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LZP Am I catering to your delusions?
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Sara Marie: oooooh why on earth would you feel guilty about that?
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katina: I think looking back on my interview, I remember being asked if I had experience dealing with “complex software that is constantly changing”
katina: and I was like “psh, that’s probably an exaggeration”
katina: Spoiler alert: it was not.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote: Ashley: THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR BREAKFAST BURRITOS Because they never stay long.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote: Liz Courts wrote: Ashley: THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR BREAKFAST BURRITOS Because they never stay long. Oh ye of little intestinal fortitude.
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Robot: basically she is adorable
and that is the moral of the story
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Liz Courts wrote: Robot: basically she is adorable
and that is the moral of the story
Speaking of adorable, we need a Cake/Cookies/Dessert/Sweets Golem.
15 people marked this as a favorite.
sara marie: when two feast golems love each other very much
katina: They put literal buns in the oven
Ashley Kaprielian wrote: Rysky wrote: Liz Courts wrote: Ashley: THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR BREAKFAST BURRITOS Because they never stay long. Oh ye of little intestinal fortitude. :(
My tummy doesn't like me.
Sara Marie wrote: sara marie: when two feast golems love each other very much
katina: They put literal buns in the oven
They don't make Buffet Golems? Or fuse into the Banquet Golem? :(
- - - - - - -
Feast Colossus.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nutcase Entertainment wrote: Sara Marie wrote: sara marie: when two feast golems love each other very much
katina: They put literal buns in the oven
They don't make Buffet Golems? Or fuse into the Banquet Golem? :(
- - - - - - -
Feast Colossus. So, Buffet Golems fuse to make Banquet Golems, which can combine to form a Feast Colossus? Sounds like the most delicious Voltron ever.
Schmorgan Heckengaard wrote: Nutcase Entertainment wrote: Sara Marie wrote: sara marie: when two feast golems love each other very much
katina: They put literal buns in the oven
They don't make Buffet Golems? Or fuse into the Banquet Golem? :(
- - - - - - -
Feast Colossus. So, Buffet Golems fuse to make Banquet Golems, which can combine to form a Feast Colossus? Sounds like the most delicious Voltron ever. More like the Buffet Golems are the 'baby' Feast Golems.
So, Buffet Golems ---> Feast Golems ---> Banquet Golems ---> Feast Colossus.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: sara marie: when two feast golems love each other very much
katina: They put literal buns in the oven
I need to see if my friend will let me share the stats she made for a biscut dragon familiar...
2 people marked this as a favorite.
redacted and I feel like I shouldn't google it at work
redacted BUT
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Robot Chris: A Katina is never late, she quotes and puns when she means to
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Extrapolating that Katina thus is a wizard, rides a white horse, and was barely involved in the dragon incident.
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Chris Lambertz wrote: redacted and I feel like I shouldn't google it at work
redacted BUT
Was it something I mentioned?
7 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashley: I think I intimidated Will with how on fleek my sanrio swagger is today.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
redacted i'm gonna shotgun a pizza
As a lifelong NY'er, NO! There are only two acceptable ways to eat pizza.
- 1 Slice, (Note: If it isn't sold by the slice, it's not good pizza!) eaten with no utensils from the tip to the crust. You may fold the pizza along the point-crust axis if you wish.
- 2 Slices, one stacked on top of the other. This is a very advanced technique, and is best left to professionals! Background music is MANDATORY!
5 people marked this as a favorite.
katina: When I had braces, I couldn’t bite apples or caramel, let alone neck flesh.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
diego: [redacted for your mental safety]
robot chris: D: D: D: D: D:
katina: welp, i’m upset for the rest of my life now
diego: Sorry, for some reason vampires drinking blood through a straw reminded me of that
Sara Marie wrote: katina: When I had braces, I couldn’t bite apples or caramel, let alone neck flesh. Pft, bunch of wimps scared of hickies going through their DR.
Rysky wrote: Sara Marie wrote: katina: When I had braces, I couldn’t bite apples or caramel, let alone neck flesh. Pft, bunch of wimps scared of hickies going through their DR. I'm guessing you never had braces.
There are certain things that biting with braces HURTS LIKE @(!#&%@*&#%@*& HELL. Hurts the BITER, not the BITEE.
Orthos wrote: Rysky wrote: Sara Marie wrote: katina: When I had braces, I couldn’t bite apples or caramel, let alone neck flesh. Pft, bunch of wimps scared of hickies going through their DR. I'm guessing you never had braces.
There are certain things that biting with braces HURTS LIKE @(!#&%@*&#%@*& HELL. Hurts the BITER, not the BITEE. Oh! I did but aside from a horrible and disturbing incident involving Airheads I don't remember having any problems biting stuff.
I don't know, I've slept since then.
Braces suck (had em myself, no odd biting issues though), but arch expander is worse (a metal device they cement into the roof of your mouth, with a key and a crank system that breaks and then slowly pushes your upper jaw apart to make it wider. Supposedly I had this done 22 years ago to allow for more teeth room, secretly, I think it is just an undercover pear of anguish, as it hurts like a mother!
I had one of those. It was awful. They also sliced the fibers on my teeth so they would reposition and the thing would work, which also hurt a lot. It didn't work and my teeth are all still very crowded.
What's hilarious (meaning completely f*%%ed up) is aside from the way my front teeth were twisted the main reason I got braces was because of the gaps inbetween my teeth.
A little over 10 years later I got my wisdom teeth removed. Guess what the rest of my teeth did with all the new extra space.
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@ Rysky Uggg, that really sucks. Funny how one thing always leads to something worse, in regards to things in ones mouth. (NO not THAT, or THOSE!)
(mother was a dental hygienists, so perfect teeth were a must, hell, I am 35 and never had a cavity or a filling)
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GM_Beernorg wrote: @ Rysky Uggg, that really sucks. Funny how one thing always leads to something worse, in regards to things in ones mouth. (NO not THAT, or THOSE!)
(mother was a dental hygienists, so perfect teeth were a must, hell, I am 35 and never had a cavity or a filling)
I've heard pineapple helps.
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I still have a deep and personal shame for accidentally hitting my friend in the face the same day she got braces.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
You know what hurts? Braces and playing the flute. It took somewhere around a year once I got my braces off for the cut on the inside of my bottom lip to fully heal. It took at least another 5 after that before the scar tissue smoothed down enough that I didn't keep accidentally biting it while eating...
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I played trombone in high school, I know the agony that is braces + instruments....
So much of those little wax strips the orthodontists give out to pad the spikier bits....
8 people marked this as a favorite.
Robot: my coworkers are too encouraging and nice, because I guess I just signed up
Liz Courts wrote: Robot: my coworkers are too encouraging and nice, because I guess I just signed up
How dare you...
6 people marked this as a favorite.
sara marie: that was a terrible joke >.>
sara marie: i felt bad making it
katina: hehehe
katina: i thought it was pretty good
robot christ: it’s not “good”
sharaya: no, definitely not “good”
sharaya: but funny
robot chris: if this were KotoR, Sara would have gotten some darkside points
robot chris: but it was still kinda funny because hobbits
18 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: robot christ: Congrats on the promotion!
14 people marked this as a favorite.
gary: just walk past the lines at the theater going "i can't believe luke is actually vader's father after all!"
6 people marked this as a favorite.
[redacted]: I am giving them an education on where that magical meat comes from.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
gary: i'm sure it just says more about me than it does about the quality of their unicorn cuts, but i just have a problem believing that the unicorn is as pure as it can be if it comes from a place with a sign saying 3 UNICORN'S FOR PRICE OF 2
Sara Marie wrote: gary: i'm sure it just says more about me than it does about the quality of their unicorn cuts, but i just have a problem believing that the unicorn is as pure as it can be if it comes from a place with a sign saying 3 UNICORN'S FOR PRICE OF 2 Maybe they just want to move them quick before the Paladins find out?
Sara Marie wrote: gary: i'm sure it just says more about me than it does about the quality of their unicorn cuts, but i just have a problem believing that the unicorn is as pure as it can be if it comes from a place with a sign saying 3 UNICORN'S FOR PRICE OF 2 Mmmmm. Unicorned beef and cabbage sounds delicious.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
tanis: Typo of the day: Magic Scale Male
redacted a: Is that what we are calling the Blacksmith’s son now?
redacted b: No, that's "More Exploration Required"
redacted c: I would like to explore again, please.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Diego: Some people want to be doctors. Some people want to be trees. And some just want to [redacted].
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Sharaya wrote: Diego: Some people want to be doctors. Some people want to be trees. And some just want to [redacted]. Yo.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharaya wrote: Diego: Some people want to be doctors. Some people want to be trees. And some just want to [redacted]. And some can manage all three at once ;) ;) ;)