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Outside of the CRB we use most of them, I don't have monster Codex, Bestiary 5, Unchained, Ultimate Campaign, strategy guide, or Advanced Class Guide.

Of those, I'm most likely to get ultimate campaign and monster codex, the others, not as much.

We use Advanced Players Guide, ARG, player companions (I have most until the new format and monthly release), Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, an Ultimate Magic the most.

Tho we have a Medium and Mesmerist for Hell's Rebels, the kids are more focused on Iron Gods (we also use the Technology Guide, a lot).

Edit: of course because I thought of saying "Whoo hoo! Naked adventuring!" I will now make a character (for an adult game) that refuses to wear clothes, ever).

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Oh, yes I forgot to mention, I'm very close to getting an all adult game going, and I might not even have to GM it, it's a circuitous plan I began last summer, and, hopefully when the holidays calm down, I can start putting the final pieces into motion.


Have I mentioned, how much I love circuitous plans. :-)

Dark Archive

Still better than Trump.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Still better than Trump.

No politics please, not even in jest.

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begins calling Scrooge McDuckian vault builders for bids and time frame for construction

I'm not sure if there's enough bikes in the world for the carnage that is about to be unleashed...

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
My crew uses just about every Paizo book available. It's pretty ridiculous.

My group's rule is "If it's on PFSRD, it's clear to use. If it's a 3rd-party book I have but isn't on PFSRD, and I haven't said you can't use it, it's still clear to use. If it's 3.5, it's clear to use after I tweak it some. Anything else, by approval."

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A power cut halfway through reading HP Lovecraft certainly added to the atmosphere. Thankfully it wasn't followed by an eerie violet glow and/or a thin, inhuman piping, somewhere in the distance...

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Sorry! I was in detox from feasting on a Kardashian on New Year's Eve.

An eerie what now?

Grand Lodge

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Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
My crew uses just about every Paizo book available. It's pretty ridiculous.
My group's rule is "If it's on PFSRD, it's clear to use. If it's a 3rd-party book I have but isn't on PFSRD, and I haven't said you can't use it, it's still clear to use. If it's 3.5, it's clear to use after I tweak it some. Anything else, by approval."

Honestly, our limitation is 'is it in Herolab?'

Because we're all too damn lazy to use products that aren't.

Related, I can't wait for Spheres of Power to release Herolab files.

Silver Crusade

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Happy New Year all, I have taken the wife to the coast for a nice getaway. Is it just me who never makes it till midnight

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
My crew uses just about every Paizo book available. It's pretty ridiculous.
My group's rule is "If it's on PFSRD, it's clear to use. If it's a 3rd-party book I have but isn't on PFSRD, and I haven't said you can't use it, it's still clear to use. If it's 3.5, it's clear to use after I tweak it some. Anything else, by approval."

Honestly, our limitation is 'is it in Herolab?'

Because we're all too damn lazy to use products that aren't.

Related, I can't wait for Spheres of Power to release Herolab files.

Yeah, I'm not willing to pay for HL so that's not an issue for us.

Grand Lodge

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Did I mention I now get the entire Paizo HL library for free? :)

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That's pretty sweet. :-)

I wish I could use mine more, also need to get Occult Adventures for it, it's not expensive, I just forget when I have the money for it (right now, I do not, but soon..).

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My groups have all had a "if it's Paizo, it's allowed, if it's 3rd party or 3.5, by approval or tweak" philosophy.

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I only ban Leadership.

My games aren't the place to play Entourage the RPG.

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Fair enough.

What about my summoner with the animal ally feat and eldrich heritage for a familiar? He's only got an eidolon, an animal companion, and a quasit he grabbed from improved familiar. Is he okay?

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Second battlewrought made it to the blog...

I am not exactly cheating here - I rebuild both of the battlewroughts instead of just copy-paste-inging them...

Grand Lodge

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captain yesterday wrote:
That's pretty sweet. :-)

It has also helped me mentor a new GM, giving him one of my spare licenses so he has access to all the crazy things he needs to run Reign of Winter and PFS scenarios.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
My crew uses just about every Paizo book available. It's pretty ridiculAWESOME.


Sorry. I know it's overplayed, and I know I'm not part of your group, but I found it too tempting to resist.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did I mention I now get the entire Paizo HL library for free? :)

0_o how?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
havoc xiii wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did I mention I now get the entire Paizo HL library for free? :)
0_o how?

One of the perks received as an organized play Venture Captain.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
havoc xiii wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did I mention I now get the entire Paizo HL library for free? :)
0_o how?
One of the perks received as an organized play Venture Captain.

Yeah, my old GM was a VC. It was nice.

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That's a pretty sweet perk. :-)

Grand Lodge

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I mean, we already HAD all the Paizo packs for the most part. Now we just don't have to remember to go pick them up as they release.

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That's the pretty sweet part. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
havoc xiii wrote:
Happy new year! We did fireworks and ate our 12 grapes so this is going to be a better year than the one before it.

I had 12 cans of peanuts. Now I don't feel so good.

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{{{Swoops in}}}

Hey everybody.

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The only annoying part was that guy always wanted EVERYTHING to be run with Society rules so he could get GM credit, and a lot of us didn't have society characters, and really just wanted to play a good homebrew. I'm really not a fan of some of the society rules. Overall, I think it's a good thing to have because of the portability and ease of meeting players, and stuff, but...yeah...I really hate that I might, for example, find an amazing magic weapon but I can't keep it because I don't have enough gold to buy it (even though I just found it), or that every season the races allowed changes, and a few other little tidbits like that. the "you HAVE to allow people at your table" aspect is not fun in public society gatherings when you get stuck with the stinky bastard or someone incredibly annoying. I'm all for bringing strangers in, but I have ended up with some duds when I've gone to PFS events.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I understand why PFS exists and why some people enjoy it, but it is very much Not For Me.

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I'd give it a try if it were convenient, alas it's not, especially this time of year.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
BluePigeon wrote:

{{{Swoops in}}}

Hey everybody.

<Waves at pigeon, adjusts wizard hat to avoid any birdie 'accidents'>

(What? I'm Ragadolf, NOT Ragadast!) ;P

Hey Pigeon! How's it winging?

Grand Lodge

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I wish I had gotten involved in PFS sooner, as it was perfect for the military lifestyle. Of course, now that I'm out I'm far more of a facilitator than a player.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I won't but Unchained, and I definitely won't buy ACG. :-)

But those are as yesterday as it gets we have Occult Adventures now.

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I am not saying that the next Wayfinder issue will be Numeria but...


Unless Tim is a terribly cruel man...

Silver Crusade

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aeglos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Happy New Year, EveryFAWTL!

I most certainly did not stay up last night, as I had to be up at 3:00 today for my flight.


where are you going?

It is not Germany, I asume, because you have not informed me how long you will be our guests :-)

I am visiting family in Tucson, followed by more family visits in Las Vegas, followed by a cousin's wedding in St. Louis.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Tucson is spelled wrong. Be sure to tell them.

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They named the settlement in the name of Tuc's son?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, exactly. Why is it pronounced Too-son and spelled TUCK-SON?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My mom is obsessed with Tucson. If she knew people out there, she would have retired out there a long, long time ago.

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Bloat Creep wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I won't but Unchained, and I definitely won't buy ACG. :-)
But those are as yesterday as it gets we have Occult Adventures now.

But everyone is so done with Occult Adventures, it's all about b!~*@ing about Ultimate Intrigue from here on out.

Silver Crusade

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Orthos wrote:
Yeah, I understand why PFS exists and why some people enjoy it, but it is very much Not For Me.

Generally I use PFS to introduce people to the game, especially the core games.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Does anyone else compulsively clean their house before the new year? I gotta have the fridge cleaned out, sheets changed, papers discarded or filed, house tidy, laundry done, etc.

Remove "before the new year" and my answer is, "Yes."

My wife HATES trying to talk to me in the house because I'm constantly in motion, picking things up, washing things, and otherwise trying to keep the house tidy. But in a family of 4 where I'm the only one who consistently puts anything away, it's a constant struggle. (One of the family-wide New Year's "resolutions" I've forced upon them is, "Finish what you started." I suspect I'm going to be a less-than-popular dad this year, but it'll be better in the long run if I'm not fighting this battle alone.)

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I tried that, once.

It didn't work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I tried that, once.

It didn't work.

Yeah, pretty much my expectation. But one can dream...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
My crew uses just about every Paizo book available. It's pretty ridiculous.
My group's rule is "If it's on PFSRD, it's clear to use. If it's a 3rd-party book I have but isn't on PFSRD, and I haven't said you can't use it, it's still clear to use. If it's 3.5, it's clear to use after I tweak it some. Anything else, by approval."

I have endless frustrations because I run *huge* groups of 7-9 players and my rules are really darned simple:

(1) If it's on PFSRD, it's OK with me.
(2) Everything else needs special permission.
(3) No, you CANNOT have something without paying points for it.

So pretty much every time there's a level-up in any of the groups, I'm left asking at least half a dozen times, "What is this feat/magic item/spell? It's not in the PFSRD?"
"Oh, I found it on d20pfsrd, so it's OK."
"NO IT IS NOT!!!!! d20pfsrd is NOT THE PRD!!!!"

And I wouldn't mind having this conversation with each player, once. But it's with more than half my players EVERY SINGLE TIME they level up!

I'm to the point where I'm going to force us to burn session time doing level-ups so I can supervise them. Losing play time might convince them to stop.

And don't get me started on the guy who's playing a rich noble wizardess, and wants to buy half a dozen bodyguards to follow her around and be her meat shields, but the player doesn't want to have to pay for the Leadership feat, and doesn't want to have to run them. "I have the money. It doesn't make any sense that you're not allowing it."

*SIGH*. Yeah. I need another 6 counters on a board where combats are already taking 3-4 hours because people are so slow to figure out what they want to do. Thanks...

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If anyone here is a fan of my kind of humor, you might appreciate this one:

A guy is taking his girlfriend to prom. He waits in the ticket line for a really long time, but he gets them. He goes out to rent a limo, and the rental line is really long, but eventually he makes it to the end and rents a limo. The line at the florist is really long too, but he's able to buy flowers in the end. Finally, he brings the tickets, the flowers, and the limo to his date's house. She gets in, and they drive to the high school gym. Once inside, she asks him to go get her a glass of punch. He goes to the table, and there's no punch line.

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I would have let the guards be hired. It is both legitimate use of money AND rife with complications for her since she isn't a trained leader. Plenty of role play fodder there.

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Another upside to winter, i get to read pathfinder tales walking the dog, too cold for phone twiddling, too harsh for campaign setting or adventure path books, and gloves and a nice sturdy paperback work wonders at ignoring the cold while th hound dog sniffs every square inch he happens to travel across.

Last winter was Death's Heretic, this winter Liar's Blade

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GaMetal's awesome 2015 ender: 20-minute SNES Medley.

I got to put in a request as a Patreon backer, went with the Terranigma "Underworld" theme. Awesome song.

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Aranna wrote:

I would have let the guards be hired. It is both legitimate use of money AND rife with complications for her since she isn't a trained leader. Plenty of role play fodder there.

I agree. *IF* it were a table of 3-4 players, and *IF* that player managed his time well. Instead, it's a table of 7-8 players, and this guy already takes 5 minutes per combat round to finally get around to, "OK, I can't figure out what to do, so I use my wand of Magic Missile."

Yep. He's a 5th-level wizard who's now burned through two full wands of Magic Missile because he can't figure out anything better to do. And yet every single combat round he takes several minutes to ponder whether there's anything else he SHOULD be doing.

The idea of giving him MORE things to work with is beyond comprehension, and adding 6 guards to my plate is not particularly appealing to me, either.

He's also a massive power gamer. The moment I let him hire guards, he's going to start hiring wizards. And clerics. And rogues. And anything else he thinks he can get away with...

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