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Tourists to the US from China are often buying souvenirs made in their own country.

Umm...nekkid tourists? Sure, that's a thing.

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50 cents doesn't sound like a lot of money, unless it's to add a slice of cheese to a hamburger.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

It is amazing just how much chaperoning teaches you about how much it sucks to be a teacher, or anyone else who has to work with the general public.

The trip was fine, the kids were awesome, and then we got back to Albany and started having the kids clean the buses before we released them.

So one mother first starts giving one of the chaperones a hard time about how, "Well, the other bus was unloaded five minutes ago, and the one with MY daughter isn't unloaded yet! What's your problem?!?!?"

The choir director tried to intervene, at which point she got an obscenity-laden demand that we stop what we're doing because she was taking her daughter and our behavior was unacceptable.

And our wonderful, petite little choir director did NOT say, "So, you've been waiting for what? 5 minutes? 10? And you have the f***ing GALL to yell at someone who has just VOLUNTEERED 48 hours of their lives to watch over YOUR kid?!?!? Where were YOU?! Before you open your mouth again, I'd better see you volunteering at the next choir event, or your daughter is out on her a$$!"

Which is why I am not a choir director, and I was not "permitted" to speak to the woman...

She was ignored and we proceeded as if she didn't exist. Almost as good.

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"NASCAR" sounds like someone with a country accent saying "nice car".

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It's kind of terrifying that for about 8 hours every day you stay in one place, completely out of control of your own body, sometimes with vivid hallucinations.

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NobodysHome wrote:

It is amazing just how much chaperoning teaches you about how much it sucks to be a teacher, or anyone else who has to work with the general public.

The trip was fine, the kids were awesome, and then we got back to Albany and started having the kids clean the buses before we released them.

So one mother first starts giving one of the chaperones a hard time about how, "Well, the other bus was unloaded five minutes ago, and the one with MY daughter isn't unloaded yet! What's your problem?!?!?"

The choir director tried to intervene, at which point she got an obscenity-laden demand that we stop what we're doing because she was taking her daughter and our behavior was unacceptable.

And our wonderful, petite little choir director did NOT say, "So, you've been waiting for what? 5 minutes? 10? And you have the f***ing GALL to yell at someone who has just VOLUNTEERED 48 hours of their lives to watch over YOUR kid?!?!? Where were YOU?! Before you open your mouth again, I'd better see you volunteering at the next choir event, or your daughter is out on her a$$!"

Which is why I am not a choir director, and I was not "permitted" to speak to the woman...

She was ignored and we proceeded as if she didn't exist. Almost as good.

Yeah I hate the public. bunch of twits.

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When someone says you're "One in a million" they're really saying that there are over 7,000 more people just like you.

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Speaking of that Gran do you ever have people that put their Do no Disturb sign on their door then come down and complain that their room wasn't serviced?

It's kind of sad to think that as time goes on, fewer and fewer children will get to experience the joy of discovering a stash of porn magazines hidden in the woods.

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Who hides those in the woods anyways?

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Typing "depressino" instead of "depression" makes it sound like something you would get at Starbucks.

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It's always awkward to leave a store without buying anything.

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I'll take a double machiato depressino. With extra whip cream.

IT would be like reverse caffeine.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Speaking of that Gran do you ever have people that put their Do no Disturb sign on their door then come down and complain that their room wasn't serviced?

Oh yes. Quite often. In fact, according to the log book that happened yesterday.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Who hides those in the woods anyways?

'Glistening' Buff Scrotes, I'm sure of it.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Who hides those in the woods anyways?

Why, it's a time honored tradition. I still recall the first time I encountered forest porn. A friend and I found a couple of Playboys stuck under a fallen tree in the woods next to the town baseball diamond. I was 9 or 10 at the time, and it was an eye-opening experience.

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Now a days I guess we just delete our cookies.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's kind of sad to think that as time goes on, fewer and fewer children will get to experience the joy of discovering a stash of porn magazines hidden in the woods.

That's just wrong. Porn magazines should not be left in public places! And I wouldn't read a porn magazine even if I came upon one.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's always awkward to leave a store without buying anything.

I window shop more then I buy stuff anyway.

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The next time you're standing alone and some stranger walks up and starts talking to you, look surprised, whisper "You can see me?", and then look the other and exclaim "Ross, we've been discovered! Abort! Abort!!" Then run away.

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Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's kind of sad to think that as time goes on, fewer and fewer children will get to experience the joy of discovering a stash of porn magazines hidden in the woods.
That's just wrong. Porn magazines should not be left in public places!

It's either stash it in the woods or under your bed, and your Mom is a lot more like to find it under the bed than in a hollow tree.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Now a days I guess we just delete our cookies.

Nothing screams "I was looking at porn" more than seeing someone looking at the Google homepage.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

7 cats...? You have 7 cats at home?

Can you send your litter robots for servicing or try to fix them

Yes. Seven cats. I never realized that I would become the crazy cat lady...

...errr... Crazy Cat Dragon.

As for my two litter robot II's. Yes, I think they can be repaired (by me). My guess is that both can be fixed for under $250. But that is no guarantee. The first Litter Robot II probably needs a new wiring harness and a new motor. The second Litter Robot II (the one that just died) probably just needs a new motor. Total repair time is probably under six hours, mainly because I would screw something up the first time. Having said that, both of them are over six years old and have been used a lot every day. Eventually they will just die on me, so I also need something that I can trust. i.e. - A new litter robot.

P.S. - It is actually 9 cats. Seven indoor cats, an indoor / outdoor cat, and an outdoor cat. Yes, I am crazy. Totally bonkers. But once you have them, you can't abandon them. Being a responsible adult sucks at times and I don't adult very well. But they are my furry, four legged babies and they do love me. Mostly.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I just saw a commercial for a hot tub with "foot massaging jets" and I had a mental image of Starscream rubbing Megatron's feet to try and get back in the Decepticons after his latest betrayal.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's kind of terrifying that for about 8 hours every day you stay in one place, completely out of control of your own body, sometimes with vivid hallucinations.

Yes. It is called work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If Arnold Schwarzenegger became a zombie, he would sound pretty much the same as he does now.

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Maraschino cherries are basically dessert pickles.

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I knew their was a reason I didn't like Maraschino cherries

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Some people drive all the way across town, and then pay to go into a room and ride a bicycle that goes absolutely nowhere.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The more formal the event, the more uncomfortable the clothing you are expected to wear.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Some people drive all the way across town, and then pay to go into a room and ride a bicycle that goes absolutely nowhere.

Did that today in fact. well i did more then just the bike and across town for me is 5 minutes but yelp.

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Seven Young Fists: Resplendent Grace

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
The more formal the event, the more uncomfortable the clothing you are expected to wear.

Straight jackets are the most formal of cloths!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's kind of sad to think that as time goes on, fewer and fewer children will get to experience the joy of discovering a stash of porn magazines hidden in the woods.
That's just wrong. Porn magazines should not be left in public places! And I wouldn't read a porn magazine even if I came upon one.

No it isnt.

I will never forget the day I discovered my first adult material magazine, lying there in the street.

This was before the internet existed.

I was in junior high school, and I lived in a very rough neighborhood. The guy who ran the laundromat downstairs was killed brutally when some guys robbed his store. With a shotgun. The police crime scene guys had to literally clean him up off the floor of his own establishment. I didnt like the walk home, I had to go past some rough customers, to say nothing of my own (relatively normal) bullies.

This day was different. The sky was grey threatening rain, but not a drop landed. The humidity was intense. It was almost like the entire world was holding its breath. Traffic in the street was light, traffic on the sidewalk was nil. I was enjoying the trip for once, the trees reach for the sky with some enthusiasm, and what little shade there was created almost winter-like chill when the breeze picked up.

Then, I saw it. Adult material magazine, lying in the exact center of the street. In pristine condition. Not anything laughable like playboy or penthouse. This was the top shelf stuff that promised true carnal knowledge.

It had to be some kind of trap. Or a trick. Or something. I looked to my right and left. Nothing and noone were in eyesight. The world seemed to exist only in slate grey, forest green, and magazine cover. The wind caressed the magazine and I both. The woman on the cover seemed to wink at me.

I moved with robot-like celerity and precision. The book disappeared into my bookbag, and was poured over lovingly for many, many moons.

I still have it, now falling apart, in my storage space. I will never get rid of it. The story behind it is too amazing.

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That was... almost beautiful.

I found my first porn mags in the garage of the house we just moved into when the previous resident left a big old box filled with playboys and letters to penthouse.

Some say I grew ten sizes that summer, others will say I was jacking off under my bed too much.

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Yeah I personally had found one that was left in a house that my grandpa rented out helping him clean it out, but I had internet by 13-ish (-esque if you want to be fancy) so No paper trail is better at that age.

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Thirty-two degrees in Pittsburgh.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was in the Army for three years. Reading pornography was as common as smoking cigarettes.

Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's kind of sad to think that as time goes on, fewer and fewer children will get to experience the joy of discovering a stash of porn magazines hidden in the woods.
That's just wrong. Porn magazines should not be left in public places! And I wouldn't read a porn magazine even if I came upon one.

No it isnt.

I will never forget the day I discovered my first adult material magazine, lying there in the street.

This was before the internet existed.

I was in junior high school, and I lived in a very rough neighborhood. The guy who ran the laundromat downstairs was killed brutally when some guys robbed his store. With a shotgun. The police crime scene guys had to literally clean him up off the floor of his own establishment. I didnt like the walk home, I had to go past some rough customers, to say nothing of my own (relatively normal) bullies.

This day was different. The sky was grey threatening rain, but not a drop landed. The humidity was intense. It was almost like the entire world was holding its breath. Traffic in the street was light, traffic on the sidewalk was nil. I was enjoying the trip for once, the trees reach for the sky with some enthusiasm, and what little shade there was created almost winter-like chill when the breeze picked up.

Then, I saw it. Adult material magazine, lying in the exact center of the street. In pristine condition. Not anything laughable like playboy or penthouse. This was the top shelf stuff that promised true carnal knowledge.

It had to be some kind of trap. Or a trick. Or something. I looked to my right and left. Nothing and noone were in eyesight. The world seemed to exist only in slate grey, forest green, and magazine cover. The wind caressed the magazine and I both. The woman on the cover seemed to wink at me.

I moved with robot-like celerity and precision. The book disappeared into my bookbag, and was poured over lovingly for many, many moons.

I still have it, now falling...

*Sniffs, blows nose and drys his eyes*

Marvelous! Nothing tucks at the heart-strings quite like the story of a boy and his porn mag.

My first time was with a vending machine at the train-station. I guess I was around 14 maybe? though I vaguely remember being very nervous and apprehensive, feeling like everyone was looking at me. So I quickly slid the coins into the slot, opened the hatch as quietly as possible and slid the mag inside my jacket. Hurried home and lock myself in the guest bathroom to inspect my prize.

It didn't last long though, my mother found it not long there after (as mothers are wont to do), didn't really give me scolding just confiscated the mag. I probably lost some 8-10 mags that way over the next few years, until we got cable tv.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think their is a 80's song all about that. I can't seem to remember it atm.

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Kjeldorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's kind of sad to think that as time goes on, fewer and fewer children will get to experience the joy of discovering a stash of porn magazines hidden in the woods.
That's just wrong. Porn magazines should not be left in public places! And I wouldn't read a porn magazine even if I came upon one.

No it isnt.

I will never forget the day I discovered my first adult material magazine, lying there in the street.

This was before the internet existed.

I was in junior high school, and I lived in a very rough neighborhood. The guy who ran the laundromat downstairs was killed brutally when some guys robbed his store. With a shotgun. The police crime scene guys had to literally clean him up off the floor of his own establishment. I didnt like the walk home, I had to go past some rough customers, to say nothing of my own (relatively normal) bullies.

This day was different. The sky was grey threatening rain, but not a drop landed. The humidity was intense. It was almost like the entire world was holding its breath. Traffic in the street was light, traffic on the sidewalk was nil. I was enjoying the trip for once, the trees reach for the sky with some enthusiasm, and what little shade there was created almost winter-like chill when the breeze picked up.

Then, I saw it. Adult material magazine, lying in the exact center of the street. In pristine condition. Not anything laughable like playboy or penthouse. This was the top shelf stuff that promised true carnal knowledge.

It had to be some kind of trap. Or a trick. Or something. I looked to my right and left. Nothing and noone were in eyesight. The world seemed to exist only in slate grey, forest green, and magazine cover. The wind caressed the magazine and I both. The woman on the cover seemed to wink at me.

I moved with robot-like celerity and precision. The book disappeared into my bookbag, and was poured over lovingly for many, many moons.



Sounds like my mom she would of taken it and thrown it away but would of been way to embarrassed to talk to me about it.

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Smokin' in the Boy's room had the line "My mom threw away my best porno mag".

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No not that one. it was about a boy in love with the center fold. Whole song was about that mag. A lot of people don't realize thats what the song is about.

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J. Giles band - My angel is a centerfold then?

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Thats the one!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I think their is a 80's song all about that. I can't seem to remember it atm.

Every 80s song is about that. Or cocaine.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rock n' Roll Troll wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I think their is a 80's song all about that. I can't seem to remember it atm.
Every 80s song is about that. Or cocaine.

Don't forget the occasional love song about stalking! Also somewhere in their is one about sunglasses.

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It had to be one of those two. If there were more that that, I don't remember hearing them.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
It had to be one of those two. If there were more that that, I don't remember hearing them.

I think their is a Beastie Boys song too.

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