the spell ends. I am counting on the force of will power to continue making AM hit himself for long enough that BB or a summon or something can take him out.

Like AM: This strategy is a work in progress, let me know what other ideas you have.

So if am gets synthsist, the caster can get a bodyguard cavalier with crane style who could take and deflect that first attack, the only x3 lance attack? maybe a sohei bodyguard is better for devoted guardian?

Anyone happen to know what happened to AM?

Talonhawke wrote:
Anyone happen to know what happened to AM?

He's Gorum's newest Herald.

Grand Lodge

Whoa, thread necro.

Scarab Sages


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Talonhawke wrote:
Anyone happen to know what happened to AM?

Why is the paladin not smiting the obvious necromancer?

Scarab Sages


Shadow Lodge

Azten wrote:
A rather strange errata was issued in the Blog. It applies yet more real-life realism to a world with flying eyeballs that can destroy worlds, and lets the casties keep their precious throne.

It did rather stink of "Oh gods! A martial character that's just as overpowered, if not more so, than full spellcasters! WE MUST NERF IT!!!"

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Talonhawke wrote:
Anyone happen to know what happened to AM?

It took about 2,000 posts to find a caster who could beat him, and then only if the caster was aware of AM and his build (I don't know how casters find out about him... speak with dead? All the corpse would say is: "Barbarian with a lance on a flying mount.")

It's pretty clear that AM will win most pvp unless the pvp foe knows that AM is his foe, which isn't how pvp works: it's just how online caster-dominance theorycrafting works.

So... the AM BARBARIAN project was a success. Casters are using out-of-game knowledge to prepare from level 1 in order to deal with AM. Meanwhile, AM is a succcesful adventuring all-rounder until level 20, when he decides to play hunt-the-caster.

Rough layout of AM, without mount stats. All information below is before raging:

Male Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 20
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision; Perception +25
AC 28, touch 19, flat-footed 24. . (+9 armor, +4 Dex, +5 deflection)
hp 236 (20d12+100)
Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Eater of Magic (1/rage); DR 10/&#151;, 20/lethal; Resist cold 5, Extreme Endurance (Cold); SR 22
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Observed State +35/+30/+25/+20 (1d8+20/20/x3) and
. . Spare +33/+28/+23/+18 (1d8+13/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d3+10/20/x2)
Special Attacks Beast Totem, Lesser, Smasher (1/rage), Witch Hunter (+6)
Spell-Like Abilities Darkness (1/day)
Str 24/30, Dex 12/18, Con 15/21, Int 10/14, Wis 10/14, Cha 7/11
Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+32 Sundering); CMD 49 (51 vs. Sunder)
Feats Antagonize, Extra Rage Power, Extra Rage Power, Extra Rage Power, Improved Sunder, Leadership (Base Score 20), Mounted Combat, Power Attack -6/+12, Raging Vitality, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge
Traits Auspicious Tattoo (Shoanti), Berserker of the Society
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +15, Handle Animal +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (Engineering) +22, Perception +25, Ride +27, Survival +7, Swim +15
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Shoanti
SQ Beast Totem +6 AC (Su), Beast Totem, Greater (Su), Fast Movement +10 (Ex), Ferocious Mount (Ex), Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex), Ghost Rager (Su), Indomitable Will (Ex), Rage (47 rounds/day) (Ex), Reckless Abandon (+/-6) (Ex), Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Splendid Security, Spell Sunder (Su), Strength Surge +20 (1/rage) (Ex), Superstition +11 (Ex), Wayfinder, Ebon (empty)
Combat Gear +5 Fortification, Light Mithral Chain Shirt, Observed State, Spare; Other Gear Belt of Physical Perfection, +6, Boots of Speed (10 rounds/day), Cloak of Resistance, +5, Goz Mask (60 minutes/day), Headband of Mental Superiority, +4: Perception, Ride, Manual of Gainful Exercise, +5, Necklace of Adaptation, Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Splendid Security, Scarab of Protection, Wayfinder, Ebon (empty)
Antagonize Use Diplomacy or Intimidate to goad creatures
Beast Totem +6 AC (Su) +6 Natural Armor while raging.
Beast Totem, Greater (Su) Pounce ability and 1d8 claw damage while raging
Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) Gain 2 d6 claw attacks while raging
Berserker of the Society +3 rounds of Rage a day.
Damage Reduction (10/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (20/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Eater of Magic (1/rage) (Su) Once per rage, when a barbarian fails a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, she can reroll the saving throw against the effect (this is not an action). If she succeeds at the second saving throw, she is not affe
Extreme Endurance: Cold (Ex) At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd. This ability replace
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Ferocious Mount (Ex) Your mount rages, too.
Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex) Mount gains constant rage powers.
Ghost Rager (Su) While raging, the barbarian deals normal damage to incorporeal creatures even when using nonmagical weapons. She also gains a morale bonus to touch AC equal to her saving throw bonus from her superstition rage power. A barbarian must have the superst
Improved Sunder You Sunder at +4 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Indomitable Will (Ex) While in rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves she also receives during her rage.
Leadership (Base Score 20) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Mounted Combat Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Power Attack -6/+12 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (47 rounds/day) (Ex) +8 Str, +8 Con, +4 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Vitality +2 CON while raging, Rage does not end if you become unconscious.
Reckless Abandon (+/-6) (Ex) Trade AC penalty for to hit bonus while raging.
Ride-by Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.
Ring of Spell Turning Up to three times per day on command, this simple platinum band automatically reflects the next nine levels of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as if spell turning had been cast upon the wearer.

Strong abjuration; CL 13th; Forge Ring, spell turning; Price 98,280 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.

As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).

A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.

Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Smasher (1/rage) (Ex) 1/rage, ignore the hardness of an unattended object.
Spell Resistance (22) You have Spell Resistance.
Spell Sunder (Su) Once per rage, the barbarian can attempt to sunder an ongoing spell effect by succeeding at a combat maneuver check. For any effect other than one on a creature, the barbarian must make her combat maneuver check against a CMD of 15 plus the effect's
Spirited Charge Double damge when making a mounted charge (triple with a lance).
Strength Surge +20 (1/rage) (Ex) Once per rage, add +20 to a STR check, CMB or CMD.
Superstition +11 (Ex) +11 save vs. magic while raging.
Wayfinder, Ebon (empty) Favored by Pathfinders exploring dark and dangerous locales, the exterior of this wayfinder is constructed of panels of darkwood with ebony inlays. The panels slide apart to reveal platinum meshwork capable of holding one or two ioun stones. The ebon wayfinder grants you darkvision with a range of 60 feet, and with a command word it can create darkness (as the spell) once per day, centered on itself.

When one ioun stone is slotted into the device, its darkness ability no longer functions. When a second stone is placed in it, the darkvision ability no longer functions.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, darkness; Cost 9,000 gp
Witch Hunter (+6) (Ex) Bonus to damage spellcasters while raging.

Raging, Power Attacking and with Reckless Abandon:

Male Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 20
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision; Perception +25
AC 26, touch 22, flat-footed 22. . (+9 armor, +4 Dex, +6 natural, +5 deflection)
hp 336 (20d12+200)
Fort +27, Ref +15, Will +18
Defensive Abilities Eater of Magic (1/rage); DR 10/&#151;, 20/lethal; Resist cold 5, Extreme Endurance (Cold); SR 22
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Claw x2 (Beast Totem, Lesser) +29 x2 (1d8+13/20/x3) and
. . Observed State +41/+36/+31/+26 (1d8+46/20/x3) and
. . Spare +39/+34/+29/+24 (1d8+31/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +34/+29/+24/+19 (1d3+26/20/x2)
Special Attacks Beast Totem, Lesser, Pounce, Smasher (1/rage), Witch Hunter (+6)
Spell-Like Abilities Darkness (1/day)
Str 24/38, Dex 12/18, Con 15/31, Int 10/14, Wis 10/14, Cha 7/11
Base Atk +20; CMB +34 (+36 Sundering); CMD 45 (47 vs. Sunder)
Feats Antagonize, Extra Rage Power, Extra Rage Power, Extra Rage Power, Improved Sunder, Leadership (Base Score 20), Mounted Combat, Power Attack -6/+12, Raging Vitality, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge
Traits Auspicious Tattoo (Shoanti), Berserker of the Society
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +19, Handle Animal +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (Engineering) +22, Perception +25, Ride +27, Survival +7, Swim +19
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Shoanti
SQ Beast Totem +6 AC (Su), Beast Totem, Greater (Su), Fast Movement +10 (Ex), Ferocious Mount (Ex), Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex), Ghost Rager (Su), Indomitable Will (Ex), Rage (47 rounds/day) (Ex), Reckless Abandon (+/-6) (Ex), Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Splendid Security, Spell Sunder (Su), Strength Surge +20 (1/rage) (Ex), Superstition +11 (Ex), Wayfinder, Ebon (empty)
Combat Gear +5 Fortification, Light Mithral Chain Shirt, Observed State, Spare; Other Gear Belt of Physical Perfection, +6, Boots of Speed (10 rounds/day), Cloak of Resistance, +5, Goz Mask (60 minutes/day), Headband of Mental Superiority, +4: Perception, Ride, Manual of Gainful Exercise, +5, Necklace of Adaptation, Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Splendid Security, Scarab of Protection, Wayfinder, Ebon (empty)
Antagonize Use Diplomacy or Intimidate to goad creatures
Beast Totem +6 AC (Su) +6 Natural Armor while raging.
Beast Totem, Greater (Su) Pounce ability and 1d8 claw damage while raging
Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) Gain 2 d6 claw attacks while raging
Berserker of the Society +3 rounds of Rage a day.
Damage Reduction (10/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (20/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Eater of Magic (1/rage) (Su) Once per rage, when a barbarian fails a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, she can reroll the saving throw against the effect (this is not an action). If she succeeds at the second saving throw, she is not affe
Extreme Endurance: Cold (Ex) At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd. This ability replace
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Ferocious Mount (Ex) Your mount rages, too.
Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex) Mount gains constant rage powers.
Ghost Rager (Su) While raging, the barbarian deals normal damage to incorporeal creatures even when using nonmagical weapons. She also gains a morale bonus to touch AC equal to her saving throw bonus from her superstition rage power. A barbarian must have the superst
Improved Sunder You Sunder at +4 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Indomitable Will (Ex) While in rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves she also receives during her rage.
Leadership (Base Score 20) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Mounted Combat Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Pounce (Ex) You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
Power Attack -6/+12 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (47 rounds/day) (Ex) +8 Str, +8 Con, +4 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Vitality +2 CON while raging, Rage does not end if you become unconscious.
Reckless Abandon (+/-6) (Ex) Trade AC penalty for to hit bonus while raging.
Ride-by Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.
Ring of Spell Turning Up to three times per day on command, this simple platinum band automatically reflects the next nine levels of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as if spell turning had been cast upon the wearer.

Strong abjuration; CL 13th; Forge Ring, spell turning; Price 98,280 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.

As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).

A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.

Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Smasher (1/rage) (Ex) 1/rage, ignore the hardness of an unattended object.
Spell Resistance (22) You have Spell Resistance.
Spell Sunder (Su) Once per rage, the barbarian can attempt to sunder an ongoing spell effect by succeeding at a combat maneuver check. For any effect other than one on a creature, the barbarian must make her combat maneuver check against a CMD of 15 plus the effect's
Spirited Charge Double damge when making a mounted charge (triple with a lance).
Strength Surge +20 (1/rage) (Ex) Once per rage, add +20 to a STR check, CMB or CMD.
Superstition +11 (Ex) +11 save vs. magic while raging.
Wayfinder, Ebon (empty) Favored by Pathfinders exploring dark and dangerous locales, the exterior of this wayfinder is constructed of panels of darkwood with ebony inlays. The panels slide apart to reveal platinum meshwork capable of holding one or two ioun stones. The ebon wayfinder grants you darkvision with a range of 60 feet, and with a command word it can create darkness (as the spell) once per day, centered on itself.

When one ioun stone is slotted into the device, its darkness ability no longer functions. When a second stone is placed in it, the darkvision ability no longer functions.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, darkness; Cost 9,000 gp
Witch Hunter (+6) (Ex) Bonus to damage spellcasters while raging.

and boots of speed:

Male Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 20
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision; Perception +25
AC 27, touch 23, flat-footed 22. . (+9 armor, +4 Dex, +6 natural, +5 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 336 (20d12+200)
Fort +27, Ref +16, Will +18
Defensive Abilities Eater of Magic (1/rage); DR 10/-, 20/nonlethal; Resist cold 5, Extreme Endurance (Cold); SR 22
Spd 70 ft.
Melee Claw x2 (Beast Totem, Lesser) +29/+29 x2 (1d8+13/20/x3) and
. . Observed State +41/+41/+36/+31/+26 (1d8+46/20/x3) and
. . Spare +39/+39/+34/+29/+24 (1d8+31/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +34/+34/+29/+24/+19 (1d3+26/20/x2)
Special Attacks Beast Totem, Lesser, Pounce, Smasher (1/rage), Witch Hunter (+6)
Spell-Like Abilities Darkness (1/day)
Str 24/38, Dex 12/18, Con 15/31, Int 10/14, Wis 10/14, Cha 7/11
Base Atk +20; CMB +34 (+36 Sundering); CMD 45 (47 vs. Sunder)
Feats Antagonize, Extra Rage Power, Extra Rage Power, Extra Rage Power, Improved Sunder, Leadership (Base Score 20), Mounted Combat, Power Attack -6/+12, Raging Vitality, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge
Traits Auspicious Tattoo (Shoanti), Berserker of the Society
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +19, Handle Animal +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (Engineering) +22, Perception +25, Ride +27, Survival +7, Swim +19
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Shoanti
SQ Beast Totem +6 AC (Su), Beast Totem, Greater (Su), Fast Movement +10 (Ex), Ferocious Mount (Ex), Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex), Ghost Rager (Su), Indomitable Will (Ex), Rage (47 rounds/day) (Ex), Reckless Abandon (+/-6) (Ex), Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Splendid Security, Spell Sunder (Su), Strength Surge +20 (1/rage) (Ex), Superstition +11 (Ex), Wayfinder, Ebon (empty)
Combat Gear +5 Fortification, Light Mithral Chain Shirt, Observed State, Spare; Other Gear Belt of Physical Perfection, +6, Boots of Speed (10 rounds/day), Cloak of Resistance, +5, Goz Mask (60 minutes/day), Headband of Mental Superiority, +4: Perception, Ride, Manual of Gainful Exercise, +5, Necklace of Adaptation, Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Splendid Security, Scarab of Protection, Wayfinder, Ebon (empty)
Antagonize Use Diplomacy or Intimidate to goad creatures
Beast Totem +6 AC (Su) +6 Natural Armor while raging.
Beast Totem, Greater (Su) Pounce ability and 1d8 claw damage while raging
Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) Gain 2 d6 claw attacks while raging
Berserker of the Society +3 rounds of Rage a day.
Damage Reduction (10/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (20/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Eater of Magic (1/rage) (Su) Once per rage, when a barbarian fails a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, she can reroll the saving throw against the effect (this is not an action). If she succeeds at the second saving throw, she is not affe
Extreme Endurance: Cold (Ex) At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd. This ability replace
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Ferocious Mount (Ex) Your mount rages, too.
Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex) Mount gains constant rage powers.
Ghost Rager (Su) While raging, the barbarian deals normal damage to incorporeal creatures even when using nonmagical weapons. She also gains a morale bonus to touch AC equal to her saving throw bonus from her superstition rage power. A barbarian must have the superst
Improved Sunder You Sunder at +4 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Indomitable Will (Ex) While in rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves she also receives during her rage.
Leadership (Base Score 20) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Mounted Combat Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Pounce (Ex) You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
Power Attack -6/+12 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (47 rounds/day) (Ex) +8 Str, +8 Con, +4 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Vitality +2 CON while raging, Rage does not end if you become unconscious.
Reckless Abandon (+/-6) (Ex) Trade AC penalty for to hit bonus while raging.
Ride-by Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.
Ring of Spell Turning Up to three times per day on command, this simple platinum band automatically reflects the next nine levels of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as if spell turning had been cast upon the wearer.

Strong abjuration; CL 13th; Forge Ring, spell turning; Price 98,280 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.

As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).

A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.

Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Smasher (1/rage) (Ex) 1/rage, ignore the hardness of an unattended object.
Spell Resistance (22) You have Spell Resistance.
Spell Sunder (Su) Once per rage, the barbarian can attempt to sunder an ongoing spell effect by succeeding at a combat maneuver check. For any effect other than one on a creature, the barbarian must make her combat maneuver check against a CMD of 15 plus the effect's
Spirited Charge Double damge when making a mounted charge (triple with a lance).
Strength Surge +20 (1/rage) (Ex) Once per rage, add +20 to a STR check, CMB or CMD.
Superstition +11 (Ex) +11 save vs. magic while raging.
Wayfinder, Ebon (empty) Favored by Pathfinders exploring dark and dangerous locales, the exterior of this wayfinder is constructed of panels of darkwood with ebony inlays. The panels slide apart to reveal platinum meshwork capable of holding one or two ioun stones. The ebon wayfinder grants you darkvision with a range of 60 feet, and with a command word it can create darkness (as the spell) once per day, centered on itself.

When one ioun stone is slotted into the device, its darkness ability no longer functions. When a second stone is placed in it, the darkvision ability no longer functions.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, darkness; Cost 9,000 gp
Witch Hunter (+6) (Ex) Bonus to damage spellcasters while raging.

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AM BARBARIAN doesn't need to be statted. AM BARBARIAN doesn't even need to exist. He will forever live in the stories wizards are told by their mother, when they don't want to get their eight hours of rest.

Hehehe Ok try this one on for size

Round 1
AM wins initative
RAGELANCEPOUNCE instand death from afar
First attack hits
Goblin Wizard Immediate action Roll with it
Triggers Wish spell (succeed on next impossible acrobatics check)
Wizard flies backwards anime style (shouts I CAN SEE MY HOUSE !)
AM's full attack falls flat with victim now at a distance of feet = damage done, no further attacks this round can be made
Wizards turn
Wizard contigency teleport as far away from AM as possible

Round 2
Goblin Wizard casts a new wish to replace his auto success on impossible acro check. Then teleports/plane shifts again even further from AM

Goblin Wizard who has learnt Immortality arcane discovery simply avoids AM, escaping if he's ever found by AM until AM dies of old age :P

Goblin Wizard runs up and kicks AM's old and lifeless corpse doing no damage but impressing many fellow goblins.

Goblins all have a party to celebrate their racial feat Roll With It :)

Seems like a properly goblin way to go about things!

Grand Lodge

The build no longer works, and as such needs not be made, or discussed.

Try building the super Spiked Chain trip build.

It will produce the same results.

Super Spiked chain trip build? I'm not familiar with that one.

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