Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

Have smoe sewage. I win.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Matt Damon!!!! Dang that puppet. Now he's got me doing it.

Mat Daemon!

Let's not do that.


Mhat Daymon?



Now you've done it.



Liberty's Edge

Patt Damon!

It's Pat?!

Matt Damon...?

Golden god for the win.

Ha! I am on fire and I win.

Ah you set me on fire too jerk.

Liberty's Edge

I win.


Dark Archive

POW !!!

I win


Down you go, foul villain.

THUMP! I banish you, evil vaguely-Aztec-looking something-or-other.

I win!

THWACK!! I call the pound. I win :)

I'm throwing fireballs and I win.

Dark Archive

Color spray. Roll your will save.

You sprung a 2nd edition trap. Save or die!


*sprays Bleached Otyugh with Lysol*

There. That's better. Now I win.


Get a tan, you hippie.

Liberty's Edge

And you.

No, I'm quite a nice ebon shade already. You may want to lay of the spray tanner though.

YAAR, it be time fer me ta claim me booty!


Yummie Matt Damon tasty.

*is made of wood, silly*


1 person marked this as a favorite.

What do you mean you skipped out of the audition? I worked my tail feathers off just to get Schumacher to see you and you blew it off? For what? Oh, oh...just because someone calls you up asking if you want some blow doesn't mean you have to go. You're still on the hook for Garner in your trunk. No, I can't just get Bieber pee at the drop of a hat! *sigh* Look, how about Pearl Harbor 2: The Reckoning? Michael Bay just wants to test out some explosives on you. You've kept up with your SAG dues, right?

Matt Damon...

Look, it's either you blow up or you get sent to prison for a very long time.

Dark Archive

Watch out that Nasty Orc is still looking at you and drooling.

*He eats anything* Look at his bio.

What is with you and Jennifer Garner? And Justin Beiber fort hat matter?

I think the new Pearl Harbor Film is Pearl Harbor 2: Electric Bugaloo.

No, that's Citizen Kane 2. As for Garner and Bieber, ask the puppet. I'm gonna wash my hands of all of this.

Dark Archive

VCoB you can't leave you are the only one who can translate . So you need to come back here please.


*slams its head into the table, then does it again*

...Matt Damon.

Look, the charges were dropped so you can't use those photos against me. I can't help someone who doesn't want the help. You clearly like being strung-out all day and surrounded by hookers. What do you mean you want to go "skiing in Northern California"? Is that code for something? *pause* You want to get high, don't you?

...Matt Damon.

I don't care about the pretty colors you see when you rub vaseline mixed with gasoline all over your body. You've got problems, you dig? What? No! Just because you've slept with the same hooker on 15 different occasions doesn't mean she's clean. How about you go get us a couple of drinks and we'll talk this out? I want a Piña Colada.

Dark Archive

This whole thing is really pretty frightening. I need a drink too.


Matt Damon.

No, I don't want a Matt Damon. Turpentine and club soda is not a drink.

Dark Archive

Yeah not so keen on the turpentine and soda water. Maybe gin and tonic a little lime perhaps?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good call. Matt's got the first round.

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