NobodysHome |
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Wait, she's Shiro's girlfriend?!?
Or, wants to be?And she's closer to the Impii in age than she is to the rest of you.
Yeah, this isn't going to go well.
(1) She is Lara Croft Guy's co-worker. AFAIK there is currently no relationship between them. I just indicated that the whole, "I want to be the kid sister of the person who invited me to the game. And I want to sit next to him at the table. And I want him to make my character," just screams red flag warnings.
(2) My favorite WW moment was in Second Darkness, where he played a barbarian and we were still playing with the "honor" loot system (we call out an item and everyone says whether or not they need it). When we started complaining that the AP seemed to be amazingly loot-poor, we found out that WW had claimed no fewer than SIX magic weapons, because, "I'm a barbarian and I can use this and I can carry it, so why shouldn't I take it?"

NobodysHome |
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Do NOT get me started on WW and loot.
The kids have started just saying, "You can have this, Papa" when they find something good in the game. I have to intervene when one of them needs it more or it's more appropriate for their character.
Is it OK if I go off on his other favorite: "I want to play an outcast, exiled member of a powerful noble family."
<game starts>"I'm a member of this powerful, noble family and I use it to leverage massive in-game advantages for myself (or occasionally my party)."
Kingmaker: Check
Second Darkness: Check
Crimson Throne: Check
It's amazing how many exiled children of noble families expect everyone to still respect their lineage and cater to their utterly unreasonable demands...
EDIT: OK. At this point I'm being a jerk, but it appalls me how hard it is for some people to just play the game, without trying to "trick the GM" or outperform the other players or hog the solo spotlight. So when I encounter them, I vent, and it's cathartic.

Freehold DM |
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lisamarlene wrote:Do NOT get me started on WW and loot.
The kids have started just saying, "You can have this, Papa" when they find something good in the game. I have to intervene when one of them needs it more or it's more appropriate for their character.
Is it OK if I go off on his other favorite: "I want to play an outcast, exiled member of a powerful noble family."
<game starts>
"I'm a member of this powerful, noble family and I use it to leverage massive in-game advantages for myself (or occasionally my party)."Kingmaker: Check
Second Darkness: Check
Crimson Throne: CheckIt's amazing how many exiled children of noble families expect everyone to still respect their lineage and cater to their utterly unreasonable demands...
EDIT: OK. At this point I'm being a jerk, but it appalls me how hard it is for some people to just play the game, without trying to "trick the GM" or outperform the other players or hog the solo spotlight. So when I encounter them, I vent, and it's cathartic.
that's a known fantasy trope though...

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Is it OK if I go off on his other favorite: "I want to play an outcast, exiled member of a powerful noble family."that's a known fantasy trope though...
Yes, but...
(I proceed to insist on playing in-game as if I am still a member of the family, to the point of trying to withdraw family funds from the bank of Abadar or trying to threaten city officials with reprisals from my family if I don't get my way.)
...not so much...unless you're playing a game where your family then hires assassins to take you out...
And perhaps that is where I'm miscommunicating. It's not so much that he tries it; it's that he gets upset when it doesn't work, and claims that I'm being unreasonable and they couldn't possibly all know that he's excommunicado, or that he'll never return to good favor.
"I want the advantages of being able to use my family name to get automatic successes in Intimidate checks in the city, and I refuse to use any feats, traits, or personal resources to get these advantages."

NobodysHome |
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Y'know -- I just had an epiphany. Maybe THAT'S the big issue.
"I want to start the game as a well-known bada**. Not some unknown loser farmer boy who would lose a fight to a trained dog. And the Pathfinder system does not allow for that, so I'd like to alter the way the GM does things so I can do that."
And that is why there are modules where the PCs start at higher levels...

Limeylongears |
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lisamarlene wrote:OooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOh....(rereads)
Wait, she's Shiro's girlfriend?!?
Or, wants to be?And she's closer to the Impii in age than she is to the rest of you.
Yeah, this isn't going to go well.
NH, please have Woran haunt her. She'd do an outstanding job, judging by that performance.

Scintillae |
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Y'know -- I just had an epiphany. Maybe THAT'S the big issue.
"I want to start the game as a well-known bada**. Not some unknown loser farmer boy who would lose a fight to a trained dog. And the Pathfinder system does not allow for that, so I'd like to alter the way the GM does things so I can do that."
And that is why there are modules where the PCs start at higher levels...
I kind of agree, but I kind of disagree.
We started our Savage Tide campaign, and I built my swash's backstory around having built up a reputation in the starting town's underground fighting ring. But I picked traits and skills to reflect this and went in with the expectation that the average commoners would care more than the well-to-do merchants and NPCs-with-class-levels the AP was going to have us meet, and not everyone would even care. So I got to start with a fairly well-known tough guy that still didn't have the social cred to walk over the game, and I've never felt as though my GM shortchanged me in any way - it's totally doable to have this concept starting out without disrupting the party and the plot.
I think players who want to just cakewalk everything with their reputation will still be problem players even if you start them at level 7. It still won't be enough because they won't be able to lord it over everyone.

Drejk |
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EDIT: I should note she's probably around 20 years our junior, so I am probably overestimating any relationship between the two.
Sweet summer NH...
On the other hand...
NH, GothBard, Shiro... Impus Major... If she is 20 years younger than IM that might explain her behavior... Freshly manifested one, still unused to linear continuity and still socializing...

Drejk |
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Y'know -- I just had an epiphany. Maybe THAT'S the big issue.
"I want to start the game as a well-known bada**. Not some unknown loser farmer boy who would lose a fight to a trained dog. And the Pathfinder system does not allow for that, so I'd like to alter the way the GM does things so I can do that."
And that is why there are modules where the PCs start at higher levels...
Well, yeah. It is a sort of using the wrong game as there are other games where you start being something more than a farm-boy getting pulled into the whirlwind of adventure...

Freehold DM |
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One of the reasons I got into the empire today stuff is because I wanted adventures that could not just be altered for level but that also made sense for an variety of backgrounds. Sometimes you need a no name farmboy noone is going to miss. Sometimes you need a legit local hero. Other times you need someone who survived something horrible.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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I started feeling sick last week. Tala was wrecked the week before with the cold from hell, and of course it starts tickling my throat and such two weeks into the new job.
Fortunately, this entire week we are closed, as they're moving to a new building, and while I'm not paid for M-W or F, I do get Th pay for Thanksgiving. Why do I say fortunately?
Because the cold apparently knew I would have the week off, and waited until last night to hit me like a ton of bricks.
I haven't been legit sick for almost 3 years. This...is awful.
...but at least I don't have to work with it, or call in sick only three weeks into my new job.
Which I still like. My boss even invited us to his church last night for their big ass Thanksgiving feast, which was epic, and I swear I ate like ten pounds of food. The cold did wait until almost immediately after I got home to manifest.
The fact I genuinely like my job is in fact a miraculous occasion. In 37 years of life, 22 of which I've had jobs, I can say I've genuinely liked my work a total of...maybe a year, altogether combined.
So despite the fact my head feels like it weighs about 94lbs, and you could squeeze it and mucus would run out of it like soapy water from a loofah, I feel thankful.

Vanykrye |
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Mine rapier buddye did cometh to HEMA, yaaay.
There wert also severall dreadsome two-handed sword vs. poleaxe figghts, and I was moste gladde not to be ye one who got an fulle-force axe stryke in ye crotche.
That is, in fact, on my list of "Things I Do Not Want Happening to Me".

gran rey de los mono |
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Been a day of ups and downs:
On the plus side, I had a good time at my Formula De game tonight. It was the final half of the final race of the season. I had two cars in the race, one started 1st, the other in 7th. My car that started in 1st won by a huge margin (over half a lap), and my car that started in 7th fought its way all the way up to 2nd. Wasn't good enough to snatch the championship away from the points leader, but still a good way to end the season.
On the negative side, my Mom is in the hospital. She and my Dad were grocery shopping today, and as they left the store, she fell. She may have tripped on something, I don't know, but she's also clumsy enough to have tripped over nothing. It's happened before. So she spent a couple of hours in the ER before being admitted for at least overnight. She has several small fractures in the bones in her face, broke her left humerus (upper arm), and may have also broken her right humerus. So, that's not good.

Freehold DM |
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Been a day of ups and downs:
On the plus side, I had a good time at my Formula De game tonight. It was the final half of the final race of the season. I had two cars in the race, one started 1st, the other in 7th. My car that started in 1st won by a huge margin (over half a lap), and my car that started in 7th fought its way all the way up to 2nd. Wasn't good enough to snatch the championship away from the points leader, but still a good way to end the season.
On the negative side, my Mom is in the hospital. She and my Dad were grocery shopping today, and as they left the store, she fell. She may have tripped on something, I don't know, but she's also clumsy enough to have tripped over nothing. It's happened before. So she spent a couple of hours in the ER before being admitted for at least overnight. She has several small fractures in the bones in her face, broke her left humerus (upper arm), and may have also broken her right humerus. So, that's not good.
damn. I'm sorry.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:Pistolero?Piccolo is a reed flute and yoshi.
Picadillo is apparently a Cuban dish?
What word am I trying to come up with that means musketeer or like an or whatever? Stupid brain.
(May not have anything to do with muskets. Not quite a rondeleros... I think?)
Hrm. I suppose I’ll take it! Thanks!

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Piccolo is a reed flute and yoshi.
Picadillo is apparently a Cuban dish?
What word am I trying to come up with that means musketeer or like an or whatever? Stupid brain.
(May not have anything to do with muskets. Not quite a rondeleros... I think?)
Picador? That's a sort of lancer/mounted spearman.

NobodysHome |
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Speaking of bad teachers:
"Your essay must have properly-cited references, cover these topics, and be at least 2000 words long. If your essay is under 2000 words, you will get an automatic 0."
And another generation of kids is taught to produce meandering, meaningless essays with run-on sentences and off-topic tangents. Because 2000 words.

Nylarthotep |
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Depends entirely on how it is taught. I write for a living. There are many times when what I write is judged by the client by volume and appearance rather than substance.
So, if the class actually teaches a variety of things:
How to add fluff without unnecessarily obscuring your message;
How to manage larger volumes of words to present a topic coherently; or
How to develop additional material from your references for inclusion to prove further a point
then it may have value.
If, however, those are not taught, then perhaps you do get meandering meaningless essays.
But there are real world use cases where volume may matter and being adept at generating volume is a valuable skill.

Rovagug, The Rough Beast |
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Speaking of bad teachers:
"Your essay must have properly-cited references, cover these topics, and be at least 2000 words long. If your essay is under 2000 words, you will get an automatic 0."
And another generation of kids is taught to produce meandering, meaningless essays with run-on sentences and off-topic tangents. Because 2000 words.
And I thought I was evil!