Construct death

Advanced Race Guide Playtest

The playtest rules state that constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. Are there any ways to bring a construct or half-construct back from destruction? Or are you playing on hardcore mode when you play a construct or undead?

Note: I have no problem with it being hardcore. I'm just curious if there are existing spells or methods of bringing back this type of character.

Senior Designer

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drumlord wrote:

The playtest rules state that constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. Are there any ways to bring a construct or half-construct back from destruction? Or are you playing on hardcore mode when you play a construct or undead?

Note: I have no problem with it being hardcore. I'm just curious if there are existing spells or methods of bringing back this type of character.

You are playing on hardcore mode. Enjoy!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

drumlord wrote:

The playtest rules state that constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. Are there any ways to bring a construct or half-construct back from destruction? Or are you playing on hardcore mode when you play a construct or undead?

Note: I have no problem with it being hardcore. I'm just curious if there are existing spells or methods of bringing back this type of character.

Wish or miracle, I think.

Thanks for the responses.

I too was thinking Wish. So make sure you don't die until 17th level or so if your DM even agrees with Ross ;)

I may have difficulties fighting my fear of perma-death to use this option in a long term campaign, but it certainly has an appeal, especially when I think back to my days of old school D&D. It reminds me greatly of walking into a dungeon with your wizard and his unarmored extremely low HP hoping to [whatever deity you pray to] that he doesn't get attacked.

drumlord wrote:

The playtest rules state that constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. Are there any ways to bring a construct or half-construct back from destruction? Or are you playing on hardcore mode when you play a construct or undead?

Note: I have no problem with it being hardcore. I'm just curious if there are existing spells or methods of bringing back this type of character.

constructs don't technically 'die' when they hit 0 hit points they stop working. Simply repairing them using whatever tools handy bring them back to life with the right school.

It's like a broken car, just cause the transmission is shot you don't scrap the vehicle, put in a new one.

Now if it took a 20d6 disintegrate and then a lightning storm ontop of it, sure it's been sufficiently nuked from orbit.


Leopold wrote:
constructs don't technically 'die' when they hit 0 hit points they stop working.

Actually, the rules say they are "immediately destroyed" when they reach 0 hp.

New Spell: Raise the Unliving

Didn't want to start a new post for this as it touches on a similar thing.

Page: 5
Section: Half-Construct (7 RP)

Could the 2 Constructs entries be changed to Half-constructs to follow the naming conventions of the section.

Also, as for:

Half-constructs cannot be raised or resurrected.

Since they are only replacing partial sections, not the whole body, would it not be possible to allow for these options but at the expense of having to repair damaged construct parts instead?

Think along the lines of a Space Marine style character with a few bionic parts (Half-constuct) in a Pathfinder world. If he is killed he still has enough humanity in him to come back. His wallet on the other hand might not be as happy with the situation. Where on the other hand a Dreadnought (Construct) would be destroyed as written or alternately, disabled by house rules.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Leopold wrote:
constructs don't technically 'die' when they hit 0 hit points they stop working.
Actually, the rules say they are "immediately destroyed" when they reach 0 hp.

Fine get all TECHNICAL on me ;) There has to be ways around this death issue as it would suck to play a construct.

what about the outsider (living construct) thing they're doing with the inevitables now?

Why not treat Half-Constructs like Living Costructs(Warforged)?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Blackvial wrote:
Why not treat Half-Constructs like Living Costructs(Warforged)?

A. Those rules are closed content, so Paizo can't print them

B. They're quite complex

Silver Crusade

Is the fact they can't be raised, resurrected, or repaired final ruling? I'm sure if I ran something, I'd just say otherwise, but was curious if that was still being discussed.

I personally started roleplaying with Star Wars, and with experience playing with droid PC's, I perceived constructs to be similar, where if, like a vehicle, enough of the important bits still existed, one could have it rebuilt. But I know this isn't Star Wars and these are not droids. I also get that it might be a balance issue with all the other bonuses it gets.

Silver Crusade

Add a racial ability in the "Other" section of "Resurrectable" that for a price allows a character that would not normally allow resurrection to do so.

Silver Crusade

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Gregg Reece wrote:
Add a racial ability in the "Other" section of "Resurrectable" that for a price allows a character that would not normally allow resurrection to do so.

This. It's something that could apply to ensouled constructs like Warforged as well as any construct "race" whose flavor made sense for it, like Soulbound Dolls according to their original write-ups in CotCT. (Heck, Golarion has a robo-goddess in it, constructs with immortal spiritual aspects aren't a stretch at all)

And about Living Constructs being closed content, the Lifespark Golem from the Advanced Bestiary is very much not, and Pathfinder has gotten a LOT of use out of that book.

Gotta admit, Half-constructs not being raise-able doesn't feel right either.

That said, I like the idea of their raising process working differently from the standard.

Mikaze wrote:
Gregg Reece wrote:
Add a racial ability in the "Other" section of "Resurrectable" that for a price allows a character that would not normally allow resurrection to do so.

This. It's something that could apply to ensouled constructs like Warforged as well as any construct "race" whose flavor made sense for it, like Soulbound Dolls according to their original write-ups in CotCT. (Heck, Golarion has a robo-goddess in it, constructs with immortal spiritual aspects aren't a stretch at all)

And about Living Constructs being closed content, the Lifespark Golem from the Advanced Bestiary is very much not, and Pathfinder has gotten a LOT of use out of that book.

Gotta admit, Half-constructs not being raise-able doesn't feel right either.

That said, I like the idea of their raising process working differently from the standard.

For my own game, I looked at the Living Construct subtype, doing a comparison with the half-construct. You take away light fortification. Then I decided that no natural healing & half-effective healing magic is about half-way so that I would allow resurrection. I made the subtype the same cost. I went the 4e route in making composite armor as an add-on that can be swapped out with somebody using Craft to mount another set, so no RP cost there, except I rule that they start with 1/2 normal starting gold.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Leopold wrote:
constructs don't technically 'die' when they hit 0 hit points they stop working.
Actually, the rules say they are "immediately destroyed" when they reach 0 hp.

Yep, it's pretty nasty to be a construct without a caster level, like all these advanced construct races would be. Of course, for a normal construct, like a necrophidius, you should be able to Make Whole it as any other magic item if you have the requisite caster level (14 in the case of the necrophidius)

Silver Crusade

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They could always just remove the no resurrect line from half-construct and bump it up to 8 just like plant. To be honest, Half-Construct is actually a bit expensive for what it provides. They need to toss low light or darkvision in there.

It's probably also a good idea to separate out immunity to mind-affecting. Player character constructs and undead presumably have souls and minds, unlike their common counterparts (except where specified), so would be subject to those effects.

Scarab Sages

I see a half construct as a 2 types of races

1) cyborg type race - no reason why they couldnt be healed at least for the organic part - maybe 1/2 the damage is organic the rest through spells that repai items eg make whole

2) organic parts from other creatures & since all organic then no reason it could not be healed

Craft a custom magic item with effects akin to a contingency magic jar to trap the spirit, soul, anima or whatever of the construct into a phylactery-type object when it is destroyed. Used the same spirit/soul/anima to animate a new construct similarly to a reincarnate spell.

Not in the norm, but chances are that your game isn't if you are playing a construct...

[edit] Another solution along the magic jar line:
Have a soul trapped in a magic jar "remotely" control a specifically made construct. The host may be destroyed but the "soul" remains intact until its receptacle is also destroyed. Craft a new construct whenever the first host is destroyed. Houserule the costs of a new host construct the same as a resurrection spell if necessary.


misread the forum in which this tread was posted.

I do think that if constructs are not to be played hardcore, a sensible solution would be to make them some kind of non-undead lich akin to inevitables, with reincarnation costs along the lines of resurrection spells.

drumlord wrote:

The playtest rules state that constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. Are there any ways to bring a construct or half-construct back from destruction? Or are you playing on hardcore mode when you play a construct or undead?

Note: I have no problem with it being hardcore. I'm just curious if there are existing spells or methods of bringing back this type of character.

Constructs don't have souls, so there's nothing to resurrect. It's the nature of the creature.

PepticBurrito wrote:
Constructs don't have souls, so there's nothing to resurrect. It's the nature of the creature.

I much prefer the Dragon Age: Origins golems to the mindless automatons of most tabletop RPGs I've played. Golems in my games are not just animated objects, they have a spirit of some sort in them, even if only partially sentient. That spirit can be coaxed, angered, pacified, have a personality, etc...

If there isn't a basic consciousness, I don't see any reason to distinguish a golem from an animated object.

EDIT: I'm aware that not all constructs are golems, but all golems are constructs. My distinction may set my post apart from the main discussion. And I don't think I was clear in my meaning: 0 should be disabled for constructs, and -[Con] should be destruction. Resurrection doesn't mean much to me (never played a game where it was accessible to begin with), but perhaps, as long as the body of the construct is repaired properly, the animating force or spirit should be able to be recalled.

Constructs gain extra hitpoints based on size. A medium construct has 20 bonus points, while a small one has 10.
This can easily be viewed as playing with 20 or 10 Con score for "negatives".

Honestly, if you look and treat it that way, you would end up playing the character sort of like a character with Diehard.

I'd probably track that extra 20 hitpoints as a negative, simply so that it would let me know when I need to hold back or retreat.

The no resurrection thing is pretty bad for high levels though. I wonder if the Wish or Miracle only works with regards to the "Undo Misfortune" part, which would need as good timing as normal use of the Breath of Life spell.
Otherwise, the normal function lets you bring back the character "like the resurrection spell" (which doesn't work with constructs), and doesn't prevent the negative level. Meaning "greater use" of the spell kicks in and potentially twisted/literal or partial effects will kick in.

Edit: Miracle has more open wording, but it would potentially need the 25k component cost... yikes!

Silver Crusade

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PepticBurrito wrote:
Constructs don't have souls, so there's nothing to resurrect. It's the nature of the creature.

Except when they do.

Warforged are one example. There will be people that want to have construct races that have souls, and there's plenty of precedence throughout fantasy. And even within Pathfinder: Soulbound dolls.

To just flat out state "no constructs have souls, ever" and slap a no-raising-possible-ever restriction onto the race is really shortsighted considering what various people may actually want out of their construct races.

So I got my PDF copy of the Advanced Race Guide.

The Half-Construct still cannot be raised or resurrected.


Overall, the book is amazeballs though!! :D

I understand that copying exactly the rules for warforged would invite copyright suits, as well as using the term living construct...

...but is it really that difficult to get around that? The mere concept of a "living" robot is not solely the property of WotC. I know of at least one old movie using the concept ("Short Circuit" 1986), and just look at Transformers. Optimus Prime got a resurrection.

If Paizo doesn't want to do it, that's one thing (even though it might make me want to call them infantile names); if they're not doing it because they're afraid of WotC/Hasbro, then I would urge them to really consider thinking twice.

Paizo has some half-construct races coming out in Inner Sea Bestiary, I think.

Cheapy wrote:
Paizo has some half-construct races coming out in Inner Sea Bestiary, I think.

If that's true, then they will follow the rules for the Half-Construct type in the ARG.... which means no resurrect option.

That is pretty darn harsh, especially considering they don't get much other benefit.

The type costs 7 RP... and all you get is +2 to some conditions, and don't need to eat, sleep, or breath. Not worth it, IMHO.

Using the ARG rules as written... I'm actually inclined to use the Plant type to simulate warforged. It only costs 10 RP, gives tons of immunities and doesn't need to sleep. They can still be resurrected. Unfortunately I don't see any traits that would remove the need to breath or eat, or help vs. fatigue.

I meant construct-like race, not half-construct races.

Cheapy wrote:
I meant construct-like race, not half-construct races.

Ah, ok. In that case.... here's hoping! :)

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