Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
David's making me listen to mid 80s Rod Stewart!

That sounds...tortuous.

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And apparently includes nipple clamps.

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I've got spiders on my mind.

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Aranna wrote:

Did you kill the Hinterlands dragon at around 20 hours? I always do.

You should be around 12th level before attempting it or it could be done earlier.

That's the only one I've done so far. I killed it around 35 hours in at level 12. I think my character is level 13 currently, but I'm not sure.

David M Mallon wrote:
Only in the North Country of New York will you find a town called Street Road.

moves brooklyn expeditionary forces to rendezvous on Street Road

David M Mallon wrote:
It seems with each passing year, the more regional food items from my home territory trickle into Syracuse. First it was Magic Hat #9. Then they built a Stewart's. Now I come to find that they've got real Canadian ketchup chips at the local corner store. Next thing you know, they'll be serving Michigan dogs, sweet fries with jam sauce, and poutine at every local diner...

those damn dirty Canadians.

While there are many things to dislike about my homeland, the food ain't one of them (even if we did steal most of our recipes from the Canadians). There's nothing like finishing off a long, freezing cold day of smelt fishing with a plate of hot dogs with Michigan sauce, some sweet fries, a tumbler of Stonewall, and a couple cigars.

This place is going to eat me alive.

Wish I was a baller...

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Rawr! wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
David's making me listen to mid 80s Rod Stewart!

That sounds...tortuous.

You misspelled "amazing."

If you want a setting where the various classic cultures of Earth history have been jammed together, try Legend of the Burning Sands. It's what is west of the Shadowlands beyond Rokugan. It has the rest of the gang neatly lined up. =)

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And now, a Carrion Crown recap for you guys!

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Kajehase wrote:
What I did on Sunday

And another photo, from back in the part of the marching train I was in.

Edit: Now with the correct link.

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Happy Halloween FaWtL :-)

Kajehase wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
What I did on Sunday

And another photo, from back in the part of the marching train I was in.

Edit: Now with the correct link.

it is in some type of strange hieroglyphics....

sees translate button
Oh, wait, never mind.
Huzzah! Go man-ship!

David M Mallon wrote:
While there are many things to dislike about my homeland, the food ain't one of them (even if we did steal most of our recipes from the Canadians). There's nothing like finishing off a long, freezing cold day of smelt fishing with a plate of hot dogs with Michigan sauce, some sweet fries, a tumbler of Stonewall, and a couple cigars.

don't worry. Soon you'll be part of brooklyn, eating good pizza all day. And better Chinese food. Made out of real Chinese people!

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Its gonna be a busy Halloween for Freehold. I am currently entertaining wife after making breakfast and am waiting for her to leave so I can clean the house and do laundry. Then I'll put up sign in the elevator to say it's okay to come here for candy. Then I will give out candy while guiding the crew of the SPACE JESUS on their first play by post posts while watching truly awful horror movies. Will check online to see if there are any parties, but I doubt they will start at any reasonable hour.

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It's our anniversary so we'll be out today.

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It's a nice day for a white wedding.

Silver Crusade

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Rawr! wrote:

I've got spiders on my mind.

Those are awesome

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Argh...Happy Halloween, Time for our annual pirate poker party, no rum for your cap'n but I will a be plyin the others with it in the hopes of gettin me some more dubloons for me chest.

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Treppa wrote:
It's a nice day for a white wedding.


♫ ♪ It's a
nice day to
FaWTL againnnnnnnnnnn! ♪ ♫ {sneers}

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You knocked me on my knees
You brought me lots of cocaine

I probably wouldn't keep going with that joke but he did write that song :-)

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Rawr! wrote:

I've got spiders on my mind.

You should stat a spiderdog.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

I've got spiders on my mind.

You should stat a spiderdog.


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LOL I love the spiderdog video.

Skull spider is pretty awesome, dunno when I'll ever get to use it though. Also I was expecting something Zelda-ish from the name and was pleasantly surprised not.

Happy Halloween, FAWTLfolk =) Going to be a quiet one here.

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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

Watch For Falling Rocks

Quote pyramid was getting too tall to handle. =)

Folding the Fork

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We're going trick or treating, followed by a giggle filled sleep over, I will retreat to my back office or bedroom.

Thankfully, the rain should be down to a very Seattle like 50 degrees with light drizzle by the time trick or treating commences.

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In middle school, Pea Bear has chosen to run with the artsy nerd crowd.

*sniff sniff*

We're so proud!

Silver Crusade

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Looks back at his nerdy friends from school

Let's see 1 works at Sun microsystems as a project manager, one is a physics professor at DVC, one works for pasco developing interfaces and sensors for science classes, one is a category manager at a national grocery chain and one is a commercial property manager.

Nerds rule

Silver Crusade

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The best part is that we are all still friends

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Got to love show promoters who "pay" bands by making them pay a fee to use the stage, then make the band sell their own hard-copy tickets to make the money back (and have to drive across town to pick them up).

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And new blog entry to the Tales of the Taxonomer series. I feel like I've been doing them too hastily as of late.

The local McDonald's is a crap show now. They remodeled, adding four touchscreen ordering stations but keeping the same number of cashiers they had before. They did not increase the size of the cook line or the number of cooks. So, they are taking twice as many orders with the same staff, doubling their workload and driving wait times through the roof. There is also nowhere to sit while waiting, and so many people standing that you have to push through people like a crowded subway train.

Management should be drawn and quartered.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

Watch For Falling Rocks

Quote pyramid was getting too tall to handle. =)

Folding the Fork

Shall We Dance?

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This year I'm dressing like Weird Al dressing like early 90s Eddie Vedder.

Of course that's pretty much my default look anyway. :-)

If the weather weren't so shitty I'd take my Accordion with just to drive home the similarities. :-)

Silver Crusade

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Some trick-or-treaters had better come. I made John buy about twice as much candy as he wanted to get, and no one has come yet.

At this rate, I'll have to eat a whole bag by myself and then lie about it when he gets home from work, saying we had a bunch of kids come by. Just so I don't have to admit I was wrong.

*ding dong*


* wave pitchforks and flaming torches meancingly*

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Celestial Healer wrote:

Some trick-or-treaters had better come. I made John buy about twice as much candy as he wanted to get, and no one has come yet.

At this rate, I'll have to eat a whole bag by myself and then lie about it when he gets home from work, saying we had a bunch of kids come by. Just so I don't have to admit I was wrong.

Even better would be when he gets home he says, enthusiastically "Let's get dinner!"

Man! New York sitcoms write themselves!

Silver Crusade

Teeming peasantry is fine! As long as this bowl is half empty by the time John gets home!

Celestial Healer wrote:

Some trick-or-treaters had better come. I made John buy about twice as much candy as he wanted to get, and no one has come yet.

At this rate, I'll have to eat a whole bag by myself and then lie about it when he gets home from work, saying we had a bunch of kids come by. Just so I don't have to admit I was wrong.

... do you regularly expect Trick-or-Treaters this early? Growing up we never set out before 6 or 7 PM, long enough for the 9-5ers to be home from work, even if Halloween fell on a Saturday or Sunday.

Silver Crusade

Yes. Here in these tony suburbs, I find a lot of people like to get the little kids done trick-or-treating before dusk. I think last year they started at about 2 pm.

I did finally get my first group of four.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

Watch For Falling Rocks

Quote pyramid was getting too tall to handle. =)

Folding the Fork
Shall We Dance?

Seeker of Secrets

Trick or treating starts now!!!!


It's block party street!!!

There is a small group of people who are speculating that JJAbrams removal from Star Wars 8 and 9 was Disney firing him. And they have a new nickname for him: Jar Jar Abrams. I think it's cute. Just thought I would share.

It's getting dark out...

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