Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific
81 posts. Alias of Signore di Fortuna.
Search Mime #8's posts:
*takes the win home*
*picks nose*
*yawns and wins*
*refuses to dignify all that with an answer*
*plays his Assassin trap card*
*constructs the invisible fortress*
*bets on The Mighty Chocobo at the Gold Saucer and wins*
*takes his win and puts it in his trophy case and sets up the laser defense system*
*takes win and hides it*
\/\/ | |\| !
*shakes head*
*waves to Kat's Eye, then slits his throat*
*does a victory dance*
*turns up volume on Argo*
*picks up Argo DVD and Good Will Hunting DVD*
*throws Good Will Hunting DVD at Matt Damon Puppet*
*watches Argo*
*points to crown*
*waves to Fear Itself*
*leaps out in his terror pose*
*slips MythrilDragon a fiver*
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.... :(
.... :)