Deep 6 FaWtL

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Silver Crusade

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Captain Yesterday wrote:
So I've already started to get PM threats for my holiday s@+*!ing extravaganza. :-D

*offers hugs*

Silver Crusade

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Yes, naked Succubi hugs.


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Sometimes, the sheer level of people's incompetence is enough to stagger me:

  • The U.S. Postal service declared that our address could not be found, notified Amazon, and Amazon notified me that I had to contact them and resolve the situation.
  • I called Amazon, and a charming Jamaican woman had a new package sent to me overnight free of charge and notified the USPS to return the undeliverable item to Amazon.
  • Yesterday afternoon at around 2:00 pm, the new package arrived. All was well.
  • Yesterday evening at around 6:30 pm, the "undeliverable" package arrived.

  • So I now have TWO packages, and I'm going to have to go through the PITA of contacting Amazon, getting authorization to return the item, going to the post office, dealing with whatever return nonsense they insist on (it will at least involve standing in line, even if it's just "print the return label and drop the package off at the post office". Modern security precludes "just dropping it off").

    So, my thought is, "Dear USPS. You declared my package undeliverable and told me I needed to take action. I took action. 36 hours later you delivered the package. Why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?"


    On the other hand, chaperoning went just fine. Turns out I was actually needed, because Thursday night during dress rehearsal the girls were making themselves Screwdrivers (a no-no when the oldest person in the room is 17), so having an adult just hanging around making sure no such nonsense was going on was enough. I had to do very little other than socialize with a bunch of teenagers, which was just fun.

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    Ain't no thang. :-)

    I have thicker skin then to let that bother me.

    I work in retail after all. :-D

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday wrote:

    Ain't no thang. :-)

    I have thicker skin then to let that bother me.

    I work in retail after all. :-D

    Fair point.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Doesn't Amazon have sites where you can take it in by hand and return it.

    Even we have those, or is that a perk if living next to the state flagship university.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday You Almost Got Me wrote:

    Doesn't Amazon have sites where you can take it in by hand and return it.

    Even we have those, or is that a perk if living next to the state flagship university.

    I'll have to check. Trouble is, retail space around here is SOOOOOO through-the-roof ($5 per square foot per month is pretty common, and I've heard places go up to $10), unless Amazon really wants to be throwing away thousands per month just for its customers' convenience, I don't see it...

    EDIT: Update: So yes, there's an Amazon dropoff at the U.C. Berkeley bookstore. Of course, that's home of the, "You want to park within a mile of here? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" school of thought.
    But I selected the little "UPS" bubble and sure enough, I can wander the 3 blocks to my local UPS store and just drop it off.

    Thank you, Captain Yesterday Snarf! You're my only hope!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I think ours is in a university bookstore, or maybe at the FedEx store.

    Definitely look into it. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Now supposed to get 2-4 inches (of snow) tomorrow.

    The kids literally danced around in circle when they looked at the forecast.

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    Cadence Anakevo (this is an alias of Hmm) wrote:
    I got my blackbelt test tonight... and passed! I'm a shodan now. And am off to bed.

    Woo~! Go, Hmm~!

    (I broke your news here, hope you don't mind, but I was excited for you!)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The General, after finding the coffee, nutella, peanut butter and oatmeal stacked precariously on the kitchen table, exclaimed cheerfully "Why do you kids keep stacking things like they're in a Doctor Seuss book, where do you get that from?"

    Both of them point at me.

    "Oh yeah, I do that"

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Off to get the Christmas tree!. :-)

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    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Does my heart proud to hear Pea Bear quote Archer when I exclaim "jazz hands!"

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    A winter advisory has been issued, 3-4 inches (of snow) now forecast.

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    I went and did Christmas sword and dagger for three hours, then went to the pub.

    Few better ways to spend an evening, IMO.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    Oh! And reminding FaWtL to sign up for taig's Twelve Days of Third Partymas Year Two! Make it less likely (statistically) that I'll win anything and more likely (statistically) that you will*!

    * By virtue of the fact that, at present, if you're not signed up, you're at 0%, and, therefore, any chance whatsoever increases from that. XD

    NEW PAGE BUMP~! Doooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiit~!

    (If you want to.)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    We're on our third Santa in a week.

    First Santa was a diva (and kind of a creepy a!@*%!&) second Santa was just temporary, and at least the third Santa shows up. :-)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    At 8 p.m. there was already three people camping out for us to open tomorrow so they can either get the hot retro Nintendo thingy or Hatchimals.

    We close at midnight, the snow is supposed to start between 4-5 a.m. and we don't open until 8 a.m.

    O_o.... but oh think of the tales they'll have, assuming they survive.

    I should go get carts and see if they've multiplied. :-)

    Dark Archive

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    Freehold DM wrote:

    I love you Freehold even though you are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take him away Brut squad!

    Grand Lodge

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Cadence Anakevo (this is an alias of Hmm) wrote:
    I got my blackbelt test tonight... and passed! I'm a shodan now. And am off to bed.

    Woo~! Go, Hmm~!

    (I broke your news here, hope you don't mind, but I was excited for you!)

    Thank you sweetheart!

    I am excited for me too. I was practically in tears when they called me up and gave me my blackbelt. I think I hugged everyone in the dojo four times. Maybe more!!!


    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Hmm wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Cadence Anakevo (this is an alias of Hmm) wrote:
    I got my blackbelt test tonight... and passed! I'm a shodan now. And am off to bed.

    Woo~! Go, Hmm~!

    (I broke your news here, hope you don't mind, but I was excited for you!)

    Thank you sweetheart!

    I am excited for me too. I was practically in tears when they called me up and gave me my blackbelt. I think I hugged everyone in the dojo four times. Maybe more!!!


    Now I know who can be my bodyguard when I go to the Twin Cities next time. :P

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    It has been five days without the cats knocking over the Christmas tree. They have, however, started stripping the ribbon off of it, so I think they're working their way up to it now.

    The kidlet still had a migraine today and I was not totally over mine either, so it was a quiet day spent napping and in his case doing homework. I finished some Christmas crafts and wrote my two pages. That's my post NaNo resolution. Obviously I can't keep up with the 2000 word per day pace year round. I am not a fast writer normally. So I'm writing two pages a day, which is about 600 words since I have small handwriting. It's a lot easier to finish things when you work on them in more months than just November. ;)

    Thinking about going to a mall tomorrow to admire the Christmas decorations. I've already done all my Christmas shopping. except for the people who I get gift cards for and I think I might send Amazon cards to some of those. Then I don't even have to mail them. I am so lazy about stuff for extended family. But then, I'm the black sheep, so I can get away with it. :P

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    So, the local Post Office is up to it's usual standards. I put in a change of address request, with a start date of 12/12. Today I found a "Vacant" notice in my mailbox, implying that they've already started holding my mail or possibly delivering it to the new address. The address I'm not at yet. How hard is it to do things on the date requested, and not more than a week early? Now I'm either not going to have mail for a week and a half, or I'll have to drive to the new address every day to pick up my mail from the house I don't live in yet.

    It'll be a good way to meet your new neighbors.

    I'd also shit in the neighbor's yard directly across from you, just to send a message to the rest of them that you mean business.

    And if you have kids set them to work on a guard tower and catapult ASAP, you'll need it. :-)

    I should start an advice column!

    Dear Captain Yesterday,

    My sister won't let me invite her husband on our honeymoon, what should I do?

    Captain Yesterday: shit in her yard.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    When I left work at midnight there was 9 people waiting for us to open.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday, FaWtL 6 News wrote:

    It'll be a good way to meet your new neighbors.

    I'd also s#!* in the neighbor's yard directly across from you, just to send a message to the rest of them that you mean business.

    And if you have kids set them to work on a guard tower and catapult ASAP, you'll need it. :-)

    No kids, and even if I did I wouldn't have them build a guard tower and catapult.

    That's MY fun, and I ain't lettin' anyone take it away from me!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I did have a small trebuchet I made out of Lego back when I was in college. It could fling one of those pinwheel mints about 20' using a counterweight of a couple dollars worth of quarters.

    Seriously, Chrome? Trebuchet isn't in your dictionary? WTF?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I know a guy that made his own working trebuchet, he launches pumpkins across his field with it.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    The high school where my parents live did that one year. Each grade built their own trebuchet and they had a contest to see whose would throw the pumpkin farthest. If I remember correctly, the winner made it about 75 or 80 yards, 2nd place went around 50 yards, and the other 2 CATO'd. The next year they were going to do it again, but some people complained that their precious little darlings could get hurt, and threatened to sue the school, so it was dropped.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm starting to suspect my brother's method of drawing names for the gift exchange is... flawed.

    We've both gotten the exact same people the last three years in a row.

    I got my dad, which is easy, but the General has to be running out of ideas. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday Smurt wrote:
    I know a guy that made his own working trebuchet, he launches pumpkins across his field with it.


    Just don't let this happen

    Dark Archive

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    Live (almost) from New York its Sunday Dawn!!

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    gran rey de los mono wrote:
    So, the local Post Office is up to it's usual standards. I put in a change of address request, with a start date of 12/12. Today I found a "Vacant" notice in my mailbox, implying that they've already started holding my mail or possibly delivering it to the new address. The address I'm not at yet. How hard is it to do things on the date requested, and not more than a week early? Now I'm either not going to have mail for a week and a half, or I'll have to drive to the new address every day to pick up my mail from the house I don't live in yet.

    It utterly amazes me that the Post Office is SO amazingly bad at this. We moved in 1998, 2002, 2008, and 2013. Every single time I sent the USPS the requisite change of address form, with the move date specified. Every single time they messed it up.

    Y'know, if you can't ever handle a specified move date, maybe you should stop asking for one.

    Just sayin'.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    As an expert in moving you NEVER fill one of those out until you're in the process of moving.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    RE: Captain Yesterday notices someone started three different threads about "venerating" Cthulhu instead of "worshipping" Cthulhu in PFS.

    Captain Yesterday observes that it seems like a contrary "character concept"

    Captain Yesterday is accused of calling that person "a bad person"

    Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha.

    Silver Crusade

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Seeing as how it's December have you thought about changing that to

    Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho
    Hohohohoho Hohohohoho Hohohohoho?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    No, I can do the bad guy from The Princess Bride laugh better than Santa Claus. :-)

    Besides, that's what the smurfing is for. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So here's a puzzler for you:

    Last night we went to the utterly delightful Madrigal put on by the high school, cynical students' comments notwithstanding. (I also had a delightful time the night before talking with a maniacally cynical high school senior who railed on about how the whole thing was a rip-off, and the parents must REALLY love their kids to sit through this claptrap and eat that godawful food, and so forth, much to my amusement. I'm afraid I probably encouraged him, which might not have been "chaperonely" but it was fun...).

    And the food was very good.

    And this morning I was thinking about catered food for large events, and realized: A bunch of parent volunteers using ingredients purchased from Costco and Trader Joe's managed to put together a meal that was better-prepared and better-tasting than most on-site catered events I've been to.

    What the heck? At our 30th high school reunion, the food was so bad that over half the attendees went hungry rather than eating it. (I kid you not -- the "salmon" at a renowned sea food restaurant was tough as leather and had ketchup poured over it as a sauce.) At another event, the chicken was so rubbery you could play racquetball with it.

    So how is it that a bunch of parent volunteers spending minimal cash and time (I donated around 1/3 of the total vegetables, all organic, for all of $71) can feed 192 people per show for 3 shows, and produce MUCH better food than professional on-site services?

    Sad, really.

    (And I really can't complain about the caterers who COME to a site -- the people who make their living bringing food to others make some amazing stuff. I'm talking about on-site major events in restaurants and hotels...)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Families make food families like.

    You get paid to make food in the same place all the time, well . . . . Why do you think fast food is so often unpalatable?

    Cuisine-related sidebar: A recent customer at the cycle shop was very pleased with the service he received, even despite a few miscues. He's a talker (he'd beat my brothers!), and being the easygoing rural bunch we are, most everybody engaged him in conversation. Somewhere along the line, this guy became convinced I was a "foodie" (true). His "thank you" (which was surprising considering how much money he had to spend for parts/labor) was a threepeat of pastries and sweets. And not just a box of doughnuts from a grocery store -- cakes, cinnamon rolls, danishes, etc. from the Mennonite bakery several miles away. Phenomenal stuff; top-dollar, in these parts. Too bad I don't like sweets much. But I endured. :D

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I dunno man, must be your area, I can't say I've had an experience like that.

    But in the Midwest hiring a caterer means less Lutefisk (don't panic! There's always some Lutefisk).

    The Midwest is where foodies go to appreciate what they have everywhere else. Also pie.

    10 people marked this as a favorite.


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    Lutefisk... a true swedish specialty. Served with diced eggs, white sauce, boiled potatoes and black pepper. Not (as I have heard) deep fried onna stick.

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    Have I mentioned that kemonomimi are now available for 5th edition?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Now multiple races from my blog got updated to 5th edition.

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    Syrus Terrigan wrote:
    The Doomkitten wrote:
    Going to my first MtG GP today! Woooooo
    WU Flash, GB Delirium, or something else?

    I honestly feel a bit dirty whenever I use an established decklist, so I decided to homebrew an Izzet Spells deck. Naturally, I got my ass kicked because all of the other decklists were painstakingly statistically analyzed, but after I dropped from the main event (1-4), I played three person team full box sealed with my friends, so that was fun!

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    I'd say we got a good 4 inches (of snow), very wet and packable.

    Because Pea Bear is twelve and getting into Scream Queens we now have an assortment of snow person heads populating our yard.

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    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    The Doomkitten wrote:
    Syrus Terrigan wrote:
    The Doomkitten wrote:
    Going to my first MtG GP today! Woooooo
    WU Flash, GB Delirium, or something else?
    I honestly feel a bit dirty whenever I use an established decklist, so I decided to homebrew an Izzet Spells deck. Naturally, I got my ass kicked because all of the other decklists were painstakingly statistically analyzed, but after I dropped from the main event (1-4), I played three person team full box sealed with my friends, so that was fun!

    Glad you enjoyed it! I never played at that level, but I totally understand the aversion to "best decking" -- and Izzet is a personal favorite of mine. (Though, to be honest, there isn't a color identity I haven't played in constructed at some point or another.)

    EDH is still the best, though. :)

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