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DeathQuaker wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

DeathQuaker wrote:
Also, today, I got a parking ticket for doing the same thing everyone else was doing in the same parking lot...

While as a Lawful creature I despise arbitrary enforcement of the law, I can see, "Well, we had to start somewhere."

But if they ticketed JUST you, then they're just a****ts.

What bugs me is I wonder if they ticketed only me (and like, we walked all over the lot to see if anyone else had a ticket, and again we saw other people parking and walking off the premises) was because I had the crappiest looking car. I have an old car with a lot of minor dents and scratches which I don't bother to fix, because where I live it's street parking only, and I'd rather a car I don't care about getting more dinged up. This was in a very affluent area and most people have really nice looking cars.

The parking and transit authorities make the most money off poor people because they can't always afford to pay a ticket right away. The fine goes up and up until the car is towed and impounded; either the person pays the now ridiculous fee (usually at tremendous loss to themselves) or loses the vehicle, which the city then makes money off its auction. I hate suspecting people of being that dirty, but it's entirely possible that's why I was singled out--my car looked like the best bet for getting the most money out of. (Mind you, I am not poor and have no problem paying the ticket; I just have a crappy looking car.) (OTOH, if they had ticketed everyone who had actually parked there illegally, including the person I met there, they would have also made more money so I don't know wtf is up with that.)

I'll note that if I had not misunderstood the rules for parking in that lot (I believe they must have changed since I was last there), I would have parked elsewhere legally. Or at least bought a light rail ticket (which would have then made my parking there legal, as I was now a paying customer). As it is I probably just won't go to that...

Can confirm, have been in your city before.

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DeathQuaker wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

DeathQuaker wrote:
Also, today, I got a parking ticket for doing the same thing everyone else was doing in the same parking lot...

While as a Lawful creature I despise arbitrary enforcement of the law, I can see, "Well, we had to start somewhere."

But if they ticketed JUST you, then they're just a****ts.

What bugs me is I wonder if they ticketed only me (and like, we walked all over the lot to see if anyone else had a ticket, and again we saw other people parking and walking off the premises) was because I had the crappiest looking car. I have an old car with a lot of minor dents and scratches which I don't bother to fix, because where I live it's street parking only, and I'd rather a car I don't care about getting more dinged up. This was in a very affluent area and most people have really nice looking cars.

The parking and transit authorities make the most money off poor people because they can't always afford to pay a ticket right away. The fine goes up and up until the car is towed and impounded; either the person pays the now ridiculous fee (usually at tremendous loss to themselves) or loses the vehicle, which the city then makes money off its auction. I hate suspecting people of being that dirty, but it's entirely possible that's why I was singled out--my car looked like the best bet for getting the most money out of. (Mind you, I am not poor and have no problem paying the ticket; I just have a crappy looking car.) (OTOH, if they had ticketed everyone who had actually parked there illegally, including the person I met there, they would have also made more money so I don't know wtf is up with that.)

I'll note that if I had not misunderstood the rules for parking in that lot (I believe they must have changed since I was last there), I would have parked elsewhere legally. Or at least bought a light rail ticket (which would have then made my parking there legal, as I was now a paying customer). As it is I probably just won't go to that...

I can attest that Chicago is notorious for that kind of behavior, to the point where they sometimes "lose" the car even though you've paid the fees.

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I have been naked in your city before too.

But not with you, obviously.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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captain yesterday wrote:

You'd know if I was working on the AC unit, there'd be shrapnel everywhere.

Also, you'd need a new AC unit.

As far as Best Buy and their return policies and buyer's insurance, let's just say there's a reason I never buy anything over $20 from them (and the closest I ever came to no longer being a pacifist).

I've had good luck with them as far as replacements go when you "insure" something (and yes I am aware it's just shy of extortion). I have had damaged items replaced without fuss, no questions asked. (I know it's crazy, but I once insured an expensive keyboard since I am notoriously good at spilling things all over them; and indeed I did and they replaced it). Since the unit is out of stock though, this is new territory. As for how helpful Best Buy is in general, I think it can depend a lot on the specific location and who is helping you.

If they give me a hard time, I just won't buy anything from them again.

captain yesterday wrote:
Co-worker says it's probably something obstructing pipe to or from the condenser, he said to take the top off it and check the plastic tubes and clean the whole inside with computer duster or something.

Thanks for checking!

The only panel I can easily remove is the one to get to the air filter (which was reasonably clean; I did clean it a week ago or so; this makes me paranoid that I did something to it when I removed or reattached the panel, but I can't see how). I can see the reservoir but the way it's constructed I'm not sure I can get to any meaningful part to clear a blockage without causing more damage.

I think I'll still take it in. If Nobody's Home is right, they might replace it with a comparable, but actually better brand. The other kind they regularly carry I noticed has better setup for draining; I picked the one I did because it was lighter weight and easier for me to get up my apartment steps (as it is it's frickin' heavy, and I've asked a friend to help me get it into my car, and I nearly killed myself getting it into my apartment the first time). I think I might go back to school to study cooling units so I can invent a better air conditioner. (Not really, but I'm tempted.)

Freehold DM wrote:
Can confirm, have been in your city before.

I love my city, warts and all, but I could do without the Transit Authority's nonsense.

At the risk of bringing up politics...

our nation's president recently declared my city "a place where no human would want to live" which makes me especially protective of it, so it's annoying to be reminded of the dark side of its bureaucracy at the moment. But I am a human being and I definitely want to live there (although I recognize he was actually trying to suggest that 60% of our population was in fact not human); also just as a note the dark side of our locally managed bureaucracy is entirely outside the direct influence of U.S. Congressmen, including one whose district in fact includes million dollar horse farms, as well as struggling areas who suffer from negligent slumlords, such as, just for one coincidental example, a real estate management company called Kushner Companies.)

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You know why your city is very important to me.

I will say that I firmly disagree with this individual on that issue, and leave it at that.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

...Nobody, tell Gothbard she did good. I'm addicted.

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lisamarlene wrote:
Overall feedback was good, everyone likes their new characters (I've got WW playing a multiclass sorcerer/fighter and he is DISCOVERING THE JOY OF BEING A FIGHTER IN PATHFINDER AND LOVING IT.) His character is a Selkie, but instead of a sleek, normal seal that transforms into a lovely human, his Selkie is an elephant seal that transforms into a burly male dwarf.

Is his character using the selkie mechanics, a custom selkie heritage built off the skinwalker mechanics, or something else?

Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Hermione's sea elf ranger finally got her Dire Lobster companion/mount.

No, we're not taking it too seriously.

rideable rations!

Huh. I was instead expecting this.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
I think I'll still take it in. If Nobody's Home is right, they might replace it with a comparable, but actually better brand.

I forget the exact piece of electronics it was, but we had exactly this experience at Fry's. I bought something cheap, held my nose and paid for the 2-year warranty, the thing died after 20 months, it had been discontinued, and Fry's "equivalent replacement" was a significant upgrade for us.

So good luck!

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Scintillae wrote:
...Nobody, tell Gothbard she did good. I'm addicted.

Awesome! I'll let her know!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...Nobody, tell Gothbard she did good. I'm addicted.

Awesome! I'll let her know!

It makes me want to play puzzle fighter.

I love puzzle fighter.

Also, the quirky/hot aunt reminds me of GothBard a bit.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:
Stuff rebutting a moronic pile of [REDACTED]

Aiymi has a cousin who lives in your fine city. I loved it when we visited.

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Hello, everyone.

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Hello, John!

You know, I should REALLY know NOT to click on a Ted talk called, "Why Societies Collapse", but of course I did. And yes, it's as depressing as you'd expect it to be...

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...Nobody, tell Gothbard she did good. I'm addicted.

Awesome! I'll let her know!

It makes me want to play puzzle fighter.

I love puzzle fighter.

Also, the quirky/hot aunt reminds me of GothBard a bit.

I want to fight a puzzle.

Alternatively, I would like to play an animated jigsaw puzzle with Fighter class abilities. Either would be fine.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Hello, John!

You know, I should REALLY know NOT to click on a Ted talk called, "Why Societies Collapse", but of course I did. And yes, it's as depressing as you'd expect it to be...

Is it because they elect a racist moldy pumpkin wearing an expensive suit being operated by Don Bluthian mice bent on over throwing the human race from within.

Because I already figured that out.

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Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Overall feedback was good, everyone likes their new characters (I've got WW playing a multiclass sorcerer/fighter and he is DISCOVERING THE JOY OF BEING A FIGHTER IN PATHFINDER AND LOVING IT.) His character is a Selkie, but instead of a sleek, normal seal that transforms into a lovely human, his Selkie is an elephant seal that transforms into a burly male dwarf.

Is his character using the selkie mechanics, a custom selkie heritage built off the skinwalker mechanics, or something else?

Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Hermione's sea elf ranger finally got her Dire Lobster companion/mount.

No, we're not taking it too seriously.

rideable rations!
Huh. I was instead expecting this.


It's Les Mis meets the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

"Okay, I'll just have the veal." I'm dying.


Selkie mechanics. The first one. But kluged to work with Hero Labs. The hardest part of putting together this campaign is making it all work in Hero Labs.

Also, for Cap, the Dire Lobster's name is Fluffy. And when Hermione looked at the possible feats and her gear list, she asked me if she had enough gold to buy Fluffy a squeaky purple toy squid that she could teach him to fetch and do tricks with.

Also, Freehold, Whingey Wizzard couldn't be less Bender. He's more like if Farnsworth cosplayed as Zapp Brannigan with coaching from Zoidberg.

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OK, remember a couple of days ago when I complained about an advice columnist's poor answer to an ungrateful gift recipient?

Well, I find this columnist's answer far more to my liking.

I may have to figure out where she actually publishes her stuff. As it is, Firefox pocket occasionally pops up things that I read for no reason, and this was one of them...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Also, Freehold, Whingey Wizzard couldn't be less Bender. He's more like if Farnsworth cosplayed as Zapp Brannigan with coaching from Zoidberg.

Wooow... that's pretty scary accurate! Because Zapp Brannigan at least makes decisions, right or wrong, rather than spending 3 hours pondering the repercussions of each choice in the hopes that staring at the GM's face for an interminable interlude will give him some modicum of a clue as to what to do next...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I linked GothBard to that article, and she was appalled that I have never heard of the burrito rant, so I'm sharing that as well.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I linked GothBard to that article, and she was appalled that I have never heard of the burrito rant, so I'm sharing that as well.

I remember that. The only lifeform malcompetant enough to build a burrito like that is a Vogon in an Edgar-suit.

Yeah, I'm crossing the streams of my sci-fi franchises. So what? At least I can properly assemble a f!cking burrito.

Scarab Sages

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lisamarlene wrote:

Finally ran the introduction and first encounter of the Azlant game tonight.

Overall feedback was good, everyone likes their new characters (I've got WW playing a multiclass sorcerer/fighter and he is DISCOVERING THE JOY OF BEING A FIGHTER IN PATHFINDER AND LOVING IT.) His character is a Selkie, but instead of a sleek, normal seal that transforms into a lovely human, his Selkie is an elephant seal that transforms into a burly male dwarf.

Hermione's sea elf ranger finally got her Dire Lobster companion/mount.

No, we're not taking it too seriously.

It sounds wonderfull!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, a bit of a political tirade about recent events, though not particularly incendiary.

** spoiler omitted **

There was a guy in our neighborhood who went to his son's school was able to walk right in and handed notes to all the teachers saying "if I had a gun you'd all be dead.

He was arrested, but within two days every school in the city had electronic locks and you had to be buzzed in and sign in at the office.

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Back before I was born (60s or early 70s), my dad went to a new nuclear plant that hadn't gone online yet. Used his underwater welding gear and a rebreather to enter through the cooling pond and go up inside. Left a note about what he'd been able to access and how easy it was.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Also, for Cap, the Dire Lobster's name is Fluffy. And when Hermione looked at the possible feats and her gear list, she asked me if she had enough gold to buy Fluffy a squeaky purple toy squid that she could teach him to fetch and do tricks with.

Tell Hermione she is awesome!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I linked GothBard to that article, and she was appalled that I have never heard of the burrito rant, so I'm sharing that as well.


Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I linked GothBard to that article, and she was appalled that I have never heard of the burrito rant, so I'm sharing that as well.


Ah, ok, I recall that one now.

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ALL (DE) and I went to see the brother's band in Leeds. It was great.

We had pies beforehand; ALL (DE)'s pie was called 'Heidi', which raises all sorts of uncomfortable questions in my mind.

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Amby gets cookies.

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I have an idea for human evolution, everyone gets an extra finger!" - Tiny T-Rex, future mad scientist.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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RE: Nobody's Home's statement and Amby's Rebuttal:
I agree with the spirit inspiring Nobody's Home words, but agree with Amby's analysis that specific guy was intending to do harm, if not physical. True nonviolent action is action done out of love, even toward the people you disagree with (though you may abhor certain ideas, hence why you are protesting). *dusts off Peace Studies Minor* When activists like those in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in the 1960s were training in nonviolent civil disobedience, they drew the term from Gandhi's "ahimsa," which very roughly translates to "no harm" or "anti harm." It isn't about not simply attacking something, it's about performing an action in a way in which no human (other than what abuse you are willing to allow to be heaped upon yourself) is harmed by your actions--but hopefully harmful institions and ideas are brought to light by what you do (extending in time the doing of no harm to others). Moreover, nonviolent action is usually the tool of the oppressed--people who are societally less powerless can use it to draw attention to their plight without making themselves look dangerous. An armored, powerful looking Russian dude carrying a giant gun into a place where people are on high alert and already tense and frightened is not an act by a powerless individual and NOT a nonviolent protest, even if no shots were fired.

In other news, I am happy to contribute to Tiny T-Rex's Mad Science scholarship.

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About to clock out. Good night, everyone.

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I saw a man pouring soy sauce on another man who was lying on the ground, so I stopped him. It just isn't right to Kikkoman while he's down.

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My girlfriend left me because of my fetish for fondling pasta. I'm feeling cannelloni right now.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I linked GothBard to that article, and she was appalled that I have never heard of the burrito rant, so I'm sharing that as well.

I remember that. The only lifeform malcompetant enough to build a burrito like that is a Vogon in an Edgar-suit.

Yeah, I'm crossing the streams of my sci-fi franchises. So what? At least I can properly assemble a f!cking burrito.

oh wait I remember that one!

As someone who does food service as a part of their job, that was done intentionally because the author was being a dick to someone upline.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
I saw a man pouring soy sauce on another man who was lying on the ground, so I stopped him. It just isn't right to Kikkoman while he's down.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

A change of pace: "For He Can Creep" (short fiction for cat servants owners)

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On the lighter side, saw Weird Al in concert last night, and while the group as a whole was delighted, I was a bit disappointed at the brevity of his performance (90 minutes total, with several multi-minute breaks for costume changes) and the now-the-standard "live performance that sounds exactly like the studio recordings".

I'm getting more and more fond of smaller venues with lesser-known bands solely because I'll get to hear something that I wouldn't hear just turning on Spotify

On the darker side, I bought Adobe Lighthouse to edit my photos last week, and canceled it this week. Why? Because they auto-upload all your photos to THEIR cloud and there's no way to turn it off, and they auto-enroll you in their photo analysis program where they run facial recognition on all your photos to "try to help you manage and sort photos of your friends" (which you CAN turn off, but it's a tiny checkbox).

I swear, at the rate modern computing is turning into "upload all of your personal data onto our cloud so we can sort through it for anything interesting", I'm going to be living in a mud shack in the Greenland tundra by the time I retire...

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Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I linked GothBard to that article, and she was appalled that I have never heard of the burrito rant, so I'm sharing that as well.

I remember that. The only lifeform malcompetant enough to build a burrito like that is a Vogon in an Edgar-suit.

Yeah, I'm crossing the streams of my sci-fi franchises. So what? At least I can properly assemble a f!cking burrito.

oh wait I remember that one!

As someone who does food service as a part of their job, that was done intentionally because the author was being a dick to someone upline.

I've worked retail, so I believe this version of events...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

OK. I'm flabbergasted, either with Credo's customer service or with their policies.

In spite of getting an 18% corporate discount from Verizon, I'm tired of them. I want to go with a company that doesn't try to hose me at every turn.

There are very few mobile companies that fit the bill, but Credo long distance was very very good to me years ago, and the only reason I left them was that when I chose as an ISP, I got a free phone line along with my internet service.

So I contacted Credo.
NobodysHome: I see you have a 5-line, 3 GB plan that fits my needs perfectly, but when I try to identify my devices the site insists that I choose 5 new devices. I don't want 5 new devices. How do I migrate my existing devices from Verizon to Credo?
Customer Service Rep: You can't migrate devices from other carriers to Credo.
NH: So, you want me to spend roughly $3000 to buy 5 new devices just for the honor of switching over to you?
CSR: Oh, we have a very generous trade-in program. It probably won't be that much...

Wow. Just. Wow...

EDIT: For yuks I decided to check other companies. T-Mobile and Verizon both let you keep your old phone. AT&T has a "see whether you can keep your old number" selection but heck if I'm giving AT&T my number just for yuks. So Credo seems unique in its, "You HAVE to buy a new phone" policy. And it's ensuring I won't switch to them. I'll call them later just to confirm, because I simply can't believe they're that dumb. Even T-Mobile had a simple, "Oh, you have an old phone? It's $25 per SIM card to switch to ours."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I started to write a letter to my kid, but Tala won't let me deliver them.

I told her as a former mailman I can get it in any slot, and that didn't go over well.

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NobodysHome wrote:

OK. I'm flabbergasted, either with Credo's customer service or with their policies.

In spite of getting an 18% corporate discount from Verizon, I'm tired of them. I want to go with a company that doesn't try to hose me at every turn.

There are very few mobile companies that fit the bill, but Credo long distance was very very good to me years ago, and the only reason I left them was that when I chose as an ISP, I got a free phone line along with my internet service.

So I contacted Credo.
NobodysHome: I see you have a 5-line, 3 GB plan that fits my needs perfectly, but when I try to identify my devices the site insists that I choose 5 new devices. I don't want 5 new devices. How do I migrate my existing devices from Verizon to Credo?
Customer Service Rep: You can't migrate devices from other carriers to Credo.
NH: So, you want me to spend roughly $3000 to buy 5 new devices just for the honor of switching over to you?
CSR: Oh, we have a very generous trade-in program. It probably won't be that much...

Wow. Just. Wow...

EDIT: For yuks I decided to check other companies. T-Mobile and Verizon both let you keep your old phone. AT&T has a "see whether you can keep your old number" selection but heck if I'm giving AT&T my number just for yuks. So Credo seems unique in its, "You HAVE to buy a new phone" policy. And it's ensuring I won't switch to them. I'll call them later just to confirm, because I simply can't believe they're that dumb. Even T-Mobile had a simple, "Oh, you have an old phone? It's $25 per SIM card to switch to ours."

Uh, I am trying to comprehend that...

You can't buy your own phone and get Credo's SIM? What if you want to buy their SIM and get a new phones from other sources than them?




Here, the right to switch carriers and move old phone numbers to them is one of the customer rights that was won after a hard fight against carries (with a significant help of EU legislation), though here the more of an issue were carriers who wouldn't let you release your number to take with you to another carrier using various fake excuses.

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America believes that strong-arm sales tactics, shady hidden charges, and other forms of deception for the purpose of selfish profit, greed, disguised monopoloes, and accumulation at the cost of others' livelihood can be morally justified using the word capitalism.

So I'm not at all surprised.

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That's why whenever my phone is run over by a dump truck I just get a new one.

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Hi, everyone. At GASP Game Day. First session done, second session is an intro to PF2.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Just saw "The Kitchen." It's nowhere near as bad as the critics make it out to be. But while good in the beginning, it does fall apart wildly in the third act, as the connections between the characters falls apart and plot threads they seemed to carefully set up go basically nowhere, and seeming potential looming threats just sort of disappear with some handwaved violence (or in one case, sex). But McCarthy, Haddish, and Moss's performances are solid, and carry it when the direction or writing falls apart. Also has a tremendously good soundtrack at least. I think just watching Melissa McCarthy march determinedly with a group of mobsters behind her to the tune of "The Chain" might have been worth it.

I'm curious about the DC Vertigo comic it was based on and might go look it up.

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I watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, finally, after getting it for Christmas (it's hard to watch a movie when it snows every day for 37 days).

It was really good, I can't wait to see War.

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Yay for spontaneous date night on State Street!

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