
Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

Looks indignant on Sissyl's behalf.

Yeah... what she said. O.o

I think...

The Exchange

Why am I nude?

Shadow Lodge


The Exchange

You might want to put some pants on..... if you want to keep fighting evil today.

Fighting evil by moonlight...

Moorluck wrote:
Why am I nude?

I'm always nude.

I'm confused.

Benicio Del Espada wrote:
I'm confused.

That is good. It means all goes according to THE PLAN.

The title and preview for this thread always makes me think of a certain Peaches song from The Teaches of Peaches.

The Exchange

VM mercenario wrote:
Benicio Del Espada wrote:
I'm confused.
That is good. It means all goes according to THE PLAN.

We have a plan? COOL!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No plan has ever survived implementation so lets have a vague outline instead. That way if we see beneficial results we can claim a victory.

i vote that step 2 be ???, and that step 3 is designated PROFIT!

Liberty's Edge

Sounds like it's time for a multilevel interdisciplinary unambiguous executive conference meeting.

These are not my pants.

Liberty's Edge


Dude, gotta take a chill
to me it seems
you're lookin' kinda ill
Just repeat to yourself
"It's just a gameshow,
I really should just

Just, like, give it a rest. Everyone makes mistakes when they're new . . . or not so new (hey guys!!!!). Even if you get crazy warned/tempbaned for this, you can still be excepted into the community. B@!%@@~& doesn't need to be called out, unless you are a masterful troll liek me and Anklebiter.

Wait . . . to complete my toolery, I'm going to plug Homestuck. yeahhhhhhhh.

Your turning to the dark side. Let go... let it fill you.

Turning to the Dark side is too much effort, can I just roll over to the Dingy Grey side?

Xabulba wrote:
No plan has ever survived implementation so lets have a vague outline instead. That way if we see beneficial results we can claim a victory.

If the plan doesn't survive then we can just cast some reanimate spell and have a zombie plan.

Xabulba wrote:
Turning to the Dark side is too much effort, can I just roll over to the Dingy Grey side?

Sure, shorter walk and all.

We can always make plans for deviation from the plan.

That's called Plan B.

The Exchange

You dig?


That be a big 10-4, arr...

The Exchange

What's in your wallet?

In Sovit Rasha, WALLIT in YOUR!!!

What is your major malfunction Pile?!?!

Liberty's Edge



Really makes you think, doesn't it?

The Exchange

Did you ever stop to think.... then forget to start again?

Xabulba wrote:


Man, why you be hatin'?

Kanye West wrote:
Man, why you be hatin'?

Give that girl her mic, foo.

The Exchange


You know what you NO!

The Exchange

I don't, no.

All the, no!, ledge of the ages is available is on the interwebz.

The Exchange

Whatcha gonna do, when Hulkimaina runs wild on you, BROTHA!?!?

I'll run the scalawag through wi' me trusty cutlass, arr, then I'll plunder his booty! Arr!

Come here often Big Boy?


Liberty's Edge

Still avoiding the why and the how.

How to avoid responsibilities.


You don't want to know.

Oh. Okay. ^_^

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