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Emp7: Glad yr daughter is okay. I had no idea appendicitis was worse then one of those. Freaky human body. Enjoy Mother's Day with your mom.

Naked discussion...

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Emp7: Glad yr daughter is okay. I had no idea appendicitis was worse then one of those. Freaky human body. Enjoy Mother's Day with your mom.

Pain-wise, I guess they're about the same. But no surgery is better. Especially when she has prom in 3 days.

The Exchange

E7, sorry to hear about the pain, glad she's okay though.

Prof, that's the best kind of discussion. :P

:::Sneaks into the thread inconspicuously and leaves a freshly baked pie. Sneaks out unnoiticed...:::

Emperor7 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Emp7: Glad yr daughter is okay. I had no idea appendicitis was worse then one of those. Freaky human body. Enjoy Mother's Day with your mom.

Pain-wise, I guess they're about the same. But no surgery is better. Especially when she has prom in 3 days. it!

I missed prom due to Mononucleosis!

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
I am working on such an awesome mini right now.

Is that what you kids are calling it these days?

Liberty's Edge

Sorry to hear your news Taig. Best wishes to you and your wife.

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations Lynora, that is a phenomenal result, well done. Sorry about the caffeine withdrawals (hate those).

Liberty's Edge

Red Dwarf is (was) awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

Hang tough. You can do it. Remember -- you are the Bull. Be the Bull!

Just don't be the B*+$+%@!.

Become the bull.

I generally don't like that band, but the song is f*%*ing awesome--and relevant!

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Emp7: Glad yr daughter is okay. I had no idea appendicitis was worse then one of those. Freaky human body. Enjoy Mother's Day with your mom.

Pain-wise, I guess they're about the same. But no surgery is better. Especially when she has prom in 3 days.

Yay for no surgery! Glad she's doing better!!!

Scarab Sages

Waiting for the wife to get ready. Then it's kid to daycare, and parental units to work.

Scarab Sages

Crappy f*~%ing weather today.

Scarab Sages

Warning: What follows is an (very likely) offensive joke.

Have you heard about the new drink? The Osama bin Laden?

Two shots and a splash of water.

Scarab Sages

I'm sure there will be more.

Scarab Sages

Excited about Thor starting this weekend, but not sure if I'll actually be able to go see it.

Scarab Sages

Getting new insulation put in my attic next Friday (13 May). Hopefully, this should make a dent in our heating/cooling bills.

Scarab Sages

Plus it once again contributes to upping the resale value on my home.

Scarab Sages

Eventually, we're gonna outgrow this place.

Scarab Sages

Hell, we almost already have.

Scarab Sages

All by myself....

Scarab Sages

So, apparently there is a point in time where no one else is posting in the chatroom.

You wouldn't think so, would you?


Ugh, what a day yesterday.

Good news: Ally's condition has improved so rapidly that she is ready to be discharged.

Bad News: We went up to visit her and they dropped that on us, expecting us to grab her right there and then and take her home. Last we had been told over the weekend it would be about a week, and we were totally unprepared to transport her. My wife was b$!#+*~$. We really get the feeling that they were trying to force us to take her last night for some reason, and it got very uncomfortable. I finally told the doctor that there was no way we could take her tonight, we had no nursing reset, no new medication regemen, nothing. The hospital had the wrong number for us in their computer (although we had given it to about seven people over the course of the past two weeks) and had failed to get in touch with us. Not happy with the whole situation.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Sharoth wrote:
OUCH!!! Watch out for those red lights.

Some people don't need a ticket, they need their car taken away!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Ugh, what a day yesterday.

** spoiler omitted **

Yikes - Good to hear about your daughter's fast recovery but sucks about the lack of communication. Hope all is better today.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just catching up. Add my +1 to the condolences Taig.

Emperor7 wrote:
Wiped out. Spent the afternoon in the ER with my daughter. Ended up beig a ruptured cyst on her right ovary. Painful, but better than appendicitis. We're home.

Glad to hear there was no surgery and that she's doing better. Especially in time for prom.

Somewhat related to Pat: I have noticed a real nosedive in competency in communication with the various medical offices I am having to deal with this time around that is much worse than back in 07. It's made me wonder what is going on, and if the economy has somehow had negative effects on patient care and quality of service. And speaking of worse, the back took a dive for the worse last night, and is still pretty painful today. Too bad I can't get away with staying home today. Good thing they were able to reschedule my procedure for Friday -- although, now it is in Duncanville instead of a few blocks away. Anyway, old people and their medical talk. Glad to hear the news, Pat, although sorry you are having to deal with the bullcrap incompetency.

Insomniac baby-caring Zombie is lonely.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Somewhat related to Pat: I have noticed a real nosedive in competency in communication with the various medical offices I am having to deal with this time around that is much worse than back in 07. It's made me wonder what is going on, and if the economy has somehow had negative effects on patient care and quality of service. And speaking of worse, the back took a dive for the worse last night, and is still pretty painful today. Too bad I can't get away with staying home today. Good thing they were able to reschedule my procedure for Friday -- although, now it is in Duncanville instead of a few blocks away. Anyway, old people and their medical talk. Glad to hear the news, Pat, although sorry you are having to deal with the bullcrap incompetency.

Insomniac baby-caring Zombie is lonely.

Bummer about the back Prof. I hope it gets better soon. have you tried soaking in hot Epsom Salt bath? It used to help me when I was competing. :/

The Exchange

Sorry I've been MIA for a while now folks, I've been sick and trying to get this Wayfinder illo done, I'm almost there. On the upside I got more sleep last night than I have in recent nights.... meaning a few hours, but it's an improvement.

I hope to be back in full swing soon enough, and hope you guys, and gals, are doing well despite life's little landmines it leaves outside our front doors from time to time.

IDK what the deal is really. I have noticed quality of care in medical issues around here has steadily declined since Romneycare came into being in the PRM. Of course, I may be viewing this through partisan glasses, but in the end, I base my philosophy on what I observe with my own eyes, not what some policy wonk puts out in an internet article.

The nurses telling me that 'oh, Jim had your number, but he must have assumed when I was calling the wrong number that I was calling the one he had.' was a corker. Or, 'Well, the MICU had your number, but they have a different computer input than we do, and we couldn't access it (the MICU and her current bed are but a dozen steps away from each other on the same floor). OR, 'Well, we have the wrong number in our computer system, but we have to call to get that removed, so we'll put your number in another place in our computer systems we like to put numbers in such cases.' (leading me to speculate, 'why can't you CALL this mythical place and have the wrong number removed to resolve any further issues like this?')

*sigh* bureaucracy at its best.

Scarab Sages

Glad to hear Ally is doing better Patrick! Sucks about the bureaucracy you've got to deal with in all this. Too bad there's no medicine for that illness.

Scarab Sages

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Insomniac baby-caring Zombie is lonely.

Insomnia? Naah, I was up for work. I'm up pretty much every weekday morning at 0500.

Scarab Sages


Dark Archive

Aberzombie wrote:

I know.

The lack of brains in the off topic forum is irritating me too, and I'm not even "living-challenged"!!!

Scarab Sages

Mac Boyce wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I know.

The lack of brains in the off topic forum is irritating me too, and I'm not even "living-challenged"!!!

There's harmless, immature fun, and then there's "Let's see how much I can annoy the grown ups" crap.

Dark Archive

I can't believe James proclaimed Sebastian sane. My universe is upside down.

Scarab Sages

Mac Boyce wrote:
I can't believe James proclaimed Sebastian sane. My universe is upside down.

As long as they don't declare him good, then we're ok.

Ah. That was a refreshing swim to work today. Thankfully I have extra clothes here that are dry and although my shoes and socks are a loss.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Ah. That was a refreshing swim to work today. Thankfully I have extra clothes here that are dry and although my shoes and socks are a loss.

Tell me about it. I swear I saw some old dude gather animals to load on a boat.

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
I can't believe James proclaimed Sebastian sane. My universe is upside down.
As long as they don't declare him good, then we're ok.

It'll never happen. ;)

ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! No WONDER the little SOB hasn't called me back in over a month!!! ~snarls and tries to calm down~ Well, my "son"... ~thinks~ Let me rephrase that. My Ex-'s son and I are through. The little SOB was evicted from his appartment that I cosigned for and he never told me. I hate addicts!

Sharoth wrote:
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! No WONDER the little SOB hasn't called me back in over a month!!! ~snarls and tries to calm down~ Well, my "son"... ~thinks~ Let me rephrase that. My Ex-'s son and I are through. The little SOB was evicted from his appartment that I cosigned for and he never told me. I hate addicts!

man oh man, i am sorry. Addicted people can be hard to deal with. I pray he cleans up, and comes seeking forgiveness one day.

I love grocery shopping! So many choices! :D

Sharoth wrote:
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! No WONDER the little SOB hasn't called me back in over a month!!! ~snarls and tries to calm down~ Well, my "son"... ~thinks~ Let me rephrase that. My Ex-'s son and I are through. The little SOB was evicted from his appartment that I cosigned for and he never told me. I hate addicts!

That sucks, why did the appartment complex not contact you?

I don't hate addicts, I pity them. They lose so much.

Riley wants lunch already! I guess he likes grocery day too. :P

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! No WONDER the little SOB hasn't called me back in over a month!!! ~snarls and tries to calm down~ Well, my "son"... ~thinks~ Let me rephrase that. My Ex-'s son and I are through. The little SOB was evicted from his appartment that I cosigned for and he never told me. I hate addicts!

That sucks, why did the appartment complex not contact you?

I don't hate addicts, I pity them. They lose so much.


Patrick Curtin wrote:

IDK what the deal is really. I have noticed quality of care in medical issues around here has steadily declined since Romneycare came into being in the PRM. Of course, I may be viewing this through partisan glasses, but in the end, I base my philosophy on what I observe with my own eyes, not what some policy wonk puts out in an internet article.

The nurses telling me that 'oh, Jim had your number, but he must have assumed when I was calling the wrong number that I was calling the one he had.' was a corker. Or, 'Well, the MICU had your number, but they have a different computer input than we do, and we couldn't access it (the MICU and her current bed are but a dozen steps away from each other on the same floor). OR, 'Well, we have the wrong number in our computer system, but we have to call to get that removed, so we'll put your number in another place in our computer systems we like to put numbers in such cases.' (leading me to speculate, 'why can't you CALL this mythical place and have the wrong number removed to resolve any further issues like this?')

*sigh* bureaucracy at its best.

Sympathies, bro.

I noticed that with my care last year. The last minute scrambling to move me from ICU to the Neuro unit, but without my pain meds. (Making for one really ornery tree) The move at 10:00 at night to a semi-private room then discharging me at 8:30 the next morning. It really seemed like the left hand and the right hand were oblivious of each other.

On the upside, yesterday's care of my daughter was right on spot. Even got a follow up call from the doc's office this morning to see how she was doing and to give us a referral to an OB/GYN.

Hope you get everything reset soon, and get your daughter away from those headaches.

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