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The last time I made them was for Pea Bear's kindergarten birthday party, I made three of them, zested the fresh key limes and juiced them all myself, all 35 of them or so.

And this was back when I was a landscape foreman, and of course I made them on a Friday night.

You never realize how many tiny cuts and scrapes you get on your hands in the course of a fifty hour work week until you zest and juice that many key limes.

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Wow, when you do that naked, it's gotta sting.
Just... no.

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Coldish, wettish morning.


I got two dreams that got irreparably interrupted and faded before I could remember what they were about :/

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I've been waiting for this momen-...
Oh... Uh...
New page?

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Ran into another rattle snake this morning, and it took me a frighteningly long time to spot the bugger after hearing its rattle.

Thank goodness for snake chaps.

Man, your snake story is much cooler than mine.

I just scared a harmless (if long) black racer out of my bushes.

"Hiiiisssssss~!" was pretty startling as it fell. Then hilarious.

Living in Arizona has done wonders for my wildlife & nature anecdotes.

My best snake story used to be "I caught a couple of garden snakes when I was a kid. One bit me once, after s$*~ting on my arm."

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Finished up my Demon Hunters one shot tonight. It went well. I think most everyone had a good time, even though we did have to kind of rush at the end and fit about an hour's worth of adventure into 30 minutes. Now, I have to be ready to start GMing Giantslayer next week. We weren't going to start it for 2 weeks, but they decided tonight that they want to start next week, so I have one less week to be ready. Good thing I'm already about 70%.

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NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Unfortunately, my landlord is the kind of wealthy old person who buys expensive stuff that breaks down too often and then insists on fixing it himself.

Hey, at least it's not Shiro, who buys expensive stuff that breaks down too often, then gleefully buys another one to gift his friends so he can watch their disappointment when it breaks!

OK, not fair, but kind of close. When my beloved watch stopped working, he searched Amazon long and hard to find the best-looking, lowest-rated watch he could find. I now own it. It loses 2 minutes an hour, its self-winding mechanism doesn't, and it lasts all of 6 hours when fully wound. When I complained about that, he bought me a plug-in self-winding watch winder for Christmas (it constantly rotates the watches to keep them wound). I re-gifted it back to him. And his kitchen is an amazing assortment of stuff purchased by a man who doesn't cook, but who sees an appliance that does something cool and says, "Oh, I want that!"
He even has one of those professional devices where you seal the food in little heat-proof plastic baggies and cook it in superheated water.

It's a wonderland of "I wonder what".

Is that textbook old-school CN, or is it just me?

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lisamarlene wrote:

It worked!

Just like washing the car to get it to rain, I whinged about the landlord online AND HE FIXED MY DAMNED OVEN!

I can BAKE again!

Because, duh, my hips clearly need more carbohydrates.

And your hips don't liiieee!

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Join me in my quest to stamp out, eliminate, and abolish redundancy.

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I hate jokes about prom. The punch line's always too long.

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My Mom used to say that the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Lovely woman, my Mom. Useless surgeon, but lovely woman.

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My kids saw me chopping up onions today, and cried. Onions was a great dog.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
My kids saw me chopping up onions today, and cried. Onions was a great dog.

~laughter~ So very, very wrong!

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The trick to not crying when chopping up onions is to not think about the onions feelings.

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SomebodysHere wrote:
Join me in my quest to stamp out, eliminate, and abolish redundancy.

Are you absolutely, positively, completely sure?

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Captain Yesterday's Guide To Cultivating Mystery.

When walking your youngling to school, make sure you say hi to all the parents waiting with their kids at the bus stop before walking across the street and disappearing into the woodlands.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
The trick to not crying when chopping up onions is to not think about the onions feelings.

If only.

*cries just thinking about that stinging onion-essence wafting thru the air*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Ran into another rattle snake this morning, and it took me a frighteningly long time to spot the bugger after hearing its rattle.

Thank goodness for snake chaps.

Man, your snake story is much cooler than mine.

I just scared a harmless (if long) black racer out of my bushes.

"Hiiiisssssss~!" was pretty startling as it fell. Then hilarious.

For the record, I wasn't doing this on purpose.

I literally opened my front door and both the snake and I freaked out. It literally fell out of the bushes in shock, hissing the whole way.

Hi-stinkin'-larious in retrospect. Poor little guy.

(Our bushes are intentionally pretty tall - probably too tall, at present, honestly - in order to block sunlight/regulate temperature and allow for more privacy.)

((As a vaguely related aside: the other day I bore witness to a murder-cum-defenestration! ... of a cicada by a daggum huge* wasp! The wasp apparently knocked it off a high perch in a really tall tree, and it did its whole cicada-sound as a "scream" the whole way - really quite dramatic. Then the wasp stabbed it several times and fussed at us by flying in a big circle when we looked at it a bit.))

* real life comparison, not game size comparison - thankfully both for science, the wasp, and everyone else

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Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Unfortunately, my landlord is the kind of wealthy old person who buys expensive stuff that breaks down too often and then insists on fixing it himself.

Hey, at least it's not Shiro, who buys expensive stuff that breaks down too often, then gleefully buys another one to gift his friends so he can watch their disappointment when it breaks!

OK, not fair, but kind of close. When my beloved watch stopped working, he searched Amazon long and hard to find the best-looking, lowest-rated watch he could find. I now own it. It loses 2 minutes an hour, its self-winding mechanism doesn't, and it lasts all of 6 hours when fully wound. When I complained about that, he bought me a plug-in self-winding watch winder for Christmas (it constantly rotates the watches to keep them wound). I re-gifted it back to him. And his kitchen is an amazing assortment of stuff purchased by a man who doesn't cook, but who sees an appliance that does something cool and says, "Oh, I want that!"
He even has one of those professional devices where you seal the food in little heat-proof plastic baggies and cook it in superheated water.

It's a wonderland of "I wonder what".

Is that textbook old-school CN, or is it just me?

We got ourselves "alignment shirts" for our gaming.

Shiro and NobodysWife both have CG ("The right thing, the wrong way").
I have LG for day-to-day life ("Great Power. Great Responsibility") and LE for days when I'm GMing ("Citizen, I am here to assist you. Resistance is useless").

Shiro gets a pass on CG vs CN simply because he enjoys seeing his friends shocked and disappointed (for example, making us watch "Prometheus", but he doesn't like actually causing harm (for example, cutting our brake lines).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
The trick to not crying when chopping up onions is to not think about the onions feelings.

If only.

*cries just thinking about that stinging onion-essence wafting thru the air*

Honestly, the key is to chop as many onions as you can.

Said the guy that used to chop 150 pounds of onions a week for French onion soup.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I'm one of those guys who virtually never remembers his dreams. I recall dreaming at all maybe once per 2-3 years.

So is it disturbing that last night I dreamt that I found CY and TL in my back yard, working on my house for me? Or that CY mysteriously had a Scottish accent?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

We got ourselves "alignment shirts" for our gaming.

Shiro and NobodysWife both have CG ("The right thing, the wrong way").
I have LG for day-to-day life ("Great Power. Great Responsibility") and LE for days when I'm GMing ("Citizen, I am here to assist you. Resistance is useless").

Shiro gets a pass on CG vs CN simply because he enjoys seeing his friends shocked and disappointed (for example, making us watch "Prometheus", but he doesn't like actually causing harm (for example, cutting our brake lines).

Enjoying seeing others suffer for the yucks narrowly avoids evil by not, you know, actually putting them in danger!


NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm one of those guys who virtually never remembers his dreams. I recall dreaming at all maybe once per 2-3 years.

So is it disturbing that last night I dreamt that I found CY and TL in my back yard, working on my house for me? Or that CY mysteriously had a Scottish accent?

I'll say it is!

I'm supposed to be the one with the daggum Scottish accent, dang it! I just worked hard on and practiced it a lot for The Inquisitor's Tale and everything, dang it!

(Also, you should check your yard to make sure that wherever I was working is not an ever-growing patch of brown death on accident. I'm just sayin'.)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

We got ourselves "alignment shirts" for our gaming.

Shiro and NobodysWife both have CG ("The right thing, the wrong way").
I have LG for day-to-day life ("Great Power. Great Responsibility") and LE for days when I'm GMing ("Citizen, I am here to assist you. Resistance is useless").

Shiro gets a pass on CG vs CN simply because he enjoys seeing his friends shocked and disappointed (for example, making us watch "Prometheus", but he doesn't like actually causing harm (for example, cutting our brake lines).

Enjoying seeing others suffer for the yucks narrowly avoids evil by not, you know, actually putting them in danger!


NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm one of those guys who virtually never remembers his dreams. I recall dreaming at all maybe once per 2-3 years.

So is it disturbing that last night I dreamt that I found CY and TL in my back yard, working on my house for me? Or that CY mysteriously had a Scottish accent?

I'll say it is!

I'm supposed to be the one with the daggum Scottish accent, dang it! I just worked hard on and practiced it a lot for The Inquisitor's Tale and everything, dang it!

(Also, you should check your yard to make sure that wherever I was working is not an ever-growing patch of brown death on accident. I'm just sayin'.)

Hey now, as dream supervisor of this project I certainly wouldn't let you kill the yard.

I'm professional, even in other people's dreams.

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Well, I mean, you wouldn't let me, no...

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NobodysHome wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Unfortunately, my landlord is the kind of wealthy old person who buys expensive stuff that breaks down too often and then insists on fixing it himself.

Hey, at least it's not Shiro, who buys expensive stuff that breaks down too often, then gleefully buys another one to gift his friends so he can watch their disappointment when it breaks!

OK, not fair, but kind of close. When my beloved watch stopped working, he searched Amazon long and hard to find the best-looking, lowest-rated watch he could find. I now own it. It loses 2 minutes an hour, its self-winding mechanism doesn't, and it lasts all of 6 hours when fully wound. When I complained about that, he bought me a plug-in self-winding watch winder for Christmas (it constantly rotates the watches to keep them wound). I re-gifted it back to him. And his kitchen is an amazing assortment of stuff purchased by a man who doesn't cook, but who sees an appliance that does something cool and says, "Oh, I want that!"
He even has one of those professional devices where you seal the food in little heat-proof plastic baggies and cook it in superheated water.

It's a wonderland of "I wonder what".

Is that textbook old-school CN, or is it just me?

We got ourselves "alignment shirts" for our gaming.

Shiro and NobodysWife both have CG ("The right thing, the wrong way").
I have LG for day-to-day life ("Great Power. Great Responsibility") and LE for days when I'm GMing ("Citizen, I am here to assist you. Resistance is useless").

Shiro gets a pass on CG vs CN simply because he enjoys seeing his friends shocked and disappointed (for example, making us watch "Prometheus", but he doesn't like actually causing harm (for example, cutting our brake lines).

What Hi got?

and what got/would get lisamarlene?

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Tacticslion wrote:
(Also, you should check your yard to make sure that wherever I was working is not an ever-growing patch of brown death on accident. I'm just sayin'.)

Or one of the CY's killer tomatoes...

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No this year I've added pumpkins that have tasted human blood.

In addition to the killer tomatoes.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of someone getting killed.

I just realized it's the General's birthday.

It's a good thing I just got her an iPod last week.

Now I remember why it was so important to get the kitchen cleaned by today.

Wish I remembered that when I rationalized putting it off yesterday.

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Drejk wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
(Also, you should check your yard to make sure that wherever I was working is not an ever-growing patch of brown death on accident. I'm just sayin'.)
Or one of the CY's killer tomatoes...

Don't tell me I'm the only one utilizing black magic to assure a bountiful harvest when planting the garden.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday to the General, Cap. :)

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captain yesterday wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
(Also, you should check your yard to make sure that wherever I was working is not an ever-growing patch of brown death on accident. I'm just sayin'.)
Or one of the CY's killer tomatoes...
Don't tell me I'm the only one utilizing black magic to assure a bountiful harvest when planting the garden.

I would use more of green magic, if I had garden in the first place.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
What Hi got?

Oh, he is definitely Chaotic Good, with a strong emphasis on both. He inherited a huge sum when his mother passed away, and has chosen to go the "homeless rich guy" route and is living out of his station wagon in the parking lot of his workshop.

On the one hand, he's got a Lawful streak a mile wide; for example, he comes to a full and complete stop at every single Stop sign, and he absolutely goes by the book when getting said station wagon smogged. On the other hand, he lives by a VERY different set of rules than the rest of us, and he's happy to break most of them, but some are inviolate.

So if you just balanced things, he'd probably be NG. But I don't think alignments work that way. So, since he breaks more rules than he follows, I'd go with Chaotic. As Shiro just said about him, "It's hard to say though, he has 'many counter lawful' streaks as well."

And Good with a capital 'G'. If you ever need anything, he'll be there for you as fast as his magical station wagon can get there.

Drejk wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

While I'd try to avoid this, she answered the cat question in the other thread, so I'm going to say that she'd love to be CG and probably pictures herself that way, but I see more of a NG: Do what's best for the situation, without regards to the way things are "supposed" to work. Shiro, NobodysWife, and Hi break rules for the sake of breaking rules, even if it's the less efficient way to go. She focuses on, "What is the best end result, and how do I get there most efficiently?" so I'm thinking NG.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Happy Birthday to the General, Cap. :)


2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Speaking of someone getting killed.

I just realized it's the General's birthday.

It's a good thing I just got her an iPod last week.

Now I remember why it was so important to get the kitchen cleaned by today.

Wish I remembered that when I rationalized putting it off yesterday.

Name Drop!

As that guy from cinema sins would say, "Roll Credits!"
Edit: Happy birthday to the general from this end of the midwest as well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Speaking of someone getting killed.

I just realized it's the General's birthday.

It's a good thing I just got her an iPod last week.

Now I remember why it was so important to get the kitchen cleaned by today.

Wish I remembered that when I rationalized putting it off yesterday.


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*Fires 21-gun salute to the General. Since we're not allowed actual guns, this involves a) drinking 21 cans of over-priced cans of IPA and then b) belching explosively 21 times*

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I'm sorry. We tried to stop him, but we're just too droopy.

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Happy B-day to the General! :D

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So, apparently the pain of the limes clouded my memory to exactly how ridiculously easy Key Lime pies are.

1 baked pie crust
4 egg yolks
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon of finely shredded lime peel
half a cup of lime juice (about 10-12 key limes)

1) Beat egg yolks with a wire whisk or fork. Gradually stir in sweetened condensed milk; add lime peel, and lime juice. Mix well (mixture will thicken slightly).

2) Spoon filling into your baked pie crust. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until set. Cool on a wire rack for 1 hour. Chill for 2-3 hours before serving (with home whipped whipping cream, preferably).

3) Everyone gives you high fives.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Speaking of someone getting killed.

I just realized it's the General's birthday.

It's a good thing I just got her an iPod last week.

Now I remember why it was so important to get the kitchen cleaned by today.

Wish I remembered that when I rationalized putting it off yesterday.

Name Drop!

As that guy from cinema sins would say, "Roll Credits!"
Edit: Happy birthday to the general from this end of the midwest as well.

The IPod was actually unrelated we it was purchased so Pea Bear could have hers back.

I actually tried to find her some Pathfinder Tales, but apparently they don't make them anymore.

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Infuriating update of the morning: They drew NobodysWife's blood for testing early this morning, and the tests typically take 1-2 hours to complete. So at this point, the hospital presumably knows whether or not they're going to release her today.

But heaven forfend they actually do something humane, like actually communicate with their patients. So NobodysWife is sitting there, hour after hour, desperately wanting to go home, and having no idea if or when that might be possible.

If there were ever an argument for "kill all lawyers", it would be, "Suing hospitals for providing the best information they could in a timely manner."

Nowadays, hospitals won't tell you diddly until a decision has been approved, signed off on, etc. It drives me insane. And it's all the fault of sue-happy lawyers.


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Happy birthday, CY's General!

Also, our internet has cut out entirely once already, so... I might disappear for a bit! Sorry in advance! XD

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And... she's FREE!!! least as soon as they finish the paperwork, at which point I'll go pick her up...

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NobodysHome wrote:

She focuses on, "What is the best end result, and how do I get there most efficiently?" so I'm thinking NG.

Hooray! Somebody UNDERSTANDS me!

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

She focuses on, "What is the best end result, and how do I get there most efficiently?" so I'm thinking NG.
Hooray! Somebody UNDERSTANDS me!

I thought you were CE?

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NobodysHome wrote:

And... she's FREE!!! least as soon as they finish the paperwork, at which point I'll go pick her up...

glad to hear.

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Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

She focuses on, "What is the best end result, and how do I get there most efficiently?" so I'm thinking NG.
Hooray! Somebody UNDERSTANDS me!
I thought you were CE?

NH? Little help here?

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So... I finally gave in to the hype and watched RWBY.
Spoilers free thoughts: pretty good. Story and voice acting make up for the less-than-stellar animation quality.

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And NOW for those who like spoilers, or who have already watched it:

Spoiler Alert!:
Ok, so volume 1 wasn't all that impressive, but the fight-scenes were unusual for an anime, so I gave it a second chance on volume 2. Art improved, and background characters were no longer just black silhouettes, also the reveal in V 1 about Blake's actual race was unexpected for quite a while, and was another factor in me staying around. although, the all-male group being a bunch of bullies, and just bad eggs in general, was overly predictable...
Still... Volume two was better, and lead me to watching Volume 3!
Better... MUCH MUCH BETTER. The ending was nearly flawless, the tragic loss of Penny was semi predictable, but I'll admit, I didn't see the other death coming at all, or the loss of the arm, or the grey eyes being THAT important.
Volume four was fairly predictable, and still the art was... less than fluid... but that doesn't make for a bad story, and it lived up to three, and led logically out of it fairly well. only plot hole was the spring element moving between young men rather than young women for some reason. ah well.

Any hoo, I'm probably going to stick with it as a series worth watching.

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