Quiche Lisp |

*whines at the bowling ball-headed gnome*
Matt Damon...
*brushes his non-existant bangs to the side*
Ho... you're there !
[*hand twitches at his side*]
I remember when this thread was about a clear win... the rules were harsh and the game uncompromising, but it was ordered !
[*squints his eyes to try to look at the end of the strings holding the Matt Damon puppet upright*]
It was the time before sock-puppets' puppets... if you get my meaning !
[*looks back at the Matt Damon puppet... and then strides away*]
Get off my lawn, you young whippersnapper !

Quiche Lisp |

While he passes along the Mime, Quiche Lisp clocks him on the head with a frozen plucked chicken.
"Best use of a chicken ever. I hope it's from Bristol, too."

Quiche Lisp |

I used to like quiche before I played this game.
I'd let you know that it was my mother who cooked the first quiche in the multiverse.
And then some guy called Carl G. stole the recipe and made it available free of charge across the galaxies.
It was before I was born.
And my mother became very angry. She still is.
I had a difficult childhood.
But I will have my revenge some day, C. Glittergold !

Quiche Lisp |

*throws an egg pie at Quiche*
I hope that was made with real gnomes.
[*pulls a black notebook out of his fancy violet pants' pocket*]
That's it, VCoB ! I note you down in my black grudge book !
[sticks his tongue out while he slowly scribbles in the notebook]
The...re... you... asked for it. It's... your fault... You provoked me... I am without... pity...

Quiche Lisp |

So is Carl Glittergold related to Garl Glittergold, the actual gnomish deity of the world's oldest RPG?
Hu ?
[*turns his back to VCoB while he reads feverishly in an enormous binder he just pulled out from the other pocket on his fancy violet pants*]
One moment ! One moment ! I'm just reading... hu... my mother's grocery list !

Fraud Freud |

"What just a minute there. You have gone and copied my darn alias. You fraud."
The many-jowled man arches a mocking eyebrow at Dr. Sigmund.
"Is that so, doctor ?... You seem pretty insecure if my mere presence were to cast doubts on your reality."
The portly man smiles sweetly.
"And who said you were the first Dr. Sigmung, anyway ?"

Fraud Freud |

Fraud Freud looks annoyed at having been interrupted during one of his favorite ethical activities.
"Having problem with competition, IceHawk333, aren't we, hmmmm ?"
"I can see why being the 333th in a nest could lead to deep-seated insecurities."
F. Fraud makes a gourmet face and rubs his hands together
"Tell me all about your worries, IceHawk3333. I am here to help."

Quiche Lisp |

You can all bask in my very-stern-but-ultimately-beneficent gnomish aura while I wait here for the inevitable (and misguided) contender for the mastery of the Thread !
[*unwraps from a parcel he brought with him a strangely looking steampunk brass gun, with frozen chocolate-topped mice as ammo. Also, he handles with care a bubbling bluish potion whose vial displays a "Vicious C. of B. special" label.*]

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol |

*reappears and tosses shreds of Quiche's purple pants on the ground*
Free speech does not protect that kind of language. If you're going to come on here and spread your filth, think again. We're a decent community. Sure we get a little rowdy and sometimes a little mean-spirited, but there's no excuse for what you just said. Go. I don't want to see you again until you can hold a conversation without using such foul and puerile language.
*shakes head at Matt Damon Puppet*
I'm ashamed of you.

Fraud Freud |

The slumped shape of the Fraud begins to move, while he awakens on the cold hard floor.
He finally manages to get on his feet, swinging unsteadily.
he looks around him, taking in the audience with glazed eyes, while nursing his battered head.
At last he focuses his gaze on the Duke of Disgorge.
"B... Ben Affleck ?"

![]() |

"You have obviously had an e episode come sit on my couch and tell me more about it. Start by telling me when you decided you wanted to impersonate me? Was this a result of your lack of ability to perform at your previous job? When you found out your parents disowned you? Please take your time I now this is hard to talk about."

![]() |

"You have obviously had an e episode come sit on my couch and tell me more about it. Start by telling me when you decided you wanted to impersonate me? Was this a result of your lack of ability to perform at your previous job? When you found out your parents disowned you? Please take your time I know this is hard to talk about."

Fraud Freud |

Fraud Freud looks at Dr. Sigmund and Zigman Fraud M.D.
"I must tell you something... Dave."
A whiff of smoke comes unexpectedly out of his left nostril, while a strong ozone smell permeates the air. His right arm trembles with a strange whirring sound.
"I had no childhoooooood...... Da... Daveeeee. I aaaaaa... aaaam... affffffraiiiiiid, Daveeeeeeee."
A crackle. A pop. Something goes haywire inside the portly frame.
And then Fraud Feud's neck snaps open, revealing electronic insides, while his head falls sideways on his shoulder. The electronic lenses that are his eyes freeze in a non-living glare.
"Beeeeen... Aaaafffffllll. lllll... eck... eck."
And Fraud Freud remains silent thereafter.