Richard Leonhart |
Rogue, without much doubt.
lvl 6: you can't use many spells, you need to play tricky to win. Skills get maximum use, and guile is necessary for the win.
Alternative, would probably be a witch, because hexes can be used at will. However only because you're lvl 6, doesn't mean the other person is lvl 6, thus the DC of Hexes are too low.
Kolokotroni |
![Angvar Thestlecrit](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A9-Wizard_final.jpg)
FiddlersGreen wrote:Just think of all the cantrips!I'd play a Kobold Wiz1/Sorc1/Cleric1/Oracle1/Witch1/Monk1.
Look at it this way: if I survive the campaign, it'd be an achievement to boast about for the rest of my life. XD
In an E6 game that was heavy roleplay focused that could actually be fun. Sure you arent really good at much, but think of the personality the character could have.
Kolokotroni |
![Angvar Thestlecrit](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A9-Wizard_final.jpg)
Kolokotroni wrote:human magus or inquisitor or alchemist.that's what I'm talking about...
Indeed, I like magic and prefer my characters to be able to use spells, but in my opinion full casters dont come into their own in the first 4 levels or so. They spend much of those levels still struggling to contribute for lack of spells. 3/4 casters have enough cool toys to be relevant and interesting at low levels and still have spells to play with. They fall behind at higher levels without the higher level spells, but at levels 1-6 that barely matters.
hogarth |
Assuming your characters maxed out at level 6, what class(es) would you play and why?
I don't expect any of my characters to surpass level 6 (I'm a pessimist), and it hasn't stopped me from playing anything, although I'm more partial to spellcasters.
I've played the following (PFRPG) classes:
- ranger
- bard
- sorcerer 1/monk
- sorcerer 1/druid
- druid
- sorcerer 1/cleric
- barbarian 1/cleric
- cleric
- wizard
- paladin
- witch
- barbarian 1/alchemist
- alchemist
- oracle (battle)
Aldin |
Let's be honest, there is no bad choice here...
I do love me some martial characters, though... so, barb? Pushing HP's to ridiculous amounts?
My first thought was Barbarian as well. Level 6 gets you enough of the class to be really, really tough against almost anything if you make good choices on rage powers.
Dubiousnessocity |
alot of the posts here are ignoring the fact that these characters would MAX OUT at 6. why play a character that is fun for 2 levels like a caster in a 1 to 6 adventure? go with any of the martial classes as they are more balanced through the level progression. spell casters dont really hit their stride until 5th or 6th. and the specialty classes like bard, druid, inquisitor seem to really take off at 8 or so.
the summoner is a good call, but i find the class so overpowered i cant play it... had to go master summoner to feel like i wasnt cheating.
brassbaboon |
![Ailson Kindler](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Horrors-OldHunter.jpg)
Up until I started playing a witch I'd have said "druid" hands down. Now I'm having a blast with a low level witch.
Low level rogues would probaby be my third choice.
I rarely multi-class, but if I were restricted to six levels I might just take a witch or druid with one level dip in rogue....
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Rogue and rogue archetypes.
Lots of skills, only a slightly behind full BAB classes in offense.
Level 6 is when characters start really becoming powerful, so if that's the limit, characters that can do it all or cover a lot of things are going to be great. Even if fireball is king, I would have evasion to deal with it.
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When considering the many many choices its worth thinking on only Full BAB characters will ever get that 2nd attack and (with the exception of Cleric and Druid) 3/4 BAB casters will never get 3rd level spells.
I kinda like this zone IF the DM remembers that the Town guard should stay at level 1/level 2. Orc remaining a threat, Ogres remain badass and Smaug will always be kickarse... pity about that crit he took from the Arrow of Dragon Slaying (Bard cheated and used 'TrueStrike' as well :) )
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1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Assuming your characters maxed out at level 6, what class(es) would you play and why?
A different game. Being forever restricted to third level spells is fine for some, but it's not my cup of cocoa.
Let me put it this way. Looking at the game, it shows you Mt. Everest and once you see that mountain, you want to climb it. You arrive there all pumped up, and then E6 ropes off everything but the foothills and tells you that's where you're restricted to climbing not just now, but forever.
Handing out a feat every now and then isn't the same thing. It's not the same as playing a game without levels those games have a structure and a rhythm that accomodates it. But D&D and it's children have always been about Mt. Everest. I might not ever scale the peak, I might fall into a crevasse, but at least I know the mountain is there and potentially climbable.
Dreaming Psion |
![Belzken Monk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/BelzkenMonk_final.jpg)
A few thoughts:
Single class:
Alchemists- alchemists get an amazing amount of abilities right out the starting gate. Between infusions, mutagen, and bombs, it seems like there's always something to do. Also, assuming you're leveling up more slowly, having a potion maker right at first level could be handy.
Bard: Yeah, no real reason here other than playing a bard is one of the few character classes I've played where I could just enjoy the class and not care that much about leveling up or gaining more abilities.
Druid (urban): The thousand faces at 6th level thing is a nice capstone ability.
Monk (monk of the open hand): Only way to get Improvised Weapons Mastery. Can do a lot of sick stuff with that at low-mid levels, and what's more awesome than a martial arts guy jumping around bashing you over the head with beer bottles or tossing kitchen knives in masse at you?
Ranger: They get a lot of feats in their weapon style that you couldn't get otherwise (manyshot, etc). Also a good mix of skills and fighting.
The Beastman:
Rg 2 (natural weapon style)/brb 4: Take the scent and animal fury to go along with the Aspect of the Beast (claws) feat and you've got a wild beastman akin to a werewolf. Can make for a nice progression to simulate the mastery of the wild side inside the character
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I've played in a lot of low-level campaigns, and the most fun I've had was a ranger that dual-wielded throwing axes, and used a lot of archery (PBS and Rapid Shot) in 3.25, a human 3.5 sorcerer 1 that had the draconic breath feat (he had color spray and magic missile, but could convert spells into a breath weapon that did 2d6 points of damage per spell level), and a human 3.5 spellthief that used a longspear and Improved Feint to great effect.
I think an Inquisitor could be fun (Bane is 5th level, right?), as well as barbarian, ranger, and rogue. Heck, most would be fun....except I think a wizard would be really challenging, since they tend to run out spells and don't have a lot of back up abilities. Scribe Scroll is nice, though...
BenignFacist |
![Aldern Foxglove](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_Aldern.png)
Helaman wrote:Assuming your characters maxed out at level 6, what class(es) would you play and why?Let me put it this way. Looking at the game, it shows you Mt. Everest and once you see that mountain, you want to climb it. You arrive there all pumped up, and then E6 ropes off everything but the foothills and tells you that's where you're restricted to climbing not just now, but forever.
..it sabotages the cable car and forces you to walk! :)
*shakes fist*
Ashiel |
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Race/Classes: Human Monk 2, Alchemist 2, Inquisitor 2
HD: 6d8+6 (36 hp), AC 15
BAB: +3, CMB +4, CMD 19
Base Saves: Fort: +9, Ref: +6, Will: +6;
Total Saves: Fort +12, Ref +12, Will: +11
Skill Points: 20 + (Int Mod * 6) + 6 +2, Total Points: 52
Special Abilities: Evasion, Wis to AC, Wis to Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mutagen, Bonus Feat, Orisons, a 1st level spell, Detect alignments, Track, a Domain, Monster Lore, Judgment 1/day, Throw Anything + Intelligence to splash weapons, Brew Potion, Poison Resistance +2, Poison Use, Bombs (1d6), Alchemy +2, Discovery (Infusion), Flurry of Blows, and Stunning Fist.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (Bonus), Improved Initiative, Deflect Arrows (Bonus), Point Blank Shot, Nimble Moves, Lightning Reflexes
Ability Score Array (15 PB): Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 7. 4th level Adjustment into Wisdom. Enhancements: +2 Int, +1 Wis.
Equipment (16,000 gp): Headband of Intellect +2 (4000 gp), Circlet of Wisdom +1 (1,000 gp), Handy Haversack (2,000 gp), Masterwork Backpack (50 gp), Hat of Disguise (1,800 gp), Hand of the Mage (900 gp), Masterwork Cloak of Resistance +2 (+2 Stealth) (4,050 gp), Masterwork Thieves Tools (+2 Disable Device) (50 gp), Masterwork Books (+2 Knowledge: Arcana, Religion, Dungeoneering, Nature, Planar) (250 gp total), Flask of Acid x 100 (1,000 gp), Potion of Mage Armor x 10, Staff (0 gp), Sling (0 gp), Club x 3 (0 gp), 1,000gp remaining.
Commentary: This is a very well-rounded character. She has a very wide allotment of skill potential, class skills, and most importantly - survivability. She is not terribly offensive but she has the capability to provide some heavy artillery fire. She adds a +4 bonus to splash weapons, so that's 1d6+4 with a 5 point splash damage with her bombs and/or acid flasks. If she must fight in melee, mutagens can help. Her infusion ability allows her to give her "potions" to her allies. She can craft a variety of useful potions with Brew Potion for 12.5 gp which she can use for herself or her allies.
She has a very comfortable carrying capacity to carry all her junk, her weapons are free, and she can double as a skill monkey for disabling traps. Most importantly, she has Evasion and amazing saving throws for 6th level (her base saves are equal to her level or better), making her very resilient to magic and special abilities. If she gets grappled or similar, she can attempt a Stunning Fist with a DC 16 Fortitude save to attempt to escape.