GMT's Serpent's Skull PBP


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Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

(50 xp for killing a bunch of rats. I feel...dirty. Low levels are ridiculous. :) )

Petry didn't hear all of Meraxes' rant, he was too busy protecting Sasha from the rat before Ishirou killed it. Petry frowned when he heard her speak out in her sleep. With the immediate threat over, Petry lifted Sasha in his arms (please no STR check!) and took the redheaded woman back to her tent to let her recover. "I'll take a rat or three for the reptile-bird - they're fresh." he told Dragolan and Ishirou. Just before he entered the tent, Petry called out over his shoulder, "Uh, sorry about the campfire! I'll help clean up later!"

Jasper Finn Male Human (Ulfen) Hunter 2, NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1, Senses Perception +6 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 ((2d10)+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

Jasper looks very pleased at the fact that even though he only managed to hit a tree in this encounter, at least he stayed awake which is an improvement. At Meraxes outburst he looks shocked for a moment before saying Well that was...different. I'm not the only one that saw that right?

Good idea. If Ishi came into the tent right now he'd get charmed and asked to take a loooonnnggg walk around the island. lol

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia shakes her head at Jasper, still staring at where Meraxes vanished "No... you weren't".
She considers following him for a moment to figure out if something is wrong with him, but then remembers what a jerk he's been to her most of the last two days and decides not to.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry made Sasha as comfortable as possible in the tent, then looked at "Marta". The reptile-bird, still halfway in the sack, looked back at him. "No nibbling, or it's reptile stew." Petry said sternly, then called out to the rest of the party, "Anybody mind bringing me a rat or two? I think Sasha should feed this thing, if I do it it's going to think I'm a parent too."

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis turns to the group after Meraxes display and says dispassionately. Men have been known to sell their souls for magic. Sometimes the spirit takes root in them, everyone knows this. He frowns as he walks away.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan pauses from cleaning his mace. "Saw what, Jasper?" He takes a look at the rat's teeth. These animals are filthy.... "Did anyone get bitten by these things? Jask?"

You can hear sounds of deep breathing and a little bit of crying in the tent. After a while, assuming no one enters, Meraxes will come out composed like nothing happened.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

With nobody paying attention to Petry, he went to get a couple of rats himself. After he picked a few carcasses, he went back inside the tent and woke up Sasha.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis nod's at Ichiro, The traps were very effective. I'm glad you agreed to build them.

Having determined that the rest of the group is not interested in trying to eat the rats Kalis clears the rest of them from the camp, taking them far enough away that he doesn't think they will attract more scavengers. He uses one of the shovels to bury the corpses.

Kalis appears thoughtful when he returns to camp. He takes a quick look around and approaches Gelik. I don't think you should make more comments to Meraxes. He seems bothered and he does not need more pressure.

"Bothered? He's positively mental," Gelik says with a smirk. "He seemed to be able to give and take when we were on the ship. I suppose the jungle heat has warped him a bit."

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

"As it has us all, Master Gelik."

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Your words often bring a smile and keep hopelessness away for a while. This is good and needed. Just pick your targets wisely or you will see bared teeth instead.

Gelik nods at Kalis' words. "For one speak wisely," he says. [b]"Perhaps you're not just a big dumb meatshield," he says with a smirk. He quickly adds, "Oh...uh...Aerys' words, not mine, of course."

Hearing her name, Aerys peeks her head out of the tent. "I said nothing of the sort, gnome," she says. [b]"I don't believe I ever used the word 'dumb.' There's a significant difference, I think."

She steps out of the tent, looking to the ground. To the group gathered, she says, "You lot seem to be able to handle yourself quite well. I have you here." She takes a seat near the fire, saying nothing more.

At Dragolan's question, Jask responds, "No. I cut myself on a sharpened stick. I suppose it was a remnant of some previous stranded campers."

Stepping out of the tent, he says, "Brin is sleeping peacefully. He is not well yet, but I believe he will recover. You have done well with him, Dragolan. Are you practiced in the healing arts?"

Waking back up and seeing Petry standing over her, Sasha's smile returns. "I just had the most pleasant dream. I was a little girl, chasing an adult version of Marta," breaking off, she sits straight up. "Where is she? Is she ok? Wait...what time is it? Why was I asleep? What in the Gods names happened?!"

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Dragolan smiles broadly. "That is excellent news, Master Jask. And I am--it started as something useful to know in a kitchen filled with sharp objects and hot surfaces, and became something altogether more fulfilling when my Mystery manifested itself."

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis smiles although there is a dangerous glint in his eye. You use humor as your weapon as much as you use it to help others. I suppose you see it as armor instead. I wonder what you are protecting yourself from, but that is only the ponderings of a dumb meatshield.

Jask's eyes grow wide and his face breaks into a large smile. "Oho! So, may I ask, what that Mystery might be? I've not met a...vessel...such as yourself in my lifetime. I apologize if my eagerness comes across as rude, but I am quite fascinated."

Gelik's smirk fades at Kalis' words. "You see much, elf. Perhaps, too much? Can that storied darkvision of your race penetrate mens' souls as well?"

Lightening up instantly, he says, "Enough of this nonsense. Tell us, mighty adventurers, what did you learn of our temporary retreat - Smuggler's Shiv, was it? I am eager to hear."

Even Aerys seems to perk up at the prospect of learning what was uncovered.

Female Human Bard 1AC

As noone else seems to be interested in recapping the events of the day, Allia finally gets up, clears her throat and begins.
"Well as you surely know, at first we went along the beach towards the east. The sun was blindind us for sure soon, but the breeze coming in from the sea helpes us all keep a cool head despite the rising temperature. Luckily we didn't find any more of those terrible, giant lobster creatures, not even on that shipwreck we found a couple of miles away from here. That's right, another wreck, but it must have been here for years, I tell you! But there was not even a nail worth looting on that thing, someone else must have cleaned it out long before us. We haven't seen anyone else, so maybe they got rescued already!

Then, around the time of midday I believe we reached the tip there on the map, but only saw a few islands in the distance that were too far away to swim too, and since we don't know if anyone lives there, noone of us wanted to try it. So we headed back, through the humid jungle. Yes it got really really hot in there.

Those devilish birds must have though we're some new form of food - or maybe they had tasted human flesh before, remember I told you about those people that looted the ship? They came down on us from their lair high up in the sky, and with a fell swoop send our poor friend Jasper unconcious. Of course they didn't expect Kalis sharp blade that had sliced two of them apart within seconds. I believe that last one died from shock when he saw his friends die so easily.
This whole time she was accompanying her story with all sorts of gestures, demonstrating the ferocious attacks of the birds or the mighty swings of the sword.

Jasper of course got better, as you can see, because he's sitting right over there in case you missed him, thanks to a timely prayer of Master Canario. And that's where Master Petry had the idea to check the nest for an egg or a young. As you can see, we did find one of them.

It was getting really hot by that time and we decided to take a break, and continue when the temperature was more bearable, but I bet you can't imagine what happened then! Goats! I'm not kidding you, goats truelly charged out of the undergrounds, and one of them must have knocked poor Jasper on the head again, because when it was all over, he was unconcious again! Maybe Master Jask or Master Canario should examine him to make sure those birds did not do something to him after all!

So where was I? Oh yes, goats. We captured them, thanks to a well aimed sleeping spell that send both of them dreaming, and then we tied them up. You might have noticed their bleating already and wondered what in the world that infernal sound might that be? It's the goats, yes, we brought them with us, because otherwise you wouldn't believe us what hellish beasts they were!"

She finishes with a slight bow "And that my friends was our day."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)
GMT- Sasha wrote:
Waking back up and seeing Petry standing over her, Sasha's smile returns. "I just had the most pleasant dream. I was a little girl, chasing an adult version of Marta," breaking off, she sits straight up. "Where is she? Is she ok? Wait...what time is it? Why was I asleep? What in the Gods names happened?!"

"Meraxes cast another Sleep spell, and you were caught in it." Petry answered Sasha. "The others took care of the rats." he added, holding up a dog-sized carcass by its tail. Petry looked at the young dimorphodon, whose eyes were locked on the meaty rats. "You'd better feed Marta before she wiggles out of that sack." he suggested, handing Sasha his dagger. "I'll fill you in on what happened today."

While Sasha imprints on the young reptile-bird, Petry says "We went up the beach to the north and found another shipwreck, but this one was years old and already looted. This part of the island curves into a circle, and we saw the other side from a distance. There's a large lagoon with some smaller islands on the other side. We had to come back through the jungle, and that's what slowed us down so much. Then," he nodded at "Marta", "her parents attacked us. Jasper got hit and fell down from the attack. After we took care of them Kalis and Jasper helped me search for the nest and we found Marta, some goats attacked! Goats! Jasper was attacked again, the man had to be revived a second time after the, heh, 'battle'. I should probably go check on them."

"But it was harder to get through the jungle than I thought, and the heat here is worst after noon. That rainstorm broke the heat this time, but I'm not sure if it's going to rain like that every day. I also don't like how first Brin went hunting alone and now Jask; we need to stay in groups of two at least, it's too dangerous here."

"The shipwreck and the animals means that others might be here on Smuggler's Shiv." Petry said to the redhead, leaning back in the tent. "The goats are a mated pair; we can start taking care of them now, and they'll make milk and meat later. If we can find more shipwrecks, we might get more equipment, but if we found animals here, why haven't they been corralled, why let them run wild?" he mused.

(Sasha can talk or we can join the guys & gals outside now. Say that this conversation happens just before Allia starts her summary.)

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
holding up two carcasses by their tails. [...] Petry had no idea Allia was giving a better story to the others outside.

Not wanting to ruin your attempt to impress Sasha, but those rats are "dog sized", so not sure they make the best meal for a baby bird.

Also not sure why you wouldn't hear Allia talk from the outside, she certainly would speak loud enough. But we can assume that you tell Sasha and Allia does start a bit later - she starts after the battle has been cleaned up, and Kalis buried the corpses, I don't think Sasha would sleep that long

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

I'll edit to reflect the larger size of the rats and ending Petry's monologue before Allia starts.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
I'll edit to reflect the larger size of the rats and ending Petry's monologue before Allia starts.

Just trying to help, not telling you what to do, hope you know that.

But this way you can have a private moment for Petry and Sasha where he tells her and then you come out and listen to Allia's performance (or stay in the tent and do something else :) )
Oh, I forgot... Perform (Oratory): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 (for telling the story)

Jasper Finn Male Human (Ulfen) Hunter 2, NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +1, Senses Perception +6 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 ((2d10)+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

Jasper is listening along and jokes about getting scalped by the birds but gets indignant when it's said he was felled by a goat. Twas Meraxes sleeping spell that gots me in that second fight! Not some sodding goat!

Female Human Bard 1AC

She stops shortly at Jaspers complaint and replies "So, you're saying you weren't knocked unconcious by a herd of mad goats, while trying to stop them, but instead just fell asleep? Well, I think my version makes you seem more heroic."

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1
GMT - Jask wrote:
Jask's eyes grow wide and his face breaks into a large smile. "Oho! So, may I ask, what that Mystery might be? I've not met a...vessel...such as yourself in my lifetime. I apologize if my eagerness comes across as rude, but I am quite fascinated."

"No offense taken, Master Jask. Why, it is Life that fills me to overflowing, that drives me to glory in its presence and vagaries. I've not met another like me before, but then Cheliax is not known for its tolerance for such things."

"So, what are your travel plans for tomorrow?" Ishirou asks. "Do you intend to explore more of the island?"

Jask claps his hands together. "That is wonderful! Wonderful indeed. There is little question that your Mystery will have its hunger satisfied here on this very island." he says. "There are countless varieties of creatures and plants to satiate even the most voracious appetites for Life."

Female Human Bard 1AC

Allia sits down eventually sighing "Ah, but I'm glad we finally made it back. And I am kind of hungry. Master Canario, if you need assistance preparing the meal, I'd be happy to help, but I'm not very skilled in the kitchen"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Is Sasha ever going to wake up, GM Todd?

She went outside to join the others. Sorry for not clarifying that.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Kalis answers Ichiro, I think the plan for tomorrow is to head south of our camp. We have made sure there is nothing north of us. We should be ready to move the camp the day after tomorrow or the following day.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry, who had moved outside with Sasha, agreed, saying "I want to search for more shipwrecks, especially. The map also says we should come across a creek to the south. Having fresh water is important. But," Petry added, looking at the tent Brin, Dragolan, and Jask were in, "I don't want to move camp if Brin would die from the exertion."

Petry looked at where the goats were still tied up in the camp. "Jasper," he said, half-serious, "do you want to help me with the goats, or do you need another nap?"

Meraxes comes out of the tent, not saying anything and tries to find something to eat out of the pile of rations and supplies.

Is there anything else you'd like to play out/discuss before going to sleep? Let me know when you're ready to cal it a night.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry will:
- tether & feed the goats
- help clean up and reset the firepit
- check in on everybody (Aerys has the lowest attitude, Ishiro could use some interaction)
- ask Allia or Dragolan? to fill up the waterskins
- write a half-page in his journal again
- spend time with Sasha and Marta
- Dragolan never answered my question about using the potion of Remove Disease on Brin. NPC-wise, it might not be needed, but story-wise, it's important.

Plan for tomorrow's exploration using the travel map: along the beach B9, B10, C11, D11, then turning back and D10, C9, B9, B8. We're not going to get to that little cove-mark on the map tomorrow, it's too far.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Later Allia will do her laundry. Aka uses Mending cantrip to fix any tears that happened to her clothes in the jungle and Prestitigitation to clean it. :)
For water, that's Dragolan or Jask's job, I can't create or purify it.
Good idea about talking with Aerys.
Also, you did miss C10 in your route, walking around it. B9, B10, C10, C11, D11 for example? Or pass through it on the way back?

After a while, while dinner is being prepared, Allia approaches Aerys and sits down beside her "I'm glad to see that you're feeling better today. We've all been worried about you. Hey, you wouldn't happen to know how to play an instrument would you? You could accompany me on it while I'm singing"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Aerys smiles weakly at Allia's words. "Thank you. I haven't been myself since landing here. The wreck has shaken me more than I would care to admit to most others." She pauses, then continues. [b]"I am not gifted musically. I I am not gifted creatively. Period." She turns away.

Aerys' attitude has improved to Indifferent.

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Ah, it's alright, it was just a thought. I'm sure you have other talents in which you are quite gifted."
She wanted to ask if she had finished the entire bottle of brandy already, but figured it would be best not to bring that up "That gnome Gelik looks like a jolly fellow. Sometimes at least, when he's not busy insulting everyone. Do you think I should ask him maybe?"

"Ask me what, my dear?" Gelik asks, sidling up to Allia and Aerys. "I am an open book, ready to be read and consumed by a discerning and intelligent reader."

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Oh, Master Gelik, I didn't even hear you aproach. Please forgive that I was talking about you behind your back. Or with you behind our backs, apperently" she giggled at her own little joke. "I was just asking Miss Aerys here, if she thinks that you play an instrument maybe? You seem like a man of many hidden talents. After I saw how you danced yesterday I thought that being musically gifted is surely one of them."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

"Oho! Your attempts at flattery could still use a little refinement my dear," Gelik says playfully. "Do you mock my dancing? It is true, that I am gifted in other performing arts, though, sadly, music isn't one of them. And, apparently, dancing isn't either," he says, smirking.

Gelik's attitude is unchanged.

Female Human Bard 1AC

"Oh my, no no, Master Gelik, mocking your dancing skills was the last thing I wanted to do, honestly. I really meant it when I said that, and your dancing was really good." She notices his smirk "Wait a second, are YOU mocking me right now?"

"My dear, I would never even DREAM of such a thing." he says, continuing his smirk.

Female Human Bard 1AC

She frowns a bit and peers at him through slightly squinted eyelids (Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3) "No, of course someone like you would never dream of that. But I cannot force you, good Sir, if you don't want to."

Dice Checks:

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

1d10 ⇒ 6
1d10 ⇒ 2

The rest of the evening passes quite peacefully, with the other castaways genially chatting with the party and discussing what they expect to find during their explorations tomorrow. The night watches are the same as the previous night's: Ishirou and Gelik take first watch while Jask and Sasha take second. Aerys even offers to help keep Ishirou and Gelik entertained during the first watch.

Aerys is now willing to help out at camp. She can serve as an entertainer or guard if asked.

Even Brin seems to be improving. His fever has broken and he is sleeping peacefully. Jask doesn't think that he is completely recovered, but he is well on the road to recovery.

As night falls, again, the strange green lights emit from the surf on the beach.

For Jasper's Eyes Only:

Even though you're quite well-rested, you manage to fall asleep relatively quickly. That sleep, unfortunately, isn't very peaceful. You dream that you’re sitting down in the galley aboard the Jenivere, getting ready for your meal. The ship’s cook has given you a steaming bowl of soup, but you drop your spoon. You see that the deck below is covered with seawater up to your ankles, and your dropped spoon has sunk into the water and washed out to sea through a hole. You’re forced to lift your delicious bowl of soup to your lips and drink. But something big goes into your mouth as you do so, and you feel a sharp bite on your tongue. You drop the bowl, only to reveal a serpent had hidden in your soup that now dangles from your tongue as it chews furiously. You start awake, biting your own tongue in an attempt to bite
through the snake’s body.

For most, the night passes in complete peace and silence.

Dawn comes, earlier than many of you want. Sasha and Jask move around the camp, waking everyone up for the day.

More Dice Checks:

Aerys - 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
Gelik - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Ishirou - 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12
Jask - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Sasha - 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

1d10 ⇒ 4
1d10 ⇒ 5

As Jask wakes you up, he is positively beaming. "We're going to get off this rock, you know? It's only a matter of time until you find us a way or we are discovered. I know it," he says cheerfully. "Unfortunately, our dear Brin is not fully recovered yet. I had hoped he would be better after a night's rest. It isn't so, I'm afraid. He'll need another day to rest. I will take care of the hunting and foraging again, I suppose."

Jask and Gelik's morales improve to hopeful. The others are unchanged.

Ok, pack up your gear and let's hit the road. Let me know when you're ready. I'm going to assume that Dragolan is ready, unless he posts otherwise. No bbcode necessary, if you'd like to just type it in. :)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)
GM_Todd wrote:
Ok, pack up your gear and let's hit the road. Let me know when you're ready.

There's that GM stick poking again. :) A little personal roleplay before then. And I vote for Aerys to be a guard for now.

Night fell, and Petry readied for bed by the light from the renewed campfire. He put his silver necklace with its overly large green stone on top of his backpack and things, as normal. The psicrystal soundlessly grew transparent legs out of itself, and, like a spider, rose up. Friend help! Guard with Ishirou! it spoke in broken sentences within Petry's mind. "No! Get down!" Petry hissed, looking around. He shuffled his gear so the crystal couldn't be seen. The peridot complied by evaporating its' ectoplasmic legs and remaining silent. Petry sighed. Others...our friends are still jumpy. I can imagine what Ishirou would do if he saw you coming up behind him. he sent to the psicrystal. You can watch over me, all right? In case a rat or something gets by Gelik. The green stone seemed to hum happily in response.


In the morning, Petry listened to Jask's assessment of Brin's malaria. "I'm glad he's better." he admitted to the cleric. "See if you can find some vegetables in all this jungle." he suggested. "Just watch out for rats!"

(I'm a little troubled that the others' attitudes are still as low as they are, but without some combined Diplomacy on our parts...)

Petry went over to Sasha's tent before she went to sleep from her shift. "Does Marta prefer white meat or dark meat?" he asked the redhead playfully. "Just in case, you know, we have rats or goats attack us again. I don't want you to think we've, uh, just left you behind here while we explore." Petry cautiously awaited her answer.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

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