Deep 6 FaWtL

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Taking the bus downtown!

It's amazing what will entertain the kids these days. :-)

Edit: D'oh!

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Well, it is Madison, so I should fit right in.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Well, younger brother's got my back and he leaves tonight after dinner, so that reckoning is today in terms of shunning NobodyWife. The money is far more trivial, but indicative of complete a$$hattery. I really don't want to put her on the spot, but lisamarlene and Whingy Wizard pay what they can every single time, and it's not easy for them. If she'd let me, I'd just pay for her. But she's a decent person and insists on paying something. Older brother retired at 35. He can afford $20 for drinks. So when he doesn't pay his share I get pissy.

Have you considered challenging them all to a duel at high noon.

They'll be so baked, you're sure to win!

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Something just went down. Gunfire, and by the sound of it, rapid rifle shots, maybe a dozen, then all quiet. I wanna say 5.56, but it's been a while sìnce I last fired a rifle. The shots are pretty far off, so I'm not in any sort of danger. Weird part is, it took about 5 minutes to hear sirens,

Good strategy rysk hugging her will make you a human shield and as a succubus your dr should have no trouble absorbing a bullet with minimal damage.

Mostly i'm just impressed she can identify the caliber from sound

Well, she was in the Navy. They use 5.56 there too.

I was in the Navy in the barest sense of the word. Got seperated out for medical issues before I was in long enough to get an actual discharge. I have fired a 5.56, but as a civilian.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Something just went down. Gunfire, and by the sound of it, rapid rifle shots, maybe a dozen, then all quiet. I wanna say 5.56, but it's been a while sìnce I last fired a rifle. The shots are pretty far off, so I'm not in any sort of danger. Weird part is, it took about 5 minutes to hear sirens,

Good strategy rysk hugging her will make you a human shield and as a succubus your dr should have no trouble absorbing a bullet with minimal damage.

Mostly i'm just impressed she can identify the caliber from sound

I find 5.56 is pretty distinctive. It doesn't really sound like any hunting caliber because of its size (a 5.56 is a .223 in stupid American measurements, but it's got more oomph than a .22 long rifle, and is smaller and weaker than basically any other hunting caliber), and the 5.45 Kalashnikovs (only other caliber I can think of that's a similar size and power) have this weird gas venting system typical of all Kalashnikovs that gives them a very unique sound (and who the hell has an AK-74 around here, anyway?).

Basically, it comes down to nothing else really sounding like a 5.56. Don't ask me to identify hunting or pistol calibers.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
It was probably something minor. If police arrived so slowly(or they could just be sucky). I'm don't even flinch around here when I Hear a gun shot. (usually hunters or idiots.)

We don't have hunters, and our idiots don't usually have guns.

Judging by the sound, it was from Rich People Hills. Not exactly gang territory. Honestly, it probably was the cops and I just didn't hear the sirens, but in that case they didn't hit anybody. Could also be a civilian with an AR15, which, given the lack of a shooting, would leave us with somebody trying to kill a coyote or an idiot (or both, really, considering how dense Twin Peaks is).

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Bad day today. Not much sleep last night thanks to multiple subluxations (stopped counting how many after it hit double digits) in my ankle, hip, and shoulder. So much pain now. My to-do list for the day has been scrapped. I hate this. :(

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lynora wrote:
Bad day today. Not much sleep last night thanks to multiple subluxations (stopped counting how many after it hit double digits) in my ankle, hip, and shoulder. So much pain now. My to-do list for the day has been scrapped. I hate this. :(

puts lynora down for analgesics, small ice cream

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Sorry, Rosita. I thought that you got as far as Basic Rifle Marksmanship.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

First session of Council of Thieves went well. I wonder if I can ask the DM to write a recap here or elsewhere.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Sorry, Rosita. I thought that you got as far as Basic Rifle Marksmanship.

The Navy does't do basic rifle marksmanship. Just pistols and shotguns.

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I can wield any kind of saw, an proficient with Earthbreakers and am not afraid to weaponize any toy.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So the kidlet has been in the same school district since he started, but he's moved around a few schools, one from us moving and most from just moving up in grade level. So one school for kindergarten and first grade, then another for second grade, then another for 3rd to 5th grades, then middle school which he just finished. He starts high school in the fall. Every year prior to this the communication from the schools has been just awful. They wouldn't send out information about the start of the year until the week before if that. There were never supply lists or anything. Basically everyone showed up on the first day with no idea where they were supposed to go and what they were supposed to do. This would be followed with annoyed emails from the school after the first week because parents were doing drop-off wrong and so on. At this point it's not even worth getting upset about. We stopped even kind of hoping for anything approaching organization years ago. We just roll our eyes and move on. But! Today I got an email from the high school the kidlet will be attending and it had all the information. All of it! Registration dates, places, drop-off charts so parents know where to go in the fall, schedule for when breaks will happen in the upcoming year, important testing dates. The whole shebang. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. No guessing games or anything. And at the beginning of the summer, too! These guys rock!

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We got Pea Bear's standardized test scores back, she is ever so slightly above average.

Which is actually pretty good considering how much she hates standardized tests and how little effort she puts into them. :-)

"Good job Homer! When you get home there's going to be another story added on to your house!" - Hank Scorpio, The Simpsons.

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lynora wrote:
So the kidlet has been in the same school district since he started, but he's moved around a few schools, one from us moving and most from just moving up in grade level. So one school for kindergarten and first grade, then another for second grade, then another for 3rd to 5th grades, then middle school which he just finished. He starts high school in the fall. Every year prior to this the communication from the schools has been just awful. They wouldn't send out information about the start of the year until the week before if that. There were never supply lists or anything. Basically everyone showed up on the first day with no idea where they were supposed to go and what they were supposed to do. This would be followed with annoyed emails from the school after the first week because parents were doing drop-off wrong and so on. At this point it's not even worth getting upset about. We stopped even kind of hoping for anything approaching organization years ago. We just roll our eyes and move on. But! Today I got an email from the high school the kidlet will be attending and it had all the information. All of it! Registration dates, places, drop-off charts so parents know where to go in the fall, schedule for when breaks will happen in the upcoming year, important testing dates. The whole shebang. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. No guessing games or anything. And at the beginning of the summer, too! These guys rock!

Yes, they do. Refreshing, isn't it, to be dealing with educators that care that much?

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Here they only pretend to care. Unless you have money, then they care.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, the talk with Evil Sister-in-Law's best friend has been had, and she, being reasonable, is going to pry to try to figure out ESIL's mental malfunction. The good news: She agrees there probably is one, and she'd like to see things fixed, too.

Now, the dinner bill...

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captain yesterday wrote:
Here they only pretend to care. Unless you have money, then they care.

I have the best of both worlds: I have money, and they don't care. Oh, wait...

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It's all relative to location.

Sell your house, move here and watch everyone bend over backwards fawning over your family's California sophistication (you can also singlehandedly make Chef Wear THE Midwestern fashion of 2017).

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Ah crap, I had something when I came here and forgot it.

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Were you about to give me a lot of money? Because that would be awesome.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You mail me bank account I send you koala next week.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sure. I'll just need you to provide me with $87,312.96 for shipping and handling, and I'll drop my bank account into the mail for you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That is... oddly specific...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, the USPS does have a really great shipping cost estimator.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
lynora wrote:
So the kidlet has been in the same school district since he started, but he's moved around a few schools, one from us moving and most from just moving up in grade level. So one school for kindergarten and first grade, then another for second grade, then another for 3rd to 5th grades, then middle school which he just finished. He starts high school in the fall. Every year prior to this the communication from the schools has been just awful. They wouldn't send out information about the start of the year until the week before if that. There were never supply lists or anything. Basically everyone showed up on the first day with no idea where they were supposed to go and what they were supposed to do. This would be followed with annoyed emails from the school after the first week because parents were doing drop-off wrong and so on. At this point it's not even worth getting upset about. We stopped even kind of hoping for anything approaching organization years ago. We just roll our eyes and move on. But! Today I got an email from the high school the kidlet will be attending and it had all the information. All of it! Registration dates, places, drop-off charts so parents know where to go in the fall, schedule for when breaks will happen in the upcoming year, important testing dates. The whole shebang. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. No guessing games or anything. And at the beginning of the summer, too! These guys rock!
Yes, they do. Refreshing, isn't it, to be dealing with educators that care that much?

Oh, the educators care. It's the administration that needs help. :P

The principal at the high school is very involved and keeps everything organized. And seeing evidence of this already makes me a very happy camper. :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Mmmm. Chocolate husband decided to surprise me by bringing one for me to cheer me up since he knew I was having a crappy day. ^.^

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They let you camp out at school.


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lol. That is way funnier than it should be. I am definitely a little loopy right now. Lack of sleep and extra pain meds will do that. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Mmmm. Chocolate husband decided to surprise me by bringing one for me to cheer me up since he knew I was having a crappy day. ^.^

lynora approves. +10 for hubby...

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captain yesterday wrote:
...(you can also singlehandedly make Chef Wear THE Midwestern fashion of 2017).

Sooooooooooo tempting!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, watching my ESIL and best friend at work today makes me realize we're just from different worlds.

On the young woman clever enough and resourceful enough to start her own paddle board stand at the lake: "I asked her whether she'd give us a group discount, and she asked about the size of the group, so I told her it depended on the size of the discount."

On returning to Omar's: "Didn't the waitress last night offer us free zucchini fries if we came back? Where is she? I'm going to make her give us two."

It's the world of money as a competitive sport, where short-changing the other guy is "winning". There's frugality, and there's trying to stick it to someone just because they're unfortunate enough to be in the service industry, and you can save a few bucks by taking it out of their pockets. (Yeah, I know waitstaff can comp stuff easily, but I'm sure there's a limit.)

NobodyHome does not approve. -10

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Didn't they play Walter White's wife and her sister in Breaking Bad.

That sounds like a side plot in an episode of Breaking Bad.

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lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

If it helps, for years my dyslexia kept putting an L after the Y so for the longest time I thought it was pronounced "rill-ski"

It wasn't until Amby worked in a Risky Business reference somewhere that I realized my mistake. :-)

Don't beat yourself up. I'm still trying to work out what the name of the thread means, or why it should be level six.

Here lies madness!!!

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Its fun that this is the 6th version its almost caught up to me one more and we are tied.

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I must have a nice butt. Every time I walk away from someone, I hear them whisper "What an ass."

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Few things make people more suspicious than an unsolicited compliment.

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Its that time again kids!

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My dream woman has a special combination of inner and outer beauty, and is also unaware that she is completely out of my league.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Few things make people more suspicious than an unsolicited compliment.

Your alright Gran.

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You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pick-up line.

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Apparently "reverse psychology" does not mean making your therapist cry.

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I'm no doctor, but I think adding cheese to pretty much anything makes it an antidepressant.

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Is your family tree a cactus, because everyone on it is a prick.

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Two wrongs don't make a right. For example, your parents.

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The other day I told my daughter "Please go play with your brother. After all, that's why we had him."

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Nice now we hittin the trash talk ones. *waits patiently for the yo momma jokes*

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1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese. There are 5 people in my immediate family. Therefore, one of them must be Chinese. I just can't figure out who. Is it my mom, Carol? My dad, Steven? Me, gran rey? My sister, Susan? Or my brother, Xiaofeng?

I think it's probably Susan.

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If a Chinese baby is born premature, would they name him/her "Sudden Lee"?

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How many more times are my kids going to ask me where something is before they realize they're asking the wrong parent?

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