Ilverae Parastric

Ditz Dude'Hurtin's page

19 posts. Alias of Moorluck.


The Exchange

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Shakespearean Drizz't wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I'd be pissed if I woke up as a surface elf.

Verily! F+!@eth thou a~#&!$$s! To hell!! To hell I say!!!

Exits stage left.

Duuuuuuuuuude, you need to have some more 'shrooms maaaan.

The Exchange


The Exchange

Woe is me, why must I be so awesomely emo!?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Leave The Classics The Hell Alone.
Define classics.
I don't define them; they define themselves in a complex interaction with All That Is. I just recognize them.

Mairk's position would carry more weight if he didn't insist on pronouncing "drow" incorrectly.


Hey! D-R-O-W is pronounced thus: "Emo-poetic souled-lethal twi scimater wielding kitty cat loving god of kewl!!"

The Exchange

Did you ever stop to think.... then forget to start again?

The Exchange

What's in your wallet?

The Exchange

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
When does a Drow not desire something? Tell me there are more of us to be found.

Verily there are! Fear not my dark brothers, for it is I! None other than the famed Outlaw Dark Elf Scout.....DIZT DUDE'HURTIN'!!!

Together with my twin blades of stabbiness, Sparkle and Icycake, and my faithful mangy puma companion Getawiff, I am here to free you from the shackles of evil! Come join me in the Light Above, there we can yadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayada... .

The Exchange

I need a life. :(

The Exchange

Dill Dotee Baggins wrote:
Ditz Dude'Hurtin wrote:
I'm sooooooo depressed.
Ah kin cheer ya' up purty boyee.

No thanks, I think I'll just.... hey what are you doing? Sir you need to put your pants back on! Don't come any closer.... stop right there! Let me go... Hey that tickles... don't touch that.... HELP ME SOMEONE, HELP!!!....

The Exchange

I'm sooooooo depressed.

The Exchange

And a Happy and safe Halloween from me, the angsty and heroic renegade drow scout and his faithful astral puma companion!

The Exchange

lynora wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

lynora wrote:

I love it when the other parents look at me like I'm out of my mind. :)

It's warm and rainy today, so there are lots of mud puddles. So I let Bryce play in the mud on the way home from school. It's just dirt. It washes off. You shoulda seen the horrified looks I got.
Yay! More proof you are a great mom.

*blush* Well, thanks. I try at least.

Speaking of the spawn, I think he's going for the ranger class. He's currently dual-wielding his toy rapier and his toy broadsword. And I'm okay with this as long as he doesn't start giving his swords funny names. ;)

And what pray tell is that 'spossed to mean?

*Cradles 'Sparkle' and 'Icingcake' to his chest, wrapped in pink fuzzy blankets*

Shhhhh babies, the mean, mean, icky girl didn't mean it.

The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Drizz't....heh heh....

Who has called for me! I shall bring my twin baldes of hurtiness, Icingcake and Sparkle, to defend all that is good and just and rightous and nice and fuzzy and neat and not-evil and kind and gentle and sweet and kinda cool and groovy and awesome and fantastic and pure and innocent and even remotly interested in having kinky drow sex with me and please I'm a virgin don't let me die this way and pretty and shiny and far out and turtltastic and deliscious! My faithful companion the astral puma Getawiff has accompanied me from the far off realm of Cutwind Dale, just for suck a purpose! Huzzah! Have at thee Varlet!! Cowabunga dude!!

The Exchange

Because that rat fink, stole my gimmick, you know the angsty misunderstood drow scout... He even mimmicked my name, his real name is Elvindorious Finklstien, and what about those stupid names he gave his swords, trying to copy the names of my twin blades of hurtiness "Sparkle" and "Icingcake". Puh-leez.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

While we're waiting...

You know what I think of, every time I see those crossed scimitars above your avatar, don't you Moorluck?

You could only be thinking of ME!! The famous and humble angsty renegade drow scout, and my faithful sidekick, the astral puma, Getawhiff!! Armed with my twin blades "Icingcake" and "Sparkle" we do battle against the foes of the Breakwind Dales, and the nemisises? nemesei... villians who threaten Menstrul Hall, and Good King Brewedforwhores Cattleslammer!!

Unless you were thinking of someone else? ;)

The Exchange

Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:

<Watches as the fire consumes everything and notices that Not that innocent' bouncing up and down while she jumps up and down>

You don't think the fire is going to spread too much, do you?

HO! There is danger? Then I must lend my aid in the form of my twin blades of twirling death, "Icingcake" and "Sparkle"! How may Getawhif, my faithful astral puma, and I, a angsty renegade drow scout be of aid!? I could not in good conscience allow these flames to spread unchallenged, not after the horrid things....BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH..

*charges into the fires jumping around and spinning his swords like batons*

...Take that foul flames of evil wicked evilness! It's kinda hot.... oucch... OH GOD I'm on FIRE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!! IT BURNS IT BURNS!!

The Exchange

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Ditz Dude'Hurtin wrote:

HO!! There is evil afoot! What foul menace threatens the safty of the goodly dwarves of Menstrul Hall, where they have accepted this humble and angsty renegade drow scout!? My friend, yes I have a friend, Brewedforwhores Cattleslammer can count on my twin blades of death, "Icingcake" and "Sparkle", to defend his realm! Come Getawhif! We must sojorn out into the harshness of the Cutwind Dale to seek out this foul evil menacing evil menace! It reminds me of the time back home... home?.. no THIS is my home now!... uhm.. where was I... oh, thats right, BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH...

EDIT:I have won the top of the page thru my expert twin swordsmanship for I have no equal..blahblahblah..

Begone, spawn of unreality!

Beware Goblin! For I am son of the weapon master, Hak'Updafeind, and My twirling blades of fury, "Icingcake" and "Sparkle", are not be crossed blades with, haha, I have made a funny, humor is lost in the underdark, now that I have learned to live on the surface....BLAHBLAHBLAH...

The Exchange

HO!! There is evil afoot! What foul menace threatens the safty of the goodly dwarves of Menstrul Hall, where they have accepted this humble and angsty renegade drow scout!? My friend, yes I have a friend, Brewedforwhores Cattleslammer can count on my twin blades of death, "Icingcake" and "Sparkle", to defend his realm! Come Getawhif! We must sojorn out into the harshness of the Cutwind Dale to seek out this foul evil menacing evil menace! It reminds me of the time back home... home?.. no THIS is my home now!... uhm.. where was I... oh, thats right, BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH...

EDIT:I have won the top of the page thru my expert twin swordsmanship for I have no equal..blahblahblah..

The Exchange

HO! And behold! I am Ditz Dude'Hurtin, I am the angsty renegade drow scout from the underdark city Whenzyaleavin, I have sworn to defend small fuzzy woodland creatures with the aid of my trusty sidekick, the astral puma Getawhif, and my trusy swords "Icingcake" and "Sparkle". Together we travel the Cutwind Dale befriending old blind men, cranky dwarves, and underage girls! In return all I ask for is understanding, acceptance, a place to whine about everything I do, and...

ELF BOOBS TO THE HEAD!!! this a place I might find such?