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WalterGM, are you planning on including the new magus arcana from Ultimate Combat in your guide. Just from the little I have seen, don't have the PDF yet, they are better than the ones in UM. If the one line description of "Accurate Strike: make attacks as touch attacks for 1 round" is correct it is beyond blue. Sure it can only be used a couple of times a day but it could change the balance of an encounter. Jaberwock, AC 40, Touch 14, the difference is significant. A spellstrike of Frigid Touch combined with a crit could significantly soften up the jaberwock.
Yes, I'd love to see discussions of these new arcana. Other than the one DougErvin mentions, the others seemed underwhelming. The arcing pool strike feet is interesting, but for two arcana (and 2 pool pts. to cast) I'll still pass. The additional weapon enhancements (ghost touch, holy, etc.) are nice, but only "made available" for the extra cost, so they will eat away at your enhancement points.

sphar |
You should put the feat Piranha Strike down as good for the Dervish Dancer.It's like Power Attack,but without the Strength requirement,giving you an extra 3 ability score points to use.
"Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When wielding a light weapon, you can choose to take a -1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (-50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and for every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by -1 and the bonus on damage rolls increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before the attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. This feat cannot be used in conjunction with the Power Attack feat."

Jason Stormblade |

Please do Doug!
I'm eagerly awaiting an update on the guide. Between your inputs and Walter getting a chance in the future it would be awesome to see what folks are putting together will the new arcana, archetypes, and hopefully one day some of the additional materials from:
* - Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana
* - Might of the Magus
* - The Secrets of the Magus
I'm loving this class and all the awesome posts that folks are putting out on it. Thanks for your hard work.

KrispyXIV |

Have you thought about an RP section? I would like to hear how you would do a character with the dump stats every time you make a magus.
Its an optimization guide. Dump stats are sadly a fact of life when optimizing, since you're looking to tweak the character for performance, not necessarily roleplaying.
Thats not to say that the guide isn't useful for non-fully optimized builds; it was a great resource when I was recently statting up a new magus... I just knew that since I wanted to have a 14 charisma and good diplomacy, I'd be taking a performance hit for it.

Bullette Point |

Bullette Point wrote:Have you thought about an RP section? I would like to hear how you would do a character with the dump stats every time you make a magus.Its an optimization guide. Dump stats are sadly a fact of life when optimizing, since you're looking to tweak the character for performance, not necessarily roleplaying.
Thats not to say that the guide isn't useful for non-fully optimized builds; it was a great resource when I was recently statting up a new magus... I just knew that since I wanted to have a 14 charisma and good diplomacy, I'd be taking a performance hit for it.
Isn't Pathfinder a role playing game?

DougErvin |

One of the books I mentioned (I forget which) actually has a section on the implications of charisma as a dump-stat and how it effects your magus in rp.
That would be Might of the Magus by Sigried Trent, which is my favorite of the the three books. I fell in love with the magus during the play test, it felt like an old friend coming home. Too many years playing elven and half elven fighter-magic users in pre-3e. What has been pointed out in the reviews of these PDFs is they synergize very well and work very well together. Alas we only get 6 arcana and no where enough feats.

DougErvin |

Okay, I blew off home work tonight to give my accessment of the kensai archetype. WalterCM feel free to incorporate any or all of this in you guide. As usual this is just my opinion and I don't claim to be a optimizing guru.
Kensai Archetype – red/blue
Where a magus and even the bladebound magus represent a middle point between a fighter and a wizard, the kensai magus is a step towards the fighter and in my estimation ¾ fighter and ¼ wizard. A player gives up a lot for increased fighting ability and for me it is too much but for others it may be perfect. I expect to see a number of katana wielding kensai magi running around the PFS tables.
Changes from a standard magus:
The kensai is proficient with simple weapons and one martial or exotic weapon and not proficient with armor or shields. For most of us, a single weapon will not be a drawback since the optimal weapon is the scimitar. The katana will be a favorite of the strength build crowd. Green
Diminished spell casting is the deal breaker for me but others may feel one fewer spell of each level is acceptable. Red
The kensai gains canny defense from the duelist prestige class with their chosen weapon. Blue
Weapon focus with their chosen weapon – free bonus feat, which is always good. Blue
Gives up spell recall for perfect strike, 1 arcana point for maximized weapon base damage or 2 arcana points to increase the critical multiplier by one. Gee, for 1 arcana point I can go from an average of 3.5 to 6 points of damage. Not worth there are so many better things I can do with arcana points. Yellow
Gives up knowledge pool for fighter training, starting at 7th level the magus functions as a fighter = magus level -3 to a maximum of 17th level fighter at 20th level. This is a great upgrade except in certain situations; if you are playing the World’s Largest Dungeon then you really want knowledge pool. Blue
Lose medium armor in exchange for iaijutsu at 7th level, add your int bonus as well as your dex bonus to initiative rolls. This is a good one. Blue
Lose your 9th level arcana for critical perfection, adds your Int bonus to critical hit confirmation rolls and uses magus level for qualifying for critical focus or the critical feats. Why bother playing a straight fighter. If combined with bladebound the character is down two arcana. Blue
Replaces improved spell recall with superior reflexes, you get your Int bonus in AOOs per round and it stacks with combat reflexes. Assuming an Int of 16 and a Dex of 16 that makes 7 AOOs per round, over kill. Green
Loses heavy armor, big deal at this point, for iaijutsu focus. Allows you actions in the surprise round if surprised and a damage bonus (Int bonus to damage) if the surpriser. Given how high your initiative bonus could be I expect a lot of bonus damage. Green
Loses greater spell access, boo, for iaijutsu master, so at 20th level you can’t be surprised and your initiative roll is always a natural 20. I have visions of trying to fight Quicksilver of the Avengers. Since I feel greater spell access is terrible to lose I can only give it a Green.
Trades true magus for weapon mastery, as I said earlier why play straight fighters when this is an option. Blue
After it is all said and done, this is a very good archetype. The key attributes are strength, dexterity and intelligence. An elf katana wielding kensai bladebound magus would be an interesting character but I would have to name him, Bill. I have not run the math but I believe a Dex build using a scimitar would be the optimal build. I’ll leave that up to those of you who understand the math behind DPR.

KrispyXIV |

KrispyXIV wrote:Isn't Pathfinder a role playing game?Bullette Point wrote:Have you thought about an RP section? I would like to hear how you would do a character with the dump stats every time you make a magus.Its an optimization guide. Dump stats are sadly a fact of life when optimizing, since you're looking to tweak the character for performance, not necessarily roleplaying.
Thats not to say that the guide isn't useful for non-fully optimized builds; it was a great resource when I was recently statting up a new magus... I just knew that since I wanted to have a 14 charisma and good diplomacy, I'd be taking a performance hit for it.
My point was simply that this guide is for optimizing a character, mechanically. As in, evaluating build choices in comparison to one another, to determine which ones produce the most potent magus in combat.
Compensating for your weak stats, in game, is a bit unrelated to all that. Its a total grey area, dependant on group, the specific character in question, subjective opinion, etc. Its kindof hard to rate behavior blue/green/red.
Not that a there isn't room for discussion for compensating for dump stats; there probably is. But that applies as much to wizards and druids as it does magi.

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I've spent a bit of time and have put together the foundations of a magus guide and now it's ready for phase 2: where you guys comment, discuss, suggest and question everything I said and together we make it better.
I know the class hasn't been out for very long, but I'm sure we can get a lively discussion going about abilities, arcanas, feats, spells and builds.
You can find it here.
Thanks in advance, fellow Pathfinders!
Good stuff all in all :) I do have one question that has been nagging at me for some time though. Forgive me if this has already been asked.
How does the 0 level spell, Arcane Mark, allow the magus to "flurry"? I must be missing something in the write ups in the spell description, spell combat, and spellstrike.

Mynameisjake |

How does the 0 level spell, Arcane Mark, allow the magus to "flurry"? I must be missing something in the write ups in the spell description, spell combat, and spellstrike.
Since it seems to be a "touch" spell from the description, if not the headers, then it may allow for spellstrike and spellcombat in the same rd. This interpretation seems to be RAW, but may not be RAI.

Jason Stormblade |

I'm not much of a fan of most of the arcana at low levels - generally I pick up Arcane Accuracy for lack of better choices. Once you hit 6+ a lot more decent choices open up.
If you can, pick up all three books I referenced above. If you are playing a Magus you pretty much want access to all of those arcana, feats, and tactics.

Xum |

I'm not much of a fan of most of the arcana at low levels - generally I pick up Arcane Accuracy for lack of better choices. Once you hit 6+ a lot more decent choices open up.
If you can, pick up all three books I referenced above. If you are playing a Magus you pretty much want access to all of those arcana, feats, and tactics.
Where can I get those? And it's no third party alowed, btw.

Malthule |
So am I correct in stating that if you have a Kensai - Bladebound Magus at 20th level, using a Falcata you could get (x5) weapon damage multiplier (spending 2 arcane points + weapon mastery) and automatically confirm all crits on a 17-20? or a Katana (x4) and automatically confirm all crits on a 15-20?
Not to mention the black blade strike ALONE will be adding an extra +6 damage per hit JUST from its OWN arcane pool. Then stack on strength bonus, power attack, weapon enhancement bonus, d8 weapon damage all multiplied ... then any other fun weapon enhancements on top of that
Oh and for extra fun add a 10d6 Maximized + Intensified Shocking Grasp for another 120 damage blast with your off-hand?
I'm probably over-calculating something here and I know this isn't sustained damage round after round but this looks pretty ugly to me.

Xum |

Unfortunately they are all third party materials, otherwise they are all pretty much available on this site or the authors site if you google the title. Most are very inexpensive and are worthwhile.
What level are you at now? Feats will depend on how many you have available to you at the moment.
I'm currently 3rd level. But the game will persist till 2oth at least (it's normal for my group) so I'm thinking more of a build up. I'm thinking about going with the critical tree, although I don't like so much, I don't wanna waste the critical perfection from kensai. What do you think would be good? (Spell selection would also be apreciated)

B0sh1 |

I'm playing a bladebond/Kensai char with dervish dance. Seems pretty awesome in a fight, but I'm not seeing what feats or arcanas to choose. Anyone dare to help?
Race? Traits? and Stat array and what weapon have you chosen?
This is my personal opinion; I don't have the books in front of me, so there may be some minor errors with specifics;
In general, I would say since you won't ever have armor and you already have diminished casting AND less personal arcane pool, you will probably want to go a dex/dervish dance (if GM allowed) build and play to the martial strength of that archetype combo.
Your spell selection would mainly be buffs (I would think) to mitigate the fact you're a 3/4 BAB class and D8 hit dice and your more martially focused than most magi Shocking grasp is still pretty solid.
Personally, I would avoid arcana that drains your arcane pool due to 1 round per arcane pool duration. The exception may be the arcana that allows you to make attacks against touch AC instead for a round.
Wand arcana with a good UMD score can apply some necessary buffs via wand for spells not on your list such as a wand of mage armor or you can do spell blending (?) and pick up some nicer non-magus spells.
Weapon specialization is probably a given.
Lunge is really good for any melee based magus (which is pretty much most of the archetypes)
I am still unsure about intensified as a metamagic feat in this combo due to your diminished casting, lack of spell recall. It's probably still a good fit.

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Just wanted to point out that the Bladebound Magus archetype says in the description "This ability replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level". Which seems to imply that their 3rd level arcana is used to get the Blade Blade, as if they had taken a familiar. It does not seem to imply that they are considered to lack the ability until level 6, they just spend the first arcana to become Bladebound.
By that logic, they could take the Extra Arcana feat at 3rd level. Naturally this is open to some interpretation, and I'm sure some people will insist that only a fool could see it this way, but as written it does look that way to me. Has there been an official ruling?

Malthule |
Just wanted to point out that the Bladebound Magus archetype says in the description "This ability replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level". Which seems to imply that their 3rd level arcana is used to get the Blade Blade, as if they had taken a familiar. It does not seem to imply that they are considered to lack the ability until level 6, they just spend the first arcana to become Bladebound.
By that logic, they could take the Extra Arcana feat at 3rd level. Naturally this is open to some interpretation, and I'm sure some people will insist that only a fool could see it this way, but as written it does look that way to me. Has there been an official ruling?
I actually think you are right to a degree (you aren't really giving up your magus arcana at 3rd, you just aren't able to CHOOSE your magus arcana at 3rd. (you get the sword instead by default)
But I also think gaining the Black Blade is MUCH better than the standard familiar from magus arcana ... therefore the extra hit associated to a bladebound magus class, is the fact that you aren't actually recognized as having a magus arcana until 6th level.
This is how I see it.

B0sh1 |

Just wanted to point out that the Bladebound Magus archetype says in the description "This ability replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level". Which seems to imply that their 3rd level arcana is used to get the Blade Blade, as if they had taken a familiar. It does not seem to imply that they are considered to lack the ability until level 6, they just spend the first arcana to become Bladebound.
By that logic, they could take the Extra Arcana feat at 3rd level. Naturally this is open to some interpretation, and I'm sure some people will insist that only a fool could see it this way, but as written it does look that way to me. Has there been an official ruling?
You're replacing the magus arcana feature gained at 3rd with the Black Blade and the Extra Arcana requires you have the class feature. The Black Blade is not an arcana unto itself, it's a unique class feature of the archetype.

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I think regardless of which way a DM decides, as they have the right to decide, there is an argument to be made either way. As written is never says anything about losing a feature, it says it "replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level".
So if a DM says, "Hey, that's a powerful archetype, I'm going to rule that you don't have the feature until level 6". That's perfectly reasonable, but I do not think that the RAW says definitively one way or the other.

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I would like to point out that Hexcrafter archetype gives the magus all spells with the "Curse" descriptor, which includes the level 0 inquisitor spell "Brand" a melee touch attack that deals 1 dmg on a failed fort save (and carves a brand of up to 6 characters into them for 1day/level).
This gives the magus a replacement spammable touch spell if your DM doesn't like the idea of using Arcane Mark as an attack.

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I would like to point out that Hexcrafter archetype gives the magus all spells with the "Curse" descriptor, which includes the level 0 inquisitor spell "Brand" a melee touch attack that deals 1 dmg on a failed fort save (and carves a brand of up to 6 characters into them for 1day/level).
This gives the magus a replacement spammable touch spell if your DM doesn't like the idea of using Arcane Mark as an attack.
I think this is an excellent point and should be noted as a possible solution alongside the Arcane Mark spam.
Also, any plans to update with the new archetypes?

james maissen |
I think this is an excellent point and should be noted as a possible solution alongside the Arcane Mark spam.
Personally I think the 'solution' is simply to accept the core rules.
Perhaps follow this up with a comment of saying 'do such DMs that think this is such abuse, feel that the monk who can do this (and much better) without a concentration check is overpowered rather than the weaker class its seen as on the boards here?'
Its just not an issue imho,

Lute Solo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apologies for coming in with a question after skipping 7.5 pages of the middle of this thread, but does anyone else feel that illusion spells are especially under-represented in this writeup? I know that the focus of these thought experiments is mostly on maximizing damage output and other concrete measures of effectiveness, but I still feel like the Image tree of spells is even better for the Magus than it is for most other casters.
Why? Because he can cast them for defense that may (ostensibly) be even better lines of defense than things like Mirror Image.
When faced with a particularly scary big-bad, the Magus can use Spell Combat to do his delicious bursty damage (even better if he prepped Shocking Grasp or some other touch spell the round before), and then at the end of the round cast Silent Image to summon a stone wall between himself and the enemy, or Minor Image to have the earth erupt as a column rises from the ground, carrying the (illusory) Magus 30 feet into the air, or Major Image to transform himself into a towering Balor.
Now the big-bad you're up against has to at least spend a move action to even recognize the illusion for what it is, and if he doesn't (or doesn't succeed), you are effectively protected from attack. If he does, he can take a standard action, but that's all. Furthermore, if he fails to recognize the illusion for what it is, he's more likely to do something to provoke an AoO, which the Magus can capitalize on at his discretion.
Sure, the image will end shortly after you stop concentrating on it during your next round, but near-total protection for a round can be a life saver in the right situation, and with a spell like Major Image, who's to say you couldn't creatively come up with a way to continue to benefit from the spell for a full 4 rounds if your enemy fails his saves?
Combine this tactic with the typical buff spells (Mirror Image, Displacement, Shield, etc) or even better, with one debuff (Slow) and you have got a Magus that is almost never going to get hurt if he's smart about it--while still dishing some explosive damage more often than not.
Am I off my rocker, here? I guess if nothing else I see this as being a lot more fun to play than a Magus that casts the same 3-4 spells every fight and just tries to dish damage as much as possible.

Abraham spalding |

Too easy to see through and too easy to make the spellcraft check to know what spell it is. Also way too dependent on the GM involved.
Illusions are one of the real hit or miss areas in the game and are much more reliant on GM adjudication than almost any other part of the game... as such it's at best fuzzy and at worse completely ineffectual.

Jason Stormblade |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I agree with you in principal Lute, but I find that Abe is correct in practice.
I have played with several GM's over my gaming career and far too many are loose with the whole "disbelieve illusion" issue.
Personally in my games, I do not generally allow disbelieve checks unless there's a legitimate reason the character might think they are being tricked or some other special circumstance, but I had played with far too many folks (GM's) who simply roll on any and every illusion being present - breaking the secret by meta-gaming - and with a decent party someone will make the roll and then it is all for naught.
Essentially every illusion spell that can be disbelieved will will be disbelieved rendering them useless.

james maissen |
I have played with several GM's over my gaming career and far too many are loose with the whole "disbelieve illusion" issue.
Honestly the ones that I've seen that were problems with this were problems with other things.. better to know ahead of time so that you bail early.
If you don't want to use it as a mine detector, then simply ask what the DM's procedure for interacting with an illusion is and see for yourself.
Personally for me it tends to involve: being directly effected by it, coming into/making direct contact with it, or spending an action (say a move action perception) to study it.
For example I've had an NPC hit a PC with a sword and tell the player 'you take 5hps of damage, make a will save'. When they make the DC11 WILL save I say 'the opponent actually looks like this instead of that.. there is an overlapping image of what you first saw that you can now see through'. The NPC was wearing a hat of disguise.
Had the PC taken an action to study the NPC I would have given the save, and likewise had the PC hit the NPC first he would have been given the save. Had he failed the save the first time he would not get subsequent ones except in extreme situations.

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Too easy to see through and too easy to make the spellcraft check to know what spell it is. Also way too dependent on the GM involved.
Illusions are one of the real hit or miss areas in the game and are much more reliant on GM adjudication than almost any other part of the game... as such it's at best fuzzy and at worse completely ineffectual.
This particular issue is a sore spot with me. There doesn't really exist in the game, outside 3.5 Dark Sun at any rate, a way to hide, mask, or deceive when casting spells. Of course there are meta magic for silent or still spell but, the point being, the DC's are way too easy to pinpoint exactly what spell is being cast, so feinting with a spell is next to impossible. This kinda makes illusionists next to pointless in combat, imho.
As as possible solution without making the rules clunky or bloated, perhaps opposed spellcraft rolls or the standard bluff/sense motive rolls are called for?

KrispyXIV |

Can't give much info about UC, but someone did mention that if you get Weapon Proficiency with the katana, it is basically a scimitar which damage like a longsword. My PFS character will definitely using one as a Black Blade.
Now, from an optimization perspective, is there anything that actually makes this worth a feat? Other than cool factor, its +1 average damage (half of specialization) over a scimitar, which is already an option.

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Now, from an optimization perspective, is there anything that actually makes this worth a feat? Other than cool factor, its +1 average damage (half of specialization) over a scimitar, which is already an option.
I... don't... like the scimitar? I like d8s? In Society 1 eastern Exotic Weapon Proficiency Boon was given out at Gencon, that works for that, but Walter's Guide also doesn't mention exotic weapons as bad, just that high crit ranges are good. Plus two hands.
Moving on, I own both Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana and Secrets of the Magus, so I could kind of help with that.

james maissen |
I... don't... like the scimitar?
Call it a cutlass.
I like d8s?
Be small sized and get d8s that list 1-4 twice.
In Society 1 eastern Exotic Weapon Proficiency Boon was given out at Gencon,
Well that's cute, though personally I think a dervish build for magi is better for society play than a strength build.
But best of luck to you.. I just couldn't resist the flippant answers, please take it in the mirthful way I intended,

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Is the Kensai compatible with the Bladebound archetype? Again, don't have UC.
Anyway, I can provide my opinion on Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana:
Arcane Critical: Instead of providing more ways to siphon your arcane pool, this, gives you a free temporary arcane pool point.
Arcane Focus: Arcane point for less penalties during spell combat. May be worth it, but I wouldn't take it.
Critical Spell: NO. We use Spellstrike for a reason.
Elemental Assault: Works like the spell for an arcane point. Can't find the spell, so I can't really say.
Enduring Arcana: Prolongs the arcane pool enhancement bonuses to minutes-per-level. If you take the follow-up Greater Enduring Arcana, could save points during the higher-levels.
Enduring Warding: Same as above, but for the Warding arcana; see below. A little underwhelming and arcana-heavy, but it might help for low AC magi.
Enruned Dagger: Can cast spells through a light weapon. 1 Arcana point for two-weapon fighting when not doing Spell Combat. Good for flavor maybe? At least you are proficient with most small weapons.
Enruned Great Weapon: Same as above, but with a two-handed weapon. Not boned up on crit ranges on two-handed weapons, but might be useful if you can ration Arcane points.
Enruned Shield: Same as above two but for shield. Looks and performs nice, and you can be (With heavy armor) basically a knight with magic, but you need a feat to be proficient with the shield. Ouch. Too costly in my opinion.
Force Magic Device: May be good if you don't have skill points in Use Magic Device, but costly.
Greater Enduring Arcana: See Enduring arcana, and increases it to 10 minutes per level. Could be good for dealing with fast encounters, at two hours at 12th level.
Greater Enduring Warding: A bit more worthwhile than Greater Enduring Arcana, but this requires three arcana. Probably not.
Greater Enruned Dagger/Great Weapon/Shield: hour per level might seem like a good use of an arcana, but depends on the adventure.
Harmonic Blending: If you want a Bard spell go on ahead.
Heroic Assault: 1 point for personal Heroism spell. Sounds good, if your GM allows it.
Imbue Spell: You can use it to cast Shocking Grip with a specific weapon while preparing other spells. Sounds good, but the 1 arcane point and (maybe) inability to Spell Combat worries me.
Invisible Assault: 1 arcana point for 1 round of something is useful only for an entire encounter. Meh, I'll pass.
Mounted Assault: We aren't using mounts, so I'll pass.
Piercing Strike: Free +3 to piercing spell resistance if you hit it earlier. I doubt you need the +3, though, unless you are up against some non-squishy caster.
Protected Assault: Protection from Alignment for point. Not much of a bonus for an arcane point. Don't take it.
Resistant Assault: Protects you from elemental energy for arcane point. Meh.
Split Arcana: Not worth cutting down an enhancement bonus even if you ARE duel wielding. (See Enruned Dagger)
Staff Mastery: Allows you to basically use staffs like a normal spell for EVERYTHING. A must for Staff Magi, otherwise, leave it be.
Versatile Combatant: 1 point for temporary use of a combat feat. For the sheer number out there, there must be something good. However, you should have feats in mind before a combat.
Wand Lord: For points you can increase the caster level from a wand. Could be useful, if you depend on wands.
Warding: Like your arcane pool enhancement bonus, but for AC. Might be worthwhile for a Dervish magus later up in levels.
Weapon Diligence: I don't think we need bonuses to concentration, but beyond the limit to one weapon and arcana, might be useful.
*Gasps after typing* Anyway, Archetypes!
Arcana Lord: Ability to scavenge arcane pool points from spells. 1 extra Arcana at 7th level, and at 11th level doubles the arcane points scavenged. All this replaces spell recall, knowledge pool, and improved spell recall. With some of the arcana in the guide, this can be played effectively, though, worrying more about enhancing yourself than casting spells.
Cabalist: A Fighter-Bard-Sorceror instead of a Fighter-Wizard. Replaces Knowledge pool with Bloodline powers. Honestly, just play a bard.
Magavan: A social Fighter-Bard, with a weird ability called Lorestrike (Learn stuff from a creature you crit or the creature fails a saving throw) in place of spellstrike. Again, play bard.
Tovenaar: Fighter-Inquisitors. Replaces most spell-related features with Inquisition related features. Really, REALLY not worth it for losing spells.
Well, that's my take on New Magus Arcana. Lots of interesting options, but they require you to rethink the Arcana pool.

DreamAtelier |
I'd argue that the cabalist can shine for some builds of the magus, presuming you pick the bloodline arcana and powers you're gaining carefully.
For instance, a strength based dervish build may very possibly gain more benefit from picking up the Orc Bloodline and it's powers than they would from Knowledge Pool, since they'd be getting +1 damage per die with all their damaging spells from the arcana, and a few beneficial bloodline powers (two levels later, for instance, at level 9, they'd pick up a permanent +2 to strength and natural armor both).
I don't believe there's a bloodline that provides a similar bonus to Dex, which means Dex build maguses aren't getting much from it, though.
Edit - This would hold particularly true in games where the DM doesn't allow use of the Knowledge Pool to build a permanent set of known spells for you, and there are few enemy casters around to use Blood transcription on.

Vienemen |

Alot of those SotM and UO:MA really break the mold that Magus Arcana have followed even up through Ultimate Combat book. I am all for optimization but would feel dirty taking many many of those options.
Recharge arcane pool on crit?
I am looking at you as well "Song of..." arcanas.
A 1 point suppress all conditions with another save after failing?
These are available early, if not from the get go.
Dont get me wrong...this is the kinda stuff I wanted magus arcana to be but...now that it is offered, I dont know if I can take any. I am a firm believer in sharing the spotlight and I would have to ACTIVELY go towards that goal with one or more of these.
Why are these so night and day different to the official ones? I know in general 3rd party is slightly bumped in power but these ones stand out and slap you in the face different.
Simple answer is stay core right? Like usual.
First post...enjoyed the dialogue in this thread so far. Old follower of the CharOP boards and nice to see these handbooks etc still thriving.

45ur4 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

We are currently playing a campaign with all of 6 us are Magi (with different archetypes, feats and arcanas). From what we are seeing:
Accurate Strike ****: very good ability, it costs you 2 points, but is worth it (man... touch attacks?! reminds me of the old 3.5 wrathstrike spell). Mirmydarch and others distance master Magi will not benefit from it however.
Arcane Cloak **: good but you can afford by the next level the invisibility spell, so...
Arcane Edge **: nice, but you're probably dealing with it only if you are a Myrmidarch (cause the bleeding applies also to piercing weapons), otherwise you can rely on Brow Gasher UC spell to deal bleeding damage with your slashing weapon.
Arcane Redoubt * or ***: it is good only for Skirnirs. It eats up your Swift Action though.
Arcane Redoubt *: if you are a dex-based magus you can even ignore the bonus to reflexes. Two arcana, level 12, 2 to 6 arcane points and your SA to get a bonus on reflex and evasion? Buy the ring if you need it...
Bane Blade ****: Wow. The Inquisitor is a living proof of how much good it's a versatile Bane. Notice that unlike the other arcanas that offers you new weapon additions, this is automatically added to your weapon instead of your available options.
Devoted Blade **: it is good, but damn you have to pay 3 points at minimum to get that advantage and it occupies your weapon enhancement. They are good, but me prefers +5 weapon (that already bypasses DR)... So it's your choice here. It comes by level 12 also.
Disruptive *: nice feat, but if you ever need it take as a feat. Also Spellbreaker comes as an Arcana by level 9 with no prerequisite...
Enduring Blade *: well, I liked the idea of getting my weapon enhanced for a longer time, but seriously? The basic 1 minute duration will be enough for your encounters and that 1 min/lvl won't last enough for a second encounter so, save you an arcana.
Ghost Blade *: if you are going to need a ghost touch weapon just buy one. Also Bladebound magus can trasform its damage into Force, so you will not need it even if you have taken this archetype. Brilliant energy is good, but be patient and wait for level 12 to make touch attacks.
Lingering Pain **: well, I really really like this arcana, but I have to admit that not everyone will use a space for it, because by the time you are next to a spellcaster you have already killed him (spellstrike or spellcombat) or the reverse. I enjoyed using it when there was a Magus vs Magus fight...
Pool Strike Arcing *: you have to be a fan of the Pool Strike ability, otherwise skip these and instead cast a Lightning ball or Contagious Flame if you like zapping and crippling attacks.
Pool Strike Clinging *: it deals energy continuous damage. Not a good deal due to your Pool Strike damage...
Pool Strike Thunderous **: I'm giving it 2 stars. You know what? 2 arcanas and 2 arcane pts is too much, 1 star indeed.
Prescient Attack **: that's good if you have problem hitting enemies. I really would have liked either a) lose DEX against all attacks or b) the enemy is flat-footed for 1 round.
Prescient Defense * or **: you gain your INT as AC armor and Refl against the striked opponent. First, You don't need Refl. Second, You are relying on better armor bonus. If you are a Kensai or Staff Magus you can reach uber AC against the BBEG however. Last until the beginning of your next turn and uses an Immediate Action (probably your current swift action) and 1 arcane points. Spell Shield is better. And Skirnirs dont' bother with this...
Rod Mastery *: you have to play a very byzarre Magus build. Also you will rely on Metamagic Rods so why bother?
Rod Wielder *: same as Rod Mastery.
Spellbreaker **: I agree with what Walter said in his guide about the Magus' Counterstrike ability. If you have a free choice for your 9th level arcana take this, however remember:
It’s not worth changing your attack plan to accommodate this ability
Also, this arcana remains useful only while your are in the middle levels (from 9 to 14), when spellcasters still have many occasions to fail a concentration check (Spellbreaker is different here in regard to Counterstrike).
I would like also to say to the OP that I liked and enjoyed his Guide. Well done, Walter, now keep it updated!

Vienemen |

Vienemen wrote:What is that ability? Arcane Critical only gives you one point to spend by your next round.Recharge arcane pool on crit?
Ya thats the one, crit roughly 25% of the time giving a temp arcane pool point can greatly prolong the shocking grasp dmg pool.
Pretty big in my book. Assuming 4 fights a day, mid levels have roughly 2 ish points to spend a fight, one for weapon the other for a recall or magus arcana during fight. This crit one lets you potentially have many more uses of those abilities during a fight. This to me is a large power balance shifter. These pools are meant to be a limited resource, and end up being less with this ability.
Its 3rd party though and most keep those out of optimization talks. I guess its just justified sometimes :P

Tryn |

a few points which jumps into my mind as I read the guide:
- how do you get arcane shield feat at 3rd level?
It has requirement: 10th level spellcaster
- Why no bastardsword for the strength build? sure you didn't get the high crit range (only 19-20) but you can also do good damage if you're low on spells (1d10 + 1,5x str + Power Attack)
Let's face it, sometimes you will run low on spells and then you're back at you're melee/ranged weapon
- Last Point, why no combat casting? you will be in melee most times you cast your spells, so why not grab this bonus?
I working on my own Magus atm, so this is my concept:
Normaly we use "4d6 drop lowest" but I will stick to the point buy for this.
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 7
1 Human: Combat Casting
1 [not sure yet]
3 Exotic Weapon Prof. Bastard Sword
5 Power Attack
6 Intensify Spell
7 Weapon Focus
9 [not sure yet]
11 [not sure yet]
11 Weapon Spec. Bastard Sword
11 [not sure yet]
With the Bastard Sword + PA you also deal good dmg without your spells (1d10+12 base).