Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Walk the dog, then draw the Science Deck.

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The neighborhood watch isn't going to like my attire.

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<stretch, yawn>
morning everyone in FaWtLy land

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Today I:

1) Did That Which Cannot Be Named On FaWtL
2) Went to the Leeds Retro Gaming Conference, hoping that it would have old tabletop stuff in, but it was all antique console games instead, so I left
3) Practiced rapier & dagger
4) Played the guitar
5) Cooked a stew
6) Watched the fire brigade turn up at someone's house further down the street - they're all OK, luckily (I think they had a chip pan fire or something)

Busy boy.

Silver Crusade

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Limeylongears wrote:

Today I:

1) Did That Which Cannot Be Named On FaWtL

Busy boy.

Produced a snuff film?

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Today I:

1) Did That Which Cannot Be Named On FaWtL

Busy boy.

Produced a snuff film?

I can't really see the appeal of films about snuff, or pipe tobacco, or Lambert and Butler horrible discount cigarettes, but please yourself.

Anyway, providing it didn't involve politics or weird American sports, surely there wouldn't have been an issue?

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From Fargo

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Oh, right.

I should change my avatar back, i'm confusing myself even. :-D

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captain yesterday wrote:

Oh, right.

I should change my avatar back, i'm confusing myself even. :-D

Who are you again?

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That's less confusing.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
That's less confusing.

{glances at avatar} Freehold, is that you?

Edit: Augh, you changed it. :)

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Musical Interlude

I f you don't like my avatar, wait an hour, it'll change (just like the weather). :-)

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There's a Wayfinder for Land of the Linnorm Kingdoms, isn't there.

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Nonchalantly seizes control of the FaWtL Snake Oil Fields.

Since no one else is around...

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Even drunk, Terminator isn't making a damn bit of sense.

Perhaps, I haven't had enough yet...

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It's the first five minutes of the movie, we can attain all our goals with this ONE raid. Surely everything will go according to plan...

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Now it's making even less sense.

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Commandant Happy Hour wrote:

Even drunk, Terminator isn't making a damn bit of sense.

Perhaps, I haven't had enough yet...

I don't think that being drunk will help.

captain yesterday wrote:
Now it's making even less sense.

See, I was right.

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My god, the amount of money for special effects to make Arnold look young!

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[Arnie voice]I'll be Bach!!![/Arnie voice]

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Urbino - The Light of Italy: Federico da Montefeltro - Extra History

Dark Archive

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The difference between Japanese gamers and American gamers.

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There's a lot of unbelievable crap in Terminator Genisys, but the most unbelievable is that a man and woman as good looking as the actors playing Kyle and Sarah have a son as ugly as the actor playing Jon (even without the scar).

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Sharoth wrote:
Urbino - The Light of Italy: Federico da Montefeltro - Extra History

Curses have you no respect for my free time?! I am already addicted to Extra Credits and NOW you get me started on Extra History! Noooo!!! Why must I be an information junkie? Why must my fixes be offered to me in such a neat irresistible fashion?

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
There's a lot of unbelievable crap in Terminator Genisys, but the most unbelievable is that a man and woman as good looking as the actors playing Kyle and Sarah have a son as ugly as the actor playing Jon (even without the scar).


This is what I call putting TOO much emphasis on realism. After all most people playing the children of others fail to match every detail that should mark them out. Best simply to accept what is and ignore the imperfect genetics. I can imagine the fury of casting directors everywhere if people insisted on this level of realism.

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I am not saying they should look familial, but:

Model level gorgeous + damn handsome =/= John C. Reily's doppelganger.

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Now you're insulting John C. Reilly.

It does happen however, skipping a generation and what not. :-)

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It wouldn't let me change my avatar. :-/

I hope it's my phone, and I don't have to send an email begging for more memory. Again.

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I'm back!

That was a weird 48 hours or whatever.

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Dogs don't get enough credit for being able to be super cute at exactly the right moment. :-)

Also, yay for second inebriation in a row without a hangover. :-)

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The difference between Japanese gamers and American gamers.

So very, very, very true. I remember the early tournament days back in Chinatown Fair. No contest.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I am not saying they should look familial, but:

Model level gorgeous + damn handsome =/= John C. Reily's doppelganger.

Yikes man, that's cold.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Now you're insulting John C. Reilly.

It does happen however, skipping a generation and what not. :-)

puts on a winter coat

Dark Archive

Aranna wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Urbino - The Light of Italy: Federico da Montefeltro - Extra History

Curses have you no respect for my free time?! I am already addicted to Extra Credits and NOW you get me started on Extra History! Noooo!!! Why must I be an information junkie? Why must my fixes be offered to me in such a neat irresistible fashion?

~evil laughter~ Soon! Soon I will be able to take over the world after you fools have become internet zombies!

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Pea Bear decided last year she would change her clothes in her closet, so the General helped her get it cleaned and organized. She used it as her fortress of solitude for a couple weeks, changed once, and since abandoned it to the mess. For months we've tried to get her to put her clothes away and clean her closet, this weekend, she decided, in her infinite graciousness, that Tiny T-Rex should have the closet for getting changed and as a fortress of solitude. Thus absolving her of any responsibility of the mess already established.

Naturally, she's not very happy about spending the day cleaning the closet and putting away her clothes, especially after all that work on the contract and tense negotiations with Tiny T-Rex.

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Also, if you want your kids to eat their veggies, grow a garden. Kids are outside feasting on peas and tomatoes.

That's right, peas and tomatoes.

It turns out, the Little Tomato Plant of Horrors, is really just a big f+$!ing tomato plant.

So far...

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Rainy rain.

Which is good because it isn't the summer heat. I wouldn't be shopping today anyway...

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Commercial done right.

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It makes you think as to just where our priorities are.

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Beware the Light Side!

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Playing with luminarian language...

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Title of recipe found in the General's recipe box.

Brown Milk Solids and Sugar

Guess what it's for. :-)

Silver Crusade

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Cap'n Yesterday, Vegetable King wrote:

Also, if you want your kids to eat their veggies, grow a garden. Kids are outside feasting on peas and tomatoes.

That's right, peas and tomatoes.

It turns out, the Little Tomato Plant of Horrors, is really just a big f#&$ing tomato plant.

So far...

My 4-year-old niece runs around my brother's garden and eats everything. They have to make sure everything they grow is safe to eat, because she will eat it regardless. Also, they never have tomatoes to use in cooking because she invariably eats them as soon as they look remotely ripe.

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The General makes some damn good Brown Milk Solids and Sugar.

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Umm...if your milk has brown solids you probably should have thrown it out ages ago.

Or the cat s~$# in it again, in which case you should have thrown the cat out ages ago.

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I'm surprised there hasn't been more guesses, seems like a riddle right up FaWtL's alley.

We don't have cats, they cause debilitating allergies, and rage, but mostly allergies.

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Dunno, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm really tired so if there was another obvious answer I totally missed it.

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