Zinda, his face black, his eyes red.
*licks GoatToucher's face*
You'll probably need breath mint or at least a tetanus shot after doing that. Yuck.
(P.S. I'm winning...)
I am, actually.
*eats a breath mint, and drinks a gallon of Listerine*
That was gross....
Hello, I must be going.
I cannot stay,
I came to say,
I must be going.
I'll stay a week or two,
I'll stay the summer through,
But I am telling you,
Ooooh, that was a nice diddy there! By the way, I win.
No my dear, that would be me.
However, you get this plaque with 2 hours 27 minutes.
The time you held position.
Hah, I win. Too bad the rest of you cannot post anymore.
No really, don't even try. Kthxbye.
Nice lady loses her place.
Poog has winning place now.
The nice lady knows the Taste of Goat, and it will haunt her evermore.
I, meanwhile, will be winning.
I submitted a trouble ticket re this thread and they said they were shutting it down after my post.
So thanks to everyone for playing. I win.
"THE" Poog of Zarongel wrote: Nice lady loses her place.
Poog has winning place now.
But I'm not a lady...... Although I do have a girlish figure!
And here I was, trying to summon the spirit of Captain Spalding, the African Explorer...
Afri-wha? What is this "African"?
I've won! I did it! Finally!
Not so fast, my fine feathered friend.
(Those are feathers, right?)
Yes, yes they are.
And Poog is winner now.
Not while I still draw breath! That's right, anyone who wants the win is gonna have to KILL me for it!
*Disintigration beam*
There, i am in winning position.
Zips around to the front for the win.
Why all the violence? Can't we all just be friends?
No my dear, that's not how this works. You win by posting last, if one demands to be forcefully removed, then you are allowed to. ^^ Take it away mister Grodd.
The dwarves mind....and pick me.
:buries a pick in krevon's head:
:basks in the glory of win:
:kicks GoatToucher off a cliff:
Stabbing people is bad!
There, there. We get the murdering done in the Order 66 thread.
He said "Pick me!" so I picked him. I never said I killed him. I just did massive and irreparable brain damage. I'm not a monster.
...because of -that-.
Did you? I really don't think so.
Bad counting people.
I win, that's what matters.
Maybe when you are older.
For now, I win.
He be mean to many, don't worry.
Worry about Poog just taking winning position again. Nyahahahaha
:sits on the chair Poog was occupying, his ample hind portions crushing the life out of the wriggling goblin:
Oh, were you sitting here? Silly goblin: this is the winner's seat.
Is it too soon to post again? Did I win?
No. I did. (I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!)