Deekin FaithfulKoboldCompanion |
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Ooo~ooh~! Deekin heart!
Doom-doom-doom~! Doomy doom doom~!
Deekin thinking that maybe dyslexic man might need to put pants back on, maybe!
Ummmm, also good opportunity to teach newcomer 'bout that rule.
When someone make the first post of a page, that person be considered naked until they put clothes back on.

Freehold DM |

Computer fixed, hard drive didn't crash, but it was hiding really good. Yay for Apple!
The internet still isn't working for whatever reason, so tomorrow I get to call cable company and raise hell, which I'm very good at. :-)
this is why I don't like macs.
Its too easy to lose the hard drive and other assorted things.

Tacticslion |

So, several attempts were made by me, yesterday, without success, to mention a really weird thing that happened.
Same event, two different people, about two to three years apart, here in my yard, near the same place.
The first was to me, a couple of years ago.
I was doing some yard work (I think I was spraying ant poison onto our sidewalk), when I moved my right hand arbitrarily near some grass. I don't remember, anymore, why exactly that hand ended up being closer to the grass; it's been too long by now. It was just a thing that I did that made sense at the time. Maybe I was looking for something?
Suddenly, without having contacted anything but air, I felt a mild itching/prickling sensation on my fingers. That mild itching/prickling then, rather suddenly, turned into a fiery burn (along with the no-longer-mild itching/prickling). I figured I'd run into something, somehow with my knuckles, and I quickly pointed* to try and focus my vision enough to see what it was, when I - without having touched anything - felt the exact same thing happen to my middle finger, rather abruptly and suddenly.
* This has little to do with anything, but I tend to use my middle finger. Is... is that weird? I mean, yeah, duh, the hand-gesture, but I seriously use it - changing the radio, flipping switches, etc, it's just really convenient to use that finger, sometimes. Is that abnormal? Also, does anyone else point to help themselves focus, visually? A weird aside, I know, but I was just curious.
The pain on my knuckles first, and then my middle finger became sharp enough that I abandoned my project, and then I got a kind of hives across that part of my body - tiny, sharp, hard-looking but smooth bumps, kind of like what happens when you've been bitten by ants... but there were no ants, and it was all over only those areas. Anyway, it hurt badly enough that soon I couldn't even use my hand - it just shook in pain when I tried to move those knuckles or fingers. After a short while (a few minutes? An hour? I don't know, now) the pain dulled, then subsided, and then the "hives" went away and it was gone completely.
I tried showing people that were knowledgable about the outdoors that were near enough at that time to try and understand, but most of them just thought that I'd clearly "missed" something because I wasn't really paying attention or I'd forgotten something important in the story (or, after the hives went away, that I was attempting to tell them some sort of joke, but never got to the punchline*).
* This was a very strange part of this. They kept waiting for the punchline. When I explained that I was serious, they kind of got a weird look on their face, and then shrugged and that was that.
Anyway, after a broad-spectrum collective shrug from anyone who I'd think would know anything, I went about my business, eventually kind of forgetting about it, as it never happened again.
... but it just happened to my son, yesterday. He was riding his bike and told me that he'd brushed by "some grass" before running screaming/crying because his hands and one knee were hurting so badly. At first I thought he was wrong - that he'd fallen over or something -, but when I saw the hives, I remembered my own experience. The symptoms were identical, and his story more or less matches.
He claims that he only brushed by some grass, but, being on his bike, and having seen where he was, it looks like, again, he never actually touched the stuff. As a four-year-old, his descriptions are a little vague (he lacks some of the language to convey some of the things he wants to).
The weird part is that this isn't a kind of leafy nettle. I've tried looking this up, but the only thing I can find points to various nettles and their leaves... and from all the pictures, I can say with absolute certainty that this is not what we were dealing with.
There are weeds, but nothing that looks... 'stingy' in the yard. We don't have any dangerous pests (we've spiders and, once, a snake, but the latter wasn't venomous, and the former aren't deadly. Definitely not flees and, though we have ants, there isn't a reasonable explanation for why ants would be in a particular area biting that area and not elsewhere, nor any convincing reason that we were unable to see them - anywhere - at the time of the stings.
Both happened near the same spot, even... which is something I hadn't really contemplated beyond today. Which is weird, because nothing is really "there" in our yard other than the already-mentioned grass and weeds.
So... any ideas? FaWtL?

NobodysHome |
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captain yesterday wrote:Computer fixed, hard drive didn't crash, but it was hiding really good. Yay for Apple!
The internet still isn't working for whatever reason, so tomorrow I get to call cable company and raise hell, which I'm very good at. :-)
this is why I don't like macs.
Its too easy to lose the hard drive and other assorted things.
Hey, hey, hey! That is definitely stepping into "politics" territory! :-P

Tacticslion |

I mean, my son stopped crying after about five to fifteen minutes (my uncertainty is due to my distrust of my own judgement - I get very bored sitting in mostly silence, due to ADD, and though I would guess the latter, it could have been my sense of relative time being stretched) which is a pretty good indication of "it doesn't feel like everything is on fire, now" and his bumps were gone by the end of the day.

NobodysHome |
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I mean, my son stopped crying after about five to fifteen minutes (my uncertainty is due to my distrust of my own judgement - I get very bored sitting in mostly silence, due to ADD, and though I would guess the latter, it could have been my sense of relative time being stretched) which is a pretty good indication of "it doesn't feel like everything is on fire, now" and his bumps were gone by the end of the day.
I do know that some people are so allergic to toxic plants that even close proximity can cause a reaction -- we live in poison oak territory, and I've heard versions of your story from fellow hikers. Nothing as drastic as you describe, but definitely, "I never came closer than 6" to the plant, but I still broke out in a rash a few hours later."
But it's never been immediate, so I can't help you there.
And I have to say, I *love* that the reason Talky got his nickname was because he kept talking about how much better his brother was as a GM than I was (without ever having actually, y'know, played under me or anything), and now I see him saying, "I... have one of the best DMs I know. Of course I'll end up talking my head off.".
How time and experience change one's viewpoint! :-P

Tacticslion |
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I need to see a picture of the actual plant, or maybe a better description of what plant you have.
So, here's what I have in my yard: grass.
Also: weeds.
Since literally everyone knows what grass looks like (mine isn't tall enough to do the sprouty Y-shaped thing, at present), I'll describe the weeds.
There are... a lot. I usually just mow them down and presume 'meh, it looks like grass' because most of them do. The few that don't look exactly like yard-grass when mowed, look kind of like that creeping vine-type-grass; that thicker kind of weed-like grass that has tiny leaves and occasionally blooms into flowers*; and the most likely "culprit" (in my mind, at least) that kind of half-calf-high weed that has the furry things on it that looks like it should burn the fire out of you**, but, as I've learned from lots of experience in my yard, is harmless at all visible stages of development, and wasn't what stung me anyway (as it wasn't around at the time that I got stung).
* I have that kind of weed/grass, as well, but that's not what I'm describing.
** On an entirely unrelated note: I hate grandfather cactuses. Hate 'em. No reason. NONE AT ALL. Especially not in regards to my childhood. >.>
Could be ants, maybe allergies to ants, there are non obvious poison plants, poison sumac, poison oak, look up poisonous plants in Florida... Or look up poisonous plants in YOUR area of Florida.
My only problem with ants (which is what my own "go-to" answer was) is that I never found any trace of them on either myself or my son aside from the hive-things. The hive-things themselves looked like ant-bites, but they all appeared at once, instead of in sequence, like something was sprayed over the area rather than being repeatedly bitten or stung. Beyond ants, I'd wondered if it could be spiders, flies, gnats, fleas, mosquitoes, or other creatures*.
As far as poisons go, I've never run into plants in Florida that do or behave that way. All of them have either left a lingering rash requiring creams or left pieces in me... neither of which matches what happened. I tried looking up poisonous plants, but... I just can't find a match.
For clarity, I'm discrediting these ideas, I'm explaining my problems with them, based on my own experience.
* All of which I've been bitten by. Though I know it's not ticks. Not only don't they live 'round this part, but also it doesn't even remotely match anything involving any tick I've ever been bitten by or seen anyone bitten by. Ever.
The weirdest part is the infrequency. Twice in six years is... not common.

Tacticslion |

Oh, TL, you'll be happy to know that Talky McTalktalk e-mailed me and asked, "Do you know that TacticsLion guy? I really like his ideas!"
Maybe a compliment, maybe an insult, depending on what you think of Talky. :-P
Totally a compliment. Pretty much anyone other tha- </cuts off political discussion before it starts> is good with me!
I mean, my son stopped crying after about five to fifteen minutes (my uncertainty is due to my distrust of my own judgement - I get very bored sitting in mostly silence, due to ADD, and though I would guess the latter, it could have been my sense of relative time being stretched) which is a pretty good indication of "it doesn't feel like everything is on fire, now" and his bumps were gone by the end of the day.
Dang it, Phone, I sent that one at approximately the same time as the other one! UPDATE FASTER.
I do know that some people are so allergic to toxic plants that even close proximity can cause a reaction -- we live in poison oak territory, and I've heard versions of your story from fellow hikers. Nothing as drastic as you describe, but definitely, "I never came closer than 6" to the plant, but I still broke out in a rash a few hours later."
But it's never been immediate, so I can't help you there.
I have to say, CY's suggestion of allergies and your story here do ring true. It might well be that. That may be it (though it's weird that both my son and I developed the exact same thing, and it seems only intermittent, at best).
It also reminds me of when I worked at Eckerd Drugs (since then, having been sold to/changed into CVS - ah, fifteen years, how you fly); I was always an uptight puritanical prude, but I was, by job, required to put cigarette packs away nonetheless (naturally). Though I'd made mention to my boss, once (near the beginning), that it was a job I'd prefer not to do (due to the deleterious effect it had on the health of others - my own great aunt, great uncle, grandmother, and a few others having either passed on or been in lasting near-continuous pain and sickness by that point due to the habit), I honored my work commitment and did not complain. (Added to that, the smell makes me nauseous - right along with strong alcohol, what I presume are joints, and similar "vice" type substance odors... and new asphalt. Look, I've a sucky constitution and strong sense of smell, okay?)
And then one day while I was putting the cigarettes away, my hand stung like fire, causing me to drop the case. My boss wondered what was wrong, and doubted my story that I was just holding a case - especially considering the welts that were growing up on my hand.
A very different pain and very different welts from the ones I got from the grass, but a similar experience of "and now, out of nowhere, pain and bumps!" between the two.
And I have to say, I *love* that the reason Talky got his nickname was because he kept talking about how much better his brother was as a GM than I was (without ever having actually, y'know, played under me or anything), and now I see him saying, "I... have one of the best DMs I know. Of course I'll end up talking my head off.".
How time and experience change one's viewpoint! :-P
Hah! Indeed~!

NobodysHome |
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I have to say, CY's suggestion of allergies and your story here do ring true. It might well be that. That may be it (though it's weird that both my son and I developed the exact same thing, and it seems only intermittent, at best).
Allergies are strongly hereditary (as long as you don't move around a lot).
My mother was non-reactive to poison oak. I am non-reactive to poison oak, as is NobodysWife. To the best of our knowledge, both of our sons are non-reactive. (And we're pretty darned sure of this one, since they've gone hiking and playing in the poison oak weed garden that is Tilden Park.)
So the fact that both you and your son react in the same way is absolutely reasonable; not surprising at all.

![]() |
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So, several attempts were made by me, yesterday, without success, to mention a really weird thing that happened.
Same event, two different people, about two to three years apart, here in my yard, near the same place.
The first was to me, a couple of years ago.
I was doing some yard work (I think I was spraying ant poison onto our sidewalk), when I moved my right hand arbitrarily near some grass. I don't remember, anymore, why exactly that hand ended up being closer to the grass; it's been too long by now. It was just a thing that I did that made sense at the time. Maybe I was looking for something?
Suddenly, without having contacted anything but air, I felt a mild itching/prickling sensation on my fingers. That mild itching/prickling then, rather suddenly, turned into a fiery burn (along with the no-longer-mild itching/prickling). I figured I'd run into something, somehow with my knuckles, and I quickly pointed* to try and focus my vision enough to see what it was, when I - without having touched anything - felt the exact same thing happen to my middle finger, rather abruptly and suddenly.
* This has little to do with anything, but I tend to use my middle finger. Is... is that weird? I mean, yeah, duh, the hand-gesture, but I seriously use it - changing the radio, flipping switches, etc, it's just really convenient to use that finger, sometimes. Is that abnormal? Also, does anyone else point to help themselves focus, visually? A weird aside, I know, but I was just curious.
The pain on my knuckles first, and then my middle finger became sharp enough that I abandoned my project, and then I got a kind of hives across that part of my body - tiny, sharp, hard-looking but smooth bumps, kind of like what happens when you've been bitten by ants... but there were no ants, and it was all over only those areas. Anyway, it hurt badly enough that soon I couldn't even use my hand - it just shook in pain when I tried to move those knuckles or fingers. After a short...
This sounds like a job for Mulder and Scully

![]() |
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captain yesterday wrote:I need to see a picture of the actual plant, or maybe a better description of what plant you have.So, here's what I have in my yard: grass.
Also: weeds.
Since literally everyone knows what grass looks like (mine isn't tall enough to do the sprouty Y-shaped thing, at present), I'll describe the weeds.
There are... a lot. I usually just mow them down and presume 'meh, it looks like grass' because most of them do. The few that don't look exactly like yard-grass when mowed, look kind of like that creeping vine-type-grass; that thicker kind of weed-like grass that has tiny leaves and occasionally blooms into flowers*; and the most likely "culprit" (in my mind, at least) that kind of half-calf-high weed that has the furry things on it that looks like it should burn the fire out of you**, but, as I've learned from lots of experience in my yard, is harmless at all visible stages of development, and wasn't what stung me anyway (as it wasn't around at the time that I got stung).
* I have that kind of weed/grass, as well, but that's not what I'm describing.
** On an entirely unrelated note: I hate grandfather cactuses. Hate 'em. No reason. NONE AT ALL. Especially not in regards to my childhood. >.>captain yesterday wrote:Could be ants, maybe allergies to ants, there are non obvious poison plants, poison sumac, poison oak, look up poisonous plants in Florida... Or look up poisonous plants in YOUR area of Florida.My only problem with ants (which is what my own "go-to" answer was) is that I never found any trace of them on either myself or my son aside from the hive-things. The hive-things themselves looked like ant-bites, but they all appeared at once, instead of in sequence, like something was sprayed over the area rather than being repeatedly bitten or stung. Beyond ants, I'd wondered if it could be spiders, flies, gnats, fleas, mosquitoes, or other creatures*.
As far as...
I would see my doctor first and then maybe the local college, ask a botanist about local fauna or a entomologist about bugs

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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The thing I don't get about allergies, especially deadly one, is how did they not get wiped out via natural selection thousands of years ago?
I mean, if a drop of citrus makes you go into anaphilactic shock, or if someone even eating a peanut within 10 feet of you will have you swell up, how on earth did your genes make it to adulthood to be passed on in the first place by your ancestors before modern medicine?

Tacticslion |
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Maybe they confer advantages elsewhere that balance things out? I don't know.
This is the prevailing theory, as I understand it.
Of course, I blame my ancestors, but, you know, that's just me*.
* Weirdly, I can't find my original video source for the "allergies came from neanderthals" thing, so I guess I'll just link that search instead.

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I want to make a character loosely based on the Rancid song Django, specifically the chorus
Django, you drag your coffin around, you drag your coffin around, all around town, just like a dead man does!.
Just bored and a little burned out with "couch tired" kid, internet unconnectivity is narrowed down to a g%!~++n Ethernet cable or port, so kind of in neutral there until the general returns to nurse Tiny T-Rex.
Edit: obviously he wouldn't actually drag a coffin around.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I want to make a character loosely based on the Rancid song Django, specifically the chorus
Django, you drag your coffin around, you drag your coffin around, all around town, just like a dead man does!.
Just bored and a little burned out with "couch tired" kid, internet unconnectivity is narrowed down to a g*~*#&n Ethernet cable or port, so kind of in neutral there until the general returns to nurse Tiny T-Rex.
Edit: obviously he wouldn't actually drag a coffin around.
why not?
There was an okayish anime and video game based around a character that did the same thing.

Limeylongears |
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Thanks very much, Youtube, but I'm not sure why you're recommending
{Flaming bicycle screeches across thread, leaving a trail of sparks and acrid grey smoke in its wake}
to me. I don't want to watch it, have no desire to give it any more exposure than it already has, and I've certainly never, ever expressed any interest in
{Fiery tandem races across thread in the opposite direction, with its rider simultaneously doing a wheelie, twirling a pair of bejewelled underpants around his head, rolling a cigarette and playing 'Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?' on the kazoo}
Wowee - how does he do that?
In other news, it is the year 3020. Mankind finally shrugs off the frigid bonds of Terrene existence and flies away to a bright new future amongst the distant stars, and Siege of Dragonspear finally gets a bally release date

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks very much, Youtube, but I'm not sure why you're recommending
{Flaming bicycle screeches across thread, leaving a trail of sparks and acrid grey smoke in its wake}
to me. I don't want to watch it, have no desire to give it any more exposure than it already has, and I've certainly never, ever expressed any interest in
{Fiery tandem races across thread in the opposite direction, with its rider simultaneously doing a wheelie, twirling a pair of bejewelled underpants around his head, rolling a cigarette and playing 'Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?' on the kazoo}
Wowee - how does he do that?
In other news, it is the year 3020. Mankind finally shrugs off the frigid bonds of Terrene existence and flies away to a bright new future amongst the distant stars, and Siege of Dragonspear finally gets a bally release date
I should totally get them bejeweled...

captain yesterday |
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Hey now, there's more to being a hippy then shopping locally and smelling like s+@@, or eating crappy food.
And I'll have you all know, despite being allergic to them, I've personally planted over 125 spruce trees, in one summer (we had a job where we had to plant 125 spruce trees).
I am a landscaper after all, I wouldn't do it if I didn't love plants.
And yes, I do hug trees.