NobodysHome |
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The aforementioned obit.
EDIT: And aren't we all naked when we die?
NobodysHome |
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Tequila Sunrise wrote:This morning I went to my sleep clinic to follow up on the sleep study I had last week. The clinic diagnosed me with sleep apnea, which explains the depression -- people tend to get hopeless when they go days without sleep, shocking right? I was then told that I would need to come in for a second sleep study to fit me for a CPAP mask, and then a second follow-up to get me set up with a machine. When questioned, the staff could not explain why I need not one but two more appointments to get a desperately-needed solution to my extreme insomnia, or why they couldn't schedule the second one any sooner than two months from now.Last night I couldn't sleep again, so I googled up nine other sleep clinics in my area. The very first one I called this morning said "Oh yeah, we can get you in tommorrow. You'll have to bring a copy of your sleep study results from the other clinic and consult with the doc, but we should be able to get you an APAP machine directly afterward!"
I didn't think to ask whether I'll be able to walk out with a machine right there and then (probably not) or have to wait for it to be shipped. But I am SOOO relieved that this is happening asap, rather than two months from now!
Halleujah! Good job on calling around!
Just a Mort |
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Tequilia - congrats! Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong with you and fix your insomnia.
Yeah I also do remember pushing all the way into a certain fort because of a gobbie that got away.
Ah well. And of course the druid thinks that it's a better idea firing into melee with cover(-8) then healing me even though I'm trying to stop two baddies at a choke point...they could only approach me one at a time.
NobodysHome |
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Girl Scout parents are super obnoxious in our area, I try not to encourage them by buying their cookies.
Yeah, if the parents even try to talk to me I won't buy the cookies. If the girls are sweet and cheerful and *especially* underconfident we go nuts.
She played us perfectly (as if that's hard). Mom stood there silently on the street, smiling. Girl was terrified of us (and being terrified of Shiro is a sad, sad thing. The man's a giant teddy bear). But she stammered through her speech that she was selling cookies, and when Shiro asked for one of everything, she went back to Mom, and Mom quietly whispered, "Yes. It's ok. Give him one of every box and tell him it will be $20."
So mom stayed totally out of it, and I think we helped girl's confidence immensely by just being us.
Ask lisamarlene. Asking us to buy things is like asking Mort to eat turtles.
Tequila Sunrise |
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Does anyone have experience with the Pokemon TCG? One of the kiddos loves Pokemon, he has a deck, and I figure it's a way for me to learn what the heck he goes on about Pokechu.
Hey I already play HS and MtG, at this point what's one more TCG?
Just a Mort |
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What happens as a girl scout is I ask my family for help and we'll just have cookies. Because family. I might even get to eat a couple.
I believe the actual saying is asking water to run downhill.
I do help my colleagues buy new year goodies.. Which reminds me I need to pick up the stash my aunt helped me nab. Maybe some not so spicy prawn rolls for my BF. Maybe some kuih-bangkit for myself.
Just a Mort |
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Sorry I don't know anything about pokemon TCG. Only pokemon yellow and pokemon silver, you know the stuff you play on Gameboy, or a Gameboy emulator on the computer?
I always thought myself as a jigglypuff. I'm very fond of slumber hex.
NobodysHome |
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OK. I have to admit. I work for a global megacorporation that specializes in employee-facing software. Before my old company got acquired, I could literally talk to a call center agent for under 90 seconds and determine whether he or she was using our software. Our software was awesome. Global megacorporation's? Meh. It was getting better for a while, but megacorporations will be megacorporations...
So when I hit a grossly-misconfigured site, I just have to laugh. It's my job to make sure YOUR DEVELOPERS DON'T DO THIS!!
So somebody didn't listen to me...
Anyway, here's why I'm amused:
28-Jan-2018: NobodysHome fills out an application for a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) to pay for a new roof, solar panels, a bathroom refurbish, and hopefully ripping off the whole front of the house and replacing it with something nicer. A house facelift, if you will.
30-Jan-2018: The loan agent calls me, tells me everything's been approved, all we need to do is sign, and we'll have our loan by the end of the week. I e-sign everything. Then there's a snag: I hit "Finished" before NobodysWife signs, and there is NO WAY to get back and have her sign anything. I'm locked out! So I e-mail the loan agent and say, "Hey! We're locked out! Nothing we can do 'til you contact us!"
So, it's been what? 4 full business days and the loan agent hasn't responded with so much as a "Boo". The loan is sitting there in limbo, having last been touched on the 30th. Their urgency in getting us our money vanished.
And today:
05-Feb-2018: Tell us about your experience working with us!
You eeeediots!!!! That's why you always, always, ALWAYS put the survey trigger on the Close Date field, and never ever EVER any other field! If it's not closed, your customer is going to rip you a new one in that survey! I threaten students with beatings if they ever set up survey triggers on anything other than close dates.
And yet here we are.
I think I'll go rip 'em in a survey...
Taliesan |
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OK. Now it actually IS February 5 (stupid time machine) at 1:54 pm PST, and it's frigging 75° F outside (23.9° C for you furriners)!
I repeat, "What the frick, California?"
Congrats, you have it warmer than it usually gets here in the summer. Did California shift hemispheres while we weren't looking. I suppose we get all the rain though.
NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Congrats, you have it warmer than it usually gets here in the summer. Did California shift hemispheres while we weren't looking. I suppose we get all the rain though.OK. Now it actually IS February 5 (stupid time machine) at 1:54 pm PST, and it's frigging 75° F outside (23.9° C for you furriners)!
I repeat, "What the frick, California?"
Well, this table is an excellent exploration into why everybody wants to live here: Clean air, excellent water quality, average lows in the 40s most of the year round, and average highs in the 50s - 70s. There's a reason none of our houses are insulated, and most of our snow gear is for trips and not local weather.
But we've been flirting at the record high level all month (all 5 days of it), and I'd like some cooler weather, please!
Just a Mort |
Rant about some players:
Recovering from a madness without magical aid is a lengthy process requiring significant rest. After 7 consecutive days of uninterrupted rest, the afflicted character can attempt a Will save against the madness’s current DC. If she succeeds, the DC is reduced by a number of points equal to 1/2 the character’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Instead of relying on her own strength of personality to reduce the effects of madness, a character can also seek out a single confidante, priest, or other advisor. The recovering character must meet with that person regularly (at least 8 hours each day) and gain guidance during the 7 days of rest. At the end of the rest period, the ally can attempt a Wisdom or Intelligence check (whichever is higher) with a DC of 15 for a lesser madness or a DC of 20 for a greater madness. On a success, the recovering character can reduce the madness’s DC by 1/2 the ally’s Wisdom or Intelligence modifier (whichever is higher, minimum 1) in addition to the decrease for resting. The character suffers the madness’s effect until the DC is reduced to 0.
Investigator in question is trying to use inspiration + bit of luck for the check as an ally. I brought him to the thread on how bardic inspiration interacts with crafting – it has to be run throughout the entire duration (which is the 8 hours/day), and he says I’m not following RAW saying that inspiration is a single check.
“As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll.”
Not to mention on resting requirement - uninterrupted rest. Having a 20% chance of running into a random encounter every hour, with not more then 2 encounters a day, doesn't sound like uninterrupted rest to me.
Same investigator was also earlier arguing with me that he gets his inspiration back even if he doesn’t sleep, saying “An investigator’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night’s sleep.” Which part of typically after a good night’s sleep did you not understand?
NobodysHome |
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Rant about some players:
** spoiler omitted **...
So that's why I don't care for RAW or RAWyers and do my utmost to stick with RAI. RAW can hurt your brain. At least RAI arguments make sense to me, even if they are equally common and equally frustrating.
The combat ones are so much easier: "OK, you want to be able to do xxx in combat. That means the bad guys can do it too. And since it's so far superior to any other tactic, they're all going to be doing it."
The one you're dealing with is one where we just say, "No," in all our groups, and everyone accepts it. If you have a player who argues that since a week's work is represented by a single die roll, so instantaneous spells that affect die rolls are legit (Gallant Inspiration comes to mind), then you're stuck with a guy even *I* haven't had to deal with.
You have my sympathies.
Terrinam |
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And, I really must thank management at my job.
Of course I'm running behind! This was a two-person job before you encouraged the students to put in an insane amount of orders. I'm the only person doing it. And the person before me, the person who was on the position for a year and can do it blindfolded and drunk, couldn't do it either. Do you think that, maybe, we need two people on this?
When a manager finally helps, they insist on a method that causes a thirty minute portion to take an hour and a half. We started the second half of the day with no hope of getting those orders out on time. No sane person uses her procedure for this exact reason.
Yes, I'm taking shortcuts. But I have twenty pages of student orders to fill, and four hours to do it in. We don't have time for procedures that, even when the person who designed them did them, only made worse the very problem the students are complaining about. Don't want me to cut corners? Then get me a second person so I have a hope of getting it done in anywhere near the time frame you demand!
I can't wait until they transfer me back to the window and let the next sucker end up with the mail position. Maybe if they go through enough, they'll figure out the problem isn't the employees.
Oh, and I've been off the window a day, and already student complaints about the window staff have increased 400%. Because they put someone charismatic up there. Haven't they figured out yet the students hate it when we try to be friendly with them? Every single person with people skills put on that window has been complained about until transferred off; that's why I was put up there to begin with.
Just a Mort |
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For all his complaints about RAW, he does stupid things like add his old familiars fort save bonus when he's got improved familiar so doesn't qualify, charges his weapon and studies on the same turn as well as full attacking.
Yes as VMC magus u can charge your weapon. But they require a swift action. Sure you can study as a move action, but not full attack on the same round.
And using his familiars int mod instead of Cha mod for UMD. Yes you have a trait for that, doesn't mean familiar does.
So where's the equity in that? Yes, I called him out on those errors.
Limeylongears |
HEMA competitions now require you to wear a 1200N rated mask, which is all well and good, but a) they cost upwards of £100 and b) they do not appear to be beard friendly.
It's 2018, dash it, and still you refuse to cater for anyone who isn't a bum-faced fencer.
(Of course, I could have bought a size bigger, or a more expensive mask, but this way I can claim it's somebody else's fault).
Terrinam |
Terrinam, yeah customer service sucks. Tell your manager that there's just too much work for any single homosapien to do.
If he/she doesn't believe, just time the time it takes to complete a form their way, then multiply by the number of forms to complete and show the Maths.
The first thing my manager said when assigning me to the position was, "It used to be a two-person job, but now it's one and you'll just have to get used to it."
They know on the form problem. Their solution is that I just have to pick up the pace. The form itself is supposedly done for error-checking purposes; it's to track what kits went out and what ones didn't. In reality, it gets stuck in a drawer at the mail workstation and thrown in the trash at the end of the month. The managers don't refer to it because it's extremely difficult to find anything on when you are under a time constraint, as my manager found out while trying to fill it out yesterday.
Vidmaster7 |
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Well OK cold is a good reason to have a beard. I mean I don't have a beard and will never have one. So I know nothing.
Terrinam - hopefully your manager will be more sympathetic with regards to the form problems now they've experienced it themselves.
That doesn't sound like any manager I've ever had.