DM Hamied Seeks Players for Carrion Crown Play-by-Post!

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Basic profile created for Jasper.

I've noted that Kysterick and Torillan have withdrawn their submissions I'm sad to lose applicants, but you are correct, there are many excellent concepts proposed in this thread.

An updated list of character submissions:

Grusk Tan'hul, Half-Orc Summoner
Danaline, Changeling Monk
Kazimier Tumaz, Human Magus
Hrolf Steinolf, Human(Ulfen) Oracle
Issan Masud, Human(Garundi) Cleric
Tetsuo Hayashi, Human(Tian) Monk
Rosanna Tsarataranni, Half-Elf Witch
Jasper Lind, Human(Varisian/Sczarni) Rogue
Welk Camerling, Human Rogue
Galstak, Human(Shoanti) Barbarian/Oracle
Nanya Surani, Human(Vudrani) Wizard
Edmund, Human Paladin
Icarus Ras'Drexel, Human Alchemist
Almathea, Human Witch
Petru Markhu, Human(Varisian) Sorcerer
Tahliat Darnith, Elven Wizard

Not yet named:

Patcher's Elven Paladin of Abadar
redclover's Human or Half-Orc Ranger
Paizo Fan's arcane or divine caster

I think I listed them all, but last time I missed somebody, so please speak up if your character is not on the list.

My weekend is about to become very hectic. I will be checking in on the thread several times through today and tomorrow, but my ability to answer specific questions will be limited.

I am planning to post my five selections early Monday morning (I'm on Pacific Standard hours behind GMT).

Do you want me to name my character before you go through your reviewing process, or is it okay that I name her if I get selected?

Patcher wrote:
Do you want me to name my character before you go through your reviewing process, or is it okay that I name her if I get selected?

I don't need her name before selections. Your story and concept are clear to me.

Shanosuke wrote:
Lol, seems I started a trend with the personality, appearance post hehe

Well, Hrolf was doing it in his submission before it was cool ;)

Throwing my hat in here.

Professor Rokannon was a friend and colleague of Professor Lorrimor, alternately cooperating on a paper and arguing over footnotes.

Prof. Faradir Rokannon wrote:

Throwing my hat in here.

Professor Rokannon was a friend and colleague of Professor Lorrimor, alternately cooperating on a paper and arguing over footnotes.

FYI, Professor. As per DM Hamied's opening post, you'll need to adjust your stats. And - for the record - I think you have a fine character concept.

DM Hamied's OP wrote:

22 Point Buy - No stats under 10, please.

Hornusser wrote:
Prof. Faradir Rokannon wrote:

Throwing my hat in here.

Professor Rokannon was a friend and colleague of Professor Lorrimor, alternately cooperating on a paper and arguing over footnotes.

FYI, Professor. As per DM Hamied's opening post, you'll need to adjust your stats. And - for the record - I think you have a fine character concept.

DM Hamied's OP wrote:

22 Point Buy - No stats under 10, please.

Hornusser beat me to the punch. Submission looks good though.

I might be interested, and can post every day, though looks like you have more than enough players already, but just in case.

My idea is a CG Fire School Wizard named Jennica Wintrish. She never knew her parents, because she was left as a baby at a temple of Nethys in Cheliax due to her being a redhead spontaneously casting Spark scaring them that she was a demon or something (Magical Lineage for that and plan is to take Eldritch Heritage Fire in the future). When she was old enough she was apprenticed to a sorcerer but he quickly realized that while she did have Spark as a spell-like ability suggesting sorcerer heritage, she had full Wizard potential also, so he sent her to a Fire Elementalist Wizard. Her familiar is a white cat (Turkish Angora).

As for my campaign trait, I'm thinking Chance Savior. He was being attacked by a Winter Wolf (Like a cub, or another creature vulnerable to fire) and I "melted" it with Burning Hands.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am interested in playing.

I have a dhampir ranger Jaxus Deverou that is looking to destroy the very monsters he shares blood with.


In 4674 Jeniveve Deverou met a handsome young stranger in her small little town. Jeniveve was a well versed herbalist and alchemist and the young man was very interested in some of her work. He was interested in her theories on the prevention of vampirism. She had been working on different formulas to prevent the curse from taking effect and he was interested if it could be a cure also. For months they researched together and finally after months of failed experiments and fruitless work he exploded in frustration and fled the small town. He may have left town but he left something behind. Jeniveve was pregnant. Seven months passed and Jaxus Deverou was born. The new mother was overjoyed but could not understand why Jaxus cried most of the day and was only content while it was dark or cloudy. Soon she started to understand that Jaxus was a dhampir.
Early childhood in the village was hard for Jaxus once the villagers figured out what he was. Jeniveve did her best to protect him and soon the villagers fear and scorn turned into neglect and indifference. Years pass and Jaxus soon learns to use what he has considered his curse to his advantage. His fast reflexes and eyesight at night become useful as a guard for the village at night. Wolves and minor monsters pledge the village all the time and Jaxus quickly earned the respect of the village elders by defeating several on the night watch.
Jaxus guarded the village for five years with no real conflicts until he was just twenty-two and the Night of Screams. The village was set upon by a necromancer and his horde of ghouls when Jaxus was on watch. When Jaxus confronted the necromancer that was when he noticed he was also a vampire. The vampire effortlessly paralyzed Jaxus and laughed as he forced him to watch his whole village be destroyed. His mother ran to him screaming as a pack of ghouls fell upon her and devoured her right before his eyes. When it was all done the vampire released Jaxus and left him in the village he failed to protect.
Fury, guilt and shame filled Jaxus was he wandered his ruined village looking for survivors but all were dead and soon fires left unattended spread throughout the village and erased it completely. The next day a small caravan arrived and Professor Lorrimor was on it. The professor found Jaxus in the village square near catatonic from shock and took him along and left the ruined village behind. Professor Lorrimor nursed Jaxus back to health and after hearing his story helped Jaxus start a new life near Ravenglo. Jaxus took all the fury and self loathing he felt and swore that he would not rest until he avenged his village and his mothers’ death.


Jaxus has black hair and ice blue eyes. He wears a long leather coat and hood to stay out of the sun when he travels during the day. His pale face makes women gasp when he smiles but that is a rare site to see.


Jaxus is filled with self loathing most of the time so he rarely enjoys anything and keeps to himself. He had friends in his old life but feels he doesn't deserve any now so is very standoffish. When he does have friends he quickly warms to them and is very loyal and protective but still fears that he will let them down like he did his village.

Heh, picked my target to swoon over in game...(if chosen)

Final day of recruitment! I've updated the list of character submissions to include entries from Camris, AbsolutGrndZer0 and Dreamweaver:

Grusk Tan'hul, Half-Orc Summoner
Danaline, Changeling Monk
Kazimier Tumaz, Human Magus
Hrolf Steinolf, Human(Ulfen) Oracle
Issan Masud, Human(Garundi) Cleric
Tetsuo Hayashi, Human(Tian) Monk
Rosanna Tsarataranni, Half-Elf Witch
Jasper Lind, Human(Varisian/Sczarni) Rogue
Welk Camerling, Human Rogue
Galstak, Human(Shoanti) Barbarian/Oracle
Nanya Surani, Human(Vudrani) Wizard
Edmund, Human Paladin
Icarus Ras'Drexel, Human Alchemist
Almathea, Human Witch
Petru Markhu, Human(Varisian) Sorcerer
Tahliat Darnith, Elven Wizard
<Patcher>, Elven Paladin of Abadar
Professor Faradir Rokannon, Human Wizard
Jennica Wintrish, Human(?) Wizard
Jaxus Deverou, Dhampir Ranger

Paizo Fan and redclover:
Aside from a few possible ideas, I haven't seen character concepts from you guys. I have thus removed you from the current list. This does not mean that it's too late to make a submission, but I won't consider you on your interest alone.

Everybody listed above and is under full consideration. Again, if I missed you, please speak up. I'll be out for much of today, but I will return around 10 pm PST (5 am GMT) and at that time, I shall update the list of character concepts and indicate that recruitment is closed. After that, I'll make my decisions and will list the five selected characters some time Monday morning.

Dreamweaver wrote:

I am interested in playing.

I have a dhampir ranger Jaxus Deverou that is looking to destroy the very monsters he shares blood with.

** spoiler omitted **...

A quick question: What ranger fighting style does Jaxus employ? Ranged weapon? Two-hander? Natural attacks?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DM Hamied wrote:
Dreamweaver wrote:

I am interested in playing.

I have a dhampir ranger Jaxus Deverou that is looking to destroy the very monsters he shares blood with.

** spoiler omitted **...

A quick question: What ranger fighting style does Jaxus employ? Ranged weapon? Two-hander? Natural attacks?

Since there doesn't seem like many front liners in the list I was going with two-hander or two-weapon. I like the flavor of the Natural attack with my character but the damage output is pretty small. Two 1d4+str is not a whole lot.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Jaxus Character Sheet

Jaxus Deverou CR 1/2
Male Dhampir Ranger (Skirmisher) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Dhampir)
Init +4; Senses Perception +8
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12 . . (+3 armor, +1 Dodge)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Longbow +5 (1d8+3/20/x3)
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Dodge
Traits Subject of Study(Vampire),
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff+ 4, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Nature +4, Stealth +8, Survival+6(+7 to track), Swim +6
Languages Common
SQ Track, Wild empathy, favored enemy(undead)
Combat Gear Dagger, Longsword, Studded Leather Armor; Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Cold weather outfit, Crowbar, Flint and steel, Rope, silk (50 ft.), Sack (empty), Waterskin
Resist Level Drain, detect undead 3/day, Light Sensitivity, Negative Energy Affinity, Low Light Vision, Darkvision 60 feet.

I need to check the math for the skills and gear but it is a start.

Given that there aren't a lot of healer submissions, I've decided to change a few things around on my sheet and now have the Healing Hex

I think I am ready to go.

Almathea wrote:
Given that there aren't a lot of healer submissions,

oy, chopped liver here. joking, but there are at least a sprinkling of oracles and witches around. i'm kinda surprised no other clerics. what's really lacking though are the tanks...

btw I'm following along on your Seafarers campaign and enjoying it. I'm running a pirate campign based in Freeport (as Cap'n Voodoo) but we haven't quite shipped out yet. looking forward to it though.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Issan Masud wrote:
Almathea wrote:
Given that there aren't a lot of healer submissions,

oy, chopped liver here. joking, but there are at least a sprinkling of oracles and witches around. i'm kinda surprised no other clerics. what's really lacking though are the tanks...

** spoiler omitted **

Being the only real healer you might have a for sure spot in the game.

Isn't laughter supposed to be the best medicine? Who needs a healer when you can have comic relief and a wand of cure light wounds (well, at least as soon as we can afford one).

Give a big welcome to Filandoran Fibbleflare, the gnomish oracle of "If you can't think of any other way to stop it, set it on fire!"

Clearly I must apply with the Personality/Appearance trope ;-)


Filandoran is a smallish gnome with bright red skin and wild, flame-orange hair that sticks straight up on end making it look like his head is perpetually ablaze. Filandoran's eyes appear bright white from a distance, but when one gets close, tiny orange flames dance within the white of his eyes. He wears a pair of gold rings in each ear. A sash filled with tiny bottles is slung across the leather apron covered with tiny silver scowling efreet faces that covers his chest. He seems to be constantly in motion with barely contained energy - hand grasp, feet shuffle, head bobs.


Filandoran is a enthusiastic, nearly uncontainable gnome, who simply loves fire. Maybe even more than a goblin. He has yet to learn the sad truth that there are many creatures in the world that shrug off fire like most of us shrug off rain, so for now, it's the answer to everything. This is his first trip outside of Brastlewark, so he is fascinated by everything, though a little sad over Lorrimor's death and a little apprehensive over what people will be like in Ustalav.


Filandoran was born in Cheliax, in the gnomish enclave of Brastlewark. His gifts were obvious from birth, for while he shares the brightness of color and spirit of all gnomes, his kinship to flame was obvious from his hair, skin and especially eyes. Sure enough, while other young gnomes were speaking with dogs and cats, Filandoran was producing flame and bright flashes like fireworks from his hands.

Filandoran's talents were soon put to good use, as he was apprenticed to a gnomish alchmist in Brastlewark. But, Filandoran found that he quickly grew bored with the careful rote procedures that the alchemist masters required and he quickly drifted from one shop to another. All that changed one day when Professor Lorrimor came to visit his latest shop. Talking to the Professor about his travels and career of discovery, Filandoran knew that he had found a teacher far more suited to his needs than the various alchemy masters. Professor Lorrimor moved on, but Filandoran struck up a long-distance correspondence with him and found that the Professor had just the right answer each time he posed a question. Filandoran was just working up the nerve to ask Lorrimor if he could join him on future journeys when he got the terrible letter about the Professor's death.

Filandoran is a little nervous about journeying to Ustalav, knowing its dour reputation and the rumors that people fear anyone other than a fairly bland human, but he's convinced his good nature will win them over. Besides, he wouldn't dream of failing to see the Professor off properly.

First and last!

Dreamweaver wrote:
Being the only real healer you might have a for sure spot in the game.

I'm not certain about anything as there are lots of great submissions here, but I built the character with CC in mind and would really love to get in.

Speaking about healing- how does a dhampir's negative energy affinity work with you getting healed up? positive energy damages you like undead right? just wondering how that would work in game.


Sorry, couldn't help but peek. Yeah, he can't be healed by positive energy. He would be wise to stay out of any good healers way. Now, I know there are subdomains and jazz like that to where a cleric can cast both. Only way I know this is because I'm in a pbp with a guy that runs a cleric who has that ability. I don't know the specifics of it, I just know he can pull it off.

Otherwise, I would suggest inflict light wounds potions. :)

Double-checked everything just to make sure there aren't any errors and I don't see anything so I'm fairly happy with my submission as is.

I was deliverately vague on appearance only because most players will associate what you look like with your avatar anyways. So I'll just go and add that Petru looks pretty much like his avatar (this makes him look older than his listed age but that actually fits his background).

Also, just wanted to say good luck to everyone, I really enjoyed some of your stories. I don't envy DM Hamied this decision; almost every class available has been submitted.

Petru Markhu wrote:
Also, just wanted to say good luck to everyone, I really enjoyed some of your stories. I don't envy DM Hamied this decision; almost every class available has been submitted.

and just about every race (except the short people) which I think is pretty cool :)

yep, good luck all.

EDIT: whoops, just spotted the gnome, it's a small world after all.

thanks for the suggestions. I'll look it up for curiosity's sake. I can't help thinking drinking an inflict light wounds potion would be like gargling acid. :)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not certain about anything as there are lots of great submissions here, but I built the character with CC in mind and would really love to get in.

** spoiler omitted **

I think channel energy will hurt but cure light wounds still works normally. Let me know if you think otherwise but I think if I can stay alive it will be a cool character roleplay challange.

Now I'm no rules lawyer BUT :P
Negative Energy Affinity: Dhampires are alive, but reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead— positive energy harms it, negative energy heals it. Sooo NO cure spell is your friend, but as Jarell and I were slipping notes about above- you can stock up on potions of inflict wounds or find some way to convert positive energy to negative which might make an interesting wondrous item if you can talk the GM into it.

Almathea wrote:
Given that there aren't a lot of healer submissions, I've decided to change a few things around on my sheet and now have the Healing Hex

Your witch is getting closer and closer to mine. *grumble*. Maybe great minds think alike?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Issan and Jarell:
I did some reading and you two were right so it looks like I will be using a lot of inflict wounds potions.

Dreamweaver, Issan:

Yeah, Issan's right, NO Cure spells. You're absolutely right, though, Dreamweaver. It is a fantastic challenge. I'm running a Dhampir PALADIN and it's an absolute blast. The challenge truly is the fun part. At 4th level when I get channel energy, I'll have to exclude myself.

I'm in DM Aron's CC. He cut me some slack and said he would allow Lay on Hands to heal me, which was real cool. But I'm still gonna have to invest into some ILW's potions. ;) (Which, I myself, think it's quite strange as well. "Here sir, drink this stuff that kills most people." Truly, strange.) :)

Would it be better to clarify that there aren't as many who are designed as primary healers as one might expect? Of course there are enough backup healers in witches, oracles even paladins. And if I wanted to ignore the lone cleric submission I would've said there were "no" main healer submissions. ;p

With that said, if there is no reason for Almathea to take the healing hex I will switch it over to slumber which was my second choice. I'm just looking forward to the selection so I'll stop messing with her sheet. I've already changed a couple hexes and feats around several times.

Just dropping by to show that I still want to play in this.

Good luck everyone.

Just a little fine tuning.


Thank you, I like hearing my games are enjoyable to read. It's also my game that has me concerned about healers, since I'm short a main healer in that game I've got healing on the brain.

It's 10:12pm PST and recruitment is closed!

I'd like to take a moment to say that the submissions in this thread are nothing short of fantasic. There are so many compelling character ideas, and it saddens me to know that I will have the unfortunate task of turning away sixteen talented writers and roleplayers. This is a very tough decision.

While I have been reviewing proposed characters throughout this process, I plan to reread everything tonight and again tomorrow morning to ensure that I give every player due consideration. I will post the list early tomorrow.

Here are the characters being considered. I think I have everybody, but if you don't see your character up here, please let me know ASAP.

Grusk Tan'hul, Half-Orc Summoner
Danaline, Changeling Monk
Kazimier Tumaz, Human Magus
Hrolf Steinolf, Human(Ulfen) Oracle
Issan Masud, Human(Garundi) Cleric
Tetsuo Hayashi, Human(Tian) Monk
Rosanna Tsarataranni, Half-Elf Witch
Jasper Lind, Human(Varisian/Sczarni) Rogue
Welk Camerling, Human Rogue
Galstak, Human(Shoanti) Barbarian/Oracle
Nanya Surani, Human(Vudrani) Wizard
Edmund, Human Paladin
Icarus Ras'Drexel, Human Alchemist
Almathea, Human Witch
Petru Markhu, Human(Varisian) Sorcerer
Tahliat Darnith, Elven Wizard
<Patcher>, Elven Paladin of Abadar
Professor Faradir Rokannon, Human Wizard
Jennica Wintrish, Human(?) Wizard
Jaxus Deverou, Dhampir Ranger
Filandoran Fibbleflare, Gnome Oracle

Thanks for your interest, everybody!


Keeping my own fingers.....and toes crossed.

@Hameid I do not envy your task buddy, may wisdom guide your choice.

Good luck to you all!

Sovereign Court

Javell DeLeon wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


I talked him round to letting LOH heal you over MSN ;).

Good luck all, really hope I make it into this game! Really look forward to seeing who does even if I don't. It is shaping up to be really good.


Due to my firstborn arriving at the weekend, I didn't have time to finish my application. If it's okay with you, DM Hamied, I'll submit my character for any required replacements in the future.

On the plus side, I have a baby to play with and introduce to Pathfinder at the appropriate time ;)

Good luck to us all.

There are enough great characters here that three CC APs could be run. Anyone else want to pick from the remains and run another one?

Alas, I am not that person at this time. But it is a thought!

Good luck to all.

So much variety here. Its always interesting to see who gets picked.

Have fun deliberating, DM Hamied!

Good Luck All!

Always good when a PC can find a home!

Apologies for the delay, folks. The deliberation process took longer than I had thought it would. Consider that a testament to the quality of the entries. I've spent several hours conjecturing about possible combinations of characters, and after thinking extensively about the synergy of character backgrounds, personalities and class abilities, I feel I have come up with my ideal party composition. What does "ideal" mean? It means that I feel the party listed below fits beautifully into Paizo's campaign setting. It means that I feel they will work well together, but also that there will be tension among them. When aiming for interesting roleplaying, one walks a fine line, but I think that I have selected well.

Enough rambling! The selections are as follows:

aptinuviel - Edmund, Human Paladin of Iomedae
Hymenopterix - Rosanna Tsarataranni, Half-Elf Hedge Witch
Bilbo Bang-Bang - Tetsuo Hayashi, Human Monk (Zen Archer)
Alexander Kilcoyne - Hrolf Steinolf, Human Oracle (Ancestors)
Dreamweaver - Jaxus Deverou, Dhampir Ranger (Two-Weapon)

If you were selected, please make your way to the discussion thread and check in.

If any of you have not checked in by this time Thursday (11:30 am PST, 6:30 pm GMT), I will offer your spot to another player. I hate to sound dire about it, but there were many eager applicants, and I figure 72 hours is more than enough time to give you a chance to post.

To those not selected...

I know you are disappointed, and I am genuinely sorry. I'm honestly shocked at the number of excellent character concepts I've had to turn away. I recognize it's little comfort, but I am thorougly impressed with all of you as roleplayers and writers.

Something to keep in mind!

My plan all along has been to start Carrion Crown now, but to also run a game featuring the Jade Regent AP when it is released in late August. Many of the characters proposed in this thread (particularly those originally from Varisia and Irrisen) would fit wonderfully in Jade Regent. I do hope all of you consider applying. Look for the recruitment thread in mid to late August.

Thank you all for applying. I wish you all the best and I do hope that our paths cross again soon.


Congratulations to those of you who made it.

Blast! Foiled again! *Sigh* I will get into one of these games eventually. I just gotta keep trying. Thanks for considering me and best of luck to everyone who made it. Have fun.

congratulations to the "chosen five", have fun and my the dice gods smile on you ^^

Wha I guess he hates me.... ;(

It is ok everyone hates me ;)

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