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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Yeah - you read the good ones.

I mentioned Greenwood becauae despite inventing the Realms he is unreadable.

Such is Lovecraft in a nutshell.

wholehearted agreement on Greenwood.

Completely disagree on Lovecraft.

Then again I love the works of others in the Lovecraft universe....

Looks to me, per the bolding, that you agree with me. Great world creation is NOT great writing. Imagination alone isn't writing. Making prose that won't put you to sleep is good writing.

Cunningham, Salvatore, and Niles, whom Cap mentioned, wrote great books in Greenwood's world. That makes them great writers, not Greenwood. The analogy extends to Lovecraft.

This is basically exactly how I feel about Tolkien.

And Shakespeare, to a lesser extent.

Meanwhile it's not a problem I have personally with Lovecraft.

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Hey now! Shakespeare might not have used original material, Orthos, but he did a DAMN fine job about writing about the human condition!

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Orthos wrote:
And it's all a big ball of... Nothingness to me. All in one ear and out the other. The only parts I remember are the stuff that got used in Pratchett and Gargoyles. Everything else is a whole lot of meh.

A quintessence of dust, you may say? :D

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And it's all a big ball of... Nothingness to me. All in one ear and out the other. The only parts I remember are the stuff that got used in Pratchett and Gargoyles. Everything else is a whole lot of meh.

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I think the forums done messed up again because I think Orthos responded to me but some how Scin got posted BEFORE Orthos...

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I, for one, blame Lovecraft.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I got some bad news. I was denied any sort of help from the government again. For the third time.

Apparantly, holding a job for about two weeks or less before I freak out and run home to hide in a literal closet due to bipolar, social anxiety, panic attack disorder and agoraphobia before I get fired from being unable to muster the courage to return, so depressed I don't leave my room for weeks, and so poor I have to start the process over every nine months or so dictates that "SIMPLE ADJUSTMENTS" will allow me to live a normal, unaided lifestyle.

It's the insult of how it was phrased. Also the fact that money goes towards so much useless s&&* in our country but those with mental disorders can go f&$# ourselves.

Part of me wants to lawyer up and scream. Most of me wants to hide under the covers for a few months...until I rinse and repeat with the s!@*ty job that pays less than the one before it/panic attack/closet hiding/paralyzed inability to leave the home pattern.

I think I'll go sleep for a month or so.

I was doing so well lately. This...this really crashed me hard.

Lawyer up. At least IMHO you should. Don't play nice. Don't play fair.

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Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Yeah - you read the good ones.

I mentioned Greenwood becauae despite inventing the Realms he is unreadable.

Such is Lovecraft in a nutshell.

wholehearted agreement on Greenwood.

Completely disagree on Lovecraft.

Then again I love the works of others in the Lovecraft universe....

Looks to me, per the bolding, that you agree with me. Great world creation is NOT great writing. Imagination alone isn't writing. Making prose that won't put you to sleep is good writing.

Cunningham, Salvatore, and Niles, whom Cap mentioned, wrote great books in Greenwood's world. That makes them great writers, not Greenwood. The analogy extends to Lovecraft.

This is basically exactly how I feel about Tolkien.

And Shakespeare, to a lesser extent.

Meanwhile it's not a problem I have personally with Lovecraft.

or clothing.

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While I cannot control how I feel about the situation, I can control how I react to it. I wanted to get some junk food and curl in a ball under the covers for several days. I have a child on the way. This is the incorrect behavior for a father to take.

I took a hot shower and meditated on the problem a bit. I came to some conclusions.

1) I will find a lawyer tomorrow. I doubt this will work, but a consultation will not hurt.

2) I will continue to look for a job that will fit my needs, however niche that job is. I am getting better, even if I'm not where I want to be...yet.

3) I will begin the process of emigrating from this nation. Any country that will deny me military entrance in my 20s based on my disability but not offer me assistance based on it is one I no longer wish to lay claim to, nor raise my child in. It isn't this alone, but given the political climate of the last several years, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Tala supports this decision given the scenario.

4) I will work on creative outlets, because art, writing, and photography give me solace - and there's a side benefit of if I get even moderately famous bashing said government on a much more public forum, which would be some catharsis, at least.

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I remember how hard it was for us to help get our daughter on disability with her mental illnesses and autism. VE, you sound like you're keeping your head on this, and I just want to encourage you to keep doing so, look yourself in the eye when you look in the mirror, remember who and what you are and need to be in the future, and keep fighting for it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I remember how hard it was for us to help get our daughter on disability with her mental illnesses and autism. VE, you sound like you're keeping your head on this, and I just want to encourage you to keep doing so, look yourself in the eye when you look in the mirror, remember who and what you are and need to be in the future, and keep fighting for it.

This thing. Love you, brother, and get the help you need.

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Best of luck, man. I can't blame you at all for your decision and frankly I think if it were financially feasible more people would be willing to consider likewise.

Good fortune to you in the efforts.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I've never been able to get into Lovecraft. I've read through a bunch of his short stories, and there's just...nothing there that sticks with me. It's to the point where I can't even remember the names of the stories that things happen in - it didn't even leave enough of an impression for me to complain about. That alone gives Shakespeare a boost in my esteem - at least I can tell them apart.
In short, Lovecraft's stories are basically "Human lives are insignificant and the Universe doesn't care."

I do have to say about Lovecraft - he keeps having his protagonists or others in the story insisting this, but then the Old Dudes What Are Cray-Cray go to rather silly lengths to influence, manipulate, or eat us - and are rather put out when they can’t.

Cthulhu might be unstoppable, but heaven forfend someone ran his head with a big boat. I mean, obviously, he simply didn’t come up because the stars were wrong, despite the fact that the stars were right just a few precious minutes ago. Does he only have an hour when the stars are right? Or were they not right and the narrator goofed? If the narrator goofed, why do we take his word for other facts about the lobster - I mean, the stars might have nothing to do with it (as he did seem to grumpily wake up, snack on a few foo’s, then go back to bed. Kind of like a human woken up by an errant noise in his kitchen. If the narrator didn’t goof, then can boats change the stars, or can they just convince the dude to go back to sleep despite the late hour of the millennium?

And as for motives completely beyond human ken with matter that behaves not at all like our own, big C sure does behave like other biological species, what with seeking ways to spawn and procreate and eat and sleep and not be dead and all.

Now, none of this is to avoid the idea that Cbag is dangerous - tentacle face is pleeee-heheh-nty dangerous.

But most of what we are given is untrustworthy - and probably at least slightly untrue.

He may well be mad -but neither his behavior nor mental contact with him proves this (as any of it could be a byproduct of a creature anatomically, neurologically, culturally, and so on different from us). He may or may not care about us (though that attitude may or may not reflect the others in the mythos), and he may have some relation to the stars, or he may just use that as a clock or just a nifty “hey, this is a thing that’ll be when my alarm goes off due to planetary mechanics” (in the same way that various ancient works once matched the star patterns ‘cause it was pretty cool, but are now off by a bit because our planetary orbit and tilt changes). His materials may well be from beyond reality, but they might just be exotics and/or advanced composite nano-device structures or something (just like most cells, really).

Probably the weirdest thing that occurs is either that one invisible kid (because, really, why is he invisible?) and that one shapeshifter (because shapeshifting is stupid-cray-cray and information-intensive, y’all). Also the brain extraction, but that’s more of a flaw in authorial understanding of the mechanics of memory (which we’re still grappling with) than “Impossible!” (at least as its written).

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Honestly, I really would rather option 3) Abandon f@!%ing ship.

I have wanted to leave the country for decades, but never had the balls. I've been seriously considering it for a while, especially since Woran gave that link to Netherlands travel. Half my family is in Germany, (my mom came here when my dad was stationed there in the Army and they got married) and I speak semi-fluent Spanish (albeit Miami Latin-American Spanish, but still...), so the EU is a very viable option for m

The only things I've ever done well have been independent work and various arts, so I'm going to ride that train as far down the station as I can. Who knows? Maybe this will be the kick in the balls I need to get off my ass and make it as an artist.

...or maybe I'm manic and this will all fade, and I'll crash hard and hate myself for setting lofty, unachievable goals and once again falling into complacency.

Either way I sent an email to talk to an immigration lawyer about moving to the EU.

I like to think my child's inspiration will prevent the whole crashing thing. It did just an hour ago or so. And normally that kind of news would have me in a mood for weeks.

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Empire Strikes Back Anime

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About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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Good night, John!

However, the working day is just beginning here, and it's nearly time for the Super Office Spotify Soundclash!!!

Who will be victorious - will it be:

* The 90s Alt-Rock Megamix?
* The Noughties Novelty Dance Spectacular?
* A smorgasbord of landfill indie, lugubrious acoustic covers of power ballads and inoffensive pop hits?
* Or BBC Radio Two?

You know, it seems that, at some point, there’d be an upper limit of probability against experiencing entirely different types of GI distress. LOOKS LIKE I HAVE YET TO MEET THAT LIMIT
(Tonight suuuuuuuuucks)

Scarab Sages

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Limeylongears wrote:

The only Dutch fiction I've ever read (in translation) have been detective stories - the rather pervy Judge Dee tales of Robert Van Gulik, set in ancient China, and novels about two slightly racist plainclothes cops called something like de Grijpstra and de Grier - I can't remember the name of the author of those.

I have not read anything Polish I can bring to mind, but would like a go at 'With Fire & Sword'.

Haha, yeah for some reason we have A LOT of detective stories.

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Query: can you be a mary sue character if you are, in fact, the protagonist?

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Woran wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

The only Dutch fiction I've ever read (in translation) have been detective stories - the rather pervy Judge Dee tales of Robert Van Gulik, set in ancient China, and novels about two slightly racist plainclothes cops called something like de Grijpstra and de Grier - I can't remember the name of the author of those.

I have not read anything Polish I can bring to mind, but would like a go at 'With Fire & Sword'.

Haha, yeah for some reason we have A LOT of detective stories.

How long before NederNoir becomes a thing, I wonder...

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Nylarthotep wrote:
Query: can you be a mary sue character if you are, in fact, the protagonist?

I believe that is where we got the term from. An unstoppable, perfect protagonist who never, ever fails...ever.

That said, Scint and DeathQuaker could probably go into far more detail. I know something of the original character, but they probably know far more historical examples in literature.

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As I understood the term, it was someone who upstaged the protagonist by being more perfect than the lead. Maybe the term has evolved and I was not paying attention.

Dark Archive

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The original Mary Sue trope was based on and named after a self insert heroine character from early Star Trek fanfic who became a sort of template that bad fanfic authors would parrot to some degree or another, and in later years readers and literary observers of all kinds began noticing similar traits in badly written characters of all kinds, not just fan fiction.

The primary traits of a Mary Sue are that she is always right no matter how illogical her ideas seem, always innocent and pure, seen as beloved and adored by all (sometimes even villains, while in other cases the people who don't like her are used as a signifier that "this person is bad/evil", especially if they haven't yet been revealed as a villain). If she has supernatural abilities they are almost always tied to healing and/or protection, and in a setting where such powers are rare or nonexistent she is still likely to have them. A common trope in early Sues was that they were "too good for this world" and would die at the end of the story, almost always heroically and sacrificially, even though Sues were almost never fighters or aggressive. Occasionally they would linger on in spirit or angelic form to impart wisdom or protection to the cast.

Male Sues exist but are pretty rare; most instead fall into the Gary Stu counterpart archetype. This is your Elminster type character: the guy who wins every fight, gets and beds every girl, is overwhelmingly appealing to all females even if (in some cases especially if) described as not particularly attractive; is smarter, stronger, braver, tougher, and more skilled than everyone around him; and is a master - often near instantly - of each and every skill, talent, art, ability, or practice he encounters. He is the unstoppable superhero, often without (meaningful) flaws, and is generally just as adored and respected as a Sue, but for his violent and powerful nature and overwhelming sex appeal rather than his purity, innocence, and gentle beauty. Gary Stus also don't tend to have sacrificial endings as that would take away from their badass quota.

And to cap off this ridiculously long post, there is a counterpart for antagonists - the Villain Sue, though its slightly newer of a codified trope. You can read about that one on your own, geheheheh.

Right, but the original Mary Sue was really a secondary character inserted into ST:TOS. She was, as I understood it, not really the protagonist because that would have to be Kirk, Spock and Bones.

Then, when the label began getting traction, it still applied to such uber secondary characters.

I appreciate the need for labels for the superman/woman who can do everything and is an instant master and blah blah, but I thought Mary Sue was specifically reserved for the support character that was more OOMPH than the nominal protagonist.

But whatevs.

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It started that way yes, but has evolved over the years and branched into sister concepts that cover more ground.

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It's basically become the author's pet character who Can Do No Wrong.

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Speaking of Things That Annoy NobodysHome:

I really, really dislike shopping. So I try to minimize my trips: We keep a list on the side of the fridge, and the rule is simple: If you open something (can, carton, bottle, whatever), you immediately put that item on the list. You don't sit there and try to figure out, "Oh, I think this is getting low," it's, "If you open it, you put it on the list."

So of course it should be impossible to run out of anything, because the moment it gets opened it's on the list.

Except... no...

This week alone we've run out of milk twice and now we're out of eggs. And it wouldn't bother me at all, because we're out of the 2% milk (which I don't drink) and eggs (which I don't eat), so it doesn't impact me.

Except inevitably a family member tries to helpfully come over to me and say, "Hey, just so you know, we're out of xxx."

Yeah. If you'd put it on the list when you opened it, we wouldn't be out, so shut up and go away.

Yep. I get grumpy when people fail to follow simple instructions and then complain to me that the system has broken because of it. Both at home and at work.

Scarab Sages

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Limeylongears wrote:
Woran wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

The only Dutch fiction I've ever read (in translation) have been detective stories - the rather pervy Judge Dee tales of Robert Van Gulik, set in ancient China, and novels about two slightly racist plainclothes cops called something like de Grijpstra and de Grier - I can't remember the name of the author of those.

I have not read anything Polish I can bring to mind, but would like a go at 'With Fire & Sword'.

Haha, yeah for some reason we have A LOT of detective stories.
How long before NederNoir becomes a thing, I wonder...

Nah, we're too down to earth to be noir.

Scarab Sages

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I had a nap. It was good.

I also dreamed I was on some weird shadowrun-like heist with Cap Yesterday and Freehold. My brother was also there.

I was sad that I was woken up by someone shouting in the parking lot, waking me up :(
I had hoped to see where out heist had gone, as the dream so far had only covered the preparing stage, and we were just walking to the place we were robbing.

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Orthos wrote:
It started that way yes, but has evolved over the years and branched into sister concepts that cover more ground.

Ah, see, it was the evolution that I missed. I am so far from my literary analysis roots...Now it is all differential equations and circuits.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

I had a nap. It was good.

I also dreamed I was on some weird shadowrun-like heist with Cap Yesterday and Freehold. My brother was also there.

I was sad that I was woken up by someone shouting in the parking lot, waking me up :(
I had hoped to see where out heist had gone, as the dream so far had only covered the preparing stage, and we were just walking to the place we were robbing.

fast forwards the dream

Captain Yesterday, taking cover behind colonnade in fancy hotel hallway- I dont understand! I said exactly what was on the paper!
flinches as collonade takes another 3 bullets meant for him

Freehold, returning fire using fancy smartgun- You said "granah weep nini bong". That ain't Dutch!
pauses to reload

CY- Its the universal greeting!
Fiddles with mini-mini-bobcat drone

Woran- We're on EARTH!
starts to cast a spell

CY- ...which is part of the universe!
fixes mini-mini bobcat drone, sends it to attack noses of the private security team attacking our heroes

Woran- This is why I dont work with Americans! They're too amateurish!
finishes casting spell, sends forceball at enemies, incapacitating the majority of them

FH- And handsome. Dont forget that part.
double taps last security goon

Woran- Ugh. CY, where is our exit?

CY- Riiiight here...
has mini mini bobcat make huge hole in wall

Woran- FH, you have the package?

FH, grinning- Well, natura-


FH, dejected- Yeeeeesssss...

Woran- Then let's MOVE OUT!

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It appears Tala's career as a caretaker is highly desired in Canada. We have an out, though Europe is still a preference - and my mom has 14 siblings I can hit up for sponsorship in Germany.

Y tambien yo hablo Espanol mucho mas bien para otras Americanos, y podria encontrar un trabajo en Latin America si necissito. (I might be screwing it up cause I speak/hear Spanish much better than I read/write).

My mom seemed to be in shock when I told her our decision. As if Ohio wasn't far enough. Well - nobody told her to put down roots here. That was her decision, and I'm a grown ass man who will not stay rooted somewhere that gives as much of a s$!! about me as a clipped fingernail. Why should I love my country when it doesn't so much as notice I exist beyond charging me Social Security and taxes my entire life that they will deny when I need it?

I realize the irony of what day it is to decide to leave. No, pity memories won't get me to stay, either. I mean no disrespect to those lost this day, but I NEED insurance - and when my caseworker recommends I don't work so I don't lose Medicaid - well how the f!&& else am I supposed to get the help I need and support a family?

Truth is - I want to work - but the minute I get a job I lose the medical benefits I desperately need. At least in Europe or Canada I can earn a living and still see the doctor when I need to without going broke. Along with MANDATORY vacations, and retirement beyond self-contributory 401k in many nations.

I can work on my own? Fine. I'll do so elsewhere.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

You know, it seems that, at some point, there’d be an upper limit of probability against experiencing entirely different types of GI distress. LOOKS LIKE I HAVE YET TO MEET THAT LIMIT

(Tonight suuuuuuuuucks)

If you want, pop down to your local drugstore/market and pick up the biggest bag of sugar-free gummi bears you can. Take them into the bathroom with you and eat them as fast as you can. When the gastrointestinal supervolcano begins, start yelling "THE ARISTOCRATS!" as loudly and for as long as you can.

Hope you are feeling much better very very soon.

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Freehold DM wrote:
fast forwards the dream

I'm kinda surprised dreamYesterday's dreamBobcat wasn't a new form of MOSPEADA/Veritech Cyclone.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
fast forwards the dream
I'm kinda surprised dreamYesterday's dreamBobcat wasn't a new form of MOSPEADA/Veritech Cyclone.

It is!

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So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

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Sounds like sports.

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Dude, can't they just motivate her like a normal human being? With money?

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

It appears Tala's career as a caretaker is highly desired in Canada. We have an out, though Europe is still a preference - and my mom has 14 siblings I can hit up for sponsorship in Germany.

Y tambien yo hablo Espanol mucho mas bien para otras Americanos, y podria encontrar un trabajo en Latin America si necissito. (I might be screwing it up cause I speak/hear Spanish much better than I read/write).

My mom seemed to be in shock when I told her our decision. As if Ohio wasn't far enough. Well - nobody told her to put down roots here. That was her decision, and I'm a grown ass man who will not stay rooted somewhere that gives as much of a s%!$ about me as a clipped fingernail. Why should I love my country when it doesn't so much as notice I exist beyond charging me Social Security and taxes my entire life that they will deny when I need it?

I realize the irony of what day it is to decide to leave. No, pity memories won't get me to stay, either. I mean no disrespect to those lost this day, but I NEED insurance - and when my caseworker recommends I don't work so I don't lose Medicaid - well how the f&*+ else am I supposed to get the help I need and support a family?

Truth is - I want to work - but the minute I get a job I lose the medical benefits I desperately need. At least in Europe or Canada I can earn a living and still see the doctor when I need to without going broke. Along with MANDATORY vacations, and retirement beyond self-contributory 401k in many nations.

I can work on my own? Fine. I'll do so elsewhere.

be careful. Talk to some canadians. Because I have heard horror stories of the caretaker profession in Canada.

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

I am REALLY hoping next year is some kind of two man enter one man leave Thunderdome nonsense.

I had a loooooong writeup featuring GothBard as a decapitating gladiatix wearing a day of the dead dress and makeup, but the post got eaten.

Ah well.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

If they recently hired Steve Carrel, Jenna Fisher, or Rainn Wilson she might be in a reunion episode of The Office.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

Sounds like the perfect excuse to go ham on this. Get a giant mascot suit. Cheerleader outfits. Every time her team sees the opposition, start a routine. Emphasize how important this game is. Call it regionals, even. Build a shrine to the trophy. Fill the shrine with incense. If she finds any dead bugs around the office, move them to the shrine as sacrifices to the trophy. Begin chanting in Latin in the presence of the trophy. Explain to the now-concerned HR that they are just trying to take the competition seriously.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

They think a bunch of programming nerds need physical exercise?

I don't hate these things. I don't specifically like them either.

Basically the parts I actually hate tend to come down to most non-jocks' memories of recess and/or PE or just passing through the school halls in our younger years. It's not as bad in the workplace, most of the time, but it still happens.


It gets people out of the office to help burn off stress, which is sometimes more important than any other stated goal.

If they do more of these, it should be balanced out with other kinds of activities, like escape rooms or a day at a high-speed driving school or whatever.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

They think a bunch of programming nerds need physical exercise?

I don't hate these things. I don't specifically like them either.

Basically the parts I actually hate tend to come down to most non-jocks' memories of recess and/or PE or just passing through the school halls in our younger years. It's not as bad in the workplace, most of the time, but it still happens.


It gets people out of the office to help burn off stress, which is sometimes more important than any other stated goal.

If they do more of these, it should be balanced out with other kinds of activities, like escape rooms or a day at a high-speed driving school or whatever.

Or paintball!

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I want to play a villain in an RPG so I can unleash my fury at the world on fictional characters.

But no, everyone wants to be good guys...

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A. Ziraphale wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

They think a bunch of programming nerds need physical exercise?

I don't hate these things. I don't specifically like them either.

Basically the parts I actually hate tend to come down to most non-jocks' memories of recess and/or PE or just passing through the school halls in our younger years. It's not as bad in the workplace, most of the time, but it still happens.


It gets people out of the office to help burn off stress, which is sometimes more important than any other stated goal.

If they do more of these, it should be balanced out with other kinds of activities, like escape rooms or a day at a high-speed driving school or whatever.

Or paintball!

Well, only if it's with live ammo. Those bastards in accounting have it coming.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Incidentally, I was involved in a company outing for my wife's company where most everyone went out for paintball.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
A. Ziraphale wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm interested in other people's takes on this, so I'll try to report just the facts and see what people think:

(1) GothBard's company invited her to a "team building" picnic and requested an RSVP, which she happily accepted
(2) Once she had responded, she was assigned to one of four "teams" and told that the four teams would be competing in a series of events, and the winning team would receive "trash talking rights" and a trophy for winning
(3) At a meeting on Tuesday the various team members were already eagerly trash talking each other
(4) This morning the trophy showed up: A 5' hunk of bling the winning team would get to put up in the office and boast about for the rest of the year

So... thoughts?

They think a bunch of programming nerds need physical exercise?

I don't hate these things. I don't specifically like them either.

Basically the parts I actually hate tend to come down to most non-jocks' memories of recess and/or PE or just passing through the school halls in our younger years. It's not as bad in the workplace, most of the time, but it still happens.


It gets people out of the office to help burn off stress, which is sometimes more important than any other stated goal.

If they do more of these, it should be balanced out with other kinds of activities, like escape rooms or a day at a high-speed driving school or whatever.

Or paintball!
Well, only if it's with live ammo. Those bastards in accounting have it coming.

Now we're talking.

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