Bestiary 4 Wish List

Product Discussion

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Samuel Grundy wrote:

@ Darkwing Duck

That would be great, but the Tarrasque was an Original character formed from the backs of it's own legend. Pathfinder artists and designers I challenge thee, make beasts not spawned from legend and tales. Create a series of original and terrifying creation. Ones that like the Tarrasque will chill the bones of players that know their name.

Sorry man, but I'm afraid the Tarrasque is in fact based on a realworld legend, the Tarasque of Province, France. It was said to have been a dragon beast that rampaged across the land until it was charmed by Saint Martha. The city of Tarascon is named after the legendary beast. So, while still a wicked cool monster, it's not a DnD original.

I'm not sure how I missed the gug in the Bestiary 2. I must've looked over it. I would still really enjoy Nightgaunts in the next bestiary.

Something I'd like to see are some more horror monsters. I'm unsure if they have something similar already, but it would be cool to see the creature from John Carpenter's The Thing as an aberration. Would make for an interesting subplot for any tundra-based expeditions.

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The Oliphaunt! Please!

Dark Archive

IIRC there are some awesome OGC Monsters in 3pp 3e Bestiaries. The WoW d20 Bestiary had some really nice monsters in it. I'd love to see some of the better ones of those be updated.

Wouldn't mind playable lesser-trolls either.

as did the ultimate monsters from mongoose
(especially th Spirit nephilim!!!)
(CAUTION In dire need of an ERRATA,well its just a reprint fron a slayers guide to ,, books, mostly AFAIGIT)
and the necromantic,draconic,twited and giant Lore from FFG are also a worth a look

a sky ray replacement would also be nice

Shadow Lodge


I had no idea, that makes it even more awesome now. Learn something new every day ^_^

creatures that...

uses light, sound, gravity, or radiation as weapons.

uses music, art, or dance as a weapons.

can multiply themselves(different than create spawn or split).

can channel positive energy.

can sacrifice themselves to bring dead ally back to life.

animates inamite objects and controls them.

who's spilt blood becomes giant vermin or snakes in 1d4 rounds.

who's severed body parts continue to attack.

has a healing aura that grants it's allies fast healing.

that when it dies "gives birth" to another/new type of living creature.

prays on undead instead of living creatures.

controls time itself

Silver Crusade

Dragon78 wrote:

uses music, art, or dance as a weapons.

Some advanced form of lilend maybe? WANT.

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A fallen angel that isn't evil. Think of it as a repentant "I did what I had to do, but that doesn't mean I have to like it" type of creature.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
A fallen angel that isn't evil. Think of it as a repentant "I did what I had to do, but that doesn't mean I have to like it" type of creature.

For a character I had in another game system (Champions), I created an angel who lost his cool and shouted at God when God sent Lucifer to hell. After having seen his brothers killed for aeons, he thought sending Lucifer to hell was too easy.

God sent my character to earth to learn his place.

Grand Lodge

While I know Pathfinder can't do anything regarding illithid because they're licensed, what about creatures that are immune to that of the phrenic scourge? Creatures that they're afraid of. There was an adventure back in 2nd with an epic creature that was immune to their mind blast, and very resistant to their brain eating. I'd like to see it again. I believe it was called a draknor. Love to see that in the next Bestiary.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

How about a template for mummies.
In the real world cats were mummified, so why couldn't other creatures be mummified to act as guardians for a tomb.
Also, there could be natural mummies in which the body was not buried in the proper manner and some mystical forces entered it and transformed it into a mummy (similar to the peat bog mummies).
I am sure all the necromatic energy that was expended in the Mana Wastes by Geb could have had an effect on the dead there.

Dragon78 wrote:

creatures that...

uses light, sound, gravity, or radiation as weapons.

uses music, art, or dance as a weapons.

can multiply themselves(different than create spawn or split).

can channel positive energy.

can sacrifice themselves to bring dead ally back to life.

animates inamite objects and controls them.

who's spilt blood becomes giant vermin or snakes in 1d4 rounds.

who's severed body parts continue to attack.

has a healing aura that grants it's allies fast healing.

that when it dies "gives birth" to another/new type of living creature.

prays on undead instead of living creatures.

controls time itself

I would like to add:

Control Magnetizm like the metalmaster from D&D, a low-intelligence creature that uses magnetizm is better than an intelligent creature using this ability.

Twin souls that are actually appart from eachother not merged together.

A pack of beasts/humanoids that can merge together to form a bigger creature of the same type.

Mr.Hyde effect, first beautiful nymph or whatever and then very ugly big thing.

Spawning other monsters like armies, like the Deepspawn or some giant toad monsters that spawns smaller copies of itself.

Autumn Spirit that destroys nature around it especially plants and plant creatures.

Rotting abilities, corpses rot faster around it or can make creatures rot when touching them.

A creature with sight-based abilities, see into future/past, see through objects, see through illusions and invisibility, see through the eyes of others.

A spider creature that uses illusions to lure creatures toward her. (much like the horror movie IT, aranea would have been nice for this.)

A creature that can steal bodyparts and merge them with its own flesh (athach would have been nice for this as its a pretty boring creature now, nothing special)

A creature with the displacement ability.

A creature that can animate fire (ukobach)

A creature that can absorb things (gold/wood/diamond/elements) into its skin by touching or eating it. (zorbo)

A creature that lures prey by taking the form of small cute animals (julajimus)


Evil Black Swanmay who can turn everything around it into agressive attackers, all peace turns into violence around the black swanmay, can turn good creatures into violent creatures if they are too long in her aura, turns into a evil black swan.

Good White Swanmay who can turn everything peacefull around her, calm the feelings of evil/neutral beings (not chaotic tho) and turn them calm and peacefull for other things and creatures, turns into a holy white swan.

Neutral Black/white Swanmay who can turn everything into neutral-minded creatures without a will of their own, can turn into a black-necked swan.

+ a creature that controls sound volume, turn sounds extremly hard or extremly low.

Looking through my book collection, I hope to see Selenites from First men on the moon either in Distant Worlds, or BEstiary 4

creature types other than oozes who have the "split" ability.

monsters with psychic powers.

more humaniod shaped plant creatures.

cretures that use magnatism.

creatures who can paint pictures and summon what they paint or paint a picture to create a door to a pocket dimension.

creatures who's sculptures come to life.

creatures who are living paintings.

monsters with special vision abilities like X-ray vision, Infra-red, etc.

monster that uses mirrors and can enter them, use then like the tree stride spell, create them, etc.

Possesing creatures like Gho'auld from the Stargate series, so you can have your favourite evil mastermind Change bodies and be always be a fresh and surprising challenge. Psionics would be handy, of couse, or innate magicks, for such bodyswitching beings
Hivemind intelligent creatures, like the abeils were in 3.5, with social structure
One of my favourites, the leshay, with their sad history of ubermonster outcasts that destroyed their own universe. Following that, more fey lords
More limnorns
more asuras

Here's something else I would like to see:

- More fantasy animals (we had the carcass eater in Libris Motris, which was a badger-like scavenger, and we had the arrowhawk in Eberron, which was a huge eagle-like raptor; I'd like to see more of these unique animals... instead of having them as magical beasts for no apparent reasons)

- More fused animals, like the owlbear (why not have more of these ?)

a good aligned reptilian humanoid
another avian humanoid
more proteans (CR 20!)
leviathan and holocaust behemoths
cassowary (CE)

Dragon78 wrote:

creatures who can paint pictures and summon what they paint or paint a picture to create a door to a pocket dimension.

This would have been a very good ability for the Lillend.

Question: Did you take the door-painting ability from Kings Quest? :p

Dragon78 wrote:

creatures who's sculptures come to life.

This would have been a very good ability for:

A: a new species of Gargoyle
B: Medusa
C: Pech or Shaitan or anything other that can do something with stone/earth like Stone Giant.

Dragon78 wrote:

monster that uses mirrors and can enter them, use then like the tree stride spell, create them, etc.

I would like to see this creature aswel, but more like a Fetch-like creature, not the nerra, I thought they were pretty boring.

I rather see an evil murderous vain-hating demon that destroys pretty faces that gaze into the mirror.

Silver Crusade

More clockwork creatures
Warforged (obviously with a different name)
Squirrel people
and again dragon men

Silver Crusade

Also some half construct monsters (from the Advanced Races playtest) and a shadow infused race that is more thematic than the Fetchling.

Odraude wrote:
Sorry man, but I'm afraid the Tarrasque is in fact based on a realworld legend, the Tarasque of Province, France. It was said to have been a dragon beast that rampaged across the land until it was charmed by Saint Martha. The city of Tarascon is named after the legendary beast. So, while still a wicked cool monster, it's not a DnD original.

The idea of the Tarrasque? No.

The Tarrasque as essentially a kaiju? That's new: The Tarrasque of the legend was a six-legged, fire-breathing, flightless dragon that was only formidable enough to terrorize a single farming town. It was eventually subdued by a saint, and killed shortly afterward by an angry mob.

Weird as this may seem, creepypasta might be worth looking into as a source of inspiration.

special types of axiomites, those unique variants elevated from their common base as members of their ruling hive-mind council, to specialize in such pursuits as merging with and controlling their construct armies of inevitables, and other, more difficult tasks

Agathinon, the only 2E angels not converted in 3E and in Pathfinder. I SO need a "polymorph-self-into-any-object" celestial ally for my paladins!

Silver Crusade

Weretouched (Pathfinder versions of shifters) and a koala type race so I can make him a monk and call him Kung-Fu Koala. Also drop bears and any of the good monsters from the various Creature Collections.

Yes I know that it is not gonna happen, but a Scarred Lands fanboy can dream.

More Fey...

Faeries(Different power levels, all Tiny, but some can take humaniod form or change size, wings, natural invisibility)

Sprites(Sea, Moon, Wood, Winter, etc.)

Gremlins(Haniver and more)



Leanan Sidhe


Jack' o lantern



Spring-heeled Jack(AP#43)





Baubhan Sith



Peg Powler



Daoine Sidhe

Is there any chance we could have Fimir in the next Bestiary or does GW hold copyright to those?

Feathered dragons. I'm pretty sure I read about them in some folklore, but I forget which civilizations.

Threeshades wrote:
Is there any chance we could have Fimir in the next Bestiary or does GW hold copyright to those?

considering the ecent release of the min warhammerforge first yep they do

Don't know if there are stats for it floating around or not but why not stat up the Paizo golem?

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andromada369 wrote:
Don't know if there are stats for it floating around or not but why not stat up the Paizo golem?

Paizo has stated many times that they don't want to make stats for gods ;)

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

....and there's this.

Adam Daigle wrote:
....and there's this.

I didn't know about that. thanks for sharing.

More monsters that have class abilities(lay on hands, hexs, mysteries, bloodlines, favored terrain, armor training, martial arts, Channeling positive energy, bombs, rouge talents, etc.).

Creatures that cast spells like Alchemist, Druids, Oracles, witchs.

High CR(15+) Shapechanger that can change into just about anything.

CR20 Fey, Elemental(s), Giant, Protean, Azata, Archon.

Low CR Dragons, Undead, Constructs, Angels.

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I want to see the Doglike Kobolds make an appearance, not just the Draconic kind.

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Fey, better-than-kobold reptilian, insectoid, and plant-like playable races.

More non-humanoid undead.

Less dragons, daemons, demons, and devils.

Another Spawn of Rovagug.

Abeil, Armand, Desmodu, something like Nimblewrights, and Formians.

Gods, Demons, Devils, and Dragons are required for a worthy Pathfinder campaign.

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The native Americans living in what is now Connecticut believed in the Makiawisag, who would come into people's houses demanding food. If their demands were not met, these "dwarfs" would point their fingers and immobilize their targets, proceeding to ransack homes.

Thought this would make an interesting critter.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

The native Americans living in what is now Connecticut believed in the Makiawisag, who would come into people's houses demanding food. If their demands were not met, these "dwarfs" would point their fingers and immobilize their targets, proceeding to ransack homes.

Thought this would make an interesting critter.

Calling it now: Fey with hold person as a spell-like.

Dark Archive

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leandro redondo wrote:

Possesing creatures like Gho'auld from the Stargate series, so you can have your favourite evil mastermind Change bodies and be always be a fresh and surprising challenge. Psionics would be handy, of couse, or innate magicks, for such bodyswitching beings

Hivemind intelligent creatures, like the abeils were in 3.5, with social structure

Wait, you don't think intellect devourers already fulfill that role?

I recommend:
...reading the Ilvarandin entry in Lost Cities of Golarion -- it just doesn't get better than that with evil mastermind bodysnatchers! :)

As for Bestiary 4, I want more T E M P L A T E S and variant abilities/versions for existing monsters. Also, wouldn't mind more undead, aberrations and golems (especially CR 10+).

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Asgetrion wrote:
leandro redondo wrote:

Possesing creatures like Gho'auld from the Stargate series, so you can have your favourite evil mastermind Change bodies and be always be a fresh and surprising challenge. Psionics would be handy, of couse, or innate magicks, for such bodyswitching beings

Hivemind intelligent creatures, like the abeils were in 3.5, with social structure

Wait, you don't think intellect devourers already fulfill that role?

** spoiler omitted **

As for Bestiary 4, I want more T E M P L A T E S and variant abilities/versions for existing monsters. Also, wouldn't mind more undead, aberrations and golems (especially CR 10+).

My personal wish is that they leave out the templates in the future beastiaries and create a whole-templates book that holds all templates and no monsters, I don't like the mix of templates and monsters together. Also all horse and normal animals (not the megafauna and dinosaurs and strange animals) such as foxes, Grizzly Bears and Hyena's are better off in another book.

I don't like templates so I just hope they get their own book so they don't spoil pages in the monster manual again.

I still hope for these monsters:

Bombardier Beetle (own entry, more magical)
Swamp Barracuda
Shard Mole
Bog Strider
More MUCH MORE mantis monsters
Witherstench (very different and more powerful)
Eurypterid/Sea Scorpion
Hail Lily
Phantom Armor
Memory Moss (as a monster)
Bonesnapper (different, with an ability to control its own bone growth much like the X-men character Marrow)
Carrionstorm (a swarm of undead ravens which can merge and become a large raven)
Abyss Needle (purple fiendish cacti)
Selkie (leopard seal variant)
Tengu (the evil oni-one)
Mudman (more powerful than CR2)
Camulatz (the giant evil parrot)
Eye of the Deep (non-roots to beholder)
Skrik Nettle
Hala Demon
More powerful Leshy variant
Kuchrima (with abilities over Rotting)
Dunkleosteus (like the Stymphalian Bird and Gorgon a beast in armor-like hide, this time a prehistoric fish)
A more powerful variant of Sylph, I really dislike the current one)
More monstrous Mummies
Mokele-Mbembe the dangerous long-necked dinosaur monster.
Skull Ripper (non construct if possible, would like it as undead)
Gnoph Keh
Black Jinni
Danse Macabre
Warsworn (I really like non-humanoid undead)

Plant based template, turns base creature into a plant creature version of iselft.

cyborg based template, a half-construct template but with some optional machanical add ons.

Aberation based template, turns base creature into an Aberrant mutant.

Animal based undead templates and some animal based undead as well.

Templates for cursed humaniods turned in monstrous humaniods and/or magical beast. People cursed by the gods or nature itself type theme.

template for winged animals(magical beast)

Templates for animals and vermin that turn them into magical beast(with much higher int) with a list of special abilities you choose.

Half-elemental and/or elemental animal templates

Updates for half-dragon, half-celestial, half-fiend for more variance/variaty. especial for the 10 new types of dragons.

Dragon78 wrote:

Plant based template, turns base creature into a plant creature version of iselft.

cyborg based template, a half-construct template but with some optional machanical add ons.

Aberation based template, turns base creature into an Aberrant mutant.

Animal based undead templates and some animal based undead as well.

Templates for cursed humaniods turned in monstrous humaniods and/or magical beast. People cursed by the gods or nature itself type theme.

template for winged animals(magical beast)

Templates for animals and vermin that turn them into magical beast(with much higher int) with a list of special abilities you choose.

Half-elemental and/or elemental animal templates

Updates for half-dragon, half-celestial, half-fiend for more variance/variaty. especial for the 10 new types of dragons.

Nice for a Template book, but it would spoil many spots for normal creatures...

Silver Crusade

More devils
Divine Heralds
Quetzalcouatl style dragons
Magi-Nation monsters particularly a wasperine.

I would like to see and official Write-up for the Kirre from 2nd edition.

I don't think Kirre is copyright-free... it belongs to Wizards...

Dragon78 wrote:

the Guivre(serpantine dragon that poisnous and poisons water that lives in, lives in wells, lakes, etc.)

the Gorynych(dragon with three wolf like heads)

I believe they've both been done, with a non-wolf-headed Gorynych in Bestiary 3, and the Guivre (as the Vouivre) in, I think, Pathfinder #30. I do remember that it was the last book in the "Council of Thieves" AP.

Dragon78 wrote:

Humaniod wolf race that is playable as a character

Oh yes, I want to see this. Even with getting the race handbook in a few months, I'd still enjoy seeing an "official" wolf-folk race from Paizo.

Dragon78 wrote:

creatures that are romantic or love humaniods as lovers, children, or pets

Pardon me, but don't we kinda have these already? Dryads, Nymphs, Satyrs, and Succubi all come to mind. Though I suppose you could use nearly any monster in this role. Hey, all those half-dragon humans and drcaonic bloodline sorcerers have to come from somewhere.

Liberty's Edge

Brinebeast wrote:

Here's a list of Monsters from 3rd party sources that have been used in Pathfinder but have yet to make an appearence in a Bestiary. All of these would be a good option for a Bestiary, plus Paizo has already set a precedent for them exsisting on Golarion.


Great list a lot of old TSR/Tome of Horrors monsters like the Two headed Troll. Add the Fomorians to that list and I'd be really happy :)


Who needs two-headed trolls?

Ettin / Jormunt Troll anybody?

I want to see the following AWESOME daemons in the bestiary collection:

The Obcisidaemons that trive in Genocide.

The fear-loving awesomenies called Phasmadaemon.

The blood-controlling Sangudaemons.

Eat-your-heart-out-Final Destination with the awesome Temerdaemon.

and last but not least the magical Venedaemon!

Paizo did magic with the new Daemons, they are just too awesome and totally beat Demons and Devils into oblivion.

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