gran rey de los nekkid |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Final Fantasy games summarized:
Final Fantasy: Four heroes break a time loop.
Final Fantasy 2: Star Wars, but the Emperor dies and then comes back as the devil, and then dies and comes back as god, and then gets killed by Obi Wan.
Final Fantasy 3: Four orphans fight a man who threw a hissy fit over his inheritance.
Final Fantasy 4: Star Wars, but the Emperor is a space ghost on the moon.
Final Fantasy 5: Evil Giving Tree and his gay lover fight a confused harem protagonist and his princesses.
Final Fantasy 6: Star Wars, but the Emperor is killed and replaced by the Joker halfway through. Also, racism is bad.
Final Fantasy 7: Eco-terrorists recruit man with padded resumé, discover corporate greed has caused giant meteor to be elected, hold recount.
Final Fantasy 8: A group of cadets find out that they all lived at the same orphanage. Amnesia to blame. Lead character may be dead.
Final Fantasy 9: Star Wars, but the main characters are all either clones or princesses.
Final Fantasy 10: Daddy Issues, the Real Sports Story, with special guest Christian Guilt Complex.
Final Fantasy 11: Giraffe and friends stop the writer from erasing the game.
Final Fantasy 12: Star Wars, but half the bad guys aren't actually that bad. Except for Judge Bergen. That guy's a dick.
Final Fantasy 13: Being the chosen one will kill your dating life.
Final Fantasy 14: Heroes save the world from bad gameplay, bugs.
Final Fantasy 15: Bachelor party goes very wrong.
No one's fantasy: Me nekkid.

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Fantasy NPC: Crabgrass and Bindweed, two tiny infernal gargoyles living in Mossveil Manor's gardens.

Freehold DM |

Fantasy NPC: Crabgrass and Bindweed, two tiny infernal gargoyles living in Mossveil Manor's gardens.
Hey man. I know you're doing your own thing but you would be welcome here

lisamarlene |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

For most of the four years that I have known and been friends with my teaching partner, Rob, he has made jokes along the lines of, "That's why I'm an alcoholic." After a meeting at the end of the day on Friday, he said something again and I answered, "Look, I love dark humor as much as the next person, but if you keep making those jokes, I'm going to start worrying."
Rob said, "It's not a joke. I really am an alcoholic."
Me: "But whenever we have a faculty thing, you drink."
Rob: "Not for the last two months."

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

For most of the four years that I have known and been friends with my teaching partner, Rob, he has made jokes along the lines of, "That's why I'm an alcoholic." After a meeting at the end of the day on Friday, he said something again and I answered, "Look, I love dark humor as much as the next person, but if you keep making those jokes, I'm going to start worrying."
Rob said, "It's not a joke. I really am an alcoholic."
Me: "But whenever we have a faculty thing, you drink."
Rob: "Not for the last two months."
When I got out of grad school and started on my requisite journey as a long-term faculty replacement at multiple schools, you'd be amazed how many times I'd "inherit" someone's office only to find a half-empty (or fully empty) bottle of hard liquor in a desk drawer.
Somehow, being overworked, underpaid, and subject to abuse from both parents and administrators drives some to drink. Who'd've thunk?

Crit & Crit |

Missed a few weeks again x_x It's been a busy month. Here's the episodes since the last post!
Child soldiers and dystopian mayhem.
On geniuses in fiction and the way they're written.
The cruelty of the authority system and the powers that be in Ender's world.
"Isolated, friendless, and self-reliant."

Orthos |
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It really is a different 'Merikuh I live in.
This afternoon we had two 18-year-olds and four 21-year-olds in the house. Among the six of them, only two have driver's licenses, and one more has a learner's permit.
Back in my day, if you didn't have a license on your 16th birthday, something was wrong with you...
I didn't learn how to drive until I was 26 >.> From 18-25 I lived in the Phoenix, Arizona metro-complex which has a fairly robust, if not all-encompassing, public transit system. I couldn't have afforded a car at the time anyway.
At 26 I had to move back in with my family due to the economy dying in the early 2010s and employment drying up, and Tennessee doesn't have public transit easily available (except maybe in Nashville and Memphis, but I was on the other end of the state) so it was impossible to work and thus survive without it. I bought my first car for stupidly cheap from my parents, and drove it essentially until it died.
At 16 I was a nerdy, video-game-playing, book-reading loner who was stuck on the edge of a rural south-Texas town with less than 3000 people living there, where everything was literally within an hour or two walking distance, half that by bike. I didn't like football, I didn't like rodeo or other rural pasttimes, and I could count my friends on one hand including my brother. I had nowhere to drive and no desire to learn how as a result.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

And as always...
For 10 years or so my schedule has been absolute: Work 6:30 am - 4:00 pm with a break from 7:00 - 7:30 am for breakfast and a break from 12:00 - 1:00 pm for lunch.
The number of people who contact me at 6:58 am "just to talk for a few minutes" is staggering.
What's so special about 7:00 am that you all have to talk to me RIGHT THEN!?!?!?
EDIT: We also get a host of 8:00 am and 12:00 noon meetings. The 8:00 am ones don't bother me, but the whole idea of, "Well, we know that everyone's free at lunch because that's when they normally take their lunch hours, so let's schedule the meeting then," is so tone-deaf that I get uppity.
EDIT 2: And of course if it were people who didn't know me I'd be quite forgiving; it's not like I know the schedules of anyone outside of my immediate group. But I *do* know their schedules, and I'd appreciate it if they'd learn mine, especially since I tell them about it so often.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

picks up phone
And as always...
For 10 years or so my schedule has been absolute: Work 6:30 am - 4:00 pm with a break from 7:00 - 7:30 am for breakfast and a break from 12:00 - 1:00 pm for lunch.
The number of people who contact me at 6:58 am "just to talk for a few minutes" is staggering.
What's so special about 7:00 am that you all have to talk to me RIGHT THEN!?!?!?
puts down phone

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aaaaand... this is the week where things can start to get "interesting"...
GothBard was promised roughly 14 weeks of severance and 2 months of COBRA payments when she got laid off. (And holy carp, our COBRA payments alone would be $3000/month if we stuck with her plan!) She qualified for unemployment and filed claims for the weeks of the 15th and 22nd.
And of course we haven't yet seen a penny of all of this.
So we had enough savings to live comfortably through August, and I didn't start turning the thumbscrews on expenditures because GothBard was getting lots of interviews and I figured we'd be good through October on the severance alone, and through at least November once unemployment kicks in.
But if we get absolutely nothing on Wednesday and have to live on my income alone through September, there are going to be some massive spending cuts happening everywhere.
I'm a tech worker. We can survive on my salary in the Bay Area, and while it would involve cutting all unnecessary expenses to the bone, I wouldn't qualify it as "hardship". But after nearly 7 years of having two incomes, teaching the whole family to ask, "Do I really need to spend that money?" will be hard.
Ah, well, crossing my fingers that one of GothBard's interviews will come through, and at least some form of payment will show up on Wednesday.

Freehold DM |

Hoping nothing but the best for you guys.
I know you want to leave the country. It sounds like a great adventure, to be sure, but that also comes with its own headaches. I hope you stay as it will make absconding with Gothbard MUCH easier, but I understand if this situation/experience you are going through at the moment makes greener pastures seem...well. greener.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hoping nothing but the best for you guys.
I know you want to leave the country. It sounds like a great adventure, to be sure, but that also comes with its own headaches. I hope you stay as it will make absconding with Gothbard MUCH easier, but I understand if this situation/experience you are going through at the moment makes greener pastures seem...well. greener.
Leaving the country is definitely a long-term strategy, and far more GothBard's than mine. As I've mentioned, the tax and Social Security situations are so brutal it's far wiser to purchase a summer home somewhere and live half the year in Europe (182 days, to be precise) and the other half in California. But even that dream's still a LONG way off -- I'm still determining whether we can retire comfortably while keeping this house, much less buying a second one.
Of course, we can just sell this house and then buy houses in Wisconsin and Poland, which would make some FaWtL members quite happy, but I'm still shooting for California and Scotland, which isn't nearly as easy. (And post-Brexit Scotland isn't a sure thing any more, but the Netherlands are getting hammered by global warming so we have to see how well they hold up.)

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Hoping nothing but the best for you guys.
I know you want to leave the country. It sounds like a great adventure, to be sure, but that also comes with its own headaches. I hope you stay as it will make absconding with Gothbard MUCH easier, but I understand if this situation/experience you are going through at the moment makes greener pastures seem...well. greener.
Leaving the country is definitely a long-term strategy, and far more GothBard's than mine. As I've mentioned, the tax and Social Security situations are so brutal it's far wiser to purchase a summer home somewhere and live half the year in Europe (182 days, to be precise) and the other half in California. But even that dream's still a LONG way off -- I'm still determining whether we can retire comfortably while keeping this house, much less buying a second one.
Of course, we can just sell this house and then buy houses in Wisconsin and Poland, which would make some FaWtL members quite happy, but I'm still shooting for California and Scotland, which isn't nearly as easy. (And post-Brexit Scotland isn't a sure thing any more, but the Netherlands are getting hammered by global warming so we have to see how well they hold up.)
CD Project Red has offices in my city. Just saying.

Limeylongears |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ma and Pa Longears have been staying for the last couple of days, which has been nice. We also found a secret stash of sheet music, including such old-time smashers as 'I Can't Do My Bally Bottom Button Up, 'It's Fanny's Own Fault That She's 40', 'Cleaning My Rifle (While Thinking Of You)', and 'Nursie! Nursie!'
To cap it all off, we also got ALL (DE)'s Stylophone working.

NobodysHome |

I finally finished the Sandman comics up to the point that the TV series has reached (Episode 11), and I'll stand by my statement that I really like the way the writers (reined in by Gaiman himself) managed to keep most of the plotlines and key scenes from the original comic, while making them far more coherent of a story.
The original comic was artful and innovative, but disjoint and lacked a cohesive narrative, very much like reading a dream. It bounced from plot point to plot point at random. OK in a cutting-edge comic, but likely unwatchable as a TV series. Fixing the timeline without massively altering the plot was an impressive feat.
Well done, writers.

![]() |

Final Fantasy games summarized:
Final Fantasy: Four heroes break a time loop.
Final Fantasy 2: Star Wars, but the Emperor dies and then comes back as the devil, and then dies and comes back as god, and then gets killed by Obi Wan.
Final Fantasy 3: Four orphans fight a man who threw a hissy fit over his inheritance.
Final Fantasy 4: Star Wars, but the Emperor is a space ghost on the moon.
Final Fantasy 5: Evil Giving Tree and his gay lover fight a confused harem protagonist and his princesses.
Final Fantasy 6: Star Wars, but the Emperor is killed and replaced by the Joker halfway through. Also, racism is bad.
Final Fantasy 7: Eco-terrorists recruit man with padded resumé, discover corporate greed has caused giant meteor to be elected, hold recount.
Final Fantasy 8: A group of cadets find out that they all lived at the same orphanage. Amnesia to blame. Lead character may be dead.
Final Fantasy 9: Star Wars, but the main characters are all either clones or princesses.
Final Fantasy 10: Daddy Issues, the Real Sports Story, with special guest Christian Guilt Complex.
Final Fantasy 11: Giraffe and friends stop the writer from erasing the game.
Final Fantasy 12: Star Wars, but half the bad guys aren't actually that bad. Except for Judge Bergen. That guy's a dick.
Final Fantasy 13: Being the chosen one will kill your dating life.
Final Fantasy 14: Heroes save the world from bad gameplay, bugs.
Final Fantasy 15: Bachelor party goes very wrong.No one's fantasy: Me nekkid.
Very impressive, let's see how well you can summarise Kingdom Hearts.

Scintillae |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Classroom Shenanigans
"So basically, the book is going to boil down to whether or not, when left to their own devices, humanity gravitates to civilization and order...or chaos and savagery. It's not a matter of who's right, but who can convince more people?"
"Wait, why would anyone trust Jack, though? Wouldn't common sense prevail?"
"So, let's think back to last week. Who tried to convince people to work together?"
two very bitter children raise their hands
"How'd that work out?"
"No one listened."
"Oh, also, the oldest kids are, like, twelve. So we're essentially putting seventh graders in charge since there aren't any adults."
"Oh, no."

Freakazoid |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

gran rey de los nekkid wrote:Very impressive, let's see how well you can summarise Kingdom Hearts.Final Fantasy games summarized:
Final Fantasy: Four heroes break a time loop.
Final Fantasy 2: Star Wars, but the Emperor dies and then comes back as the devil, and then dies and comes back as god, and then gets killed by Obi Wan.
Final Fantasy 3: Four orphans fight a man who threw a hissy fit over his inheritance.
Final Fantasy 4: Star Wars, but the Emperor is a space ghost on the moon.
Final Fantasy 5: Evil Giving Tree and his gay lover fight a confused harem protagonist and his princesses.
Final Fantasy 6: Star Wars, but the Emperor is killed and replaced by the Joker halfway through. Also, racism is bad.
Final Fantasy 7: Eco-terrorists recruit man with padded resumé, discover corporate greed has caused giant meteor to be elected, hold recount.
Final Fantasy 8: A group of cadets find out that they all lived at the same orphanage. Amnesia to blame. Lead character may be dead.
Final Fantasy 9: Star Wars, but the main characters are all either clones or princesses.
Final Fantasy 10: Daddy Issues, the Real Sports Story, with special guest Christian Guilt Complex.
Final Fantasy 11: Giraffe and friends stop the writer from erasing the game.
Final Fantasy 12: Star Wars, but half the bad guys aren't actually that bad. Except for Judge Bergen. That guy's a dick.
Final Fantasy 13: Being the chosen one will kill your dating life.
Final Fantasy 14: Heroes save the world from bad gameplay, bugs.
Final Fantasy 15: Bachelor party goes very wrong.No one's fantasy: Me nekkid.
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

Scintillae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Scintillae wrote:They're also seventh grade BOYS , which skews that question like a hypersonic bowling ball into a watermelon stand.
"Oh, also, the oldest kids are, like, twelve. So we're essentially putting seventh graders in charge since there aren't any adults."
"Oh, no."
Having taught 7th grade, the girls wouldn't do much better...

Vanykrye |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

BigNorseWolf wrote:Having taught 7th grade, the girls wouldn't do much better...Scintillae wrote:They're also seventh grade BOYS , which skews that question like a hypersonic bowling ball into a watermelon stand.
"Oh, also, the oldest kids are, like, twelve. So we're essentially putting seventh graders in charge since there aren't any adults."
"Oh, no."
No, but it would likely be with less overt physical violence. The emotional violence would be off the scale though.

NobodysHome |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, hallelujah for tiny things like companies NOT screwing up their jobs.
GothBard's severance came through, so we're good through at least the end of October. I think the most galling thing about it is that the net is 58% of the gross with no deductions outside of taxes. Americans scream about Denmark's socialism and their 53% overall tax rate. I'll claim that at the 42% I'm paying, I'm getting nowhere near 4/5 of the service a Dane gets.
Ah, well, at least our financial worries are postponed for a couple more months...

![]() |
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For real though, if you moved to one of the states on the CoL ladder by 1 or 2 positions you'd end up being able to turn your current home into one 3x the size WITH land, easier income/property taxes, and your groceries will halve in cost overnight.
Are you SURE you're not able to keep your seemingly crucial work position as a remote worker in another state?
Wisconsin or Michigan could net you what amounts to being able to save 500-700% more every month than where you are now, and they're not even half as awful as our Indiana or Ohio neighbors, just saying...
In fact, with the savings you probably have plus the difference in cost between the mortgage you have now you'd probably be able to buy a home and own it outright with a couple hundred thousand to spare and just straight up retire the moment the ink is dry.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

For real though, if you moved to one of the states on the CoL ladder by 1 or 2 positions you'd end up being able to turn your current home into one 3x the size WITH land, easier income/property taxes, and your groceries will halve in cost overnight.
Are you SURE you're not able to keep your seemingly crucial work position as a remote worker in another state?
Wisconsin or Michigan could net you what amounts to being able to save 500-700% more every month than where you are now, and they're not even half as awful as our Indiana or Ohio neighbors, just saying...
In fact, with the savings you probably have plus the difference in cost between the mortgage you have now you'd probably be able to buy a home and own it outright with a couple hundred thousand to spare and just straight up retire the moment the ink is dry.
And THAT is fundamentally the issue with being a native Californian. I'm happy here. I have roots six generations deep here. I'd prefer to retire here.
Shiro, on the other hand, grew up elsewhere and is right now doing exactly what you suggest: Selling his house here to retire on 20 acres and a custom-built house in a state where the cost of living is 1/5 what it is here.
It's definitely a choice, not chains, but I'm well aware I could move to at least 40 other states and retire today. For the moment, I prefer to keep working.

gran rey de los mono |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
gran rey de los nekkid wrote:Very impressive, let's see how well you can summarise Kingdom Hearts.Final Fantasy games summarized:
Final Fantasy: Four heroes break a time loop.
Final Fantasy 2: Star Wars, but the Emperor dies and then comes back as the devil, and then dies and comes back as god, and then gets killed by Obi Wan.
Final Fantasy 3: Four orphans fight a man who threw a hissy fit over his inheritance.
Final Fantasy 4: Star Wars, but the Emperor is a space ghost on the moon.
Final Fantasy 5: Evil Giving Tree and his gay lover fight a confused harem protagonist and his princesses.
Final Fantasy 6: Star Wars, but the Emperor is killed and replaced by the Joker halfway through. Also, racism is bad.
Final Fantasy 7: Eco-terrorists recruit man with padded resumé, discover corporate greed has caused giant meteor to be elected, hold recount.
Final Fantasy 8: A group of cadets find out that they all lived at the same orphanage. Amnesia to blame. Lead character may be dead.
Final Fantasy 9: Star Wars, but the main characters are all either clones or princesses.
Final Fantasy 10: Daddy Issues, the Real Sports Story, with special guest Christian Guilt Complex.
Final Fantasy 11: Giraffe and friends stop the writer from erasing the game.
Final Fantasy 12: Star Wars, but half the bad guys aren't actually that bad. Except for Judge Bergen. That guy's a dick.
Final Fantasy 13: Being the chosen one will kill your dating life.
Final Fantasy 14: Heroes save the world from bad gameplay, bugs.
Final Fantasy 15: Bachelor party goes very wrong.No one's fantasy: Me nekkid.
All Kingdom Hearts games" Throw a bunch of random Disney stuff together. Hit things with a key because swords are too violent. Also, "Kairi's inside me?".

![]() |

Master Xehanort wrote:All Kingdom Hearts games" Throw a bunch of random Disney stuff together. Hit things with a key because swords are too violent. Also, "Kairi's inside me?".gran rey de los nekkid wrote:Very impressive, let's see how well you can summarise Kingdom Hearts.Final Fantasy games summarized:
Final Fantasy: Four heroes break a time loop.
Final Fantasy 2: Star Wars, but the Emperor dies and then comes back as the devil, and then dies and comes back as god, and then gets killed by Obi Wan.
Final Fantasy 3: Four orphans fight a man who threw a hissy fit over his inheritance.
Final Fantasy 4: Star Wars, but the Emperor is a space ghost on the moon.
Final Fantasy 5: Evil Giving Tree and his gay lover fight a confused harem protagonist and his princesses.
Final Fantasy 6: Star Wars, but the Emperor is killed and replaced by the Joker halfway through. Also, racism is bad.
Final Fantasy 7: Eco-terrorists recruit man with padded resumé, discover corporate greed has caused giant meteor to be elected, hold recount.
Final Fantasy 8: A group of cadets find out that they all lived at the same orphanage. Amnesia to blame. Lead character may be dead.
Final Fantasy 9: Star Wars, but the main characters are all either clones or princesses.
Final Fantasy 10: Daddy Issues, the Real Sports Story, with special guest Christian Guilt Complex.
Final Fantasy 11: Giraffe and friends stop the writer from erasing the game.
Final Fantasy 12: Star Wars, but half the bad guys aren't actually that bad. Except for Judge Bergen. That guy's a dick.
Final Fantasy 13: Being the chosen one will kill your dating life.
Final Fantasy 14: Heroes save the world from bad gameplay, bugs.
Final Fantasy 15: Bachelor party goes very wrong.No one's fantasy: Me nekkid.
Yes, that really is it, isn't it? Still, it somehow works.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Reading the Soul Eater manga, I find it surprisingly disturbing that it's a manga rife with full frontal (female) nudity, but all of the women are depicted as department store mannequins with no physical features at all under their clothing.
And I have to ask myself: "Do the censors honestly believe that it's better to teach impressionable kids that women have literally nothing going on under their clothes, or wouldn't it be healthier to treat nudity as something natural and normal?"
As I said, it's less of a political statement than a strong visceral reaction to this whole, "We're going to show naked women, but we're going to pretend they have no physical features," approach. It seemed more like something out of a horror movie than something designed to titillate.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Remember when I complained about the 42% tax rate on GothBard's final paycheck?
We just got the payslip, and it turns out her COBRA reimbursement was included so our tax rate was actually 51.2%. More than half of her entire severance went to taxes!
6.20% Social Security
1.45% Medicare
32.59% Federal
9.88% State
1.10% State Disability
51.22% Overall
As GothBard put it so well, it's pretty screwed up that you get laid off and your company gives you money to make ends meet until you can get a new job and the government takes half of it off the top. You should have an option that says, "Please don't deduct from my severance."
As it is, I checked last year's taxes and we're now above what we paid, so we're already due a refund. And that's even if GothBard takes unemployment for the next 3 months. They WAAAAAAY overwithheld.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Y'know, most insurance is based on some percentage of your income. Our corporate life insurance comes in multiples of your salary. State disability insurance is 50% of your salary. Even Social Security claims to be based on a percentage of your salary, but since payments cap out, so do your deductions.
But California unemployment? Nope. 1.1% of your income with no upper limit, and the maximum payment is $450/week. Which, for the record, is below minimum wage in our area. ($14/hour for companies with 25 or fewer employees, or $15/hour for companies with more.)
Yep. Got our first check today. And the gross check ($450) represents barely a third of GothBard's net paycheck that included taxes, insurance, and 401(k) deductions.
It's vast inefficiencies like this that make people scream for privatization of unemployment and Social Security. But I'm old enough and wise enough to respond, "Once the company managing the money is driven by profit rather than incompetence, you'll really learn how bad things can get."

Freehold DM |

Remember when I complained about the 42% tax rate on GothBard's final paycheck?
We just got the payslip, and it turns out her COBRA reimbursement was included so our tax rate was actually 51.2%. More than half of her entire severance went to taxes!
6.20% Social Security
1.45% Medicare
32.59% Federal
9.88% State
1.10% State Disability
51.22% OverallAs GothBard put it so well, it's pretty screwed up that you get laid off and your company gives you money to make ends meet until you can get a new job and the government takes half of it off the top. You should have an option that says, "Please don't deduct from my severance."
As it is, I checked last year's taxes and we're now above what we paid, so we're already due a refund. And that's even if GothBard takes unemployment for the next 3 months. They WAAAAAAY overwithheld.
better over than under...

NobodysHome |

NobodysHome wrote:better over than under...Remember when I complained about the 42% tax rate on GothBard's final paycheck?
We just got the payslip, and it turns out her COBRA reimbursement was included so our tax rate was actually 51.2%. More than half of her entire severance went to taxes!
6.20% Social Security
1.45% Medicare
32.59% Federal
9.88% State
1.10% State Disability
51.22% OverallAs GothBard put it so well, it's pretty screwed up that you get laid off and your company gives you money to make ends meet until you can get a new job and the government takes half of it off the top. You should have an option that says, "Please don't deduct from my severance."
As it is, I checked last year's taxes and we're now above what we paid, so we're already due a refund. And that's even if GothBard takes unemployment for the next 3 months. They WAAAAAAY overwithheld.
I have to agree with GothBard that no, this isn't correct. Since she's out of work NOW, she needs as much money as she can get NOW, and once she has a job she can pay back the missing taxes. Taking out the maximum tax rate the moment she gets laid off basically cuts her time to find a new job in half. That's not productive, that's punitive.

Freehold DM |

Reading the Soul Eater manga, I find it surprisingly disturbing that it's a manga rife with full frontal (female) nudity, but all of the women are depicted as department store mannequins with no physical features at all under their clothing.
And I have to ask myself: "Do the censors honestly believe that it's better to teach impressionable kids that women have literally nothing going on under their clothes, or wouldn't it be healthier to treat nudity as something natural and normal?"
As I said, it's less of a political statement than a strong visceral reaction to this whole, "We're going to show naked women, but we're going to pretend they have no physical features," approach. It seemed more like something out of a horror movie than something designed to titillate.
I'll have to check on that. It could be the art style, it could be a domestic edit(Freehold is most suspicious here, especially after watching High School Of The Dead and reading Island of Giant Insects), it could be a decision made by the studio.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I have to agree with GothBard that no, this isn't correct. Since she's out of work NOW, she needs as much money as she can get NOW, and once she has a job she can pay back the missing taxes. Taking out the maximum tax rate the moment she gets laid off basically cuts her time to find a new job in half. That's not productive, that's punitive.NobodysHome wrote:better over than under...Remember when I complained about the 42% tax rate on GothBard's final paycheck?
We just got the payslip, and it turns out her COBRA reimbursement was included so our tax rate was actually 51.2%. More than half of her entire severance went to taxes!
6.20% Social Security
1.45% Medicare
32.59% Federal
9.88% State
1.10% State Disability
51.22% OverallAs GothBard put it so well, it's pretty screwed up that you get laid off and your company gives you money to make ends meet until you can get a new job and the government takes half of it off the top. You should have an option that says, "Please don't deduct from my severance."
As it is, I checked last year's taxes and we're now above what we paid, so we're already due a refund. And that's even if GothBard takes unemployment for the next 3 months. They WAAAAAAY overwithheld.
I want to agree with you both. But after a job tried to "help" me with respect to taxes and I ended up having an awful year, I would rather have too much taken out too early than be lead to believe everything is okay and March is horrific.
That said you are in a different financial situation than I am. And if I want to be in your financial situation, maybe I should follow your lead.
I am also writing this as I get dividends from my stocks.
A mighty $0.03.
You better watch out, I'm coming for Gothbard now. I shall keep her in such finery you will weep with envy as I give her a life you could only dream of!

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's really amazing just how thoroughly people can ignore you.
The "standard" process is that our department manager updates a curriculum tracker, we work according to what's on the tracker, and the training department uses the tracker to plan the courses. Unfortunately, since my manager was laid off, I can't update the tracker.
Every week for 4 weeks now, the training project manager has contacted me: "NobodysHome, we need you to update the tracker. Why haven't you updated the tracker yet? We need those updates."
"I am not a manager, I do not have edit access to the tracker."
"Oh, OK."
And yet again this morning, the very same person, for the FOURTH TIME, has sent me an urgent message asking me to update the tracker.
It is... annoying...

Asmodeus, Prince of Darkness |
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It's really amazing just how thoroughly people can ignore you.
The "standard" process is that our department manager updates a curriculum tracker, we work according to what's on the tracker, and the training department uses the tracker to plan the courses. Unfortunately, since my manager was laid off, I can't update the tracker.
Every week for 4 weeks now, the training project manager has contacted me: "NobodysHome, we need you to update the tracker. Why haven't you updated the tracker yet? We need those updates."
"I am not a manager, I do not have edit access to the tracker."
"Oh, OK."And yet again this morning, the very same person, for the FOURTH TIME, has sent me an urgent message asking me to update the tracker.
It is... annoying...
Goddamn it, we need those TPS reports!! Stat!!!