DM NomadSage's Jade Regent OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

I have a friend who I know has been following the thread and might want to apply, on the other hand. I certainly wouldn't mind the last spot opening up on that account, but I won't say who it is just now in case you want open applications.

That said, hit points: 1d5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 = 6

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

I like the dynamic of this group, both players and characters. That said, if we need a 6th, recommend either a rogue or a pure caster, but we probably have enough of that covered with our group as is, with a little tweaking here and there.

Level Up:
Hit points: 1d5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 2 = 10
Skill points: +1 Intim, +1 Perc, +1 Knowledge (dung)
Select 0-level spell: Any chance of spell research in this sleepy little town?

Female Elf Insquisitor (Conversion)
DM NomadSage wrote:
Additional Help... since we've lost Kvalsir, there's a notional open spot in the roster. Personally, I think your group has a nice balance, and I'm happy to continue with five players. However, I can open recruitment if you prefer. Thoughts?

I think that's my cue. *waves*.

If you'll remember, I was one of the people who originally expressed interest in the campaign, and I've been following its progress.

OOCly, I'm pretty much online on a daily basis (sysadmin job at an ISP) so posting regularly won't be a problem, and I've been tinkering with Anhara's build on and off - finally settled on a half-elven Inquisitor rather than the original Elven Paladin I had in mind because it just gelled better.

As a Conversion Inquisition Inquisitor of Shelyn, Anhara has fairly good out-of-combat capabilities as well as the ability to contribute to the fight from behind the front line thanks to her glaive.

Character and background are up on my profile.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Will have next level posted soonish. Brings up another question, how are we going to handle loot? I've seen complicated systems and "Whomever needs it gets it" systems, I've no preference as I tend towards fair or selfless when it comes to loot.

For example, now that I've received a cloak of resistance the next piece of magically generic loot that comes up I am not in the running for. Rings of protection, amulet of natural armor, handy haversack, that kind of stuff.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

"Who Needs it, Gets It" is certainly the way I generally prefer to handle things. I do have to admit, though, that it's going to be a challenge figuring out the division between Heng and Maeve. The problem I see is that they're both interested in a very similar set of uncommon items (Amulets of Mighty Fists, Monk's Robes, etc.) I somehow think the designers may not have anticipated two monks in a group. Or, for that matter, one monk and someone who's crazy enough to try pretending to be one.

In my other campaigns, PbP and live, I think the best way is everyone claims what they need first, want second. If no one wants, its up to the party to sell it and turn the coin into something else they need/want. Try to keep things fair to keep stuff evenly distributed, which only helps the party.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Need and want works well for me with roll offs for those unwilling to cede. Recommend a 10% party loot tide for healing items etc, else Harlan gets the shaft.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

I agree with Parity.

Level up Info:
HP:1d5 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 = 6
Skill points: Perception +1, Spellcraft +1, Survival +1, Perform (Dance)+1, Knowledge Dungeon +1
Sv: Fort +1, Will +1
Spells Learned: 1st level: Mount, True Strike

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

PDF is updated, by the way. I'll do the Profile version tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

I'm fine with greatest need. I had forgotten Maeve was going Monk. Sharing is caring :) in fact if you were interested in the shuriken let me know. I just assumed I was the only one who could use them.

1d5 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

1d5 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Oracle +1
HP +7 +6 HD +1 Con
Diplomacy +1
Heal +1
Knowledge (Religion) +1
Profession (Cook) +1
Ride +1
Spellcraft +1

BAB +1
+1 Will


0 Stabilize

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

I'm actually undecided on whether to go Martial Artist or not, and if I do it'll be a one-level dip for Flurry and an Unarmed Strike that actually works well enough. But Maeve will almost certainly be sticking with unarmed combat in either case, simply because she doesn't like weapons.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

If you don't care about Stunning Fist Monk of the Four Winds gets you Elemental Fist.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Maeve's alignment is Chaotic and will remain such. She HAS to take the Martial Artist archetype in order to be able to go Monk at all, which is mutually exclusive with everything but Sensei and Sohei.

Anhara Retair wrote:
I think that's my cue. *waves*.

Shadur, thanks for the (re-)intro... its always flattering to have dedicated lurkers! Well, in the non-creepy sense, anyway. :o)

I'm going to keep the group as-is for the time being. If we have some space open up down the line, I'll keep you in mind.

Female Elf Insquisitor (Conversion)

Fair enough. Good luck, all.

Just a head's up - my home internet is broken... hopefully I can get it fixed today, but if not, my normal responses may be delayed.

Loot... I'm not going to track every valuable you pick up; it will be up to you guys to catalog and sort what you find. Anyone interested in doing the bookkeeping, managing selling and splitting the coin?

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

...yes, I spent a couple of hours on that. ^^;

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)
Maeve Haela wrote:
...yes, I spent a couple of hours on that. ^^;

Well done, I like.

Maeve Haela wrote:
...yes, I spent a couple of hours on that. ^^;

Bravo! I love the embellishments! =D

Relationships... I'm going to assume you put your +1 per level into your chosen NPC unless you tell me otherwise.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk
DM NomadSage wrote:
Loot... I'm not going to track every valuable you pick up; it will be up to you guys to catalog and sort what you find. Anyone interested in doing the bookkeeping, managing selling and splitting the coin?

If there's no volunteers Heng will do it. I was leaning toward the supplies side for his caravan role anyway.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

OK, here's what I got so everyone take a look at this list and let me know what to keep and what to sell-

Skeleton loot-
jade and cherry chest w/ jade key- value
Ring of climbing
Wand of identify, 19 charges
5 potions of cure light wounds
2 potions of cure moderate wounds (1 to Heng)
3 potions of lesser restoration

MW mail shirt (Mal)
Whispering Shrike +1 wakizashi (?)
Cold iron wakizashi (Par)
15 fireworks
Leather pouches with many silver and gold coins, and various pieces of fine jewelery- value?

Gutwad’s loot:
MW small composite longbow
5 exceptional arrows- +1 animal bane
2 clay vials- clw
MW small chain shirt (Harl)
6 MW shuriken (Heng)

Chest of red laquered wood, decorated with delicate etchings of cranes and frogs playing along a beach-value?
Red pearl hairpin-value
Gold-and-ivory fan depicting a gecko walking amid cherry blossoms- value?

329 sp and 144 gp

So anyone got appraise?

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Appraise is Harlan's thing, I think.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Hokay...from what I remember, everybody took one CLW potion as a precaution. The wand of Identify is okay but we may be best off just leaving it as party-use - after all, it only helps us figure out what treasure we've got and that's a function everyone is interested in having. Plus at least three, possibly four, of us can use it.

I'm gonna say the potions of Restoration should be the same. They're not useful until someone needs them, and then they NEED them. Keep them in the wagons.

The bow can even theoretically only be used effectively by Harlan - if he doesn't want it we should sell it off immediately.

As for the wakizashi...what rules are we using for them? By UC they're exotic weapons, so since no one's proficient we should either sell them off too, or hold off until someone does get proficency.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

ok, thanks-

So Group KEEP:
Wand of identify, 19 charges
2 clay vials of cure light wounds
1 potions of cure moderate wounds
3 potions of lesser restoration
5 potions of cure light wounds (1 each)

Group Maybe Keep:
Ring of climbing
Whispering Shrike +1 wakizashi
5 +1 animal bane arrows

15 fireworks
MW small composite longbow
Jade and cherry chest w/ jade key
Red laquered chest
Red pearl hairpin
Gold-and-ivory fan

GM Bear Trap- Would you break this down, please? "Leather pouches with many silver and gold coins, and various pieces of fine jewelery"

EDIT: Money- 144 gp, 329 sp, 500 gp for goblin ear

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Parity would like to spend some time with the magical wakizashi. Not too long and then we can sell it (as well as the cold iron one, finished looking at it), but for roleplaying purposes, once he's able to enchant his bonded weapon, I'd like to limit it to things he's been exposed to, researched or studied. Makes more sense, although not required. Maybe the DM will cut him some slack on the costs/time for enchanting ... you know, just a thought. :)

I think Harlan had a plan for divvying the potions. Since he's heal master, probably a good idea to follow his lead.

Someone needs to carry the wand if we depart the caravan on a quest. Never know when you need to id something on the fly. Recommend Mal, although we haven't heard from him in a bit. Hope he hasn't gone the way of Kvalsir?!?!

I put my request in for the ring of climbing, helps overcome that -4 penalty from blind. Harlan probably has a case too, but he's also easier to carry :)

Are there crunch rules on the fireworks before we decide what to do with them?

Don't forget the 500gp reward for the gobs.

Sell everything else not claimed above, I say. 10% to party loot.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

That makes sense for Parity to have the ring of climbing. I'd also agree with him holding on to both the Wakizashi's for a bit. I don't know that we have any other cold iron.

I forgot the small MW Cmpd longbow which probably Harlan won't be ablt to use with a Str 9. I put it under sell.

It might be worth while holding on to some of the Fireworks. I used them when I went through the GOblin pre-adventure. The Desnan candles were kinda, meh. just dazzled IIRC. but the BIG BOOM did like 3d6 ranged attack.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Eh, other than the "Dazzled" types fireworks are really pretty useless. The Desnan Candle requires a ranged touch attack at -4 and also ties up someone for four rounds to do nothing but use it, and the skyrockets aren't a ranged touch attack - they're 90' move for four rounds in a straight line, THEN boom wherever they end up. At least the "dazzled" condition is better than the Daze cantrip since there's no HD limit.

EDIT: Double-checked: The Desnan Candle is 4-rounds of a ranged touch attack at -4 that does one point of bludgeoning, one point of fire damage, and on a critical blinds for one round. The skyrocket deals 2d6 in a 10' spread, but the targeting is basically impossible to manage.

Heng wrote:
GM Bear Trap- Would you break this down, please? "Leather pouches with many silver and gold coins, and various pieces of fine jewelery"

Sorry, must have forgotten to type that out... 3,820 silver, 421 gold, and the jewelery is worth a total of 560 gold.

Of the fireworks, you have 11 Desnan Candles and 4 Skyrockets.

Desnan Candle: When lit, this foot-long wooden tube launches a flaming pyrotechnic "candle" every round for 4 rounds. Each projectile deals 1 point of nonlethal damage and 1 point fire damage if it hits; on a critical hit, the target is also blinded for 1 round. The projectiles shed light as candles for 1 round and have a range increment of 5 feet. Attacking with a Desnan Candle is a ranged touch attack and always has a -4 nonproficiency penalty.

Skyrocket: When lit, this foot long wooden tube begins to shake and emit a handful of white sparks, shedding light as a torch. One round later, it takes flight, moving in a straight line with a fly speed of 90 for 1d6 rounds before loudly exploding in a burst of light and sound, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage in a 10-foot burst (DC 15 Reflex save for half). If a skyrocket impacts a solid surface or creature before reaching its maximum range, it detonates prematurely at its point of impact. Anyone who takes damage from the explosion is either blinded or deafened (50% chance of either) for 1 round.

Whispering Shrike:
The wakizashi is a fine weapon, but it is damaged, giving the wielder a -2 to hit. It can be repaired.

Male Human Fighter

Segue into empire... er, caravan building! I built this profile to help track the caravan's statistics as you use and develop it. I have the starting stats in the profile. If this is too clunky or one of you have a better system, I can always junk this "NPC".

When you are ready, Ameiko gives over 2,000 gp towards the caravan. The basic crunch we can handle here, but special additions and working for discounts we'll resolve in play.

The rules are all in the JRPG.

Let me know what you think...

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

I can't use the shortbow, definitely a sell. I would say sell the wand of identify as well, it's nice but if it sells for good cash we can always keep rolling to identify magic items every day.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||
Sandru's Caravan wrote:

Segue into empire... er, caravan building! I built this profile to help track the caravan's statistics as you use and develop it. I have the starting stats in the profile. If this is too clunky or one of you have a better system, I can always junk this "NPC".

When you are ready, Ameiko gives over 2,000 gp towards the caravan. The basic crunch we can handle here, but special additions and working for discounts we'll resolve in play.

The rules are all in the JRPG.

Let me know what you think...

Quick question: Do we start out with any wagons from Sandru, or does the 2K represent what we've already got?

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Never mind that, I just checked the player's guide. Now, as I understand it we're starting out as a Level 2 Caravan (since that's our highest PC level.) While that gives us a feat, we can get to that in a bit.

I'm not quite sure how much I'm invested in this particular process, so I think I'm just going to help out by running through the steps we need to take. (There is one thing I'd like to do, but it'll probably be on Maeve's personal fortune later.)

First thing's first: There are four primary stats for the Caravan. Each starts out at 1, and we can add 3 points total to any of them we like. Right now, the setup is as follows:

Offense 1
Defense 1
Mobility 1
Morale 1

Offense and Defense are directly related to combat, Mobility and Morale a bit less so, but Morale figures into lots of non-combat situations instead. Also, these are the only 'free' points we get, so it's probably not a bad idea to pay attention. And lastly, the scores max out at 10.

To clarify, the 2,000 gold from Ameiko is not just for upgrades, but also supplies, workers, wages, etc.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Sorry home computer crapped the bed Saturday. Sould be posting at work often enough.

Malnival Selintin wrote:
Sorry home computer crapped the bed Saturday. Sould be posting at work often enough.

Ouch! >.< Hope its not an expensive fix...

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

So far 2039.9 gp.

50% resale, yes?
What was the strength of the small Cmpd long bow?
How much for the Desnan Candles?

Need value for:
Jade and cherry chest w/ jade key
Red laquered chest
Red pearl hairpin
Gold-and-ivory fan

2 clay vials of cure light wounds
1 potions of cure moderate wounds
3 potions of lesser restoration
5 potions of cure light wounds (1 each)
4 Skyrockets?
Parity will hold for Party:
the Wakizashis and Ring of Climbing
Wand of identify, 19 charges?
MW small STR longbow
5 +1 animal bane arrows
11 Desnan Candles and restr of art objects.

50% resale, yes? - Yes, but if you want to sell/trade value on a particular expensive item, we can work them case-by-case.
What was the strength of the small Cmpd long bow? - +1
How much for the Desnan Candles? - 5 gp each

Need value for:
Jade and cherry chest w/ jade key - 250 gp
Red laquered chest - 150 gp
Red pearl hairpin - 150 gp
Gold-and-ivory fan - 80 gp

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Based on that, if we sell everything on the 'sell' list right now, I'm getting 681.98 GP each. Maeve will probably ICly keep the hairpin, but it sells at full price if I need to sell anyway, so that shouldn't affect the totals.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Ok, I've taken at crack at Sandru's Caravan.

Sandru's Caravan:

Level 2 Caravan

Primary Statistics
Offense 1
Defense 3
Mobility 2
Morale 1

Derived Statistics
Attack +5 (+4 morale)
Armor Class 13
Security +6 (+4 morale)
Resolve +5 (+4 morale)

Unrest 0

Speed 32 miles per day

Hit Points 130
Wagons = 5/5
Covered Wagon = 2
Fortune Teller's Wagon = 1
Supply Wagon = 2

Travelers/Capacity 14/18
Cargo/Capacity 30/32

Wagons = 7
Travelers = 13

Total = 18/day (-2 if stores)

Repair Materials = 5 units
Stores = 20 units (200 person days)
Cold Weather Gear = 1
Trade Goods = 4 units

Efficient Consumption (-2 on Consumption)
Scavengers = DC 15 Security check 1/week to gain 1 unit Repair Materials. +1 Unit per 5 over DC.

Sandru = Driver
Koya = Fortune Teller (1/week reroll any one Attack, Security, or Resolve check and take the higher)
Ameiko = Entertainer or Guard
Shalelu = Scout (2 units provisions or +1 Security/day. Does not add to Consumption)
Bevelek = Driver
Vankor = Driver
Harlan = Cook (-2 Consumption as long as we have 1 cargo unit of stores)
Heng = ?/Hero
Maeve = Entertainer?/Hero
Malnival = ?/Hero
Parity = ?/Hero
NPC Driver 1 = Driver
NPC Driver 2 = Driver
NPC Wrainwright = Wrainwright

Jobs/Monthly Wages
Cook = x 10gp
Driver = 2 x 10gp
Entertainer = x 50gp
Fortune-Teller = PC/NPC Ally only
Guard = x 100gp
Guide = x 50gp
Healer = x 50gp
Hero = PC Only
Passenger = x 0gp
Scout = x 100gp
Spellcaster = PC/NPC Ally only
Trader = x 10gp
Wainwright = 1 x 10gp

Total Wages = 30gp/month

Caravan Funds:

735 GP

Let me know what you think. Also please review the rules for Jobs and see what your character would like to do. The Hero position is held in addition to your regular position, but only stacks to 4, thus the reason I'm not listed as one.

I've tried to make this caravan a little larger so we can haul some trade goods. Without knowing how far it is between towns I'm assuming that initially food will be our biggest problem, thus the feat Efficient Consumption. We're starting a little rough, thus Scavengers. There is a feat we can take for +1 to two stats, my plan is to up Morale and Mobility at level 3 in order to start getting the feats with a requirement of 3 in Mobility, which will eventually make us faster as well.

I've added two extra wagons for hauling capacity, since we needed an extra just to carry all of us (initial caravan assume 4 person party). Let me know if there are any suggestions or changes you'd like to see, and what your jobs roles are so I can update statistics.

To make a long story longer, here are the vital stats. Consumption 18 or 16. We travel 32 miles/day. We have 4 open spots for others, and spend 30 gp a month on NPC hirelings. We have 2 open spots for treasure, but that will increase as we eat.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Hmm...I'm pretty sure that caravans don't get a starting feat - just one per level after first, so one right now (Level 2) At least, that's how I read it.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

First line under Caravan Feats says a caravan gets a number of Feats equal to its level.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||
Harlan Starshine wrote:
First line under Caravan Feats says a caravan gets a number of Feats equal to its level.

...right. If a rule takes you more than five minutes to puzzle out its' meaning, you're looking in the wrong place - in my case, under advancement (where it says you "get one feat every time you gain a level".)

Anyway, it looks good to me, and bear in mind that you can switch jobs every day (so we can have people who do things like guard during travel switch to trading and wainswrighting when in a settlement.)

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

That is true but I don't think we have anybody with the requirements for Wainwright so I figured we should pick one up. We could dump the drivers if we wanted, but any of the 10gp a month professions are so cheap I figure we're better using NPCs for those and PCs for the more expensive spots, like Scout and Guard. One place this will come in very handy is selling stuff, as you can only make one check per trader per settlement, max of 5 traders in one settlement.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

I dont have the Player's Guide with me so I can't see discriptions of jobs.

Not sure if I meet the reqs. for Spell caster or not. If not then maybe help out as a scout. If no benifit from 2 scouts, then I can pull guard.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14


Spellcaster: Spellcasters are versatile characters who
can fill one of several job roles in a caravan, choosing from
entertainer, guard, guide, healer, or scout, regardless
of whether they meet the job’s requirement. Bonuses
granted by spellcasters stack with those granted by any
other job, but as with all jobs, any spellcasters in excess of
five do not provide additional bonuses. Requirement: Any
PC or NPC capable of casting spells can serve as a spellcaster.
Spellcasters must be recruited during the course of the adventure;
they cannot simply be hired.

All benefits stack to +5, and can go higher if you take feats for it. That means you can have 5 people performing a role and still gain the benefit. In the case of scouts we could actually have 10, with 5 of them giving a bonus and 5 searching for food. The Hero role is specific to PCs and stacks with all other bonuses.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Parity can be a wainwright. he has a rank in engineering. used it to do odd job around the inn over the past few years.

could also be a spellcaster, driver or fortune teller ... ha!

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Parity the go to man!

I say we have you as a Driver until we need a Wainwright, how does that sound? That'll save us 20gp a month and 2 consumption a day.

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