Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

True story.

voodoo chili wrote:
Mark Sweetman wrote:
Totters over to stand next to voodoo and help lean on Shifty :P
HA! I really wasn't fishing.

Heh - my mistake... totters over next to Shifty to lean on voodoo :P

I wasn't really fishing either, but would totes be into it if anyone was looking to run it.

Good Grief, bastards. I am away from the keys and you guys have bbq while I'm gone! hahaha. Hi Feral.

If one of you guys have a go at that Dragons bit, let me know. I have wanted a reason to play a classic knight for some time.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

I have around 11 days of camping coming up (end Sep) and am away to the UK for a month in Dec, I will be back for four weeks after that before camping for a further 17 or so days early Feb.

Hence as much as I would like to bite into something substantial, it would have to be after the gaps.

On a lighter side note - Australian Political Process in two minutes

Good one Shifty - I'm sure you fill in all the boxes under the line?

I like this guy's vids too

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I think that the game I was DMing just fell apart. Some personal drama between two of the players (a couple split up). That leaves me with two players. Haven't played in a couple of weeks because of it all. The chick says she'll still play and I have someone who is willing... but I think he's looking for a girlfriend, and I'm not interested. So, not sure if it would be appropriate to have him to my house to play.

Liberty's Edge

Which game was that?

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

It was my first go at DMing, so I went with Second Darkness since I'm the most familiar with it from playing Bree Longfield in ZZ's campaign.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Lol 46 posts since my last visit?

Where is the Campfire Elemental?

Liberty's Edge

I stoked the fires for you. =P

Which games were you looking for players in?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

I guess you are PF-bound? Not interested in Warhammer, I guess? :)

You mentioned you are mostly interested in Runes, Light and Darkness - guess the latter two could need another member, right, players?

Liberty's Edge

Yeah. I don't think I have it in me to learn a whole nother system right now. =(

How many players are in those two? I don't want to crowd things for you (or them).

Uh...5 in Darkness, 6 in Light - so Darkness might be the better choice.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds good. I'll see what you've got and get caught up a bit on the story.

That is, assuming your players are good with a 6th. =P

Shifty wrote:
On a lighter side note - Australian Political Process in two minutes

A comparison of US and Australia Election Campaigns

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah its quick and fast here.

Mandatory voting, disclosure of political donors, all lovely lovely stuff that means it all 'gets done' quickly and painlessly.

Male Orc Expert 5

And yet you still manage to elect some of the oldest frumpiest politicians in the world. :/

VC - Sydney, Australia

Geez that's harsh... Gillard was in her forties! Ruddy is 55, the opposition leader is also 55, the former PM was on the old side getting in at 57 (a fossil!), but prior that the PM was 47.

Male Orc Expert 5

Still, I find watchin republican primaries hilarious and sad. It's like watching a knife fight with dumb blind people and the winner has to desperately explain away the corpses and cursing to the not insane general public.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

nice image!

Male Orc Expert 5

And yet prettier than the reality.

I pretty much assume all politicians are the creatures from V. What other answer could there be for the way they act, lol?

Male Pale Master

Anyone interested in playing a Star Wars PBP? I'm in a game currently that could use a player or two.

Initial Recruitment thread

Gameplay Thread

LOL I'm in Shanosuke's other Star Wars campaign...broken empire.
I'll PM him if he's ok with me joining up in yours as well ;)

Male Pale Master

^ Cool!

Male Orc Expert 5

I'm just going to leave this here.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Apparently I have several large gallstones. They want to take out my gallbladder. Hurray! *grumble* *grumble*

Male Orc Expert 5

The alternative is far far worse. Trust me on that.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Yeah they said it's elective right now, but that they're really too big to pass and would probably end up blocking the duct and causing serious problems later. Plus, it hurt like hell earlier and I can't foresee going through that on a regular basis. It was kind of like being punched in the stomach - for several hours straight.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah like Tark says, get that sucker punched right out of there at the first available opportunity.

Been there, did that, unfortunately because I am fit and healthy there wasn't any signs of mine going cactus until it all went to pot and the duct got jammed - and because it had become so mank, it was threatening the Pancreas.

Four days nil by mouth was even more rubbish than the surgery.

So yeah, don't dick about with it, just lob it!

Male Orc Expert 5

Mine went further and actually went after my pancreas. That's why I'm diabetic in my mere 20's without being obese.

It was a delightful gray and orange color when they had me splayed open like a gutted fish removing the volleyball sized pseudocyst from my innards.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah mine hadn't quite upset the pancreas too much, small mercies.

The hard part was the recovery, you THINK you are fine, but the first time I went out field after being medically cleared to do so (and threw myself into it) I ended up in the RAP overnight and given a further couple of months waiver from heavy duties - seems the Civilian doctors who said everything was hunky dory for work don't understand the job of an Infanteer. Recovery SEEMS fast, but all the shortcomings get revealed if you crack in a high workrate.

Take longer to recover yourself than you THINK you need.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

It really blows because I had just recently started going to the gym regularly. I've been dieting since January and have lost over 30 lbs, but now it sounds like I'm not going to be able to do much at the gym for awhile aside from slow walking on a treadmill. Also, my final semester to get my BA just started on the 19th.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another voice to the chorus of get it out.

I'll likely be getting gallstones myself at some point, though mine will probably come with a splenectomy double deal when it does happen.

I have too many balls... and not enough donuts.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Damn, that sucks Mark. I'm sorry to hear that :(

It's not bad - currently in balance so all if means is that when I get a decent virus or flu I end up with a bit of jaundice as well.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Well that's not so bad then, I have a tendency towards anemia myself. I'm glad it's in balance and I hope it stays that way.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Heh - welcome to diabetic land Tark. I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago (May of 1974) so it will be 40 years next spring. I am Type 1 though, so a completely different animal than the Type 2 you got stuck with.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yay for Gemini's born year of the Tiger. Unless you are a Taurus, in which case, you at least came close to greatness.

I'm a 3/4 bull and 1/4 ram (being on the cusp) - I'll take that over your twins any day :P

Hey Mark,
I'm on the other end of the ram. 1/4 fish and 3/4 ram cusp-wise. which makes me like a capricorn or something? I don't really see how these fractions quite work out...

wow. really close to 10k posts here.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Leo born the year of the boar.

Liberty's Edge

Ares of the rat flavor.

Personally I find the Chinese zodiac way more interesting.

Male Orc Expert 5


oh, i missed the chinese zodiac part- um, horn dog? ram-a-lamma-ding-dog?

VC - Sydney, Australia
TarkXT wrote:

I'm sure we have those in 'Straya.

Feral wrote:
Personally I find the Chinese zodiac way more interesting.

Yeah - that's just because you're not a chicken... like me. I must be some sort of bizarre chimera...

Body of a bull, heads of a ram, bull and chicken... or something.

One of our kids is a Water Dragon though - that's pretty cool :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Maybe the ram-horned minotaur-chicken is the male form of the harpy...

Gemini and fire dragon myself...not too bad

VC - Sydney, Australia

Gemini Wood Tiger!

Male Pale Master

Taurus on the Aries cusp in the year of the Tiger here.

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