Matthew Shelton |

I would like to see a semi-domesticated magical beast with an innate resistance to magic and which combines invisibility and teleportation as a defense mechanism. Its creator has bred it to be unable to cast invisibility or teleportation on itself as a means of keeping the creature under control, but gave the creature these abilities to use in service as a nonlethal guardian or scout.
The creature can make invisible any other object in the environment--a chair, a boulder, a fallen log, another creature--and can teleport objects into the path of a pursuer to cause them to trip over it, or perhaps daze or distract them by having teleported invisible objects appear in midair to fall on them.
The creature vaguely understands what manufactured weapons and shields are and can be trained to specifically target such objects with its invisibility power (assuming it can defeat the Will save of the user) which might give a slight penalty to attack or defense of the user, or prevent the user from being able to recover an object that has been dropped or loosed. To support this, the creature might have some enhanced ability to disarm or steal an object from an opponent's grasp.
This creature doesn't collect treasure for personal gain or asthetics, but mainly enjoys the mischief created by "hiding" things from intruders in its territory. It seldom fully appreciates the threat level posed by well-armed humanoids when it decides it wants to "play", but it is fast enough to escape most attempts to slay the creature outright--these creatures never fight to the death unless cornered or with its young, but a solitary one can be decisively driven off even from its own lair if hurt badly enough.

tauntdragoon |
tauntdragoon wrote:Golem swarm. I introduced one to The Cleaves that continually rebuilt the rooms by breaking down everything else.dont know if its been done but i would like to see a creature simaler to the stargate sg1 replicator's
i tried finding it but couldn't maybe i missed it

Matthew Shelton |

There have been many ideas of what a dragon-humanoid hybrid might be like, from draconians to dragonborn...but not much in the way of hybrids of any non-humanoid variety.
However, I've never seen anyone try to come up with a hybridization of a dragon with a giant. Now under PF rules, giants are simply a subtype of humanoid, so it would seem reasonable for a union of a dragon and a giant to be at least theoretically possible under accepted rules of fantasy logic.

cmastah |
Hi, I think what you're doing is awesome and wanted to make a request, I'm not sure if you're interested in this little story behind the creature I'm asking for but here goes:
In my homebrew campaign, most (if not all) of the elves in the world (secretly a massive demiplane, but the characters have no idea) have lost contact with their gods and lost their powers. Being that they were attached to nature, Lamashtu actually approached them and they began following her. Elves today are now all twisted abominations due to this choice made many generations ago. Elves leave the boundaries of their settlements in the FORMS of ordinary elves, but their true form is that of a large abomination, a mixture of elf with other aberrant features such as perhaps tentacles for legs, or sprouting spider legs in areas which make their legs and one arm useless, one half of their face is a massive vertical jaw, they can extend their arms to give them reach and/or even spit acid.
One possibility I saw to make these elves was to use three levels of aberrant bloodline sorceror for: firing acid from the tips of long tongues and to receive the ability to extend their arms, in addition to being able to cast disguise self when leaving their settlements and casting enlarge person on themselves on the first round of combat, when they reveal their true forms. They'd have a high enough charisma to cast 1st level spells, but their true stat point allocation was on strength and constitution, which is why I then gave them one level of barbarian (it fit so much into the idea that when they enter into a fight they go into a blood-frenzy), but because I also wanted them to focus on attacking with their bodies rather manufactured weapons, I gave them monk for improved unarmed strike. I also wish to give them the same tentacles that the squid-goblin (forgot its name) had in one of the bestiaries, or to switch them out for different elves with spider legs, in addition to possibly a bite attack.
The idea is that it could have perhaps a list of possible aberrations that it would select 2-3 from, its original size and true form is large, but has a medium elven form it uses when it leaves its settlement. The problem I had with my build was I now had a level 5 monstrosity (they're about 500xp from level 3) that I couldn't use unless it was a solo encounter or had few allies. I need a creature that can enlarge, rage, spit acid and can extend its arm with an additional 2-3 aberrant features without being higher than a CR2 or CR3.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
The Mythic Playtest forums are locked and archived; this year's RPG Superstar contest is over; and I'm nearly finished with my two latest writing projects. With all of those distractions out of the way, I figured I might come back and do some more work in this thread.
However, I hear that HeroLab recently added monster-creation functionality to its software. Since anyone can now purchase an affordable program that lets them create their own monsters at a faster pace than I can address specific requests, I can't help but wonder if this thread is now obsolete.

+5 Toaster |

However, I hear that HeroLab recently added monster-creation functionality to its software. Since anyone can now purchase an affordable program that lets them create their own monsters at a faster pace than I can address specific requests, I can't help but wonder if this thread is now obsolete.
for those of us that don't have herolab yet, this thread is still mucho importante.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
After much delay, three new monsters...
@JiCi: Here's an unstable shapechanger whose form depends upon the latest spell to affect it.
@Foghammer: Here's a twilight unicorn.
@SquirmWyrm: Here's an ooze that generates heat as it feeds.
Plus a few responses that don't require new monster stat blocks...
@SquirmWyrm: I would use a shambling mound as a monster made of plant debris. Also, I would stat up SCP 808 as a trap, not a creature.
@Sincubus: I would use a night hag or succubus as a mara/mare. Also, I've already done a monster based on the mahaha.
@PettyAlchemy: I would use possession as the mental-only counterpart of lycanthropy.
@Bardess: I've already done a dragon-headed mount; a serpent-headed mount would be redundant.
@tauntdragoon: I've already done a monster based on the Stargate replicator's theme.
@widuj: I would create Tiny pokemon with a summoner archetype, not a group of new monsters.

Goth Guru |

After much delay, three new monsters...
@JiCi: Here's an unstable shapechanger whose form depends upon the latest spell to affect it.
@Foghammer: Here's a twilight unicorn.
@SquirmWyrm: Here's an ooze that generates heat as it feeds.
I think a twilight Unicorn would go into the city to die.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
@Mystic Snowfang: The description of the fossergrim in folklore almost exactly matches that of the bog nixie in Bestiary 3. And if you want a more handsome male fey, just use the stats for nymphs but call them male.
@Matthew Shelton: More qlippoths? How about...
@A CR20 Seagull: the Lawful Good equivalent of a qlippoth.
@Indrajit: an underground apex predator that can take down a gug.

Mortagon |

Mortagon wrote:I would love to see some more asian themed monsters from Chinese and Japanese mythology or thematically appropriate.Check out the Bestiaries 2 and 3. There's lots of them in there.
Yes I know ;), but it still doesn't sate my insatiable appetite for more monsters. :P Besides, I love seeing all the crazy stuff Epic Meepo comes up with.

Broken Arrow |
You need to change your name to Epic Time Commitment!
I have been trying (without much luck) to put together an "ultimate" tracking beast. The intent is a creature who serves a master much like a tracking dog but across the planes. The creature would be capable of over coming simple abilities/spells that a quarry may use to conceal their trail. Once the quarry is cornered, the beast would need to be able to trap/slow it's quarry and call it's plane travelling master.
I imagine the beast would be a CR 8 - 11 - or perhaps lower and used in packs rather than an individual. I don't see the beast itself as being overly dangerous to a party - it is a flusher rather than a hunter.
Thanks in advance if you choose to build it!

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
@Mortagon: I'll design Asian-inpired monsters as specific (and sufficiently interesting) Asian monsters are requested. For one such example, see my response to Sincubus in this post.
@+5 Toaster: I've already done a monster that works like a disenchanter in reverse.
@Piccolo: I am currently creating new monsters, not restatting existing ones.
@Sincubus: Here are three new monsters you requested:
A non-lizard, volcano-dwelling cherufe;
And wandering rocks which can smash things while flanking.

Nicos |
@A CR20 Seagull: the Lawful Good equivalent of a qlippoth.
So good to see a non anthropomorphic good outsider.

Piccolo |

But, those older monsters aren't present in Pathfinder, and I no longer have copies of them. Worse, they need updating. Already, I have noticed anyone with levels in a PC class desperately needs updating in my Ravenloft adventure, and have been working on them.
Also, you yourself already agreed to work on them, but apparently changed your mind without telling me. It's only now that I've learned your intentions. Wouldn't have returned if I knew that you had backed out.

Piccolo |

Piccolo wrote:Yes I know ;), but it still doesn't sate my insatiable appetite for more monsters. :P Besides, I love seeing all the crazy stuff Epic Meepo comes up with.Mortagon wrote:I would love to see some more asian themed monsters from Chinese and Japanese mythology or thematically appropriate.Check out the Bestiaries 2 and 3. There's lots of them in there.
Oh, there are far worse things in Japanese mythology alone. How about a monster that only bends over and glares at you with a giant eye in its butt? Or that apparently the Japanese islands were created by a combination of barf, spooge, diarrea, and snot?
Japan is a WEIRD place. They even worship male dicks, for crying out loud! There's a forest of stone ones as well, shrines, a festival with a 9 foot wooden version, you name it. And this is somehow TRADITIONAL oddities!

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

But, those older monsters aren't present in Pathfinder, and I no longer have copies of them. Worse, they need updating. Already, I have noticed anyone with levels in a PC class desperately needs updating in my Ravenloft adventure, and have been working on them.
Also, you yourself already agreed to work on them, but apparently changed your mind without telling me. It's only now that I've learned your intentions. Wouldn't have returned if I knew that you had backed out.
That was me, check my thread your 1st installment is there.

![]() |
Going into the thread where someone is volunteering time and effort and asking for help? Acceptable.
Getting upset when they refuse to help you because what you're asking for is not what they're volunteering to help with (and is of questionable legality to boot)? Boarderline.
Calling them out publicly by saying they're backing out and you wouldn't have come back to the thread if they hadn't agreed to help you, only to discover you're talking to the wrong person in totally the wrong thread? Priceless.
But anyways, slightly on topic, I wanted to thank you Epic Meepo for your work, I do love your creations. :)

+5 Toaster |

Bardess wrote:An aberration familiar?That would be nice. In fact, more (improved) familiars that aren't outsiders. The outsiders are nice, but if you want to play a wizard that doesn't want to feel like he's working for Hell, or working for some specific demon lord...
this, in fact more inevitables would be nice for improved familiars.

Piccolo |

Piccolo wrote:That was me, check my thread your 1st installment is there.But, those older monsters aren't present in Pathfinder, and I no longer have copies of them. Worse, they need updating. Already, I have noticed anyone with levels in a PC class desperately needs updating in my Ravenloft adventure, and have been working on them.
Also, you yourself already agreed to work on them, but apparently changed your mind without telling me. It's only now that I've learned your intentions. Wouldn't have returned if I knew that you had backed out.
Eep, sorry, got people mixed up.

Piccolo |

Going into the thread where someone is volunteering time and effort and asking for help? Acceptable.
Getting upset when they refuse to help you because what you're asking for is not what they're volunteering to help with (and is of questionable legality to boot)? Boarderline.
Calling them out publicly by saying they're backing out and you wouldn't have come back to the thread if they hadn't agreed to help you, only to discover you're talking to the wrong person in totally the wrong thread? Priceless.
Blow me. I made a mistake, got people mixed up. I am human, so bloody what?!

Sincubus |

Thanks Epic! Your monsters rule! I think you would make a great addiction to the pathfinder bestiary-creator team!!!
YOur monsters are really awesome! Especially the Kaimatachi and Cherufe! Very original looks on them!
The Wandering rocks I didn't even knew they were also known as planctae? So thanks for that information!
I would have liked a twin version of the wandering rocks but I think that would be complicated :)
So thanks!

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Two more monsters today, including a template and a playable race...
@Redchigh: Here's a template for making animal/human hybrid zombies.
@Bwang: Here's a lesser medusa, plus rules for a demihuman medusa PC race.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
A few more monsters...
@Nicos: I've already done a golem of magical force. For a CR 15 golem with an aura that negates magic, I would just take an iron golem and give it a permanent antimagic field aura.
@Matthew Shelton: Here's a monstrous magpie which can turn objects invisible and/or teleport them around.
@beej67: Here's a shadow grue. (Other PF-compatible grues can be found in 3.5's Complete Arcane.)

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
You mean Possession such as being Magic Jar'd? That's rather inconsistent in terms of power though. Or is there a specific possession you meant?
For your specific example (a person who turns into a brain-monster with mental powers), I'd use a ghost with psion levels and a variant of the malevolence special attack that forces the spirit to inhabit a single host instead of moving from body to body. Have its psion level scale with the host's HD if you want its power level to match that of its host, and give it the mind seed power or some sort of create spawn ability if you want it to be infectious.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Some new improved familiars...
@Bardess: Here's an aberration familiar.
@Ascalaphus: Here's an ooze familiar.
@+5 Toaster: I don't want to break the pattern of one improved familiar per outsider subtype.

+5 Toaster |

Some new improved familiars...
@Bardess: Here's an aberration familiar.
@Ascalaphus: Here's an ooze familiar.
@+5 Toaster: I don't want to break the pattern of one improved familiar per outsider subtype.
fair enough, i just love inevitables, makes me want to make a planetouched race for them.

DungeonmasterCal |

How about BEK's (also known as Black Eyed Kids or Black Eyed Children..Bec's)? They appear to be kids from 6 to 16 years of age, sometimes dressed very neatly, though in slightly dated styles, and when encountered they ask to be let inside the person's house or vehicle. They are eloquent and polite at first, but the more a person refuses to allow them in the angrier they become. They keep their eyes cast down for the earliest few moments, but if refused they lift them to look at the person. The eyes are completely black, no pupils or sclera. Witnesses claim to feel both a compulsion to allow them inside as well as an overwhelming sense of doom or "evil".
I picture them as fey, not aliens or demons like most crypto reports do. Anyway, I'd love to see them statted up.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Two new monsters, a new template, and a new sorcerer bloodline...
@+5 Toaster: Here's a halfblood template, including a sample creature which is half aeon and an aeon-related sorcerer bloodline.
@DungeonmasterCal: Here's a black-eyed brownie which resembles a creepy human child.
@Goth Guru: From your description, it sounds as though a hellbug would just use the stats of an ankheg.