The New PRD

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The Smuggler's Collapsible Robe in the Ultimate Equipment section of the PRD seems to be missing the first part of its description. As it stands, it begins with "While in the extradimensional space..." without explaining what extradimensional space or how to get there.

slashfoo wrote:
Joana wrote:

The possessive is correct, although the phrasing is a bit esoteric: the history of violence belonging to dwarves and orcs goes back to the beginning of their races.

"There's" would create a run-on sentence with a comma splice; "there's been" would do the same and additionally be a colloquial contraction for "there has," usable in common speech but not in a published text.

Joana, wouldn't there be a need for a comman somewhere in there for "theirs, a history of violence, blah blah" or something like that?

I know it's a minor thing but it struck me as strange and that's why I brought it up.

No, she's right. The phrasing is not common (in my experience), but it is correct. Can't think of a good explanation I want to enter into my phone, though.

Both links to the Cleave Through feat on the feat index are broken. The problem seems to be a stray underscore following the hash mark in the fragment identifier.

In ml There is no link to "slotless" wondrous items

The mobile version of the PRD is still broke for Win Phone 7. When you tap a category it highlights as if to navigate but then the highlight fades and you don't navigate away from the "Books" page.

slashfoo wrote:
In ml There is no link to "slotless" wondrous items

Go back a page. This was already mentioned.

The link for the Improved Feint Partner feat under the teamwork feats section on the feat index is broken. It seems to work fine under the other sections though.

What are the chances of seeing any of The Great Beyond, or Gods and Magic, in the PRD at some point? GAM may have too much product identity to let it get in, which makes sense, but GB might be adapted as a generic cosmology for any campaign world.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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We intend to continue restricting the PRD to the RPG rulebook line.

The rules for the Whirlwind ability in the Universal Monster Rules concur with Bestiary 1, but differ from Bestiary 2 and 3. Bestiary 2 and 3 omit the line "Creatures one or more size categories smaller than the whirlwind might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (generally damage equal to the monster's slam attack for a creature of its size) and may be lifted into the air." Has the Whirlwind ability reverted back to its original form or does the PRD need to be updated in line with Bestiary 2 and 3?

There's an error in some of the anchor links on the page

The first anchor link - the Arbiter - takes you to the URL:,-arbiter

which gives me a 403 error. My web-fu is not super strong, but I think that the URL is missing the page itself. The other anchor links on that page have the same URL structure and error.

Grand Lodge

Feegle wrote:

There's an error in some of the anchor links on the page

Yeah it looks like the links on the page for the 5 types are missing the inevitable.html part in each of the links causing a 403 when you click on them :)


should be table,-arbiter

That's what I figured. I just wanted to point it out so that in case that's not the only page where the anchor URLs are broken.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Undead Anatomy III spell has some weird breaks in the lines of text.

Scarab Sages

Ultimate Combat's PRD is missing some weapons in the weapons groups. Can this be addressed for the PRD?

Details discussed here.

The spell "Oracle's Vessel" doesn't appear in the cleric/oracle spell list as it should.

Also, the spell "Mad Monkeys" mentions using Wisdom when cast by an oracle despite neither appearing in the cleric/oracle spell list, nor having oracle or cleric in its level entry.

An offline version in epub or plain text would be really handy. Then I wouldn't need the Internet to use my favorite reference tool. I could commandeer our old nook simpletouch and turn it into a gaming library.
Is this something Paizo might do, or is this something I need to build myself?

Thanks for the awesome!

Error in Ultimate Equipment: The alchemy crafting kit has a listed weight of 50 lbs. In the APG it's listed as 5 lbs.

I assume it's an extra zero, otherwise every alchemist I roll up is going to buy a mule with his starting gold to pack the thing.

In this section, the text doesn't match the core rulebook.

PRD wrote:
While a character rarely rolls a check using just an ability score, these scores, and the modifiers they create, affect nearly every aspect of a character's skills and abilities.
CRB wrote:

While a character rarely rolls an ability check

(using just an ability score), these scores, and the modifiers
they create, affect nearly every aspect of a character’s skills
and abilities.

Not sure if this has been mentioned but, the page for Gripplis has a large section the behaves as though it were a link but it isn't.

The paragraph above the favored class options and pretty much all of the favored class options behaves like a link when you mouse over it but does not actually link to anything.

I suspect the Gripplis poison was meant to be linked to something and the error probably lies in there.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The handy haversack and harp of charming don't have weights listed under the Ultimate Equipment section.

The "Owl, Giant" listing under the Bestiary 3 Monster Index is indented to look like it's part of the Oni listings.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Imperious Bloodline doesn't say when some of its bonus spells are gained. Also, one of its bonus spells, pure strain, doesn't seem to exist.

APG Mobile Fighter archetype:

Fleet Footed (Ex) has a hyperlink to the feat fleet, but they are unrelated

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CliffyQS wrote:

An offline version in epub or plain text would be really handy. Then I wouldn't need the Internet to use my favorite reference tool. I could commandeer our old nook simpletouch and turn it into a gaming library.

Is this something Paizo might do, or is this something I need to build myself?

Thanks for the awesome!

Offline and ePub versions can be found here.

The Exchange

@HangarFlying: Where? I'm not seeing... I know of some options on but was not aware of offline/epub versions from Paizo? I think HangarFlying is talking about purchasing the respective PDFs from Paizo.

The Exchange

Ah well he said "epub" and as far as I was aware that wasn't available. My bad!

Hello Paizo Team!
Maybe it already exists and i´m not aware of it, but after reading some PFS threads just now, it occured to me that every once in a while discussions rise about reach and ranges on the combat and movement grid. Also especially for new players that is difficult to grasp sometimes i think. The current example is about reach weapons diagonals again.

I guess it would be a real great addition to the PRD or the free download sector if you could do some kind of graphic templates which show reach and spell cones etc that are kind of official.

Grand Lodge

Multiweapon Fighting feat from Bestiaries missing from master feat index.

The Exchange

In familiars > Pig

pig is listed as Pig Master.

Dark Archive

In APG > Base Classes > Witch > New Familiars, scorpion's bonus is listed as +2 Initiative

In UM > Mastering Magic > New Familiars, scorpion's bonus is listed as +4 Initiative

Which is correct?

Scarab Sages

Couple of things, don't know if they've been mentioned in the 13 upthread pages:

On the main PRD page
*CRB and APG both list Spell Lists then Spell Index vertically
*Ultimate Combat reverses that order so that Index is first and Lists is last
*Ultimate Magic lists them in the same "order" as Ultimate Combat, but omits "Index" from Spell Index (Just says Spells)
*All of these are formatted in the same "orders" (CRB & APG same; UC & UM same) on the sidebar, but Ultimate Magic's expandable is the complete Spell Index

*There is no Spell Index page for the Advanced Race Guide (probably due to the actual spells being located on the Race page instead of discreet entries)

archmagi1 wrote:
Couple of things, don't know if they've been mentioned in the 13 upthread pages:

As I keep pointing out, there's a "search in thread" function for this.

Scarab Sages

The messageboards should be link to the front page of pathfinfer,

Some typos in the Advanced Guide's Character Traits Section

Campaign Traits > Exile: First instance of the word "town" is spelled "twon"

Exile: For whatever reason, you were forced to flee your homeland. Chance or fate has brought you to twon

Religion Traits > Divine Warrior: "affect" should be "affects" - grammar-wise :).

[i]You gain a +1 trait bonus on melee weapon damage when you cast a divine spell that affect weapons.

By the way, thank you for the PRD. It is an incredibly useful tool.

In the antipaladin spell list, the link for bane takes you to the bane weapon property, not the spell description.

So, any chance of getting an OFFICIAL update of the True Resurrection spell on the errata and official PRD, or is it really intended to work exactly as it's worded... the person comes back to life with a Constitution score of 0?

This was reported by DylanRyan back in 2010. While I know it's probably obvious the intent of the wording, I think just for consistency and that rare GM that refuses to do anything not RAW it needs to be "fixed" in an official capacity.

On the page Ultimate Equipment -> Arms and Armor -> Special Materials, there are prices and weights listed under the material descriptions that don't make sense to me. Are those values correct?

In the Called Shot rules, there is the following paragraph:

Debilitating Blow: A debilitating blow to the ear destroys that ear and stuns the target for 1 round, then leaves it staggered for 1d4 rounds, and deafened until removed with the remove blindness/deafness spell or a similar effect. A successful Fortitude saving throw deafens the creature until it is restored by the remove blindness/deafness spell or a similar effect.

(a) The first occurence of "blindness/deafness" is linked to the spell Blindness/Deafness; instead, the phrase "remove blindness/deafness" should be linked to the spell Remove Blindness/Deafness. The second occurence is correctly linked, for example.

(b) The word "spell" is needlessly italicized in the phrase "until removed with the remove blindness/deafness spell or a similar effect".

Ability Focus feat caught a case of rogue <p> tag in the middle of its prerequisites line.

In the advanced players spell lists (, the link for Karmic Blessing has the ancho wrong. It is #_karmac-blessing (with a) when it should be #_karmic-blessing (with i)

el_rodro_83 wrote:
In the advanced players spell lists (, the link for Karmic Blessing has the ancho wrong. It is #_karmac-blessing (with a) when it should be #_karmic-blessing (with i)

The entire PRD is peppered with mistakes like that.

Dark Archive

In the Souls subdomain, ains, you have the spell "antilife shield" listed

there is no such spell it should be antilife shell

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