Azten wrote: Tradition has sorcerers casting it. Yeah, it's that kind of thing that makes my mind boggle. Bringing life to inanimate objects is, in my opinion, one of the most wizard-y things there is. ![]()
Ravingdork wrote: See for yourself. My count is only +4 CL for greater dispel magic (+2 from Spell Specialization, +1 from the Ioun stone, +1 from the Varisian Tattoo); what am I missing there? EDIT: Messed up quote syntax. ![]()
So I was idly flipping through UM earlier, and this line gave me a bit of confusion. Ultimate Magic wrote: When you finish casting this spell, you may bring yourself and up to seven other creatures to the plane automatically by joining hands in a circle. Is this only do-able once, requiring plane shift afterward? Or can you shift over to the demiplane whenever you want using the holding-hands-circle method? ![]()
Richard Leonhart wrote: On the other hand if I were the GM, you would have lace my sweets with acid and hit me on the head with your metal-bound-corerulebook to get me to allow that staff. (that's the only explanation I can think about for a staff of infinite wishes that's not a major artifact) Oh, the staff of wishing ended up basically becoming an artifact. Once it was created we only had about one more session until the game ended. All of the characters were 30th level (20 class levels, 10 PrC levels) by that point, so there was really nowhere else to go. EDIT: And "Magic-ridiculous" was a very good description of that particular campaign. Though that was the entire point of said campaign, really. ![]()
Well the reason it's an issue: When crafting a spell into a staff that has an expensive material component, you have to pay fifty-fold the price. Unrelated, but we saved a boatload of cash in a ludicrously high-powered game when we made a Staff of Wishing. Took awhile to build up to it though, was a party of five and we were able to get 120 ability score boosting casts out for the price of 50. ![]()
I'm currently playing a summoner, and I want to get access to permanency and arcane sight. Best plan I've come up with so far is to commission a staff with the two above (and detect magic so I can actually refill it). However, I'm not sure how permanency's GP cost interacts with the normal rules for putting a spell with an expensive material component on a staff, since the cost is variable. My interpretation is that there's no additional cost to place it on the staff itself, but the normal material component cost has to be provided on use. Is this correct? ![]()
Okay, so, a friend and I were talking about this and we've got this figured out. This content is from material published by Paizo Publishing, LLC, but is not part of the Pathfinder Core Rules. Eidolon Subschool
Replacement Powers: The following school power replaces the dimensional steps power of the conjuration school. Lesser Eidolon: At 8th level, you can trade your familiar for an Eidolon, as the Summoner class feature of the same name. Treat the Eidolon's level as your Wizard level -7, or Wizard level -4 if you have the Improved Familiar feat. You do not benefit from any other Summoner class features, such as life link or bond senses. Thoughts? ![]()
SmiloDan wrote: You could slow down spell progression. For example, give wizards the inquisitor's spells per day instead of the standard wizard's spells per day. Players would still get to cast spells beginning at 1st level (which is fun--especially if you want to play a spell caster!), Save DCs don't need to fudged, the highest level spells are eliminated, higher level spells are delayed, and if the PCs want more spells per day, they can just invest in Scribing Scrolls. Just pointing something out, that results in the wizard having more spells per day of levels 1-6 than he normally would. Granted that's still cutting out 7-9. ![]()
Okay, two things strike me. #1, I find the giant maggot infestation due to sudden lack of spidery death very clever. Good job. #2, Beware, pugwampis can and have destroyed a 10th level party when combined with other things if one of the dice doesn't like a player. Remember, they make people roll twice and take worst on everything except damage rolls. ![]()
So I've been tinkering around with this on and off for a few months now, and I think I'm ready to post it. As the title says, I'm basing most of the inspiration off of FFXI's incarnation, and been writing bits here and there for minor faction based mostly in Katapesh and Qadira that the PrC comes from. However, I don't want to commit to doing a bunch of fluff writing if the mechanics aren't sound enough for play. The prestige class itself is up in this Google doc, I've gone through Bestiary 1 thus far. I'd like to get some opinions and critique before I move into Bestiary 2 and 3. The PrC is primarily meant for a martial base, it's not actually a spellcasting class (Though I have had someone use Inquisitor as a base in a playtest to good effect). Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated, and I'm open to collaboration. Some mutation entries are as-of-yet undecided. I'm open to suggestion on those. I'm also debating on whether to allow mutations from CR 1/2 outsiders that are familiar-able. EDIT: Just remembered, there's a few Bestiary 2 entries in there. Those were critters that showed up over a series of modules used for playtesting. ![]()
First off, I have to say I absolutely love this program and I'm going to use it always and forever. With that said, a friend found a pretty nasty bug. Templates can mess up attacks. For example, applying the half-dragon template to a kraken makes it lose its tentacles (the half-dragon template's natural attacks seem to overwrite any existing ones). ![]()
One of a Choker's special abilities grants it an additional move action each round. Does this allow it to move and full attack? The bit that's confusing me comes from the description of a full-round action: "[a full-round action] can't be coupled with a standard or a move action". I'm leaning on the side of yes, but an arguing player says no. Is there an official verdict here? ![]()
If Diplomacy rolls are a problem for you, you might want to check the second post on this thread. My group uses this Diplomacy rewrite in all of our games, and we all agree the skill makes a lot more sense with it. ![]()
Drejk wrote: Does not work that way, regretfully - Extra Cantrips or Orisons adds 2 known 0th level spells. Which is of little use to Wizard who can add them to his spellbook from a scroll (there is quite common reading of all-cantrips-in-spellbook as all-cantrips-in-the-core-rules-in-spellbook-everything-beyond-core-learn-no rmally) but still has to prepare within daily spell slot. And number of those is fixed. Oh really? Snap, so it is. Guess it is redundant then. I had read the feat wrong when I first went through the book. ![]()
Kilbourne wrote:
I concur, I'd love to see some more info on this. ![]()
Ævux wrote:
Hm. That's probably a better option. I think I'll change it over. EDIT: Gack, why can't I edit my original post? x.x ![]()
Synthesist Archetype Patch Spoiler:
Bonus Feats The Synthesist receives a bonus feat at 4th, 8th, and 14th level. These bonus feats may be any Combat Feat or Monster Feat that the fused Synthesist/Eidolon would otherwise qualify for. True Synthesis (Su) The Synthesist can remain in his fused form indefinitely. The Synthesist's eidolon does not dismiss if he falls asleep or otherwise loses consciousness. This ability replaces Split Forms. Fusion Celerity (Su) The Synthesist can call his eidolon or dismiss it as a full-round action, instead of needing to perform a 1 minute ritual. If the eidolon is killed, the Synthesist must wait a full 24 hours, as normal. This ability replaces Twin Eidolon. New Feat Spoiler:
Tenacious Summoning
Your summoned entities are particularly tenacious, and refuse to turn from or leave you in a time of need. Prerequisites: Ability to utilize a spell of the (Summoning) subschool Benefit: Any creature you summon gains a +4 bonus to its saving throw to avoid dimissal or domination. This bonus also applies to a Summoner's eidolon. New Summoner Option Spoiler:
Prepared Casting
While many Summoners draw arcane magic from the link they have forged with an outsider, there exist other Summoners who followed a different path to the link. Many Summoners began schooled in the arcane arts either by traditional paths, or by study of wizardry. These Summoners gave up much of their arcane potential to forge a bond far stronger than that another wizard's familiar or bonded item--the bond with the eidolon. Such Summoners prepare spells ahead of time and use a spellbook, as other prepared arcane casters. A prepared casting Summoner uses Intelligence as the primary ability for his spells (the Summon Monster class feature remains based on Charisma), and gains access to spell research as any other prepared caster. However, a prepared casting Summoner's spellcasting progression for each slot stops at 4 spells per level, instead of 5. Comments, critique, and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ![]()
Magicdealer wrote: On the celestial plane, where the game continues, they are level 1 characters. Have them use the stats from their level 20's, and of course they keep their gear. They'll want to write this up on a secondary character sheet. If they need/want to return to the prime plane, they are level 20 characters with whatever loot they've accumulated so far. The idea here is that they are actually gaining power in the celestial realm, and are still powerful characters. However, in COMPARISON to the other creatures that... This is a really interesting idea, but do the players keep their spells/feats/etc.? Or are they ACTUALLY brought down to level 1 with level 20 equipment? ![]()
Ooo, I might have to steal some of these feats and spells for the epic level game I'm running. If I do such again in the future, I may just use this instead of the funky homebrew thing I'm doing right now. Twin Agate Dragons wrote: I'd like to know more about this. Would you mind starting a new thread detailing this? I'm also quite interested in this. ![]()
I've heard that Wizards can get a lot of mileage out of a familiar if they know what they're doing. I've tried to figure it out, and I've done google searches, but I haven't been able to figure out what's so incredibly useful about them. Best use of my familiar (a Voidworm) thus far has been having him squeeze through a keyhole and utilizing Share Senses to figure out what was on the other side.