
Cap'n Yesterday, Not a Communist's page

9 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


Communism? Nobody still believes in communism, that's for stupid people!!

we'll talk later!

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Uh yeah, commie bastards!...

Lesson 27: No there isn't.

David M Mallon wrote:
Just played an open mic at a local tea shop. Some guy came in, ordered his tea, put on a gas mask, and started surfing Facebook on his laptop. Totally normal.

Seems fine to me.

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This should keep the germs at bay.

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Ha! You hit the Marx there :-)

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Communist Not Captain Yesterday wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, Not a Communist wrote:

As you can tell from this alias, I am not a communist. I thought I was once.

Turns out it was just bad gas:-D

What you want is some "Soviet" Bicarbonate, Comrade! Ha! Ha! Ha! Marxist-Leninist Joke Time!

Are you Stalin for more time:-D

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As you can tell from this alias, I am not a communist. I thought I was once.

Turns out it was just bad gas:-D

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i wonder what Rum and Coke says, besides "Arrr! i mean to conquer the Briny Deep!"
or what Hard Root Beer says:)

great now theres another useless factoid i get to search out today:)
edit: turns out it says i'm a communist:-) time to load up my iTunes account with The Leningrad Cowboys
edit 2: wait, is communism the one where the many give all their stuff to the few for an unlimited supply of vodka, not sure how rum enters into the picture, mayhaps a better search is in order:)
edit 3: Mens Health is the place to look, not Cracked lol lesson learned:)