Could I leave a char I love to play here...seems a good spot. He played up through the levels also so it might be more play friendly than a lvl 20 build
Here is Ljot the Pale: Gutbuster
Build: Invulnerable Rager 6
Race: Dwarf (Chose some racial & favored class alternates from APG)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ability Scores: (We rolled with subs sorry)
STR 21 (1@4th, +2 Belt of Physical Might)
DEX 13
CON 22 (+2 Belt of Physical Might)
INT 10
WIS 10
Favored Class Bonus: 2 to skills, 4 to rage per day (24 rage per day)
Traits: Glory of Old and Armor Expert (total of +3 to Spells, SLA, and Poison with Hardy...-1 ACP)
Fort: +13(+15 Rage, +18 Spells or Poison) +2 Cloak of Resistance
Ref: +5(+8 Spells or Poison) +2 Cloak of Resistance
Will: +4(+6 Rage, +9 Spells or Poison) +2 Cloak of Resistance
CMB +11(+13 Rage, +14 vs Orcs/Goblinoids)
CMD 22(24 Rage, 28 Giants, Grapple, Trip, Bull Rush)
Fast Movement, Rage, Improved unarmed Strike
DR1/-, Animal Fury
Imp Grapple
DR2/-, Lesser Elemental Rage
DR3/-, Fire Resist 1, Good for What Ails ya
RP feat instead of Hero points (We do these in our games): Greater Grapple
(Later levels plan to)
DR4/-, Increased DR
Fire Resist 2, Pinning Rend, Rapid Grappler, Stalwart
DR5/-, Flesh Wound
Greater Rage, Pinning Rend, Rapid Grappler, Stalwart, Improved Stalwart
DR6/-, Fire Resist 3, Elemental Rage
Indomitable Will, Pinning Rend, Rapid Grappler, Stalwart, Improved Stalwart
DR7/-, Increased DR
Cold Resist4, Pinning Rend, Rapid Grappler, Stalwart, Improved Stalwart
DR8/-, Increased DR
Tireless Rage, Body Shield maybe?
DR9/-, Rage power
DR10/-, Mighty Rage, Rage power
We do armor=leathal conversion in our games so that diehard lets us use SA when subdual equal opposed to being unconcious.
@lvl 6:
Grapple CMB
To hit +15 (+5 Str, +6 BaB, +4 Feat)
Orc/Gob +16 (+5 Str, +6 BaB, +4 Feat, +1 Orc/Goblinoid)
Maintain+20 (+5 Str, +6 BaB, +4 Feat, +5 Maintain)
Bite +12 (+7 Str, +6 BaB, +1 Enhancement, -2 Grappled)
Fury +24 (+7 Str, +6 BaB, +4 Feat, +5 Maintain, +2 Fury)
Spike 1d6+6 Move to and grab
Fury+Spike 1d6+1d4+12 Rage, Maintain w/Move+ other SA
Fury+Spike+Strike 2d6+1d4+20 Rage, Maintain w/Strike + other SA
Fury+Spike+Strike+Fury+Spike+Strike 4d6+2d4+40 Rage, Maintain w/Strike + Greater
Fury+E+Spike+E+Strike+E+Fury+E+Spike+E+Strike+E 4d6+2d4+40+6d6 Element
Grapple assumes the following:
-The enhancement bonus for enchanted spikes do not count towards the CMB to make the grapple even though you will take a penalty to that roll if your not proficient
-Armor spikes do 1d6+str mod in dmg when they do the additional dmg with a successful grapple
-Barb rage power animal fury will give the bite attack while raging to each maintain attempt (pretty much every grapple roll past the first)
-Any ability that gives dmg per attack (like the rage power lesser elemental) will apply the extra dmg to the Fury bites, the grapple strikes, and the grapple armor spike extra dmg
-the +5 to maintain the grapple is applied to all the CMB grapple attempts during the round after the initial hold is kept(MA, SA, SW for imp, greater and rapid grapple)
-If you chose to do so in the imp, greater, rapid grapple feat scenario, grapple a buddy and move up to x1.5 your speed for the round selecting the move grapple option for each of the 3 attempts that round (creative find CyderGnome)
Other gear: +1 Armor Razors (slash dmg) want to add furious next
+2 Vital Guard Agile Breastplate
+1 Buckler of Light Fortification (will increse fort later lvls)
We came into a tiny bit more cash than norm
His AC and Touch is crap, his DR should cover for lower/mid levels, and I hope to be pinning most foes to keep them from hitting me.
Whatcha think of the Grabarian?