Vanykrye |
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I seem to have torqued my right hip biking with the kids on Wednesday. Feels like nerve pain, not muscle or joint.
I'm mostly just p!$$ed, because the kids are really looking forward to biking to school twice a week, and I don't want to disappoint them.
WW took the kids to dress rehearsal for the church fundraiser show tonight and I'm soaking in Epsom salts.
Anyone have recommendations for stretches, advice?
Depends on what you did. If it's a pinched nerve, there's really not much you can do until it unpinches itself.
For everything else...given my generally falling apart body (chronic low back, upper back/neck, and shoulder issues - but it's not arthritis) the best things are ice and your choice of pain reliever.
For longer term preventative musculoskeletal health, I suggest yoga and/or tai chi.

Freehold DM |
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lisamarlene wrote:I seem to have torqued my right hip biking with the kids on Wednesday. Feels like nerve pain, not muscle or joint.
I'm mostly just p!$$ed, because the kids are really looking forward to biking to school twice a week, and I don't want to disappoint them.
WW took the kids to dress rehearsal for the church fundraiser show tonight and I'm soaking in Epsom salts.
Anyone have recommendations for stretches, advice?
Depends on what you did. If it's a pinched nerve, there's really not much you can do until it unpinches itself.
For everything else...given my generally falling apart body (chronic low back, upper back/neck, and shoulder issues - but it's not arthritis) the best things are ice and your choice of pain reliever.
For longer term preventative musculoskeletal health, I suggest yoga and/or tai chi.
naked yoga is awesome.
Also, what vany said.

Drejk |
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He also now knows that we are obscenely insured, so it's a good thing he doesn't want us dead. I made sure to put in the list of all the stuff I do for him so he'd think twice before deciding to become an idle rich orphan.
>.>Have you made sure that Impus Minor knows that too, though? Obscene amount of money from insurance is higher when divided by 1 than by 2...
Just saying...

Tacticslion |

Frakking toothache.
I am so daggum sorry, by brother.
That... just sucks.
I hope you heal quickly.
In completely unrelated news (questionably called such, I admit), it is at this exact moment that I am reminded (for entirely unrelated reasons) that I have somehow not seen the third season of Daredevil. I need to correct that, now-ish.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:Saw the dentist already and am on antibiotics, but the pain keeps getting worse. Waiting to hear back from the after-hours number or, failing that, going to urgent care for something stronger than ibuprofen.Orthos wrote:Frakking toothache.Anbesol time or dentist time?
I hope it isnt one of those "we need to preserve your teeth AT ALL COSTS" dentists. Sometimes a tooth needs to go.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:I hope it isnt one of those "we need to preserve your teeth AT ALL COSTS" dentists. Sometimes a tooth needs to go.Freehold DM wrote:Saw the dentist already and am on antibiotics, but the pain keeps getting worse. Waiting to hear back from the after-hours number or, failing that, going to urgent care for something stronger than ibuprofen.Orthos wrote:Frakking toothache.Anbesol time or dentist time?
Thankfully he's not. The tooth that hurts is actually already gone, it's somewhere down in the root canal that's infected.

![]() |
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Freehold DM wrote:Thankfully he's not. The tooth that hurts is actually already gone, it's somewhere down in the root canal that's infected.Orthos wrote:I hope it isnt one of those "we need to preserve your teeth AT ALL COSTS" dentists. Sometimes a tooth needs to go.Freehold DM wrote:Saw the dentist already and am on antibiotics, but the pain keeps getting worse. Waiting to hear back from the after-hours number or, failing that, going to urgent care for something stronger than ibuprofen.Orthos wrote:Frakking toothache.Anbesol time or dentist time?
Oh, that is bad. I hope they can fix it.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:Oh, that is bad. I hope they can fix it.Freehold DM wrote:Thankfully he's not. The tooth that hurts is actually already gone, it's somewhere down in the root canal that's infected.Orthos wrote:I hope it isnt one of those "we need to preserve your teeth AT ALL COSTS" dentists. Sometimes a tooth needs to go.Freehold DM wrote:Saw the dentist already and am on antibiotics, but the pain keeps getting worse. Waiting to hear back from the after-hours number or, failing that, going to urgent care for something stronger than ibuprofen.Orthos wrote:Frakking toothache.Anbesol time or dentist time?
Me too.
Got hydrocodone this afternoon and that helped a lot. Here's hoping for a solid night's sleep tonight.

lisamarlene |
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Hey, Cap, are you awake? I didn't want to text you this early on a Sunday morning in case you were still in bed. I know not everyone gets up at the crack of dawn when they don't have to like NH and I do.
If you're up, do you have a foolproof pie meringue recipe? The internet is laughing at me... one recipe tells me to make the meringue in a double boiler, another says to whip the egg whites with simple syrup, another says to use a whole cup of sugar, and none of those sound right, and all I want is to not screw it up this time.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, Cap, are you awake? I didn't want to text you this early on a Sunday morning in case you were still in bed. I know not everyone gets up at the crack of dawn when they don't have to like NH and I do.
If you're up, do you have a foolproof pie meringue recipe? The internet is laughing at me... one recipe tells me to make the meringue in a double boiler, another says to whip the egg whites with simple syrup, another says to use a whole cup of sugar, and none of those sound right, and all I want is to not screw it up this time.
I dont know why, but this post made me smile.

captain yesterday |
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For the record I usually wake up before the crack of dawn.
For meringue I usually use the Better Homes and Gardens recipe.
4 egg whites
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar
1/2 cup of sugar.
Combine the egg whites, vanilla, and cream of tartar. Beat it for about a minute or so until soft peaks form.
Gradually add the sugar and then beat it again for about five minutes until you get stiff, glossy peaks and the sugar dissolves when you rub a tiny bit between your fingers (it feels completely smooth).
A couple of tips for meringue.
1. Let your eggs stand at room temperature for a half hour before making.
2. Make sure all your bowls and utensils are washed with a thick lather of soap and dried beforehand as meringue is incredibly touchy with any grease or oil.
3. Make sure your filling you're putting it over is still hot as this will prevent weeping or shrinkage (the filling cooks the bottom of the meringue, cool filling means undercooked meringue, I did it once, it was gross!).

captain yesterday |
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Excellent, thank you! I made key lime curd yesterday. I wanted a key lime meringue pie.
I love key lime, If you want less meringue (I personally prefer less meringue on key lime pie, but I might be in the extreme minority there).
3 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar
6 tablespoons of sugar.
Beat four minutes instead of five.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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I seem to have torqued my right hip biking with the kids on Wednesday. Feels like nerve pain, not muscle or joint.
I'm mostly just p!$$ed, because the kids are really looking forward to biking to school twice a week, and I don't want to disappoint them.
WW took the kids to dress rehearsal for the church fundraiser show tonight and I'm soaking in Epsom salts.
Anyone have recommendations for stretches, advice?
Late to this (have been busy/sick). I am not an orthopaedic expert, chiropractor, or other kind of doctor, but I am an expert in self-injury, particularly of the lower back and hips.
1. If something is actually hitting a nerve, it is either muscles yanking on your sciatic nerve or a vertebral subluxation affecting spinal nerves. Either way, but especially in the latter case, I strongly recommend seeing a chiropractor. They fix that in a noninvasive way no one else can (due to training/licensing), no one else will, and over time untreated subluxations usually only grow worse and will lead to further muscle, nerve, and disk damage. Most insurance covers chiropractic these days and if you're doesn't, every chiropractic office I am aware of will make cost adjustments -- one when I was a poor intern with barely any insurance charged me a minimal amount because they prioritize actually helping people. Do not listen to uninformed idiots out there; chiropractors are real doctors -- it is a 5 year doctoral program where the curriculum is very similar to an MD except training in surgery and pharmaceuticals is replaced by training in physical therapy, extra focus on the neuromusculoskeletal system, and nutrition and similar preventive foci.
This said, there are roughly two types of chiropractors out there: hippie dippie anti-Western medicine whackjobs and serious pros who will complement other medical treatment you may receive. If they talk to you like any doctor would, but with actual respect, they are good. If they start telling you they'll cure all your ills, seek another.
Without chiropractic care I probably wouldn't be able to walk unassisted because of injuries I received. Instead I live in my 40s with no to minimal pain and full mobility. The earlier you seek treatment, the shorter and more effective it will be, but imo it is worth it.
2. Even if you seek no professional help, of course gentle exercise and stretching will help. If it is sharp, pulley touchy pain, it is an inflamed tendon(s) so ice the area and be gentle with your stretches. Once it turns to sore achey, it's tired muscle that heat and your Epsom salts will help. Either way, THE MOST IMPORTANT EXERCISE TO DO FOR THE HIPS IS WALK. Even and especially if it hurts to walk. Hip muscles are ambulatory muscles and they will deteriorate if you sit too much. I learned this the hard way and needed months of PT to fix a f&$!ed up periformis, when if I had gone to my chiropractor and exercised it would have taken a couple weeks. If it hurts, walk for at least 5 mins (as slowly as you need) then rest, but do it.
Stretches: lying down with knees bent or sitting in a chair, lay one ankle on the opposite knee. Bring that knee gently toward you, hold, breathe, release, do other side, repeat. I think in yoga this is called pigeon pose.
Spinal twists: same start as before. I don't think I can describe them adequately so Google -- they are super easy, I am just struggling to describe.
Knee hugs: Lying down flat, bring one knee toward your chest, hug the knee (as far as you can without hurting yourself), release. Then other side. Then both knees. While hugging both at once, gently rotate your legs for some gentle hip release action.
Google hip and lower back exercises. Also Google psoas exercises, they will help more than you think.
Hope you feel better.

Freehold DM |
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lisamarlene wrote:I seem to have torqued my right hip biking with the kids on Wednesday. Feels like nerve pain, not muscle or joint.
I'm mostly just p!$$ed, because the kids are really looking forward to biking to school twice a week, and I don't want to disappoint them.
WW took the kids to dress rehearsal for the church fundraiser show tonight and I'm soaking in Epsom salts.
Anyone have recommendations for stretches, advice?
Late to this (have been busy/sick). I am not an orthopaedic expert, chiropractor, or other kind of doctor, but I am an expert in self-injury, particularly of the lower back and hips.
1. If something is actually hitting a nerve, it is either muscles yanking on your sciatic nerve or a vertebral subluxation affecting spinal nerves. Either way, but especially in the latter case, I strongly recommend seeing a chiropractor. They fix that in a noninvasive way no one else can (due to training/licensing), no one else will, and over time untreated subluxations usually only grow worse and will lead to further muscle, nerve, and disk damage. Most insurance covers chiropractic these days and if you're doesn't, every chiropractic office I am aware of will make cost adjustments -- one when I was a poor intern with barely any insurance charged me a minimal amount because they prioritize actually helping people. Do not listen to uninformed idiots out there; chiropractors are real doctors -- it is a 5 year doctoral program where the curriculum is very similar to an MD except training in surgery and pharmaceuticals is replaced by training in physical therapy, extra focus on the neuromusculoskeletal system, and nutrition and similar preventive foci.
This said, there are roughly two types of chiropractors out there: hippie dippie anti-Western medicine whackjobs and serious pros who will complement other medical treatment you may receive. If they talk to you like any doctor would, but with actual respect, they are good. If they start telling you they'll cure all your ills, seek...
damn, but you're good.

Drejk |
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The Crossroads. That closes the Crossroads cycle. At least for now.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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It's crazy how quiet the city gets on Sundays, even though it's a hard left-leaning college town with almost no church attendance. Mondays aren't this dead. The internet seems to die down Sundays, too.
It's so weird.
Saturdays don't die like this, so it isn't a weekend thing or a "we got f~*#ed up last night and are hungover" thing. Mondays through Thursdays don't die like this, so it isn't a "work tomorrow" thing.
The only explanation I can think of is tradition for tradition's sake (also known as "just arbitrary").