Whale_Cancer |

So if dark elves are the evil underground version of elves and Duergar are evil {more} underground dwarves and Dark Folk are like evil underground humans, where is the evil halfling race?
3.5 had evil halflings in the Book of Vile Darkness. Some consider Dark Creepers to be evil halflings.

Vinland Forever |

There are no evil halflings in Pathfinder primarily because I don't want there to be.
Duergar and drow got in there because they've been part of the game (and mythology) for a long, long time. There's no analogy, really, for halflings.
Yea. James is boring like that ^_^.
If you want them, make them yourself. Homebrew is the best part of Pathfinder.
WHOOT! 500th post on Paizo ^_^.

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In DarkSun the halflings are evil little cannibals -- but those are surface halflings, not Underdark.
I've always ruled that Derro are to gnomes what drow are to elves. When Paizo designed the drow as "spontaneous transformation" evil elves, I made that the evil gnome transformation -- D&D Drow history is too ingrained a part of the game to really change. But evil Gnomes spontaneously transforming into Derro I thought was cool.
It's easy to do something like that with Halflings, making them cannibals in homage to DarkSun -- seems apropos.

moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
So if dark elves are the evil underground version of elves and Duergar are evil {more} underground dwarves and Dark Folk are like evil underground humans, where is the evil halfling race?
Some would argue that the halfling race is already evil enough, the little viscous backstabbing, pick pocketing, sleight of handing poison into the food rogues that they are. They are nasty, brutish, and short (to take Hobbs *way* out of context). Or, to quote Tolkien:
"Maybe you could, if I let you," said Pippin with a laugh. "And maybe I could do the same to you: we know some wrestling tricks in my little country. Where, let me tell you, I am considered uncommonly large and strong; and I have never allowed anyone to stand me on my head. So if it came to a trial and nothing else would serve, I might have to kill you. For when you are older, you will learn that folk are not always what they seem; and though you may have taken me for a soft stranger-lad and easy prey, let me warn you: I am not, I am a halfling, hard, bold, and wicked!"

OmniChaos |

My train of thought is dark elves and dark dwarves are more connected to their world then halflings. Elves to the forest and dwarves to the earth so those races would be more likely to change in an extreme way dependant on where they live. Not to mention the whole power angle which they both have. The evil dwarves turned to their god who is himself a cursed exile. And the drow well their relationship with demon lords kinda kicked it into high gear for them too. Murlocks if I remember right were humans who went into the underdark but they did not have the natural connection to the world that the others did or the backing of a great power to enhance them in some way. So they are primitive and weak compared to the others. I doubt halflings could make it in the underdark. A race of evil halflings does make much sense to me anymore then a race of evil humans, their not mostly good or bad. Elves and dwarves have a stronger racial identity of being goodish or at least non evil. Humans and halflings not so much as they tend to walk the line as a race. Humans are all over the place and halflings tend to let their wonderlust drive them, most times between good and evil.
Thats how I see it, could be wrong. ;)

HappyDaze |
So if dark elves are the evil underground version of elves and Duergar are evil {more} underground dwarves and Dark Folk are like evil underground humans, where is the evil halfling race?
I'd like to note that in the current version of Pathifnder, halflings (like humans) default to neutral, so they are not really a 'good race' that needs a corresponding 'evil race'. Dwarves and elves tend (as a race) toward LG and CG (although Calistria is CN, I disagree with her being the primary elven deity - she is merely the most widely worshipped god with an elven origin).

Icyshadow |

Speaking of which, why aren't there any Dark Humans? You know, black skin, primitive barbaric cannibal tribes, kill white-skinned surface folks on sight...
Oh wait.
I see what you did there. I hope nobody gets offended by that, though.
And actually, some people here talked about derro maybe being alternatives to evil gnomes. In the original Greyhawk/D&D stories, Derro were some kind of mutated half-dwarves if I recall right. Some version of evil gnomes could be spriggans (I have no idea how they work in Golarion though), or gnomes more attuned to the viler beings of the First World, because the deep gnomes will always be true neutral if you ask me. Halflings, on the other hand...well, the only thing that comes to mind is that ridiculous halfling off-shoot (Jerren) from Book of Vile Darkness. It was just as silly as the evil human variant (Vashar) with how over-the-top it was.
If you ask me, evil halflings in Golarion aren't a sub-race.
They just follow Thamir Gixx, the Chaotic Evil halfling deity who seems to be friends with Norgoburger. (He's mentioned in "Gods & Magic")

Spes Magna Mark |
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The so-called dark halflings don't dwell in the "underdark" but instead lurk in the spaces beneath human communities. Dark halflings conform to normal halflings in most respects. The notable differences are as follows:
* Dark halflings have darkvision 60 feet.
* Dark halflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Disguise skill checks to pose as a human child, and ignore the check penalties for disguising themselves as a different race and age category while doing so.

Power Word Thrill |

Remember "Birthright?" Halflings were fey refugees who had fled to the continent of Cerilia from a corrupted realm of Faerie known to mortals as the Shadow World, a dark parallel of the Daylight World tainted by the predations of a dark and mysterious entity known as The Cold Rider. Cerilian halflings were half of each of these worlds, able to step between them where the barriers dividing light and dark were "thin." Those halflings who had never left the Shadow World became twisted and malevolent, occasionally making forays to the Daylight World for their own sinister reasons...or those of their enigmatic masters.

RedPorcupine |

Suprised that nobody mentioned the halflings of Athas/Dark Sun. THOSE were a bunch of really nasty buggers. Filed teeth, hunting with poison and cannibalistic to the boot. Our group hated them with fervour.
Ceterum censio: halblingam esse delendam.
Never got around to exterminating them, but it was always on the agenda.

Drejk |

Remember "Birthright?" Halflings were fey refugees who had fled to the continent of Cerilia from a corrupted realm of Faerie known to mortals as the Shadow World, a dark parallel of the Daylight World tainted by the predations of a dark and mysterious entity known as The Cold Rider. Cerilian halflings were half of each of these worlds, able to step between them where the barriers dividing light and dark were "thin." Those halflings who had never left the Shadow World became twisted and malevolent, occasionally making forays to the Daylight World for their own sinister reasons...or those of their enigmatic masters.
Now that you mention it... It looks quite like Golarion gnomes. Does the Cold Rider haunts the First World now? Uh, if I ever GM Kingmaker I might want to make it more Birthrightish... Heck, I would probably set it in Cerilia anyway.

Power Word Thrill |

Power Word Thrill wrote:Remember "Birthright?" Halflings were fey refugees who had fled to the continent of Cerilia from a corrupted realm of Faerie known to mortals as the Shadow World, a dark parallel of the Daylight World tainted by the predations of a dark and mysterious entity known as The Cold Rider. Cerilian halflings were half of each of these worlds, able to step between them where the barriers dividing light and dark were "thin." Those halflings who had never left the Shadow World became twisted and malevolent, occasionally making forays to the Daylight World for their own sinister reasons...or those of their enigmatic masters.Now that you mention it... It looks quite like Golarion gnomes. Does the Cold Rider haunts the First World now? Uh, if I ever GM Kingmaker I might want to make it more Birthrightish... Heck, I would probably set it in Cerilia anyway.
"Birthright" remains my group's favorite old-school TSR setting - we're still battling Awnsheghlien after 16+ years - a fantastic option for E6 campaigns, and one which suits Pathfinder better than Advanced 2nd Edition ever did - I'd like to think The Cold Rider does haunt the crossroads and wind-swept hilltops of the First World these days...

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So if dark elves are the evil underground version of elves and Duergar are evil {more} underground dwarves and Dark Folk are like evil underground humans, where is the evil halfling race?
In Arcanis, at least the old 3.5 version of it. They're both cannibalistic and psionic.

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Gorbacz wrote:Speaking of which, why aren't there any Dark Humans? You know, black skin, primitive barbaric cannibal tribes, kill white-skinned surface folks on sight...
Oh wait.
I see what you did there. I hope nobody gets offended by that, though.
And actually, some people here talked about derro maybe being
The hope is in vain, I'm technically "White", and I'm offended by it. I've pretty much have had it to here with assigning an automatic status of evil to dark skinned races and "good" to pale-skinned ones. Leave that sort of nonsense to the old White Dwarf.

Darkwing Duck |
The so-called dark halflings don't dwell in the "underdark" but instead lurk in the spaces beneath human communities. Dark halflings conform to normal halflings in most respects. The notable differences are as follows:
* Dark halflings have darkvision 60 feet.
* Dark halflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Disguise skill checks to pose as a human child, and ignore the check penalties for disguising themselves as a different race and age category while doing so.
There are 5 times as many dark halflings as normal halflings. We don't know if they are machos or wimps.