SnowJade |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:For all the peeg lovers, a new baby hippo has been discoverd!That website seriously needs a better name for it's domain.
Maybe, but I give it 3 squees anyway for cuteness.

Tels |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tels wrote:Maybe, but I give it 3 squees anyway for cuteness.Thomas LeBlanc wrote:For all the peeg lovers, a new baby hippo has been discoverd!That website seriously needs a better name for it's domain.
Might have been minor dyslexia, but when I first glanced at the domain name, I thought it said hairless sh*t p#~$~s.

Ambrosia Slaad |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sara Marie wrote:Is the pathway in question the one that goes to Cosmo's office?cosmo: DOWN THIS PATHWAY LIES MADNESS! PROBABLY!
cosmo: ...but you’ll only know if you try
cosmo: I say go for it!
It goes down the middle of the two shrubberies, where one shrubbery is slightly higher creating a two-level effect. {goes back to sharpening the herring of mighty tree slaying +5}

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Liz: *links to Kickstarter project*
Part 1...
Money Chris: "Unsung Story is an exciting turn-based, tactical war simulation RPG that plays across a great epoch, through individual story episodes"
Money Chris: g+@$%&n it
Liz: O:-)
Liz: Check out the credentials of those that are making it.
Money Chris: Yasumi Matsuno?
Money Chris: Do I even need to read further than that name?
Liz: You do not.
Money Chris: *grumble*backed*grumble*
Liz: >:-)
Part 2...
Wes: LIZ!!
Wes: :D
Liz: Soon, I will have everybody's weaknesses written in my Web Gninja Chronicles. :D
Wes: Not. Cool.
Death Attack (wallet): Critical success.

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robot chris: hm, the first ingredient is mustard sauce
robot chris: this is a Cosmo pizza
The pizza in question. My favorite pizza, and one that I make sure to get whenever I'm visiting my hometown. :)

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sara Marie wrote:The pizza in question. My favorite pizza, and one that I make sure to get whenever I'm visiting my hometown. :)robot chris: hm, the first ingredient is mustard sauce
robot chris: this is a Cosmo pizza
I approve of two different cheese, onions and Polish sausage, but sauerkraut on pizza is overkill...

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Part 3...
Robot Chris: Matsumo Yusami is making a new tactical RPG
Robot Chris: the guy who made Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics
Robot Chris: liz! the shiny has spread!
Liz: Eeeeexcellent, Chris.
Robot Chris: and now I'm somehow being asked to part with monies
Liz: ...It happens.
Liz: >.>
Erik Keith: You invoked the words Ogre and Battle together...
Robot Chris: ;_;
Erik Keith: *sigh*
Erik Keith: Liz
Erik Keith: WHY
Erik Keith: Liz
Erik Keith: Stahp!

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:By "bills", do you mean you actually have money to put in your wallet? Some people have all the luck.SnowJade wrote:Wallet? I do not understand this word you speak, strange person.It's the place where I keep bills, recent receipts, id and library card.
Bills that you paid (invoice), not bill with which you pay.

Fabius Maximus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Part 3...
Robot Chris: Matsumo Yusami is making a new tactical RPG
Robot Chris: the guy who made Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics
Robot Chris: liz! the shiny has spread!
Liz: Eeeeexcellent, Chris.
Robot Chris: and now I'm somehow being asked to part with monies
Liz: ...It happens.
Liz: >.>
Erik Keith: You invoked the words Ogre and Battle together...
Robot Chris: ;_;
Erik Keith: *sigh*
Erik Keith: Liz
Erik Keith: WHY
Erik Keith: Liz
Erik Keith: Stahp!

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12 people marked this as a favorite. |

Crystal Frasier: It's a cute little spider wearing a cloak!
Erik Keith: o.o
Crystal Frasier: His little cloak has eight little sleeves <3
Sara Marie: o.O
Crystal Frasier: And he's smiling! He's so cute!
Erik Keith: =o
Chris Lambertz: omg
Crystal Frasier: He's got a little coat!
Chris Lambertz: She is not joking.
Crystal Frasier: Eeeeeeee
Chris Lambertz: it is... omg... OMG
Erik Keith: Pathfinder, teaching people to love spiders one picture at a time.
Crystal Frasier: He's gonna commit mischief.
Ashley Gillaspie: I WILL NOT SUCCUM TO THE CUTE! I will not encourage more spiders in fantasy works!
Crystal Frasier: But. He. Has. A. Little. Coat.
Crystal Frasier: He's like if Stuart Little went through an emo phase

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6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Me, getting advice from cosmo for interview questions.
cosmo: 1) How would you kill everyone in this room, hide the bodies, and get out of the country without being caught?
redacted: doomsday death ray
redacted: get the whole planet
redacted: two birds, one stone
redacted: er, I mean, THAT'S NOT VERY NICE
cosmo: well... more like 7 billion birds.
cosmo: but that is a VERY impressive stone.
redacted: well the important thing is to get a mojo jojo helmet to show off your impressive brain BEFORE you press the button, otherwise, how will they notice your excellence beforehand?