Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dungeon Master

I got some cool stuff to share around the campfire. Tomorrow afternoon I leave to "Carnage on the Mountain!", where I am going to play Pathfinder all weekend long. My good friend Tirion is joining me and we are going to be starting up two new dwarven Pathfinder Society characters to take on Golarion! I have a dwarven priest of Cayden Cailean and Tirion has a dwarven Zen Archer. We are starting out with Murder's Mark and ending with the weekend with Feast of Ravenmoor. It should be an awesome time! Our GM has five stars. That sounds pretty impressive!

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I actually have no clue what I am getting myself into - or is it that the others at the convention have no clue what they are getting into . . . hmmm.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Sounds like a blast, I'm jealous!

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Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

Harry why are you wearing a raincoat?

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Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

Because I couldn't find a hockey mask.

Female Half-Elf/Human (Bloodline Fey) Sorceress/8

Harry's mantra.

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Male Orc Expert 5

If this was true my respect for Shifty would have dropped by like a hundred percent.

I'd have to ask him to turn in his metal head license.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Lol, I like it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)


Or his softer side

"My shine wore off as time wore on"

At least he isn't as heartless as Elghund, must be the elven side adding softness. Elghund is a Ranger, Harry doesn't like Rangers but he likes his Orcish cousins... that'd be a tough friendship.
Bloodless just hates things from the Pit or Hells.

Winter thinks everyone should be friends.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

To be fair, you and DMHW are the only reasons I stick with the Heart of Runes campaign. I just wasn't able to connect with it the way I do the others. I like Harry and Celestra though, and it helps to keep me interested. Elghund has grown on Annalisa, though I wasn't so sure how that would go in the beginning. Of course, Bree sees Winter as family now. Which is probably not really something Winter ever should have wanted, lol. IDK who Bloodless is...

You should devise a scene just for fun where all of your characters meet. I've done similar things in the past with other games. It can be quite interesting to see how that actually ends up working out. It's also a big challenge to attempt to be that many different people at once, interacting with one another and stay true to each character.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Bloodless is an Aasimar who in his head is fighting a continuation of the battle of Heaven and the Abyss on the material plane - he isn't pleasant to Devils and Demons, simply looking for a way to off as many as possible, but is starting to slowly hate mankind as well for their apathy.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Nice... I kinda hate mankind for their apathy, too. :D

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Meh... I'd hate mankind for their apathy as well... but I mean what's the point... seems a bit too much work...

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Twilightrose wrote:
Nice... I kinda hate mankind for their apathy, too. :D

Don't say that out loud...Murphy could hear you...it isn't always pretty when they wake from their apathy...

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Lol @Mark

feytharn, true enough, love, true enough.

feytharn wrote:
Twilightrose wrote:
Nice... I kinda hate mankind for their apathy, too. :D
Don't say that out loud...Murphy could hear you...it isn't always pretty when they wake from their apathy...

Peter Murphy?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
feytharn wrote:
Twilightrose wrote:
Nice... I kinda hate mankind for their apathy, too. :D
Don't say that out loud...Murphy could hear you...it isn't always pretty when they wake from their apathy...
Peter Murphy?

Probably related.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Some real-life sorting out atm, post as soon as I can.

VC - Sydney, Australia

No worries mate!

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Take all the time you need!

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Just for explanation: My wife and I have decided that it's better to part at this point of life and now there's a lot of things to do...and things to feel.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

[German]Wie schon gesagt - nimm dir so viel Zeit wie du brauchst, Ich kann dir nur alles Gute und all die Kraft die du brauchst wünschen.[/German]

Male Pale Master

Ouch! Just went through a bad break up myself. Take all the time you need Zyren and keep your chin up.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Ouch - Definitely take the time you need. I have represented clients in this situation and know the emotions and feeling that come with it.

That's sad to hear, ZZ. Take care of yourself....that's the important thing.

Dungeon Master

My thoughts are with you, Zyren. Take care of yourself!

VC - Sydney, Australia

That's pretty hardcore mate, sorry to hear. Hopefully you guys can bag that up and sort it out.

nothing is too big it can't be discussed and dealt with.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

*hugs* Zyren, I'm so sorry, love. If there is anything at all I can do, even though I far away just let me know. Shoulder to cry on, someone to yell at, whatever.

Sorry to hear that bit of news.

Zyren - I'll repeat the ouch and extension of feels.

Rough news. Sorry to hear that. Take care, Zyren.

Good luck mate!

Man, if you need anything,let us know. Even if it is just a quick caht about beer or cars or some shi*.

Sorry to hear that ZZ, take what time you need for yourself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Thx for your kind words, it's getting better day by day. After next weekend, when my wife's move will be completed, I'll have time and thoughts again for RPG!

Until then The Gaslight Anthem - Drive

Male Orc Expert 5

Eh, it'll turn out alright. It'll feel like complete crap for a while and then you'll come out the other side feeling fantastic or possibly very very bitter.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Nice to have you back ZZ :)

But Tark, what if bitter feels fantastic?

Male Orc Expert 5

Then you're a rich man who bought the house next to your ex-wife's and erected a giant middle finger facing hers.

VC - Sydney, Australia

So much epic man, so much epic.


VC - Sydney, Australia

During a chat with DMZZ I floated the idea of getting these campaigns back firing on all cylinders - I guess I like pushing things along or something, hey its my strength :)

This one seems pretty clear. Smash up the Fort and see what answers come out of the wreckage. We know we have a few enemies in there, and at present we just need to rip through as quickly as possible and beat things to a messy pulp. I suspect from the maps we have seen that this thing is quite large we need to just go room by room and limit the side chat unless we are keeping it to just commands and decisions.

* Perhaps if we want to stop and check things we can do it in the wash at the end? Otherwise we could be in there for RL years.
* Alternately the GM can just assume we check as we go and throw down the appropriate check as it would otherwise be called for?

Seems once again mostly straightforward, although we have two sets of goals - one is explore/report, the other is locate our missing person.
Not much to say on this one, we seem to be doing ok, we just have to get comfortable we are being set-up (aren't we always) and get on board the plot train and let it take us for a ride I suppose.

This one will get busy.
Solaric (and by extension all of us) is going to have to work out what the most epic c*ckblock of all time means for him - obviously with no Countess he's just an ex-boyfriend, and in Ustalav that can be a problem. The new boss is unlikely to be as open to nice as the last one. That and we have Vampirella that he just double crossed running wild with an army at our doorstep - time to find a new city!

Do we hang around and try locate the Puppetmaster whilst the armies are busy fighting? Or do we have a different quest - we appear to be stuck on that point at the moment - would love the opinions on where we should be directing ourselves.

A minor problem child - where are we going next? We seem to have wrapped all our arcs at this point, and Alchy is just as likely to forget he's not actually a Lion and nom on the slaves and whining Freemen as he is to rescue them. I'm digging Kaer-Maga, but he's pretty much built his hippy love nest and is looking for a new cause/purpose.

The bigger problem child.
Really unsure where we are taking this one and its the least consistent.
Perhaps we could fill in the GM about where we wish to take it - or finally let it go so he can focus on a more demanding dragon or something...

Anyhow, by all means, just opening discussion and not looking to railroad - I'd just like to make some REALLY solid ground on these AP's etc next year and get the momentum on to see the end of them :)

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I am all up for pushing forward in the HoRunes. We definitely need to press forward with Harry and Karlan hitting hard. Ailetha wants to learn more about these Runelords. She knows that there is some far greater plot and the increasing power of their adversaries has simply reaffirmed her belief.

I love the HoJ characters. Admittedly we have at least one that is effectively not in the party and should probably be dropped/replaced before we start another campaign. As goofy as they are, the group has been fun to play and I would like to see how Jez develops going forward. I am sure that there are other modules we can jump into that can use the talents of our assembled group. If the campaign ends/dies, I will be sad, but I understand that it happens in pbp, just look at all the inactive campaigns on the bottom of my page, only a half dozen of which ended properly.

Male Pale Master

- Kabal thick headedneess has him along for the ride. If it is a setup then someone will have to point it out to him. He is just a sheathed weapon for the time being and hoping to not spoil the ruse that the group is trying to pull.

It would be very hard indeed to talk Cairn into leaving Karcau. His entire family is there and as a Sczarni... family is everything ...

The Puppet Master is almost too illusive to worry about with an enemey army camped at our doorstep and no true leader at the helm. Its gonna be a mess for quite a while assuredly but there is alway profit to be had from war.

Edited for HoLight:
- we also have two players that have been MIA for over a month. Definitely need to bump or replace them. We're gonna need all the manpower we can get at this point.

Male Orc Expert 5

Runes really needs to get a move on in terms of just letting harry scout and then we pounce room by room like a SWAT team. The story is great and all but I think the group gets that these are horrible creatures that need to be put down. Karlan's gone from "friendly good cop paladin" mode to "CLEAVE AND SMITE EVIL!" mode aleady.

In Darkness I'm seriously considering retiring berry. Her "Arc" was completeed very very quickly and I'm finding it harder and harder to find motivation for her. In fact I think it might not be a bad idea for her and Alchy to retire to "NPC' status and try to bring up fresh blood with new characters into the game that have actual goals and motivations. It's obvious Kyren and Vaughn are still good to go int the whole heroing department. I know KEnta and Tal are about though I wonder what direction they'll take their characters. In any case I plan on playing this particular scenario out to its end and then erhaps looking at one of the playtest classes and see if Zyren will allow one if I see one take my interest in a meaningful way.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yep we just need to maul the place - there is no interest in conversations or motivations, this is now just "Kill em all, let Iomedae sort em out" territory :) We can always let Ailetha get all her info in the loot divvy stages, unless something pertinent comes up in the keep that helps us in the keep itself.

Agree that we are probably fixed to Karcau.

I suspect the Dead Countess arc needs resolving before the battle arrives though, because at this point we aren't leading any troops so that part is moot - it will be us against whatever BBEG they might have lurking about.

I am of a mind to just run with the players we have, as I am noting in the PFS PbP that thing move significantly swifter with a core group. Once you get to six or more turns take days, where as a 4 pack are completing rounds at least daily. Perhaps its just adjust to taste. Also we have an iffy track record with replacements.

Yeah Alchy never actually got his own motivation, that was the hard part. He came in as a replacement healer and ended up filling a few roles. As time went on though he never got kicked a plot hook to actually make his own - that's why reforming the Revive became his thing, I've effectively been trying to make my own hooks without disrupting or party hijacking.

It would be good for him to finally get a main plot-hook in though - at least one solid plot point before he retires - he keeps being attached to other peoples. Also he's finally about to get really good, and making a new character to get handed a hook seems a bit odd - just give a hook to the current guy that I know works well.

yeah happy to keep it ticking along, but where are we going? :p
Agreed we need to sort our manning out though.

Careful with that plan for Runes....Varisian media may spin it so you all look like Asmodeus worshipers bent on murder,lol.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Dread Pirate Harry welcomes the publicity.

There have been 6 Dread Pirate Harry's and he will most likely kill you in the morning.


On Kenta - when I came into the campaign it was just after you'd dealt with a revolving set of doors, so I made a character that was fairly non-descript with goals and what not. He's more than happy just being along for the ride whichever way the campaign shifts.

On Cat - would be nice to be able to cut to the chase a bit and get into the thick of cracking heads and taking names.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah I know what you mean Kenta, in some regards I think we are just getting this off the ground. That rapid turn-over in the middle sort of stripped everything but the main 'rescue' arc.

And yeah, 'Cracking heads and taking names > All'.

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