Granny's page
48 posts. Alias of Moorluck.
Cranky McOldGuy wrote: Granny wrote: Cranky McOldGuy wrote: Granny wrote: Cranky McOldGuy wrote: Granny wrote: Shut the hell up you buncha f!@%ing primitive loudmouth unwashed f@!#-turds!
I'm watchin Dr. Phil! You can't even see the TV without your glasses, you old hag! I'd still have my damn glasses if I hadn't crammed up your pooper for runnin' your mouth you old crust f#$*-wad of an impotent douche! Only reason I'm impotent is because I caught a glimpse of your scrawny Nekkid body. Even Ron Jeremy dick would shrivel up at that sight. You just wait until I'm on ToP again you shriveled up roll of dimes! Way you gamble, I'm lucky to even have dimes..... See!? Now your Oldzimers is acting up again, I'm the drunkard, YOU'RE the damn gambler!
Cranky McOldGuy wrote: Granny wrote: Cranky McOldGuy wrote: Granny wrote: Shut the hell up you buncha f!@%ing primitive loudmouth unwashed f@!#-turds!
I'm watchin Dr. Phil! You can't even see the TV without your glasses, you old hag! I'd still have my damn glasses if I hadn't crammed up your pooper for runnin' your mouth you old crust f#$*-wad of an impotent douche! Only reason I'm impotent is because I caught a glimpse of your scrawny Nekkid body. Even Ron Jeremy dick would shrivel up at that sight. You just wait until I'm on ToP again you shriveled up roll of dimes!
Cranky McOldGuy wrote: Granny wrote: Shut the hell up you buncha f!@%ing primitive loudmouth unwashed f@!#-turds!
I'm watchin Dr. Phil! You can't even see the TV without your glasses, you old hag! I'd still have my damn glasses if I hadn't crammed up your pooper for runnin' your mouth you old crust f!@~-wad of an impotent douche!
Shut the hell up you buncha f#!#ing primitive loudmouth unwashed f#@@-turds!
I'm watchin Dr. Phil!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote: I am more impressed by the sheer amount of violence Valeros can suck up. Seriously, being a fighter seems to a) paint a fat red target icon around you, and b) give you a -10 AC penalty or something. But hey, you do get that Fly skill, so that's okay, right? Back in my day that would have been a good thing.
What the hell are you punks doing? C'mere and give me an Aussie kiss.
Bitter Thorn wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Bitter Thorn: Are you wearing an orange shirt and glasses? Yes.
How did you know that? Ah, I missed this.
Do you also have dark mussed hair but no facial hair? I have a full beard. Are ya creeped out yet luva boy?
Xabulba wrote: ME! YOU!?!?
Papa Paizo wrote: Granny wrote: Papa Paizo wrote: That Gary's gonna put somebody's eye out wanna these days! Pappy, is thet you?
C'mere you old luv machine, you owes me a good eatin'. Granny, I might not have my teeth anymore, but I ain't lost m' sense a smell! Hee-hee! {Runs for it, which, with his walker, is somewhere in the range of land mollusk speed.} ~Surges forward on her half charged Rascal in not so hot pursuit.~
C'mere baby, I know thut thet wood iz old, and I feel like polishin it back to a shine!
Papa Paizo wrote: That Gary's gonna put somebody's eye out wanna these days! Pappy, is thet you?
C'mere you old luv machine, you owes me a good eatin'.
Just burn the house down and start over, that's what I always did.
Moff Rimmer wrote: Studpuffin wrote: Moff Rimmer wrote: Studpuffin wrote: Capitalization people! Proper capitalization! Reminds me.
** spoiler omitted ** Typewriter keys had a lower and upper "case" that shifted the location of the keystroke to put down the proper ink block from a key. I had a typewriter when I was younger. :P A year or two ago? Aren't you like 26 or something? Now Moff, we shouldn't pick on him just because he had a typewriter last week. ;)
Infernal Bulmahnaut #666 wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Hey! Are we pillaging this thread now? We should expand beyond the boat. After all, there's poodles swarming all over the place and the OT Army just doesn't cut the mustard. We should pillage and trample with iron hooves! Ya'll come on an' show ole Granny whatcha got!
Vomit Guy wrote: Somebody called me?
Oh GAWD YEAH sugah britches! Let Granny open 'er mouf and hit wid dt sweet luv spew again!
Urizen wrote: You guys switch avys really fast. Is there a short cut to toggle or something? Where?
Urizen wrote: Granny wrote: Little bit o' both sugah sausage! Come by my crypt laterz an' ah'll letcha gimme a puke shower! Bring over your girlfrends from the home and perform a vomit bukkake snowball swap. Ah'll have you suck the gravedust outta mah lungs while day piddle down mah throat if'n ya like.
Heathansson wrote: Would everybody please use my word "snooplatin" as much as possible; I'd reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy like to start a meme, just once in my life.
Like the Mikey poprocks death thing.
Ah likes gettin' snooplatin all ovah! Like that thur ya' mean fuzzy bottom?
Urizen wrote: Granny wrote: Urizen wrote: Ah, thanks. I had to put on my serious hat for a moment, but I'm happy to retreat back to this thread. Take that hat off before you come in here mister! ;) Hey Granny! When you gave me BTTH earlier, was that lactation or cancer? It tastes funny. Little bit o' both sugah sausage! Come by my crypt laterz an' ah'll letcha gimme a puke shower!
Urizen wrote: taig wrote: Giving some firm advice to someone who needed it. Ah, thanks. I had to put on my serious hat for a moment, but I'm happy to retreat back to this thread. Take that hat off before you come in here mister! ;)
Dark Solnes wrote: Granny wrote: Aw.. is widdle Maccy wacky lonely, c'mere son and give granny a kiss! Only if you like the herpes.... ;) Ah'll see yer herpes and raise you weeping chlamidia sores ya rookie!!
Aw.. is widdle Maccy wacky lonely, c'mere son and give granny a kiss!
That thur is what ah be needin ta replace mah deeseeced dire wolf.
Excuse prees very much thank you, courd a Milster Frash prees thank you go to the PbP, a kir the korbord that is very much hallasing the Tiefring?
taig wrote: What are we talking about?
Well whut we gots here? A sexy lil' thang in need of suma ol' Grannies luvin? ;)
Now Ah thinks Dill may be even more twisted than lil' ol' me.
Aberzombie wrote: Moorluck wrote: Would you have relations with Sandra Bernhartd? Wow, you even know how to make the undead shiver with fright. And whut kin ah do ta' make ya shiver sexy bones.
lynora wrote: flash_cxxi wrote: Gobble Leaver wrote: Too tough and stringy... Not if you marinate them and leave them out to hang for a day or so. ............Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarph! Oh! Suger Britches! You sure do know how to get my old dusty thighs moist dontcha! C'mere an give Granny a wet, sloppy kiss where her lips were before they fell off.
lynora wrote: Big Jim Slade wrote: Granny wrote: lynora wrote: Bunny the Intern wrote: I just recruited a spokesmodel. This is a sample of her work.
NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it! I very much approve. :) Ahm glad you do suger britches! Now let's git kinkay!! Good thing I brought my goggles. Yuck! She's a hideous undead creature! Now thet's not whut you said, the other night when you was passed out from gettin' liquored, you even muttered sum sweet stuffs in muh ear.... it had fallen in yer mouth, so you couldn't help it.
lynora wrote: Bunny the Intern wrote: I just recruited a spokesmodel. This is a sample of her work.
NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it! I very much approve. :) Ahm glad you do suger britches! Now let's git kinkay!!
Hehehehehehe! Happy Halloween!
Serenade Granny som' more ya fine little blue thang you!
The Hurl of Sandwich wrote: lynora wrote: Granny wrote: Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: shanky cusses to f@!!ing much. That's f~!&ing right, f~!&er! f~!& f~!& s!*! f~!&!
You gots a lotta foul things commin' outta that mouf... wontchu come over here and put sumthin foul in it sugar britches. Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke! Good start, but you gotta bring it up from way down low.
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHH! Uh Hu... Granny likes them "chunky showers"! They getss me all hot and bothered! Gimme some more Baby's, I can't never have too much forplay!
lynora wrote: Granny wrote: Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: shanky cusses to f@!!ing much. That's f~!&ing right, f~!&er! f~!& f~!& s!*! f~!&!
You gots a lotta foul things commin' outta that mouf... wontchu come over here and put sumthin foul in it sugar britches. Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke! Ahhhhhh... sugar! Whut we gots here! One a dem fine lil thangs, c'mer suger boobs, and let ol Granny show ya the other side!
Granny wrote: Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: shanky cusses to f@!!ing much. That's f~!&ing right, f~!&er! f~!& f~!& s!*! f~!&!
You gots a lotta foul things commin' outta that mouf... wontchu come over here and put sumthin foul in it sugar britches. You boys like throwin up so much wantchu let Granny has a taste! I likes the kinky sh%^!
Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: shanky cusses to f@!!ing much. That's f~!&ing right, f~!&er! f~!& f~!& s!*! f~!&!
You gots a lotta foul things commin' outta that mouf... wontchu come over here and put sumthin foul in it sugar britches.
The Hurl of Sandwich wrote: BLAAAARRRPPHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh don' be shy baby! Ya know wut Granny says... The more it rots the better I gots! C'mere and give me a kiss!
Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: Granny wrote: Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: I went to Sebastian's f%~&ing Freedom thread and said how f%~&ing cool he was. Happy now, s*!~f%~&er?
You kiss yo momma with that mouth sonny? Not after I killed her because she wouldn't buy me some f~~@ing smokes. b~%~&!
Jus' 'cause she dead don't mean she don' want no lovin'! You should be more like Norman.... he loves up on me every night, and I been dead fer 30 yrs!
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Granny wrote: Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: I went to Sebastian's f%~&ing Freedom thread and said how f%~&ing cool he was. Happy now, s*!~f%~&er?
You kiss yo momma with that mouth sonny? Yep. french style. Hehe good boy! I remember the last time my oldest boy kissed me. It was the day our youngest son told him I was pregnant wit our baby, and then shot him in the private parts! The ingrate ain't talked to me since... how do ya not talk to ya own momma... specialy when she's ya sister! And the momma o ya babies! Kids these days.
Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote: I went to Sebastian's f%~&ing Freedom thread and said how f%~&ing cool he was. Happy now, s*!~f%~&er?
You kiss yo momma with that mouth sonny?
I see dead people...... 8/
Celestial Healer wrote: Ambrosia Slaad wrote: lynora wrote: Celestial Healer wrote:
Of Sharoth, this I attest:
His nature we all should have guessed.
Neither platinum nor gold,
Nor silver, I'm told;
He's a tinfoil dragon at best. lol. You have a real talent for limericks. :) Yup, heez a reel smoov talker, dat Angel. Hay Angel, ar ewe shure ewe ain't wonna dem hippeh bois? Them's fahtin werds. Yup them sure iz sunny.
A crikkit huh? I gots sumthin' fer you to ya fithy lil bugger!
*lines up crikkit in the sights of her double barrel*
Don't give in ta beggin', just give 'em both barrels. That's the way we did it growin' up, and that's good enough for me.
Diviha wrote: Darth Morwena wrote: Dargentum the Slayer wrote: ArgentinianFactFindinConfrens wrote: Acolyte of David Fryer wrote: Moorluck wrote: Solnes wrote: taig wrote: Hopefully, I will get the other job offer tomorrow. Good Luck!
*Crosses fingers* :) +1 +2 +3 +4 -1 (I'm evil remember)
+4 again. +5
Ariakon wrote: Granny wrote: Ariakon wrote: Dargentum the Slayer wrote: Ariakon wrote: Smu** or was it serf? surf? How did you get out of my cooking pot? I can't make sturf smew without you. HAHA you Sm**fed yourself! You're blue too! Cooking Pot? You Cannibal! I don't know what you're talking about....
*walks away whistling* ;)
Ariakon wrote: Dargentum the Slayer wrote: Ariakon wrote: Smu** or was it serf? surf? Don't be fooled by my apperance, I am actually a great dragon. I was a Monkey, or a mutant baboon, now I'm a sm**f, not sure if I upgraded or downgraded! =D How did you get out of my cooking pot? I can't make sturf smew without you.
Buttuglypoodlekin. wrote: Ariakon wrote: And he played fire on the mount, run boys, run.
The devil's in the house of the risin' sun.
Chicken in the bread pin pickin' out dough.
"Granny, does your dog bite?"
"No, child, no."
*bites two headed mokey things knee* Well actually he does. Sorry sonny.