As much as i am pleased seeing dr Scholz again, i must relieve him of the win.
WINamp! (Man, I'm old...)
I remember that band. From the 90's.
The Win-indigo Girls.
windingo windingo windingo windingo windingo windingo windingo windingo
I win
Indigo girls.
No you don't.
Oh biscuit don't be a Seabiscuit
I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN
Guess who took it from you again....
Really now? You have such tunnelvision, it surely prevents you from winning.
Really now? You have such tunnelvision, it surely prevents you from winning.
that's what the food set
Spelling, my good....creature...
If that's what your food said, change your diet. ;)
The Kaufmans the goblins I where S pants I eating my cat
You ate your cat???
Just for that you are banned from this thread.
As such, I declare myself the WINNER!
Congrats on the banning, however, I must end your win streak.
I did not eat my cat it was my goblinpants
Kat's Eye, your ban did not work!
I did not eat my cat it was my goblinpants !
I'll be expecting that refund.
I did not eat my cat it was my goblinpants !!
There will be no wubs or drops here.
I did not eat my cat it was my goblinpants!!!
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.
I did not eat my cat it was my goblinpants!!!!
*overhead slap with a beerkeg*...enough already :)
I did not eat my cat it was my goblinpants!!!!!
Then God praise your goblinpants
It's almost not worth it post...almost.
Cats of the world come to me I am your monster kill my enemies so I can take the win
*Assumes the win.*
I make this look good.
Yes, officer, I'd like to report a theft and some creepy loiterers...Uh huh, call Matt Damon? Why would I do that?
I have plenty of humor. Good Humor, even. *eats a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar*