DM Orannis |

Hey friends, this will be the thread for discussing the game. Occasionally some OOC talk will be necessary or urgent enough to be included in one of the in-game thread posts, but for the large part it should go here.
Once each of you chimes in on here and gets their character sheet up on their Alias' profile, we'll start up the game thread.

DM Orannis |

All set, can't wait to get started! Darn, my background didn't save last time I updated :P.
Yeah, from what I've been seeing there's been a bit of an issue with that on the boards lately. It might be best to type up profile stuff in Word and then copy-paste it onto the profile so you don't lose anything.

DM Orannis |

Is everybody still on board? I need you all to post here and have your character sheets up on your profiles before I can get started.
To give you an idea of a nice, organized way to have your sheet presented on your profile, here's my PbP character Roland Red-Hand as an example. Yours does not *have* to look exactly like his, but something along those lines is what I'll need to be able to access your characters easily while out of my house.