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I've said it before and I'll say it again: "Reply All" is a pox on the planet that should be abolished.
The usual nonsense this morning:
(1) IT sends out a general announcement to multiple mailing lists saying, "Server xxx will be down from 10:00 am - noon PDT today".
(2) At precisely 12:02 pm, some idiot Replies All with, "It's 12:02 and I still can't get in."
(3) Another 15 people Reply All, "Me too!"
(4) Around 40 people, tired of getting unsolicited e-mails, Reply All, "Unsubscribe", in spite of our orientation training that makes it clear, over and over and over again, and a couple more times for good measure, that our mailing lists are NOT managed by subscribe/unsubscribe daemons.
(5) With over 50 messages in their inboxes, about 50 people Reply All with, "Please don't Unsubscribe. Our mailing lists don't work that way," and provide a helpful link.
(6) At this point, another 70 people Reply All with, "Please don't Reply All."
(7) Another 30-40 people, being natural born smartasses, Reply All with, "How dare you infringe on my right to Reply All? I find it useful! And you're doing it!"
(8) At least 20 people Reply All with, "If you don't want to be on the mailing list, then you shouldn't have subscribed in the first place!"
(9) At least 10 people Reply All with, "Just put a filter in Outlook to filter out the mailing list," completely missing the point that the original IT message was, in fact, useful. And IT's follow-up is, unfortunately, a Reply All, so you can't just filter out all replies or you'll miss all IT updates.
So yeah, Friday morning, 230 new messages on a single, useless thread. All because IT was 2 minutes late bringing up its servers.
EDIT. Yeah, I'm naked. I'm always naked when I want to make a point!
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Do people just not understand what BCC is for?
Edit: Fav'd within 7 seconds. Now THAT is what I call a ninja.
TriOmegaZero wrote: Do people just not understand what BCC is for?
Edit: Fav'd within 7 seconds. Now THAT is what I call a ninja.
Tacticslion wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: Do people just not understand what BCC is for?
Edit: Fav'd within 7 seconds. Now THAT is what I call a ninja. NOPE! This is~!
(Also, the fact that you finished editing when I hit "Reply" and then I wrote "NOPE!" to your pre-edit message, but which was, itself, ninja'd; this, of course, made me make this post as a method of ret-con of the meaning of my "NOPE"... by making a post as a. NINJA-CEPTION.)
EDIT: For Correction.
EDIT 2: For Tradition.
EDIT 3: For Consistency.
EDIT 4: For Tacticslion.
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Do people just not understand what BCC is for?
Edit: Fav'd within 7 seconds. Now THAT is what I call a ninja.
BCC requires actual thought. "Reply All" is just a button.
THAT is the problem with the universe.
Or at least Microsoft Outlook. One or the other...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: Do people just not understand what BCC is for?
Edit: Fav'd within 7 seconds. Now THAT is what I call a ninja.
BCC requires actual thought. "Reply All" is just a button.
THAT is the problem with the universe.
Or at least Microsoft Outlook. One or the other...
SO which it?
The Universe? Or Microsoft?
(HINT- The answer is 'YES')
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This is brilliant. Absolutely daggum hilarious.
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Next Carrion Crown is on Sunday. I should get the recap done before that.
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How odd, Sunday is my Scooby Doo and the Carrion Crown too.
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Saturday is All Occult Hell's Rebels for us.
We have a Medium, Mesmerist and two Kineticists.
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I've had so many derailing posts deleted by moderation today. It's like the glory days of Wrath of the Righteous all over again. :-)
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Hey, FaWtL - any of you know of an iDevice RPG that emphasizes character creation and customization (ala D&D, PF, etc., even if not those rules in specific)?
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I play FaWtL on my phone device.
I'm sure there's something out there. :-)
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Tacticslion wrote: Hey, FaWtL - any of you know of an iDevice RPG that emphasizes character creation and customization (ala D&D, PF, etc., even if not those rules in specific)? I found a couple character generators for Android by searching "Pathfinder Character Generator" in the Google Play store, if that's what you mean.
I don't know if there's anything available for those exact same things you pay double the price for a little Apple logo any iProducts, though.
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Of course now that the garden is planted, it would be super cool if it could start shooting up like those time lapse videos.
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It's 8:23 and the kids are still asleep, and it's f~+*ing beautiful outside.
These are the days. :-)
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I want to make an Occultist based loosely on Benny from The Mummy.
Thegreatgreenpoobahgamer will say wrote: Why not just make him a rogue Because rogues are obsolete, and nobody collects junk like an Occultist.
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captain yesterday wrote: I want to make an Occultist based loosely on Benny from The Mummy.
Thegreatgreenpoobahgamer will say wrote: Why not just make him a rogue Because rogues are obsolete, and nobody collects junk like an Occultist.
I do not!
errata, the new Paladin/Alignment/Martial/Caster/Everyoneiswrongbutme-all-piled-up-into-one -convenient-mole-hill-good time.
I wonder, if i start a "Rouges are garbage, so help me make my GM cry!!!!!!!!!!"
2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote: I wonder, if i start a "Rouges are garbage, so help me make my GM cry!!!!!!!!!!" Only if you get Kobold Cleaver as your tag-team partner.
The key would be to have just enough rules shit wrong to get the rules lawyers involved, while leaving it morally ambiguous enough to get the morality debaters engaged with just a hint of erroneous builds to rope in the theory crafters.
... you're right, this is a job for KC...
2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote: errata, the new Paladin/Alignment/Martial/Caster/Everyoneiswrongbutme-all-piled-up-into-one -convenient-mole-hill-good time.
I wonder, if i start a "Rouges are garbage, so help me make my GM cry!!!!!!!!!!"
Don't forget, "And I'm going to multiclass in a few levels of paladin. If I take ranks in Sleight of Hand, do I fall?"
It'll be awesome...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Poking around with Generation charts. I guess I am late Gen X or otherwise known as the MTV generation. Not very auspicious that our claim to fame wasn't fighting great wars or starting a free sex movement... nope ours was sitting around watching music videos while programming computers.
One of my favorites was the Anti-Paladin traveling with the Paladin that hid behind other party members so the Paladin couldn't use his detect evil on him.
Until I found out about the Jingasa of the Fortunate Stooges.
*smack!* Oh, a wise guy, see! puts on a new Jingasa what else you got...
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Not what I was looking for CY and RBtS, but thanks!
Any other ideas?
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To be fair, I'm not sure what you're looking for... Or how to find it if I did.
Just didn't want to leave you hanging.
Aranna wrote: Poking around with Generation charts. I guess I am late Gen X or otherwise known as the MTV generation. Not very auspicious that our claim to fame wasn't fighting great wars or starting a free sex movement... nope ours was sitting around watching music videos while programming computers.
I find "doing non-hamful but pleasantly entertaining or useful" things to be substatially better than either "kill and die in violence" or "introduce rapid disease spread and drug use" of the other two elements mentioned. Obesity is a major problem, but again, it's a less aggressive medical issue, rather than an aggressive medical issue or lots of life loss through violence.
"Less auspicious" when taken in that context does not mean "less good things" in my mind.
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Tacticslion wrote: Hey, FaWtL - any of you know of an iDevice RPG that emphasizes character creation and customization (ala D&D, PF, etc., even if not those rules in specific)? Not sure if I have ever played an RPG on an iDevice. A quick Google search suggests Final Fantasy... but that is just based on ratings not customization.
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Note to self:
Stop buying plants.
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Sounds like somebody's got the fever!!
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Or an unhealthy obsession with fennel. Maybe they're the same thing.
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I am back from my vacation business trip to vegas.The tenants signed another lease with my new property manager. The house smelled a bit like smoke which is a big no no. It turns out the smell is on the tenants clothes and hair. I'm glad i never got hooked on cigarettes.
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It appears as if the sky is falling once again due to erratica i.e optional rules too funny
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I was able to quit no problem. February 12th 1997 was the last time. :-) cold turkey.
captain yesterday wrote: I was able to quit no problem. February 12th 1997 was the last time. :-) cold turkey. That's AWESOME! Way to go, CY!
Unfortunately, my own family never was...
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captain yesterday wrote: I was able to quit no problem. February 12th 1997 was the last time. :-) cold turkey. My mom was able to quit cold turkey as well despite having smoked for like 40 years. I hear it's more addicting than opiates
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Limeylongears wrote: Note to self:
Stop buying pants.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Or at least buy the brown pants.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote: Limeylongears wrote: Note to self:
Stop buying pants. FTFY. In order to do that, I'd have to start buying pants.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Deadpool wrote: Or at least buy the brown pants. I understood that reference.
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Limeylongears wrote: BEST. FILM. EVER. I suspect you may not be entirely accurate.
Drink water, it'll help clarify your mind!
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Water Boy wrote: Limeylongears wrote: BEST. FILM. EVER. I suspect you may not be entirely accurate.
Drink water, it'll help clarify your mind! Just make certain it isn't fluoridated water. You don't want to introduce such a Commie foreign substance into your precious bodily fluids.*
* Edit: Yeah, I know this is a Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper reference/line, but I'm trying to avoid creating a third Strangelove alias.
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Uh yeah, commie bastards!...
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Yesterday, Not a Communist wrote: Uh yeah, commie bastards!... Central Committee haf determined zhat is, in fact, best film ever.
Better even zhan 'Super Khrushchev Dance Party VI'
So zhere.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Never ever play Dance Dance Revolution with Undead Comrade Khrushchev. Especially never play for money.
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General Buck Turgidson wrote: * Edit: Yeah, I know this is a Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper reference/line, but I'm trying to avoid creating a third Strangelove alias. You could have used me. But no, you keep forgetting I even exist. {walks off slowly and alone}
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